The University of Southern California and University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh seek research assistant(s) for work on the behavioral ecology of non-human primates in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Our current research focuses on Mueller’s gibbons (Hylobates muelleri) and red langurs (Presbytis rubicunda). The assistant’s primary responsibilities will be 1) continuing the habituation of primate study groups, 2) regular primate surveys (including line transects and orangutan nest plots), 3) monthly vegetative sampling, and 4) site maintenance (e.g., trail clearing, etc). Candidates should be independent, self-motivated and capable of completing project goals with minimal direct supervision, devoting 8-12 hours/day in the field.
The site is remote and the work is very physically demanding; the terrain comprises steep and VERY steep Dipterocarp forest. Accommodations include a basic research camp (although volunteer will likely have their own room) staffed by young, all-male local Dayak community members and run by a local management body. Candidates should be prepared to spend extended periods in the field without communication (no phone reception, no internet, no radio), limited electricity, monotonous food (rice, rice, more rice, and ramen noodles), and in the company of staff with limited English-speaking skills (although the camp manager and a few others have conversational English skills, and the rest of the staff are very friendly, helpful, and eager to learn).
Candidates should be in good health and of above-average physical fitness, as their primary responsibility will be following study animals through very difficult terrain, off-trail, for multiple hours at a time. Candidates should be prepared to cope with common (and potentially annoying or dangerous) tropical forest fauna, including ants, mosquitoes, large stinging insects, leeches, venomous snakes, wild forest pigs, and the like. Candidates should also be willing to obtain all necessary immunizations and anti-malarial medications. Preferred academic (at least B.A. or B.S. degree) and research background and/or career objectives should be in animal behavior, biological anthropology, conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, or related field. Previous field experience is a plus; however, the most important considerations for your success in this position will be your interest and enthusiasm, your willingness to work hard, and a positive attitude in the face of unforeseen challenges.
Minimum commitment is 6 months, but 1 year is preferred. NO salary or airfare, but all research and living expenses covered (permits, site fees, field assistant salaries, supplies, etc.). Candidates should send letter of interest, CV, and contact information for two professional references by August 20, 2010, to:
Dr. Roberto Delgado – radelgad@usc.edu
Dr. Stephanie Spehar – spehars@uwosh.edu
For more info, contact:
Stephanie Spehar
Anthropology Department
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Oshkosh, WI 53925
Roberto Delgado
Department of Anthropology
Program in Integrative & Evolutionary Biology
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089