Ph.D. research assistantship (University of Tennessee, Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries) available for graduate student studying effectiveness/success of oak ecosystem restoration strategies. The position is part of Joint Fire Science Program-funded project led by Drs. Patrick Keyser and Charles Kwit, with field sites in TN, KY and NC. Project was initiated in 2008 and focuses on vegetation and fuel responses to experimental manipulations (timber harvest/prescribed fire/herbicides), including oak and shortleaf pine regeneration, native warm-season grasses, and early successional plant communities. In addition, breeding bird responses are being monitored.
Duration: January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2016
Qualifications: Applicants should be motivated with a good attitude and a strong work ethic. Well-developed oral and written communication skills are desired and the ability to work cooperatively with others is required. Students with applied habitat management experience are preferred. Applicants should possess a M.S. in Wildlife, Forestry, or related field and a valid driver’s license. A minimum GPA of 3.0 and GRE scores (Q+V) of 302 are required.
Salary: $17,500 plus tuition waiver and health insurance
Application Procedure: Interested applicants should send a cover letter explaining their interest along with a CV, and GRE scores to both of the e-mail addresses below. Information on formal application as a Ph.D. candidate can be found at the Departments web page (
Contact Information:
Patrick Keyser, Professor
Phone: 865-974-0644
Charles Kwit, Assistant Professor
Phone: 865-974-9793