MFBRP FOREST RESTORATION VOLUNTEERS needed for dry forest restoration trials on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii. Up to 2 positions are available for a period of 3 months, beginning October 2013. This project is based on restoring high elevation forest habitat for the benefit of endangered Maui forest birds. This is a field based research position but volunteers will be responsible for both field and office duties with the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP). Primary field duties will be: (1) assisting with implementation and monitoring of experimental forest restoration plots on the leeward (dry) side of Haleakala, including planting plants and vegetation sampling; (2) seed collection for captive propagation of native forest plant species; (3) weed census and control; (4) trail and field site construction and maintenance; (5) predator abundance studies through control mechanism; (6) assisting staff with other ongoing projects. Office duties include, but are not limited to office, vehicle and grounds maintenance, data entry, and preparation and maintenance of field equipment. Field duties are extremely physically challenging. Remote research sites require extensive hiking in steep, high elevation (5,000-7,000 ft) terrain. This position also requires living and working in small teams in extreme weather conditions (ranges from being intensely hot/dry to cold/wet). Helicopters will be used to re-supply field camps. Work schedule will include 5-10 day field trips with alternating days in the office. Volunteers are needed from October 1 to December 20th, with some flexibility on start and end dates. Benefits include: $100/week living stipend; Housing in shared house; Most field equipment; Limited transportation in upcountry Maui; An opportunity to work in Hawaiian rainforest and gain field experience in ecosystem management.
To Apply:
Applicants must be willing to provide their own airfare to Kahului, Maui. Assistance in airfare from major west coast cities may be possible. Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project is a research organization dedicated to the recovery of Maui’s native forest birds, which includes developing and implementing both research and management techniques. For more information, visit To apply, please send a cover letter with 3 references to HANNA MOUNCE (EM: Please put MFBRP Restoration Volunteer in the title. If you have any further questions please email the above address or call us (PH: 808-573-0280)
Preference will be given to applicants who have experience with forest restoration and wilderness settings. Volunteers must be able to work and live in remote field camps under extremely physically and mentally demanding conditions, to work independently and responsibly, have a good work ethic, take personal initiative and must have a valid driver’s license. Desirable qualifications include a B.S. in ecology, biology, ornithology, botany or similar field; research with forest restoration work; vegetation sampling experience; Wilderness First Aid certification.
Number of Openings: