PH.D ASSISTANTSHIP studying the reproductive ecology of Adélie Penguins in Antarctica. A Ph.D. graduate position (stipend + tuition) is available at the Oregon State University with Dr. Katie Dugger to study the reproductive ecology of Adélie penguins on Ross Island, Antarctica. This student will develop a dissertation from reproductive data collected as part of a larger collaborative, long-term study (since 1996) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to investigate the meta-population dynamics of 4 breeding colonies of Adelie penguins on Ross Island (see link for more information about this project - http://www.penguinscience.com). A known-age population of breeding birds banded as chicks is available for investigating age- and colony-specific fecundity, variation in chick growth rate, and how individual variation may interact with age/or experience for a species that exhibits high variation in the age at which individuals begin to breed. The student will spend three, 2+-month field seasons in Antarctica (Nov - Jan), collecting additional data for their dissertation by monitoring reproductive success and chick condition on one of our three primary study sites. Student will also aid co-PIs and international collaborators collecting data to investigate foraging effort and efficiency and annual survival of marked birds. Three full years of stipend (includes basic health insurance) with full tuition waivers has been secured, with up to 2 additional years of funding available through Distance Education Teaching Assistantships. Travel and all living expenses including essential cold weather clothing and gear while in the field are supplied by the NSF United States Antarctic Program. Position start time is flexible, but position will be filled so that a student can begin classwork by Spring 2011. Qualifications: Students with interest and experience in avian reproductive ecology particularly with seabirds or waterfowl are encouraged to apply. Applicant must have good communication skills (written and verbal), strong computer skills and experience with data management and large data sets. Quantitative skills in generalized linear modeling and mark-recapture analyses are also highly desirable. The competitive applicant must be able to withstand cold, rugged conditions, long hours looking through binoculars and remote living conditions in tight quarters with a small group of colleagues. The ability to work and play well with others in a remote, isolated location is imperative. A Master's of Science degree in a biological field is required and preference will be given to applicants who have displayed productivity through publication of previous research. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is found. To apply, please e-mail a letter of interest outlining how this position fits into your long-term career goals, a C.V., copies of transcripts (both undergraduate and M.S. degree), and contact information for 3 references to: DR. KATIE DUGGER (EM: katie.dugger AT oregonstate.edu). Additional information on the FW program at OSU can be found at: http://fw.oregonstate.edu/