viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

MS and PhD Graduate assistantships in Ecology

San Diego State University Ecology program area welcomes applications for its nationally recognized graduate programs (MS and PhD).
The SDSU Ecology program has a long tradition of research excellence, offers competitive student support and has a track record of exceptional post-graduate placement. SDSU Ecology program centers around four areas of research excellence: coastal and marine ecology, conservation ecology, ecosystems and climate change, and behavioral ecology.
SDSU faculty and students employ a wide range of innovative approaches to these research areas including metagenomics and genetics, advanced remote sensing technology, complex systems analyses, and robotics.
The San Diego Bioregion and surrounding areas serves as a rich backdrop for students interested in studying land:sea and urban:wildlife interfaces, transborder ecological dynamics, biodiverse terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and coupled human and natural systems.
Many SDSU students also conduct research internationally.
Students in the SDSU graduate programs are eligible for support stipends, internal research funds and other CSU fellowships. Deadlines for application are Dec 15th (PhD) and Feb 1st (MS). Go to for more information.