We are looking for volunteers to assist on a project studying behaviour, home-range use and acoustic communication of the Philippine tarsier. Volunteers will work independently in the field under supervision of the project leader. We have several animals radio-collared and monitor their nightly movements in the forest and record their vocalization.
Specific tasks you will participate in:
Radio-tracking of the tarsiers during night time (usually for 6 hours)
Radio-tracking of animals on their sleeping sites during day
Recording of vocalization
Analyzing the data from radio-tracking
Other tasks that you may participate in:
Mapping of the area using GPS and maintaining the marked points in the field
Conservation education of local people
The qualifications we are looking for in a research assistant are:
1) Be physically fit and capable of undertaking fieldwork in hot/humid conditions
2) Be capable of team work and not have issues with authority figures
3) Be hardworking, disciplined in following field procedures and reliable
4) Be interested in primate behavior, conservation
5) Be able to work individually in tropical forest during night time!
6) Enjoy being outdoors and experiencing the tropical forest
7) Some knowledge of zoology, animal behavior and data collection preferred but not required
No salary is provided. Volunteers must pay their own transportation and expenses.
Support provided for volunteer position:
Accommodation will be provided in the Bohol Island State University Hostel (simple house with electricity and cold water) for 1000PhP/month. Local food available for cca 20PhP/meal.
Term of Appointment:
August – December 2010 (at least one month, longer perior preffered)
To apply, please email a recent copy of your CV and describe your research interests and experience, and your availability for this position.
For more info, contact:
RNDr. Milada Petru, Ph.D.
Na Pesine 267
Decin, 40505
Czech Republic
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
tarsiusproject@gmail.com, tarsiusproject.jana@gmail.com