Under the overall supervision of the Director, FIP, and the technical guidance of a Senior Fisheries Officer, the incumbent will monitor, analyze and
report on matters relating to international fisheries cooperation. In particular, will:
- develop and promote cooperation and collaboration with FAO and non-FAO Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs), regional economic groupings
concerned with specific aspects of fisheries and agencies of the UN System involved in marine affairs;
- collect and analyze strategic information concerning RFBs policies and activities supporting global fishery governance;
- support administratively and technically the biennial meetings of the RFB Secretariats network, including related inter-sessional activities;
- analyze and report on developments with international fisheries instruments supporting global fisheries governance;
- collaborate with the Organization s Legal Office in the development of fishery instruments for consideration by FAO Members and RFB contracting parties;
- contribute to capacity-development activities in relation to the implementation of international fisheries instruments;
- liaise with intergovernmental organizations (INGOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) concerning global fisheries governance;
- contribute to the updating of FAO databases and websites;
- contribute to monitoring the implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries concerning the work of RFBs, INGOs and NGOs;
- supervise activities related to the biennial Margarita Lizarraga Code of Conduct award;
- support administratively the implementation of the Part VII Assistance Fund established under the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement;
- perform other related duties as required.
Candidates should meet the following:
- Advanced University Degree in Marine Affairs, International Law or International Economics
- Seven years of relevant experience related to international fisheries, with particular emphasis on the analysis of issues relating to the work of RFBs and international fisheries instruments, which included developing country experience and capacity development
- Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and a limited knowledge of one of the other two, or Arabic, Chinese, Russian
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
- Relevance of experience in the analysis of issues relating to the work of RFBs and international fisheries instruments
- Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the international legal framework supporting global fisheries governance
- Depth of knowledge and understanding of the role of FAO and non-FAO RFBs including their subsidiary bodies
- Demonstrated capacity to undertake research and prepare high-quality technical reports with respect to the role of RFBs and international fisheries instruments
- Proven research and publication record
- Proven capacity to participate effectively in international meetings and field missions
- Quality of both oral and written communication skills in English
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments
A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, Allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://icsc.un.org/
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants (http://www.fao.org/VA/guidel-e.htm)
Send your application to: V.A 2439-FIP
Fishery Liaison Officer (International Institutions), FIP
FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 57056500
E-mail: VA-2439-FIP@fao.org
Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Last Date to apply: August 23, 2010
Website: www.fao.org/va/vac_en.htm
Contact: VA-2439-FIP@fao.org
E-mail: VA-2439-FIP@fao.org(Preferred)
Phone: Fax No: +39 06 57056500