viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Fisheries Seabird Liaison Officer- New Zeland.

Fisheries Seabird Liaison Officer - Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc.

Forest & Bird has been a voice for New Zealand wildlife and wild places for over 90 years. We are an independent incorporated society that campaigns for the protection of our natural history and co-ordinates community-based restoration projects.

We are seeking a Liaison Officer who has knowledge and experience of seabirds and recreational fishing to work with our Campaigns and Advocacy Seabird Advocate to provide information, advice and support to recreational charter boat operators on how to manage and prevent fishing interactions with seabirds. The role will be responsible for developing seabird by catch prevention protocols building on existing ideas developed by F&B and Southern Seabirds Solutions and developing resources and effective methods for provision of advice and support to Charter boat operators. This role will also be responsible for developing messaging and advice to recreational fishers generally. The position will be a half time contract role (0.5FTE) for 1 year.

The successful candidate will have:

Positive interpersonal skills and the ability to work with colleagues and relate to people at all levels and all backgrounds in the community.
Excellent written and spoken communication skills.
Ability to prepare and execute public presentations.
Drivers licence and own car
Personal organisation and self-discipline.
Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other common office software.
Ability to work as part of and contribute to multi-disciplinary teams.
Good knowledge of NZ Seabirds
Reasonable knowledge of fishing in NZ
Ability to relate to and influence recreational fishers and boaties
An understanding and knowledge of conservation and related issues.
Forest & Bird gives you the chance to work for New Zealand’s nature.

If this sounds like you, apply now via the link below.

A position description and application form are available from or for specific questions about this position please contact Karen Baird (09) 422 6868, or

The closing date for applications is 5pm Sunday, 15th March 2015.