volunteer position
Opportunity location: La Selva Biological Station
Closing date (if specified): 21 Apr 2010
Opportunity Description:
I am seeking two volunteer field assistants for a Master’s project on the effects of mammals on the leaf litter reptile and amphibian community at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. I’m looking for someone to start in April 2010. Previous applicants are encouraged to reapply.
Assistants will learn much about designing and conducting ecological research in the tropics (and probably a lot about how not to, as well) and learn a diverse Neotropical herpetofauna. There will be opportunities to conduct independent research projects, meet students and faculty from top graduate programs around the world, meet many of the leaders of tropical biology, and work at one of the most well-studied and well-known field stations in the Neotropics.
Assistants will be responsible for travel expenses (including airfare to San Jose, Costa Rica and taxi/bus to La Selva) and a portion of their station fees (around US$400/month). Station fees include one meal/day, office space, and wireless internet. Shared lodging and additional meals will be provided for the assistant. A commitment of at least 3 months is required. Assistants should expect long days in the field and evening lab work, 5-6 days a week. Latin American students are encouraged to apply.
Significant progress towards a degree in biology.
Field Experience.
High level of physical fitness.
Ability to work long hours.
Ability to tolerate high heat, humidity, and biting insects.
Patience and flexibility.
I am seeking exceptionally motivated applicants with backgrounds in biology. A B.S. in a related field and field experience are preferred. Applicants must be capable of working long hours in high heat and humidity and often in continuous rain, walking 15+ km daily over steep/muddy terrain carrying heavy loads, tolerating tedious and at times monotonous work (e.g., very slowly surveying plots for tiny litter reptiles and amphibians, sorting leaves and weighing samples, counting arthropods, all while dealing with hundreds of biting mosquitoes), and rapidly learn how to accurately identify amphibians and reptiles. Assistants must also follow and collect fecal samples from peccaries (Tayassu tajacu). The site has potential hazards like venomous snakes, stinging insects, and spiny plants.
For more info, contact:
To apply or for more information, please contact Kelsey Reider at kreid006 (AT) fiu.edu. If applying for the position, please include your CV (2 pages), a statement explaining why you are interested in the position (2 pages), and contact information for 3 references (include their name, institution, relationship to applicant, phone number and email address), and please tell me when you would be available to start.