Hatay Province, Turkey
28 August 2013 - 28 September 2013
The Egyptian Vulture is an endangered raptor that is widespread across southern Europe, Africa, and Asia. The population breeding in SE Europe has been declining for decades, but surveys for this widespread species are logistically difficult. Birds from SE Europe migrate around the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and significant concentrations of raptors are known from Belen Pass, Hatay province, SE Turkey. In September 2013 we will establish a raptor migration monitoring station to count Egyptian Vultures and other raptors in this area. This project is a collaboration between several BirdLife International partner organisations (BSPB - Bulgaria, HOS - Greece, RSPB - UK, DD - Turkey) and local birders, and will offer great views of raptors of several species. Duties will include: (1) assisting with the identification and evaluation of suitable observation points; (2) daily observations and censuses of all migrating raptors, with a particular focus on Egyptian Vultures; (3) assisting in data entry; assisting with vehicle maintenance and daily chores around the field base. Housing, vehicle, and basic food will be provided, airfare from Europe may be provided to outstanding candidates.
To Apply: Please email CV with cover letter and 2 references to STEFFEN OPPEL (EM: steffen.oppel AT rspb.org.uk).
Required qualifications: Keen bird watcher with good eyesight and raptor identification skills; physical fitness to endure hikes through rugged terrain and sit in hot sun for extended periods; ability to follow established protocols and record data accurately; proficiency with Microsoft Excel and data entry; must be flexible and capable of working independently and as part of a culturally diverse team. Preferred qualifications: valid driver's license and a good driving record; experience in raptor migration monitoring.
Number of Openings: