Job Type: part-time temporary position
Opportunity location: Based at the La Selva field station and other locations in CR
Closing date (if specified): No date specified (will remain here for 90 days from posting date)
Opportunity Description:
Adjunct Faculty Position.
Dates: July 5 – Aug 2, 2010
Location: Costa Rica. La Selva Biological Station and various other locations in Costa Rica. Weekend excursions to Monteverde and Tortuguero Turtle Preserve.
Qualifications: BS with 27 upper division credits in biology, or MS, or Ph.D in biology. Experience with field biology in Costa Rica, ideally participation in an OTS or similar field course. Experience at the La Selva field station and some teaching experience preferred. You will need to meet department and institutional hiring requirements.
Responsibilities: To assist in teaching an environmental biology course (Bio105) as part of a study abroad program (approx 13 students) to Costa Rica. Primary responsibilities will be to assist with fieldwork, teach field techniques, and assist in plant and animal identification. Students will also be taking a digital photography course.
Compensation: All accommodation, travel, and meal expenses will be covered (except accommodation & food for 8 days on weekend excursions), flight to Costa Rica, and payment of $1125.
For more info, contact:
Dennis Wison, Ph.D.
Life Science Dept.
Mesa Community College
USA 480 894 8177