jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Investigador Asociado C de Tiempo Completo en el área de Bio-matemáticas

 El Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas (CCM) de la UNAM Campus Morelia, invita a las personas que reúnan los requisitos a participar en el proceso de selección para ocupar el puesto equivalente a Investigador Asociado C de Tiempo Completo a contrato en el área de Bio-matemáticas con énfasis en investigación multidisciplinaria. Para mayor información consultar la liga: http://www.matmor.unam.mx/convocatoria-plaza-investigador-biomatematicas-2018 El registro de candidatos se cerrará el 31 de diciembre de 2018.

Estancia posdoctoral en CINVESTAV-Irapuato

Te invitamos a realizar una estancia posdoctoral con BECA en el Laboratorio de Evolución Molecular del CINVESTAV-Irapuato. Los temas de investigación están relacionados con la evolución de diferentes mecanismos moleculares como la recombinación meiótica y la regulación génica. Para más información del laboratorio favor de consultar nuestra página web: http://www.ira.cinvestav.mx/DrEugeniomancera.aspx. La fecha ideal de inicio es enero de 2019, pero puede ser flexible. Interesados favor de contactar por email a Eugenio Mancera (eugenio.mancera@cinvestav.mxanexando CV. Profesor Investigador, Departamento de Ingeniería Genética CINVESTAV-Irapuato Tel. (462) 623 9665.

Consultor(a) líder

El proyecto Conservación de Cuencas Costeras en el Contexto del Cambio Climático (C6)  busca: Un consultor(a) líder quien será un experto ambiental familiarizado con las actividades del proyecto y con los objetivos de desarrollo del proyecto (ODP). Será responsable del desarrollo del informe de la evaluación, que incluya la revisión de la implementación de los componentes y sub-componentes.
Fecha límite: 15 de enero.
Requisito: Posgrado (doctorado o maestría) en gestión ambiental o cualquier campo relacionado

Dos maestros en Ciencias Biologicas y Dos Biologos o carreras afines

Sonoran Institute México, A.C., busca a un Director de Oficina en Mexicali.

El Sonoran Institute México, A.C., busca a un Director de Oficina en Mexicali. El Director de Oficina será un gerente que supervisará las operaciones diarias de la oficina en Mexicali.

El candidato ideal tendrá un mínimo de 12 años de experiencia supervisando múltiples funciones de personal y gestión, así como una maestría u otro grado académico avanzado en políticas públicas en medio ambiente y recursos naturales, negocios o administración de empresas, y 7 años de experiencia trabajando en proyectos de conservación.

Consulta aqui.

Posicion posdoctoral en el British Antarctic Survey

Post Doctoral Researcher Vacancy at British Antarctic Survey
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are recruiting a Postdoctoral Researcher in Seabird Ecology to join the Ecosystems Team. The research carried out by this team is critical to the development of conservation and ecosystem-based management strategies and contributes to the development of UK government policy.
We are seeking an outstanding candidate with a PhD, relevant fieldwork experience, advanced knowledge of statistical analysis, excellent communication skills and a strong publication record.
The successful applicant will work on Project LOMVIA, whose aim is to describe the competitive interactions between high Arctic and temperate seabird species and how this varies with environmental conditions around the coast of Iceland. Project LOMVIA a component of the high-profile NERC Changing Arctic Ocean programme, which offers exciting opportunities for the post holder to network with leading international collaborators and develop their skills and reputation. Further information about Project LOMVIA can be found here.
The post holder will be responsible for collecting and analysing telemetry data and blood samples from Icelandic seabirds, writing papers for high-impact journals and presenting talks at international conferences. They will also be expected to contribute to the dissemination of findings to policy-makers and the general public.
Full details of skills specification and how to apply can be found here.

Doctorante con pinguinos en la Universidad de Tasmania

PhD studentship on crested penguins

Quantifying the ecological factors under-pinning population trends in crested penguins

The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania has been awarded the BOU’s 2018 John and Pat Warham studentship for PhD studies into seabirds. IMAS, in conjunction with National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand and the British Antarctic Survey in the UK, is seeking to recruit a PhD student from a Commonwealth country to study the foraging ecology of crested penguins, starting in mid 2019.
Project description.

The crested penguins (genus Eudyptes) are conspicuous and charismatic components of island ecosystems throughout the Southern Ocean. Regionally, the five species exhibit contrasting population trajectories, although none are thought to be increasing: rockhopper, erect-crested and Fiordland penguins are declining, whereas Snares and royal penguins appear stable. Indeed, excepting royal penguin, all are classified as ‘endangered’ or ‘vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List. The ecological processes under-pining these trajectories are poorly understood, but issues such as changing resource base through completion, fisheries interactions or changing climates are likely to be key factors. Our capacity to address all of these issues is limited by our scant knowledge of habitat use and spatial dynamics, not least because penguins’ uses of marine systems and resources will likely respond to a changing marine environment, resulting from human activities, in ways that are currently difficult to predict. This PhD will address this significant data knowledge gap. The project will be underpinned by geolocation data, yielding year-round location, distribution and penguin track information. Data are available for Snares penguin (Snares Islands) and rockhopper penguin (Campbell Island), and there is logistic support in place to acquire the same data for erect-crested penguin at the Bounty and Antipodes islands, rockhopper penguin at Antipodes, Campbell and Macquarie islands over the course of the scholarship. Furthermore, we will also have access to similar data sets for a large proportion of crested penguin populations outside Australasia, providing a near-complete global marine distribution picture for the Eudyptes genus. These data would enable us to comprehensively examine the extent to which species exhibit spatial overlap or segregation, quantify differences in habitat preference and assess how varying distributions and habitat preferences affect exposure to threats and, therefore, contribute to differences in population trends. These data will be augmented with stable isotope dietary techniques.

This studentship is only available to Commonwealth citizens. The successful candidate should have:

• An MSc or equivalent (e.g. first class Honours in Australia)

• A good knowledge of R, especially spatial analysis

• Field experience working with wildlife

Please send applications (cover letter, CV and contact details of two referees) to Prof Mark Hindell, mark.hindell@utas.edu.au +61 3 6225 2645

Applications close 15 March 2019