Job Type: volunteer position
Opportunity location:
Closing date (if specified): No date specified (will remain here for 90 days from posting date)
Opportunity Description:
This is a last call for people eager to help assist the Fauna Forever
Tambopata (FFT) project over the summer of 2010 with bird, mammal,
amphibian, reptile, butterfly, dung-beetle, plant, and socio-economic
surveys in and around the Tambopata National Reserve - an important
protected area, biodiversity hotspot, and wilderness area located in the
upper Amazon basin of SE Peru.
Summer Dates
Phase 10.4 08 Jun – 17 Jul 2010 40 days
Phase 10.45 25 Jun – 20 Aug 2010 57 days
Phase 10.5 23 Jul – 31 Aug 2010 40 days
Phase 10.6 06 Sep - 15 Oct 2010 40 days
Field assistant applicants from the international community (i.e. outside of
Peru) are asked to cover their in-country accommodation, food and transport
costs whilst on the project, as the amount of central funding the project
has will not allow for salaries or subsidies to international volunteers.
However, we have kept in-country costs to a minimum. These vary slightly
depending on the season, as accommodation is provided by private eco-lodges
and research stations in Tambopata whose demand for bed-space varies
significantly between summer and winter months. Costs vary, but generally
range around US$50 per day for phase periods of between 40-57 days at a time
(i.e. US$2,350 to US$3,000 per phase, depending on length of stay).
Internal flights between Lima and Puerto Maldonado (see http://lan.com,
http://starperu.com/) cost approx. US$180-300 (rtn) depending on season and
how far in advance reservations are made.
Housing and Communication
All FFT project participants are housed in good quality accommodation at
eco-lodges and research stations located close to the field sites. When in
Puerto Maldonado the team is based out of the Fauna Forever office (equipped
with sleeping quarters) and also uses local guest houses on occasions. Some
lodges offer limited internet access, allowing for contact with friends and
family when in the field.
Application Procedure
Please download the application form on the FFT project website
(http://www.faunaforever.org/fft/volunteer.html#apply), fill it out and then
email it along with a copy of your resume/CV to: Rachel Handley de Amable
(FFT Project Manager) at: apply@faunaforever.org with cc to
We hope to hear from some of you soon.
For more info, contact:
Email: info@faunaforever.org