Doctoral Position
“Governance, Land-Use Dynamics and their Impacts on Ecosystem Services under Climate Change.”
code number 75/2013
The position will be embedded in the Research School ESCALATE, which provides the environment for interdisciplinary doctoral projects, addressing and linking the ecological, economic and social aspects of ecosystem service research.
Work description:
The key objectives of this project are (i) to analyze the impacts of land-use change scenarios on the provision of ecosystem services, and (ii) to investigate how environmental changes and changes in the provisioning of ecosystem services influence land-use decisions. The project will focus on the regional scale (Central Germany) and different types of landscapes therein (peri-urban, agriculture, forest).
• Excellent master’s degree in a relevant field of research such as agricultural science, ecology,environmental science, geo-ecology, human or physical geography or political science
• Experience in computer programming, preferably object-oriented programming (Python, Java,...)
• Experience or strong interest in handling and manipulating spatial data (GIS, spatial statistics)
• Knowledge in the emerging field of ecosystem functions & services research is welcome
• Familiarity with policy making at the European and/or national level is advantageous
• Interest to work in an interdisciplinary and international team
• Good English skills and ambitions to publish in international journals
• A minimum level of German is advantageous
Detailed information on the position is given at and should be carefully taken into account before applying to the position. Applicants may also contact the coordinator of ESCALATE (michael.beckmann @ or the supervisor of the position (joerg.priess @ if further information is required.
Salary is based on the guidelines for public service in accordance with pay scale 13 (50%) of the German collective agreement for public service (TVöD). The position is limited to three years. Application assessment will start immediately until the position is filled. Please send your complete applicationdocuments (CV, references, certificates) with code number 75/2013 to the personnel department, P.O. box 500136, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany. E-Mail:
The UFZ is an equal opportunity employer. Women are explicitly encouraged to apply to increase their share in science and research. Physically handicapped persons will be favoured if they are equally qualified.
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ) is a research institution with EMAS certification. In order to promote sustainability, we ask you to send your application via email.