The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) seeks a Marine Coordinator to lead the transformation of the WCS Nicaragua Sea Turtle Program from its current focus on research and protection into a coastal natural resource management program that reduces sea turtle takes/captures by developing scientifically-grounded, locally supported, livelihood options in the context of a holistic marine conservation effort. The program goal is to promote marine conservation on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua by developing and leading science-based, community-driven field conservation and capacity building programs, which focus on priority species, sustainable fisheries management and adaptive management in the face of climate change.
The marine conservation program primarily focuses on: i) working closely with local communities to protect coastal and marine systems, included targeted species and over-all ecosystem integrity; ii) providing specific expertise on adaptation to climate change and sustainable management of coastal fisheries; iii) supporting a global effort to conserve threatened populations of sea turtles; iv) training and capacity building in marine conservation within and external to WCS, and participation in overall marine conservation planning and prioritization in Nicaragua.
The position is based in Pearl Lagoon on Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast, and will require offshore travel to the Pearl Cays Wildlife Refuge and travel all along the Atlantic Coast. The WCS Nicaragua Marine Coordinator position is a full-time position with benefits.
The Marine Coordinator provides strategic, programmatic and technical oversight to the WCS/Marine team in the development, implementation and management of the field level activities for WCS/Nicaragua marine conservation program. He/she will work as a team with the WCS/NY Marine Director in the overall strategic development, program planning and budgeting processes. He/she will be principally responsible for guiding technical orientations and providing specific input for on-site decisions.
Marine Conservation Strategic and Programmatic Planning (30%)
In coordination with the marine technical team, further develop a marine conservation vision and strategic plan for WCS’ work in Nicaragua that identifies goals, objectives and programs of work for research, conservation and community resource management, with a particular emphasis on livelihoods. Review and refine program priorities, strategy and approaches, and overall monitoring and evaluation system.
Contribute to and support the strategic planning and implementation of WCS’ efforts for the conservation of globally important marine species, or Ocean Giants in Nicaragua.
In collaboration with WCS/NY Marine Director, represent WCS’ marine conservation work in Nicaragua to technical and financial partners, government partners, and other NGOs; present program information at national and international meetings. Establish and maintain strong working relationships with these partners.
In coordination with WCS staff in Nicaragua and New York, identify new funding opportunities to support priority marine conservation initiatives. Prepare grant proposals, engage the donor community, and liaise with other organizations. Provide technical support to WCS/Nicaragua staff in grant proposal and budget preparation.
In accordance with priorities and available resources, oversee the implementation of marine research activities, including training of national students and staff.
WCS Marine Conservation Program Technical Management and Support (40%)
Ensure that WCS/Nicaragua marine field projects appropriately address Global Conservation Program (GCP) marine conservation goals and objectives relating to site-based, species-based and GCP priority issues.
Provide direct supervision to the WCS/Nicaragua marine conservation team to reinforce their technical planning, management, and implementation capacity. With the Country Program Director coordinate and facilitate capacity building, training and professional development of current staff and partners.
Prepare performance reviews of WCS/Nicaragua marine conservation team.
Oversee preparation of annual work plans and periodic reports as required by WCS and financial partners. Ensure compliance with WCS reporting and management policies and procedures including appropriate content and clarity of all reports. Supervise the oversight of any subcontractors or grantees performance, including authorization of payments to subcontractors/grantees.
Promote and oversee coordination of WCS/Nicaragua marine science, research and conservation initiatives. Ensure appropriate and efficient collection, analysis, dissemination and publication of field data. Publicize WCS/Nicaragua marine program achievements through popular and scientific media, and publish project results in scientific journals
Technical Oversight of Marine Program Implementation (30%)
Provide technical support to and maintain regular contact with field staff, in program/project workplan development, financial planning and field level implementation through regular team meetings and field visits.
Determine personnel and technical needs to ensure implementation of an efficient, effective, and technically capable marine conservation field program. As needed, oversee the recruitment of new staff, including temporary local and overseas experts.
Ensure that field program/project efforts coordinate with other technical and financial partners within the context of a land/seascape approach. Promote capacity building of local communities as effective and engaged resource stewards.
Prepare recommendations to address any problems or constraints with the implementation of the WCS/Nicaragua marine conservation program, and take the lead in implementing those recommendations upon discussion with and endorsement by the WCS/NY Marine Director and marine team.
Ph.D./ MSc., or equivalent experience and strong record in marine conservation science, marine ecology or biology, including conservation and project management experience.
Proven ability to achieve successful on-the-ground conservation in tropical developing countries.
Ability to effectively deal with the challenges of field-based tropical conservation and local community and conservation politics.
Ability to work sensitively and effectively with people of diverse cultures, value systems, perspectives and levels of education, and to manage staff in these contexts.
Professional proficiency in Spanish and English.
Ability to build capacity in community-driven natural resource management, field research, conservation biology, conservation advocacy, and project management. Demonstrated success raising funds and managing large projects.
Willingness to travel within Nicaragua and internationally.
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