miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Research internship for the use of scientific resources at the Centre for Marine Biology (CEBIMar / USP)

Research internship for the use of scientific resources at the Centre for Marine Biology (CEBIMar / USP)

Objectives: Stimulate collaborative work with CEBIMar faculty and associated post-docs through short-term internships, during which visiting graduate students and post-docs will access scientifi c resources based at the CEBIMar. Examples are (i) biological and environmental databases, including time-series, (ii) observations and in-situ experiments within the São Sebastião marine protected area, which comprise nearly pristine rocky coastlines and sandy beaches, (iii) biological collections, and (iv) printed and digital materials of more local or regional interest, including scientifi c literature and image banks. Interested students and post-docs are encouraged to contact resident faculty for more information on this internship program (www.usp.br/cbm). Applications that do not foresee any direct collaboration with local academics are also accepted.
Elegibility: Graduate students and post-docs from Brazilian and foreign research centers, with demonstrated interests in Marine Biology. Three proposals will be selected.
Funding: This is an initiative of the Rectorship Offi ce of the University of São Paulo. Individual grants should be used for travelling and maintenance expenses for short (at least 3 months) , summing R$ 15.000,00 (~ US$ 4,500.00).

January 24th, 2017: Call opening.
February 24th, 2017: End date for submission of proposals

Use a font size compatible to Times New Roman 12 and double-spaced paragraphs to include the following:
(a) Title page, with applicant’s name and address (1 page);
(b) Plan of activities (1 pages);
(c) Why your proposal is feasible (1 page);
(d) Timeline of activities;
(e) Expected results;
(f ) References.