Opportunity Description:
The Program Manager (PM) is responsible for developing and supervising the implementation of the Madagascar Fauna Group’s (MFG) strategic plan for Parc Ivoloina and Project Betampona. MFG is the official management authority for Parc Ivoloina. MFG is the conservation/research operator for Betampona Nature Reserve which is under the management authority of Madagascar National Parks (MNP).
The PM position is based in and near the town of Tamatave on Madagascar’s east coast; the MFG has its office in Tamatave, which houses also our environmental library. Principal work sites are at Parc Ivoloina (12 km from Tamatave) and at Betampona Reserve (40 km from Tamatave). Typically the PM will spend the majority of his/her time in the Tamatave office with regular visits to Parc Ivoloina every week, and he/she typically will travel to Betampona once monthly.
Parc Ivoloina is home to one of Madagascar’s two national zoos with a large lemur and radiated tortoise collection as well as some other Malagasy reptile, amphibian and bird species. The Parc encompasses a 282-hectare former forestry station that is being developed into a field station serving our Ivoloina Conservation Training Center (ICTC). The facilities which include a dormitory, laboratory, conference room, kitchen and dining hall allow the MFG to provide natural resource management and biodiversity conservation training workshops for Malagasy university students and decision-makers. The ecoagriculture model station and research sites, reforestation and endangered plant propagation programs along with mixed forest, lake and steam habitats offer a diversity of training experiences. The Parc has an active environmental education program in the region including activities for local schools and adults and often hosts public awareness events as well conferences and meetings as requested by partners.
The second principal project site at Betampona Nature Reserve, a 2,228ha area of rare lowland rainforest habitat, focuses on conservation research which is carried out by a Malagasy team of conservation agents. Foreign researchers and university students (undergraduate, masters and PhD. students) also conduct a variety of ecological research studies with Malagasy student counterparts. A large scale forest restoration project around the Nature Reserve is currently in its 4th Phase and is conducted in close collaboration with MNP and the local communities
The PM will work to ensure the sustainability of the two programs by providing operational support and oversight for all MFG activities and in-country budgets. The PM will work to increase the capacity of the Malagasy staff to professionally manage the projects with increasing independence. The PM will also drive implementation of a business plan with marketing steps to promote financial self-sufficiency of some aspects of Parc operations. The PM will work with 29 full-time Malagasy staff for the Ivoloina project and 8 full-time Malagasy staff for the Betampona project (many of whom speak French and/or Malagasy only) and 2 full time staff in the Tamatave office. Senior Malagasy project staff includes the Ivoloina Park /Conservation Research Manager, the Administrative Manager, the Coordinator of Environmental Education, the Forest Station/ ICTC Manager and the Head Conservation Agent at Betampona.
The MFG’s Research Director (based in the U.K.) will support the projects by coordinating the Ivoloina and Betampona research programs with responsibilities for research communication and facilitation of international researchers and students. The MFG also supports and supervises Malagasy university students at both sites.
Program Manager Responsibilities: Direct, oversee, coordinate and work with an experienced Malagasy team (39 staff) with diverse responsibilities including:
• Oversight for all MFG programs and activities at Parc Ivoloina and Betampona Reserve including those related to zoo operations, environmental education and training, forest station management and protection, ecoagriculture, reforestation, conservation research and reserve management and protection;
• Oversight for infrastructure maintenance, improvements and construction and for equipment storage and maintenance;
• Evaluate organizational needs and continue to provide appropriate training for Malagasy project staff to build their capacity to run programs;
• Budget preparation, administration of funds in-country and responsibilities as in-country chief financial officer;
• Oversight for personnel management;
• Manage and expand visitor services including oversight of interpretive programs and environmental education for park visitors;
• Marketing initiatives to promote tourism and increase revenues including ecotourism use of the Ivoloina forestry station, the ICTC and the buvette;
• Explore and pursue in-country fundraising opportunities;
• Assist MFG Headquarters staff and Steering Committee (SC) with grant proposals and reports;
• Facilitate and host visits by MFG members, MFG friends, donors, interns and volunteers.
• Communicate and report to MFG SC and membership including trimestrial 8th Continent Quarterly Newsletter for website;
• Respond to e-mails generated through the website and from all MFG members, partners and other interested parties;
• Maintain excellent relations with local communities;
• Represent the MFG at national, regional, local events;
• Promote and represent MFG in relations with the Malagasy authorities and other national and international partners;
• Maintain existing collaborations and assist with development of new collaborations and projects that contribute to MFG’s conservation objectives, particularly in the Tamatave region;
• Assist and support professional development of Malagasy partners as appropriate
• Work closely with the Research Coordinator and the Research Director, help to facilitate and coordinate research activities by MFG Partner researchers, interns and Malagasy scientists and students;
• Provide mentorship, training and supervision for Malagasy Masters and PhD university students to the degree possible.
Profile for Program Manager:
• University Degree with training in Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Environmental Policy and or Natural Resource Management an advantage
• Fluent French and English speaking, reading and writing skills; Malagasy language skills an advantage
• Knowledge of Malagasy wildlife and biodiversity conservation issues and context
• Previous experience in conservation project management and administration in a developing country,
• Experience working in Madagascar highly preferred
• Financial management and grant writing skills
• Good diplomatic, networking and interpersonal skills
• Socio-cultural sensitivity and ability to work well with diversity of international partners
• Previous experience in personnel management of larger teams
• Ability to work independently as well as a team member
• Ecotourism marketing experience and/or experience in business planning for sustainable conservation an advantage
• Experience in zoo management and zoo development an advantage
• Good computer skills, GIS knowledge is an advantage
• Excellent at multitasking
• Ability to adapt well to expatriate living situation and to work long hours as well as sometimes during the weekend
• Driving license
• Ability to adapt to changing circumstances due to unexpected events (e.g.: political instability, natural disasters such as cyclones)
• Good health and fitness for strenuous field missions
• Available September 1 2011
For more information about the MFG’s work, members and structure, visit our website: www.SaveTheLemur.org
For more info, contact:
Application instructions and contact: Applicants can send a letter of interest, resume and the names with contact details of three references to: Ingrid Porton, MFG Vice-Chair, Saint Louis Zoo, 1 Government Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63110, USA or by e-mail to porton@stlzoo.org