Sea turtle specialists are invited to send summaries of their research to be presented at the Fifth Southwestern Atlantic Sea Turtle Workshop, which will be held in parallel to the Sixth Meeting of Southwestern Atlantic Sea Turtle Specialists – the ASO (Atlântico Sul Ocidental / Atlántico Sur Occidental) network.
Place and date of the meetings: Florianópolis, southern Brazil, 27-30
November 2011.
Deadline for submitting the abstracts: 17 June 2011.
Mode of submission: manuscripts (extended abstracts) should be submitted in electronic format as Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx) or as .rtf files. Please send through e-mail to
Mode of presentation of the work at the workshop: poster presentations, maximum size 1,00 m 1 1,20 m.
Format of the extended abstracts: they should be written in either
Portuguese or Spanish, and should present the results of sea turtle
research, conservation, management or rehabilitation activities carried out in the realm of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean.
It is recommended that the abstracts present work done preferably
with considerable sample sizes and which represent some important scientific contribution; the presentation of works dealing with relatively minor situations should be avoided.
The extended abstracts should be written in Times New Roman with
font size 12, line spacing 1.5, and margins of 2.5 cm. The abstracts should have at most 1500 words, including the bibliographic references, and one figure and one table (or two figures, or two tables). Figures and tables should occupy less than half the size of an A4 paper page. Photographs will not be accepted, unless they are essential for the presentation of the research work.
The extended abstracts should follow the specifications presented
below. Authors are requested to follow these rules closely, otherwise delays in processing their submissions or even rejection by the Scientific Committee could occur. A model extended abstract is available elsewhere.
Title: in capital letters, except for scientific names (in small letters and in italics). The title should be centered on the page and in bold letters.
Authors: names should be written in full, and each name should be followed
by a number (in superscript) providing a link to the affiliation
(institutional affiliations should be placed below the author's names).
Affiliation and address: for each author, this should include the name of
the institution where the work was carried out and mail address. Author's
e-mails should be included.
Key words: a list of at most five key words should be provided, without
repeating words already used in the title.
Introduction: it should present the theoretical framework of the study and a
summary of the relevant literature, and also the reasons for the study and a
statement of purposes and hypotheses.
Methodology: materials and methods should be described, including the study
area and methods of data analysis.
Results and discussion: the results should be presented with numerical
summaries and statistical analyses whenever appropriate. Graphs and tables
can be included. The main results should be discussed.
References: a list of the literature cited, formatted as shown in the model
extended abstract.
Acknowledgments / Funding agencies: this section should include the names of
institutions and people who collaborated with the study, statement of
governmental permits for the research work, and funding sources.
Tables and figures: They should be inserted at the end of the extended
abstract, although they will later be placed in the "Methodology" or
"Results and Discussion" sections, as the case may be. In the text, figures
and tables should be referred to as "(Fig. 1)" or “(Tabela 1)" or "(Tabla
1)". Note: tables should be constructed with the table facility of the text
editor. Do not copy and paste the figures, use the "Insert" menu of the text
editor to do that.
Alejandro Fallabrino
Tel: 099917811
00 598 99917811
skype: afalla1