Conservation biology volunteers needed to help with tracking bears for a ground-breaking project studying Andean bears (also known as spectacled bears) in the mountains, cloud forests and páramo of northern Ecuador. You’ll assist with the collection of camera trap data, hair samples, scat and tracks in the field. South America’s only bear species, Tremarctos ornatus, is classed as “vulnerable” across its range due to habitat loss and illegal hunting, and “endangered” in Ecuador.
This scientific research project is run by biologist and human-Andean bear conflict expert Andres Laguna and investigates the Andean bear and its interactions with the ecosystem, and especially with the rare and endangered mountain tapirs (Tapirus pinchaque). The presence or absence of mountain tapir seems to have some impact on the problem of cattle depredation by bears – come and help us find out why! With a better understanding of the bears’ needs, we plan to develop strategies to promote conservation and mitigate human-bear conflict in the agricultural areas and rural communities bordering the forested hills where we work.
Both Andean bears and mountain tapirs are timid, solitary creatures living in dense cloud forests and are rarely seen by humans. Despite being large mammals, little is known about them. Your volunteer work here will extend the world’s understanding of the bears’ ecology and behavior in the hope of saving them from extinction.
This volunteer position is a fantastic opportunity for students or graduates of conservation biology, environmental science or similar subjects to gain practical experience in the field. For those wanting a career in wildlife conservation or mammal monitoring, volunteering with us will provide valuable experience in field data collection using various different methods. It may even count as a field biology internship for some universities.
Volunteers must be patient, adaptable, healthy and fit enough to walk at altitude in variable weather conditions and difficult terrain.
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