OceansWatch is an international not-for-profit organisation that works with sailors, divers and scientists worldwide to help coastal communities conserve their marine environments, develop sustainable livelihoods and access primary education. Have a look at: http://www.oceanswatch.org
Working with OceansWatch is full-on, fun, hard work and very rewarding. We are seeking people who are committed to conservation and to helping others so we would expect your C.V. to show this.
All these volunteer positions are yacht based on Moksha (54’), Magic Roundabout (34’) and Rowena (41’). Please note that 1 person can cover more than 1 job.
In addition to the appropriate skills for each position the following skills and experience are very advantageous: diving, sailing, filming, photography, first aid, good report writing.
Rowena and Magic Roundabout will be based in Vanuatu. Moksha will stop in Vanuatu for a few weeks for crew training then head to the Solomon Islands and PNG.
We would like project leaders to start preparation work in our New Zealand Office by March 21, marine biologists and divers by about April 15. All volunteers may be asked to help with boat preparation work or other tasks to support the organisation. Some training will be given in New Zealand and Reef Check and Coral Watch training will be given in Vanuatu.
Magic Roundabout will depart New Zealand in mid- May, Moksha about May 20. Rowena is coming from Seattle so crew will join her in Vanuatu, either flying there or sailing on another yacht.
The expeditions will finish sometime in October.
OceansWatch is an NZ and USA registered charity. As such we rely entirely on donations and grants to fund our work. Whilst on the yachts your on-board food and accommodation expenses are covered. We request a NZ$200pw donation to OceansWatch towards our costs (tax deductable for NZ and USA taxpayers).
Expedition leaders (2)
We need two expedition leaders for our trips in Vanuatu.
You will need a relevant academic qualification in one or more of the following fields: marine biology, environmental science, oceanography, sustainable development. You will have worked, travelled extensively or volunteered in a developing country and have been entrusted in a leadership or supervisory role.
Divers (3)
We are looking for 3 competent divers, minimum qualification is Rescue Diver but we prefer PADI Dive Master or OWSI. Having some underwater surveying experience would be an advantage. Reef Check training will be given if you are not already qualified.
Marine Scientists (3)
You will need a marine biology or similar degree as well as tropical fish and coral ID experience. ArcGIS experience would be a distinct advantage. An ability to develop your own Rapid Assessment Surveys according to our needs is expected.
See all our volunteer opportunities here: http://www.oceanswatch.org/international/pages/volunteer
For more info, contact:
Administration team