viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Ph.D. Fellowship, Life History Evolution in Nazca Boobies

We are continuing a 30 year study of life history evolution of Nazca boobies, focusing for the next five years on proximate and ultimate aspects of aging in this long-lived bird, using both field and lab approaches. Our population of 4,500 banded birds presents a complete age structure, strong evidence of both actuarial and reproductive senescence, and several years of advance work on foraging biology and age. The work will be supported by a five year grant already in hand, with the student working in Galápagos for parts of the academic years 2015-16 to 2018-19. The student will be supported on a Research Assistantship in the Spring semesters of these years.

Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references (EM: The most promising applicants will be encouraged to apply to the Wake Forest University graduate program in Biology. Application review will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Consideration of applicants to the WFU graduate program will begin in mid-January. 

Competitive applicants will have strong quantitative skills, significant field experience, and GRE scores above the 75th percentile. Proficiency in Spanish will be a significant advantage.

Number of Openings: