Position description:
We are seeking two volunteer field assistants to support, help and manage field monitoring teams with data collection for a nationwide ape and elephant survey in mainland Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa. Equatorial Guinea is home to two endangered ape species (i.e. Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes) and the endangered forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), however we lack current information on their status in this country. Therefore, Conservation International, in collaboration with the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, has planned to design and conduct a nationwide survey during 2010-2011. Specifically, this survey will help to update existing information on ape and elephant population distribution, abundance and threats throughout the country.
The appropriate candidates are expected to hold at least a Bachelor's degree and possess some understanding of basic statistical concepts (particularly of the line transect methodology).
They should have prior field experience, preferably under hot/humid climate. They should be physically fit, and be able to work independently under isolated conditions (camping, with limited access to modern conveniences).
Conversational level of Spanish language is required.
International applicants will need to provide scanned copy of passport, police record, and proof of negative HIV test for visa requirements (exception: US citizens).
Successful applicants must provide proof of international health insurance for 9-month study period.
Approximately 9 months, with expected start date mid-September
Reimbursement of flight cost and a stipend of US$1,800 will be provided after successful completion of the project. All expenses and travel in the field are covered by the project.
Please send a letter of application, your resume, and contact for three references by e-mail to Hjalmar Kuehl (kuehl@eva.mpg.de) with a copy to Heidi Ruffler (h.ruffler@conservation.org).
Closing date:
August 15th 2010
For more info, contact:
For further information:
Hjalmar Kuehl
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 341 3550-236
e-mail: kuehl@eva.mpg.de