jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019

Resident lectures- Chile

The SFS program on Wild Patagonia: Fire and Ice (spring and fall semester), located in Chile seeks an enthusiastic, team-oriented individual to serve as part of a residential team of faculty and staff who deliver an interdisciplinary, hands-on learning experience to students spending a semester abroad.  This program, based in Puerto Natales, Chile will present a rich learning landscape for students exploring people’s relationship with the environment and conservation.

On a contract basis, the Resident Lecturer will teach the Patagonian Ecology course as well as teach one-third of the Directed Research course. Contribute to student learning in the areas of anthropogenic climate change, conservation planning, and who makes the decisions about conservation in Patagonia. Lead designated components of the programs research plan and, as part of this, oversee, mentor, and grade the student directed research projects.
