El Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos A.C.
Convoca al puesto de:
Asistente de Conservación Costera
El Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos (CEDO), localizado en Puerto Peñasco,
Sonora, es una organización no gubernamental comprometida con la conservación y desarrollo
sustentable de los ecosistemas del Norte del Golfo de California. Nuestra visión es la de mantener un
ecosistema sano en el norte del Golfo de California sustentado por comunidades costeras activas e
informadas. Las actividades de la institución incluyen la administración e implementación de programas de conservación costera, educación ambiental y pesquerías sustentable.
Descripción del Programa de Conservación Costera.
Nos enfocamos a la conservación y adecuado manejo de humedales y la zona costera de áreas naturales protegidas y sitios Ramsar vinculando a gobierno, comunidad y organizaciones de la sociedad civil.
CAPACITAMOS y FOMENTAMOS el Monitoreo Comunitario
ASESORAMOS y ACOMPAÑAMOS proyectos productivos comunitarios
DISEÑAMOS y PLANEAMOS Herramientas Legales
VIGILAMOS y PROTEGEMOS Ecosistemas prioritarios
IMPULSAMOS el Desarrollo sustentable y la Gobernanza a través de la Participación Social
TRABAJAMOS con Gobierno y Comunidad en equipo
GESTIONAMOS recursos humanos y financieros que apoyen proyectos sustentables comunitarios
FORMAMOS Líderes Comunitarios y promotores ambientales
Descripción del Puesto.
CEDO está buscando personas de gran capacidad para trabajar en contacto directo con comunidades costeras; planear, coordinar y apoyar actividades de monitoreo biológico; planear y facilitar talleres, cursos, eventos, etc. con diversos sectores; elaborar informes de actividades y monitoreo, entre otros; supervisar y apoyar el trabajo de los monitores comunitarios que trabajan en el programa y evaluar su
desempeño; apoyar en la generación de capacidades, fomento e implementación de proyectos productivos sustentables que se desarrollan en las comunidades.
Responsabilidades Generales:
Impulsar acciones de conservación y el cumplimiento de la legislación en zonas costeras estratégicas.
Promover y llevar a la práctica acciones de adaptación comunitaria al cambio climático.
Involucrar a la comunidad en acciones de conservación y manejo.
Organizar campañas informativas sobre temas ambientales y turísticos.
Organizar talleres sectoriales y de participación comunitaria.
Monitorear los impactos del desarrollo turístico- inmobiliario de la región.
Apoyar en denunciar y dar seguimiento a ilegalidades ambientales.
Apoyar la coordinación de acciones de vigilancia en zonas costeras estratégicas.
Apoyar en la promoción, diseño y aplicación de diversas herramientas de conservación y manejo costero.
Apoyar en la implementación de estrategias de adaptación para la toma de decisiones de manejo frente a los efectos del cambio climático.
Desarrollar materiales de promoción para la conservación.
Participar en monitoreos biológicos.
Buscar y analizar datos de campo.
Apoyar en la elaboración de propuestas de financiamiento para proyectos de conservación
Apoyar a la coordinación de Conservación Costera y a la dirección de CEDO a lograr las metas
Capacitar y/o coordinar capacitaciones a grupos comunitarios en materia de implementación de estrategias y proyectos para la conservación costera.
Apoyo general en la realización de los proyectos implementados por la coordinación de
Conservación Costera.
Requerimientos profesionales y características deseadas
Licenciatura o Maestría en áreas afines a la biología.
Experiencia en temas de desarrollo rural y gobernanza.
Conocimiento general sobre áreas naturales protegidas, sitios Ramsar y marco legal ambiental.
Experiencia para liderar equipos de trabajo
Experiencia en facilitación de grupos.
Enfoque social y humanista.
Experiencia de trabajo en comunidades rurales comprobable de mínimo tres años.
Experiencia y buena condición física para trabajo de campo extremo.
Experiencia en monitoreo de aves playeras y de marismas.
Experiencia de trabajo con diversos sectores (ejidal, pesquero, turístico, público, etc.).
Alto nivel de responsabilidad y organización.
Con iniciativa y propositivo.
Capacidad para resolver problemas y situaciones complejas
Innovador y con enfoque multidisciplinario.
Capacidad de redacción comprobable.
Disponibilidad de residir en climas extremos y con poca accesibilidad a servicios.
Saber manejar autos estándar, terracería, carretera y conocimientos básicos de mantenimiento de
Contar con licencia de manejo vigente.
Conocimientos básicos de administración de recursos.
Manejo de programas de computación básicos (Microsoft Office, internet).
Tolerancia a trabajar en condiciones extremas.
Capacidad de viajar.
Disponibilidad inmediata.
Sobre el puesto.
Se ofrece un sueldo competitivo, prestaciones conforme a ley, contratación de prueba por seis meses
con posibilidad de extensión según desempeño.
Proceso de aplicación.
Mandar en un solo documento a Hitandehui Tovar, hita@cedointercultural.org e Hiram Peña,
hiram@cedointercultural.org, una carta de intención y un resumen curricular ejecutivo con 3
hojas máximo, dos cartas de recomendación de profesionales y datos de contacto de dos
referencias de representantes comunitarios que abalen su experiencia en campo.
Se recibirán aplicaciones hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2013.
Se programarán entrevistas telefónicas a partir de 6 de enero de 2014.
Se aplicaran exámenes de aptitud a los finalistas del 8 al 15 de enero del 2014
Contratación a partir del 1 de febrero de 2014.
Para mayor información sobre CEDO y su trabajo, visite nuestra página de web: www.cedointercultural.org.
CEDO fue ganador del “Reconocimiento a la Conservación de la Naturaleza en 2007” otorgado por la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. En 2009 ganó el “Premio al Mérito Ecológico” en la categoría de Educación Ambiental no formal de SEMARNAT.
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013
sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013
Becas del gobierno de Finlandia
La oferta está dirigida a la realización de estudios de doctorado y estancias de investigación a nivel doctoral.
Becas Austria
Ernest Mach
Área de estudio: Ciencias Naturales, Medicina,Agricultura, Veterinaria, Ciencias sociales,Derecho y Economía, Humanidades y Teología.
Nivel de Estudios: Posgrado/Movilidad a nivel de Licenciatura.
Duración de la beca: 4 a 10 meses.
Beneficios: Manutención mensual, seguro de gastos médicos, costos académicos.
Fecha límite para registro en línea:1 de marzo de 2014
Área de estudio: Ciencias Naturales, Medicina,Agricultura, Veterinaria, Ciencias sociales,Derecho y Economía, Humanidades y Teología.
Nivel de Estudios: Posgrado/Movilidad a nivel de Licenciatura.
Duración de la beca: 4 a 10 meses.
Beneficios: Manutención mensual, seguro de gastos médicos, costos académicos.
Fecha límite para registro en línea:1 de marzo de 2014
Becas Peru para Mexicanos Convocatoria 2014-I
Plataforma de movilidad estudiantil y académica de la Alianza del Pacífico.
Asamblea Nacional de Rectores(ANR).
Convocatoria 2014-I
Ver información.
Asamblea Nacional de Rectores(ANR).
Convocatoria 2014-I
Ver información.
Start on 1st of April and will continue through early/mid July
Application Deadline: 12/09/2013
VOLUNTEER FIELD ASSISTANT POSITION to study oxidative stress in relation to social status in house sparrows in Switzerland – We are seeking a research assistant for the upcoming breeding season to join a project investigating the impact of oxidative stress and social status on the development of reproductive strategies in house sparrow. The research will be conducted in Bern, Switzerland. The work will start on 1st of April and will continue through early/mid July. Our project investigates how males with different positions in a dominance hierarchy allocate their antioxidant resources to the protection of their sperm vs. the protection of their somatic functions, and how such allocation strategies affect the quality of the sperm they produce. The project is based at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland (PI Prof. Fabrice Helfenstein, PhD student Alfonso Rojas), but will be conducted at Hasli, Bern, Switzerland. The work of the volunteer will consist of carrying out an experiment in aviaries with house sparrows. This includes assisting the PhD student with catching and banding birds, behavioural observations, sample collection, data management and data analysis. During the conduct of the experiment we work 7 days a week and 10-12 hours a day. This is a volunteer field assistant position, thus the applicant should cover his/her own accommodation and food. Travel expenses might be covered for european applicants, and a possible stipend could be granted at the end of the season.
Applications - including a CV and a letter of motivation (1 pg.) - should be send to both: FABRICE HELFENSTEIN (EM: fabrice.helfenstein@unine.ch) and ALFONSO ROJAS (EM: alf.roja@gmail.com). Please use "Volunteer Assistant in Switzerland" as the subject and note your availability during this time period in the body of the e-mail. Applications received until 9 Dec 2013 will be given full consideration. For further information on the lab & project, see: http://www2.unine.ch/ecophy
(1) BSc or higher in Biology or similar qualification, (2) Ability to work and live in small groups and sociable personality, (3) Fluent in English, (4) Ability to endure long working days, (5) Knowledge in observing & handling birds is a plus, (6) Driving license is helpful, Basic knowledge of German is helpful although not essential.
Volunteer assistants at Beijing Forestry University
Volunteer assistants at Beijing Forestry University
1-4 months
Application Deadline: 04/15/2014
Volunteer assistants are needed for field study of the breeding ecology and behavior of Black-throated tits and Silver-throated tits in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve of central China. The project will start in January and will last until the end of May, with a 10-20 days break in late January and early February for the Spring Festival. Volunteers are welcome to join at any time during the project, but those who can spend at least 4 weeks here are preferred. Main duties include mist-netting and banding birds, searching nest, blood sampling, behavioral observation, watching nest-monitoring videos, data entry, as well as any other possible works involved in the field. Assistants will work with technicians, graduate and undergraduate students from Beijing Forestry University and Beijing Normal University. All expenses in China during work period (i.e. housing, foods, and local travels, etc) will be covered, but there is no salary, and the assistants are responsible for their travel to and from China. Volunteers will have opportunities to learn field skills of ornithological research, see many Chinese bird species in the reserve, and experience Chinese tradition and culture.
To apply and inquire, please contact JIANQIANG LI at “lijianqiang AT bjfu.edu.cn”. Please include a cover letter and a resume when applying. Together with the application, we appreciate if the applicants could have ≥2 recommendation letters directly sent by references to the above email address.
Previous experience with birds is preferred, but not essential. Basic training such as bird banding, behavioral observation, blood sampling, will be provided. Volunteers are expected to have strong interest in birds and animal behavior, physically fit and be willing to work for long and irregular time in the field, and share rooms with team members.
Number of Openings:
1-4 months
Application Deadline: 04/15/2014
Volunteer assistants are needed for field study of the breeding ecology and behavior of Black-throated tits and Silver-throated tits in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve of central China. The project will start in January and will last until the end of May, with a 10-20 days break in late January and early February for the Spring Festival. Volunteers are welcome to join at any time during the project, but those who can spend at least 4 weeks here are preferred. Main duties include mist-netting and banding birds, searching nest, blood sampling, behavioral observation, watching nest-monitoring videos, data entry, as well as any other possible works involved in the field. Assistants will work with technicians, graduate and undergraduate students from Beijing Forestry University and Beijing Normal University. All expenses in China during work period (i.e. housing, foods, and local travels, etc) will be covered, but there is no salary, and the assistants are responsible for their travel to and from China. Volunteers will have opportunities to learn field skills of ornithological research, see many Chinese bird species in the reserve, and experience Chinese tradition and culture.
To apply and inquire, please contact JIANQIANG LI at “lijianqiang AT bjfu.edu.cn”. Please include a cover letter and a resume when applying. Together with the application, we appreciate if the applicants could have ≥2 recommendation letters directly sent by references to the above email address.
Previous experience with birds is preferred, but not essential. Basic training such as bird banding, behavioral observation, blood sampling, will be provided. Volunteers are expected to have strong interest in birds and animal behavior, physically fit and be willing to work for long and irregular time in the field, and share rooms with team members.
Number of Openings:
Ph.D. & M.S. opportunities in odonate ecology
Ph.D. & M.S. opportunities in odonate ecology
I am seeking 1-2 graduate students to join my lab who are interested in landscape & community ecology, particularly pertaining to the following topics:
· modeling potential climate and land-use change impacts on odonates
· ecomorphology of odonates
· modeling odonate (dragonfly/damselfly) metapopulations and/or metacommunities
Preference will be given to students with previous experience in these topics. For more information about research done in my lab, please check out my webpage
Prospective students will be funded (upon qualification) by a departmental Teaching Assistantship.
To apply, please send your Curriculum Vitae, which should include all of the following items:
· a statement about your research interests and how they are compatible with the kinds of research that I do
· a statement about your career goals
· a brief list of your academic and professional accomplishments (degrees, GPA, GRE scores, awards, fellowships, publications, grants, presentations at professional meetings, jobs, etc.)
· the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of 3 references
Application deadline: 15 December 2013.
Nancy McIntyre, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-3131 USA
806.742.2710 ext. 280
nancy.mcintyre @ ttu.edu
I am seeking 1-2 graduate students to join my lab who are interested in landscape & community ecology, particularly pertaining to the following topics:
· modeling potential climate and land-use change impacts on odonates
· ecomorphology of odonates
· modeling odonate (dragonfly/damselfly) metapopulations and/or metacommunities
Preference will be given to students with previous experience in these topics. For more information about research done in my lab, please check out my webpage
Prospective students will be funded (upon qualification) by a departmental Teaching Assistantship.
To apply, please send your Curriculum Vitae, which should include all of the following items:
· a statement about your research interests and how they are compatible with the kinds of research that I do
· a statement about your career goals
· a brief list of your academic and professional accomplishments (degrees, GPA, GRE scores, awards, fellowships, publications, grants, presentations at professional meetings, jobs, etc.)
· the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of 3 references
Application deadline: 15 December 2013.
Nancy McIntyre, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-3131 USA
806.742.2710 ext. 280
nancy.mcintyre @ ttu.edu
Programa Agua de la Fundación Gonzalo Río Arronte (FGRA)
La Fundación Gonzalo Río Arronte, IAP (FGRA) es una institución de asistencia privada sin fines de lucro y sin filiación de partido, raza o credo, fundada en el año 2000. Su sede se encuentra en la Ciudad de México y su ámbito de acción abarca todo el país. Su objeto social consiste en otorgar donativos en efectivo o en especie a instituciones públicas y privadas que realizan proyectos de beneficio social en materia de salud, adicciones y agua, conforme las políticas y reglas establecidas por su Patronato y sus Comités Técnicos. La Fundación nació gracias a la generosidad de Don Gonzalo Río Arronte, quien en 1993 ordenó, mediante testamento público abierto, crear a partir de su legado la organización que hoy lleva su nombre.
La visión que orienta las acciones del Programa Agua de la Fundación Gonzalo Río Arronte (FGRA) es la de aspirar a un México sostenible en agua, es decir, una sociedad autosuficiente en agua y consciente de la importancia integral del recurso, como resultado de una nueva cultura y por ende nuevas actitudes, sensatas, informadas y responsables en torno al agua.
Su misión es incidir en la revalorización del agua a partir del apoyo a proyectos impulsados por organizaciones públicas o privadas que, con propósitos de beneficio social, desarrollen actividades de promoción de una cultura del agua, de cuidado de cuerpos, cauces y cuencas, de control-corrección u optimización del uso del agua, de minimización de los efectos negativos del exceso de agua y en proyectos comunitarios particularmente dirigidos a comunidades rurales marginadas.
Las propuestas de proyectos serán recibidas hasta las 6 p.m. del lunes 13 de enero del 2014 en el domicilio de la FGRA, sito en: Ignacio Ramírez N° 20, piso 4, Colonia Tabacalera, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, CP: 06030, México, D.F.
Santander and Latin America Masters Scholarship.
Quince becas para maestrías de un año de duración en la Universidad de Nottingham.
Santander and Latin America Masters Scholarship.
Quince becas para maestrías de un año de duración en la Universidad de Nottingham.
Requisitos: a) aplicar al postgrado en línea al 30 de enero 2014; b)
contar con el certificado de inglés IELTS o TOEFL al 30 de enero 2014 y
c) carta de aceptación de la universidad al 30 de abril 2014.
¿Qué cubre la beca?
5.000 libras esterlinas del costo de la matrícula. Sin restricción de área.
Recepción de solicitudes de beca: 23 mayo 2014. Nottingham.
Informa: Representante para Venezuela. E: rosamunozm@gmail.com Cel. 0412 7173760
¿Qué cubre la beca?
5.000 libras esterlinas del costo de la matrícula. Sin restricción de área.
Recepción de solicitudes de beca: 23 mayo 2014. Nottingham.
Informa: Representante para Venezuela. E: rosamunozm@gmail.com Cel. 0412 7173760
We are looking for volunteer research assistants for the pre and post release phases of a reintroduction project of Scarlet macaws in Palenque National Park (see http://www.ecoparquepalenque.com). The subspecies Ara macao cyanoptera found in Mexico has become extinct in 98% of its range due to illegal trade and habitat loss. The ecopark Xcaret (www.xcaret.com) is donating 60-70 captive bred macaws/year (2013-2015) for the reintroduction project. Volunteer research assistants will participate in both pre and post release phases. This will include procedures to induce the macaws to form flocks, to recognize wild foods and predators, to use artificial roost boxes, among others. It will also include tracking the macaws´ adaptation to the wild (range and food use among others) by visual means and radio-telemetry. During 2013 we released 60 macaws (100% survival). The program for 2014, starts in mid-January with a series of releases. Background in avian/animal behavior and ecology, onservation biology, ornithology or veterinary sciences is important. Assistants will be responsible for international airfare/transportation and for food costs. Lodging will be provided by the field project in a comfortable fully equipped house with internet access about 4 km from Palenque National Park. Duration of internship: 3, 4, 6, 12 months. Age requirements: adults of both sexes 20+. Cost: about $30USD/week for food. Participation may be geared to meet academic requirements at your institution of origin e.g. practicum, thesis.
To Apply:
Contact: Dr. ALEJANDRO ESTRADA, (EM: aestrada@primatesmx.com), Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Hawaii forest bird banders (2) and nest monitors (4) needed
Hawaii forest bird banders (2) and nest monitors (4) needed
at USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
Duration: 3-4 months
Job Type: Seasonal
Hawaii forest bird banders (2) and nest monitors (4) needed: 2 banders and 4 nest monitors needed for a long-term demographic study of Hawaii forest birds at Hakalau Forest NWR on Hawaii Island. Hakalau Forest is the premier forest bird sanctuary in Hawaii, supporting large populations of 3 endangered species (Akepa, Akiapola’au, and Hawaii Creeper) and 5 additional native species (Apapane, Hawaii Amakihi, Hawaii Elepaio, I’iwi, Oma’o). Banders and nest monitors work closely together to band, resight, nest search and monitor reproductive efforts to help gather important information for the conservation of this unique avian community.
Duties will include operating mist nets at three established sites within the refuge, resighting of color banded birds, managing data, and helping with the nest productivity study and a radio telemetry study. Banders are needed from mid-February to mid-May. Must have mist net extraction and passerine banding experience, with resighting experience a plus.
Nest monitors:
Duties will include nest searching, monitoring for survival and outcome, managing data, and assisting with other aspects of this long-term demographic project (there will be opportunities for banding and telemetry tracking). Nest monitors are needed from mid-February to mid-June. Preference given to applicants with forest bird nest searching and monitoring experience.
Compensation for both banders/nest monitors is $1040/month per diem and very nice housing at both Hakalau Forest NWR (work days) and Hawaii Volcanoes NP (days off); transportation provided to and from work and for supplies. Airfare to Hawaii is not included. To apply, please send brief cover letter highlighting relevant experience and stating whether you are applying for the banding or nest monitoring position, or both, resume, and name, address, phone number, and email address of at least 3 references to Eben Paxton, USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, epaxton@usgs.gov. Applications will be accepted until December 8th, but applications will be considered as they are received to fill the positions quickly.
2 banders, 4 nest monitors
at USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
Duration: 3-4 months
Job Type: Seasonal
Hawaii forest bird banders (2) and nest monitors (4) needed: 2 banders and 4 nest monitors needed for a long-term demographic study of Hawaii forest birds at Hakalau Forest NWR on Hawaii Island. Hakalau Forest is the premier forest bird sanctuary in Hawaii, supporting large populations of 3 endangered species (Akepa, Akiapola’au, and Hawaii Creeper) and 5 additional native species (Apapane, Hawaii Amakihi, Hawaii Elepaio, I’iwi, Oma’o). Banders and nest monitors work closely together to band, resight, nest search and monitor reproductive efforts to help gather important information for the conservation of this unique avian community.
Duties will include operating mist nets at three established sites within the refuge, resighting of color banded birds, managing data, and helping with the nest productivity study and a radio telemetry study. Banders are needed from mid-February to mid-May. Must have mist net extraction and passerine banding experience, with resighting experience a plus.
Nest monitors:
Duties will include nest searching, monitoring for survival and outcome, managing data, and assisting with other aspects of this long-term demographic project (there will be opportunities for banding and telemetry tracking). Nest monitors are needed from mid-February to mid-June. Preference given to applicants with forest bird nest searching and monitoring experience.
Compensation for both banders/nest monitors is $1040/month per diem and very nice housing at both Hakalau Forest NWR (work days) and Hawaii Volcanoes NP (days off); transportation provided to and from work and for supplies. Airfare to Hawaii is not included. To apply, please send brief cover letter highlighting relevant experience and stating whether you are applying for the banding or nest monitoring position, or both, resume, and name, address, phone number, and email address of at least 3 references to Eben Paxton, USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, epaxton@usgs.gov. Applications will be accepted until December 8th, but applications will be considered as they are received to fill the positions quickly.
2 banders, 4 nest monitors
Asistente de investigación
URGENTE: Estimad@s amig@s, ha quedado una plaza vacante como Asistente
de Investigación en el proyecto "ESTATUS ACTUAL Y ÉXITO REPRODUCTIVO DE
NACIONAL DE TAMBOPATA, PERÚ." durante los meses de marzo, abril y mayo
2014. Se cubrirán los gastos de vuelos Lima-Puerto Maldonado, traslados y
manutención del asistente. Se valorará la experiencia en investigación
sobres aves y el trabajo bajo condiciones de temperatura y humedad
extremos. Los asistentes de investigación colaborarán también en las
publicaciones científicas y divulgativas resultantes del estudio.
Interesados enviar CV urgentemente a pablo.toledo.monsonis@hotmail.com
Profesora Cabo.
Se solicita profesora de ciencias para nivel secundaria, método
montessori. Lugar: San José del Cabo, con licenciatura en biología,
química, física o a fin. Informes al celular 624-132-13-03 o aquí.
RESEARCH SCIENTIST - Systematics and Collections Program (Vertebrates)
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Job Type: Permanent
Job Description:
· Take a lead role in genomics in evolutionary biology.
· With a focus on the Australian National Wildlife Collection
· Join CSIRO's Ecosystem Sciences and help to grow our investment in systematics and collections.
The Position:
Evolutionary work on Australian terrestrial vertebrates now embraces molecular systematics, phylogeography, population genetics and genomics as well as modern approaches to morphology such as micro-CT Scanning. We wish to continue this growth and see its relevance maintained with respect to current rapid growth in genomics. Solid grounding in collections is desirable in this work. As a Research Scientist, you will be expected to articulate how you would use the Australo-Papuan vertebrate biota to address questions of broad interest, as well as in leading CSIRO’s embracing of genomics in evolutionary biology as applied to natural populations of vertebrates. You will work at the intersection of phylogeny and adaptation, systematics and population genetics, biogeography and phylogeography especially as applied in the context of Australo-Papuan vertebrates. Specifically you will: · Lead and contribute to the research output of the Evolutionary Biology Program particularly in Australo-Papuan evolutionary history and selection in the region’s natural vertebrate populations. · Work with the Evolutionary Biology Program in syntheses of research relating to development of the Australo-Papuan biota. · Develop innovative applications of genomic concepts, theories and techniques to analysis of evolutionary history, population structure, functional genetics and natural selection. · Actively seek support for research from state, national and international bodies. · publish findings in conventional peer-reviewed venues as well as develop a program of outreach and liaison with media and communications sectors of CSIRO. · Explore potential for uptake of research outcomes in conservation policy and planning. · Help build CSIRO’s research collections in vertebrate biodiversity. Location: Canberra, ACT, Australia Salary: AUD$92K - $124K plus up to 15.4% superannuation. Tenure: ndefinite/Ongoing. Reference: ACT13/03725
To Apply:
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is one of the largest and most diverse scientific organisations in the world. By igniting the creative spirit of our people, we deliver great science and innovative solutions that benefit industry, society and the environment. At CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences we apply multidisciplinary science to the sustainability of Australia's agriculture and forestry, built environments, biodiversity, communities, and industries. We do this through research into environmental, biological, economic and societal interactions. Applications should be lodged on-line via the CSIRO Careers Portal. Applications close: 1 December 2013. Direct link to the vacancy, CSIRO Careers Website.
To be successful in this position you will need: · A PhD and documented postdoctoral research experience in a relevant discipline area of vertebrate evolutionary biology showing an ability to develop a genomics-based research program on vertebrates in the Australian region. · Articulation of how you would use the Australian vertebrate biota to address broad biological questions. · A minimum of years demonstrated experience in any or all of a similar range of disciplines. · Experience or adaptability to work in bioinformatics; conceptual and practical knowledge and skills in Australian vertebrate systematic and museum-based evolutionary biology; and/or experience in development and maintenance of a museum collecting program would be desirable. For appointment at the higher level (CSOF6) you will also require extensive relevant post-qualification experience; leadership experience; demonstrated ability to set up and maintain effective and efficient work teams; and a high standard of documented scientific achievement through peer reviewed international journals.
Job Type: Permanent
Job Description:
· Take a lead role in genomics in evolutionary biology.
· With a focus on the Australian National Wildlife Collection
· Join CSIRO's Ecosystem Sciences and help to grow our investment in systematics and collections.
The Position:
Evolutionary work on Australian terrestrial vertebrates now embraces molecular systematics, phylogeography, population genetics and genomics as well as modern approaches to morphology such as micro-CT Scanning. We wish to continue this growth and see its relevance maintained with respect to current rapid growth in genomics. Solid grounding in collections is desirable in this work. As a Research Scientist, you will be expected to articulate how you would use the Australo-Papuan vertebrate biota to address questions of broad interest, as well as in leading CSIRO’s embracing of genomics in evolutionary biology as applied to natural populations of vertebrates. You will work at the intersection of phylogeny and adaptation, systematics and population genetics, biogeography and phylogeography especially as applied in the context of Australo-Papuan vertebrates. Specifically you will: · Lead and contribute to the research output of the Evolutionary Biology Program particularly in Australo-Papuan evolutionary history and selection in the region’s natural vertebrate populations. · Work with the Evolutionary Biology Program in syntheses of research relating to development of the Australo-Papuan biota. · Develop innovative applications of genomic concepts, theories and techniques to analysis of evolutionary history, population structure, functional genetics and natural selection. · Actively seek support for research from state, national and international bodies. · publish findings in conventional peer-reviewed venues as well as develop a program of outreach and liaison with media and communications sectors of CSIRO. · Explore potential for uptake of research outcomes in conservation policy and planning. · Help build CSIRO’s research collections in vertebrate biodiversity. Location: Canberra, ACT, Australia Salary: AUD$92K - $124K plus up to 15.4% superannuation. Tenure: ndefinite/Ongoing. Reference: ACT13/03725
To Apply:
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is one of the largest and most diverse scientific organisations in the world. By igniting the creative spirit of our people, we deliver great science and innovative solutions that benefit industry, society and the environment. At CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences we apply multidisciplinary science to the sustainability of Australia's agriculture and forestry, built environments, biodiversity, communities, and industries. We do this through research into environmental, biological, economic and societal interactions. Applications should be lodged on-line via the CSIRO Careers Portal. Applications close: 1 December 2013. Direct link to the vacancy, CSIRO Careers Website.
To be successful in this position you will need: · A PhD and documented postdoctoral research experience in a relevant discipline area of vertebrate evolutionary biology showing an ability to develop a genomics-based research program on vertebrates in the Australian region. · Articulation of how you would use the Australian vertebrate biota to address broad biological questions. · A minimum of years demonstrated experience in any or all of a similar range of disciplines. · Experience or adaptability to work in bioinformatics; conceptual and practical knowledge and skills in Australian vertebrate systematic and museum-based evolutionary biology; and/or experience in development and maintenance of a museum collecting program would be desirable. For appointment at the higher level (CSOF6) you will also require extensive relevant post-qualification experience; leadership experience; demonstrated ability to set up and maintain effective and efficient work teams; and a high standard of documented scientific achievement through peer reviewed international journals.
Carrera consultor en temas de sosteniblidad y competitividad para MiPyMEs
¿Te interesa comenzar una carrera como consultor en temas de sosteniblidad y competitividad para MiPyMEs?
El Instituto Global para la Sostenibilidad, una iniciativa conjunta del Tecnológico de Monterrey y Arizona State University, te invita a participar en el Proyecto de competitividad para micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas como:
Asesor de MiPyMEs*
Para ser asesor, el IGS te bridará capacitación presencial en ecoeficiencia durante 6 sesiones de 4 horas cada una del 8 al 18 de enero.
Después de la capacitación, asesorarás a un grupo de empresarios que tomarán un curso de concientización para conocer e identificar las ventajas competitivas de introducir las herramientas de ecoeficiencia en sus procesos productivos.
Regístrate antes del 19 de diciembre y obtén una beca del 100% en la capacitación. Envía un correo con tu nombre, correo electrónico, universidad, carrera y semestre que estás cursando, junto con una carta de motivos del por qué te gustaría ser asesor en línea y qué aportarías a las MiPyMEs, al correo: monica.herros@itesm.mx mencionando “Asesor de MiPyMEs” en el asunto del correo.
El cupo es limitado por lo que te invitamos a enviar tu solicitud de inmediato.
El Proyecto de Competitividad para MiPyMEs del Instituto Global para la Sostenibilidad tiene como objetivo incrementar la competitividad de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en las cadenas de suministro a través de la ecoeficiencia. Para lograr este objetivo se desarrollará y pondrá en marcha un programa de asesoría para 3,000 empresas que son proveedoras de Walmart y de Femsa. Este programa tiene tres fases, la concientización, la capacitación y la asesoría. Los dos primeros componentes se desarrollarán en la modalidad de un curso en línea donde asesores como tú guiarán a las empresas para identificar las ventajas asociadas a la ecoeficiencia, comprender los conceptos asociados a esta herramienta y realizar las distintas actividades que permitan despertar una conciencia y utilizar las herramientas necesarias para detonar proyectos de eficiencia en el uso de energía, agua y gestión de residuos.
*Detalle Programa “Asesor MiPyMEs”
a. Capacitación en ecoeficiencia
· Inicio: miércoles 8 de enero
· Término: sábado 18 de enero
· Sesiones: presenciales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México
o Miércoles 8, jueves 9, viernes 10, sábado 11, viernes 17 y sábado 18 de enero de 9:00 a 13:00 hrs
· Temario:
o Situación actual del medio ambiente y su impacto en las MiPyMEs
o Ecoeficiencia, ecoinnovación y competitividad empresarial
o Herramientas de ecoeficiencia
o Uso de herramientas de ecoeficiencia
o Casos de éxito
o Asesoramiento a empresarios en línea
b. Desarrollo de asesoría para MiPyMEs
· En esta etapa, asesorarás en línea a un grupo de empresarios que estarán cursando el curso de concientización, que se impartirá de forma virtual, sobre la importancia que tiene el uso eficiente de recursos para aumentar su competitividad e incluso para su supervivencia
· Tendrás trato directo con empresarios que te plantearán casos reales y podrás también apoyarte de un grupo de expertos que te asesorarán durante tu tutoría
· La asesoría se hará a través de una plataforma de aula virtual especialmente diseñada para el curso de concientización. A través de la plataforma podrás: dar retroalimentación, resolver dudas y asesorar a los empresarios a través de mensajería interna, dar seguimiento en foros de discusión y chats, revisar actividades y conocer las necesidades de las empresas. Todo de manera flexible y desde cualquier lugar con acceso a internet.
Requisitos para pertenecer al programa:
§ Ser alumno de los últimos semestres o recién egresado de las carreras de: Ingeniería Industrial, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Eléctrica, Ingeniería en Desarrollo Sustentable o afines
§ Disponibilidad de tiempo para acudir a las sesiones presenciales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México (ver fechas de inicio, término y sesiones) y para contestar oportunamente las dudas de los empresarios
§ Alto compromiso y responsabilidad
§ Interés por aprender sobre temas de ecoeficiencia, uso eficiente de recursos y manejo de energía, agua y residuos (indispensable)
§ Interés por trabajar con MiPyMEs
§ Excelente redacción y ortografía (indispensable) y nivel avanzado de inglés (deseable)
§ Conocimiento básico y gusto en administración de cadenas de suministro (deseable)
§ Conocimiento básico en sostenibilidad (deseable)
§ Ser proactivo (indispensable)
§ Capacidad para solución de problemas
Si cumples con estos requisitos y te interesa ser parte de este innovador programa, ¡Aprovecha la beca del 100% e inscríbete antes del 19 de diciembre!
El Instituto Global para la Sostenibilidad, una iniciativa conjunta del Tecnológico de Monterrey y Arizona State University, te invita a participar en el Proyecto de competitividad para micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas como:
Asesor de MiPyMEs*
Para ser asesor, el IGS te bridará capacitación presencial en ecoeficiencia durante 6 sesiones de 4 horas cada una del 8 al 18 de enero.
Después de la capacitación, asesorarás a un grupo de empresarios que tomarán un curso de concientización para conocer e identificar las ventajas competitivas de introducir las herramientas de ecoeficiencia en sus procesos productivos.
Regístrate antes del 19 de diciembre y obtén una beca del 100% en la capacitación. Envía un correo con tu nombre, correo electrónico, universidad, carrera y semestre que estás cursando, junto con una carta de motivos del por qué te gustaría ser asesor en línea y qué aportarías a las MiPyMEs, al correo: monica.herros@itesm.mx mencionando “Asesor de MiPyMEs” en el asunto del correo.
El cupo es limitado por lo que te invitamos a enviar tu solicitud de inmediato.
El Proyecto de Competitividad para MiPyMEs del Instituto Global para la Sostenibilidad tiene como objetivo incrementar la competitividad de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en las cadenas de suministro a través de la ecoeficiencia. Para lograr este objetivo se desarrollará y pondrá en marcha un programa de asesoría para 3,000 empresas que son proveedoras de Walmart y de Femsa. Este programa tiene tres fases, la concientización, la capacitación y la asesoría. Los dos primeros componentes se desarrollarán en la modalidad de un curso en línea donde asesores como tú guiarán a las empresas para identificar las ventajas asociadas a la ecoeficiencia, comprender los conceptos asociados a esta herramienta y realizar las distintas actividades que permitan despertar una conciencia y utilizar las herramientas necesarias para detonar proyectos de eficiencia en el uso de energía, agua y gestión de residuos.
*Detalle Programa “Asesor MiPyMEs”
a. Capacitación en ecoeficiencia
· Inicio: miércoles 8 de enero
· Término: sábado 18 de enero
· Sesiones: presenciales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México
o Miércoles 8, jueves 9, viernes 10, sábado 11, viernes 17 y sábado 18 de enero de 9:00 a 13:00 hrs
· Temario:
o Situación actual del medio ambiente y su impacto en las MiPyMEs
o Ecoeficiencia, ecoinnovación y competitividad empresarial
o Herramientas de ecoeficiencia
o Uso de herramientas de ecoeficiencia
o Casos de éxito
o Asesoramiento a empresarios en línea
b. Desarrollo de asesoría para MiPyMEs
· En esta etapa, asesorarás en línea a un grupo de empresarios que estarán cursando el curso de concientización, que se impartirá de forma virtual, sobre la importancia que tiene el uso eficiente de recursos para aumentar su competitividad e incluso para su supervivencia
· Tendrás trato directo con empresarios que te plantearán casos reales y podrás también apoyarte de un grupo de expertos que te asesorarán durante tu tutoría
· La asesoría se hará a través de una plataforma de aula virtual especialmente diseñada para el curso de concientización. A través de la plataforma podrás: dar retroalimentación, resolver dudas y asesorar a los empresarios a través de mensajería interna, dar seguimiento en foros de discusión y chats, revisar actividades y conocer las necesidades de las empresas. Todo de manera flexible y desde cualquier lugar con acceso a internet.
Requisitos para pertenecer al programa:
§ Ser alumno de los últimos semestres o recién egresado de las carreras de: Ingeniería Industrial, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Eléctrica, Ingeniería en Desarrollo Sustentable o afines
§ Disponibilidad de tiempo para acudir a las sesiones presenciales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México (ver fechas de inicio, término y sesiones) y para contestar oportunamente las dudas de los empresarios
§ Alto compromiso y responsabilidad
§ Interés por aprender sobre temas de ecoeficiencia, uso eficiente de recursos y manejo de energía, agua y residuos (indispensable)
§ Interés por trabajar con MiPyMEs
§ Excelente redacción y ortografía (indispensable) y nivel avanzado de inglés (deseable)
§ Conocimiento básico y gusto en administración de cadenas de suministro (deseable)
§ Conocimiento básico en sostenibilidad (deseable)
§ Ser proactivo (indispensable)
§ Capacidad para solución de problemas
Si cumples con estos requisitos y te interesa ser parte de este innovador programa, ¡Aprovecha la beca del 100% e inscríbete antes del 19 de diciembre!
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: Transdisciplinary approaches and participatory action research to improve food security in Tanzania with a focus on gender and other socio-cultural factors.
Call for Applications, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: Transdisciplinary
approaches and participatory action research to improve food security in
Tanzania with a focus on gender and other socio-cultural factors.
Review of applications will begin December 15th, 2013. Open until filled.
Mas información.
Review of applications will begin December 15th, 2013. Open until filled.
Mas información.
Profesional con experiencia acreditada como ornitologo
Empresa de consultoría requiere ornitólogo con suma urgencia para adelantar los estudios de:
§ Elaboración del PMA y PDE del sistema de transporte APIAY-CHICHIMENE (Villavicencio y Acacias-Meta). Este proyecto hace parte de la primer orden de servicio que está adelantando Ecodes en consorcio con Gesam.
Especificaciones del perfil profesional
PERFIL: profesional con experiencia acreditada como ornitologo
AÑOS DE EXPERIENCIA: 6 años si cuenta con Especialización
7 años si sólo cuenta con Pregrado
Nota. La experiencia cuenta a partir de la tarjeta profesional
FECHA DE FINALIZACIÓN: 09 de marzo de 2013
TARIFA MENSUAL*: $ 6.133.000,oo más prestaciones de ley
*Corresponde a las tarifas aprobadas por Ecopetrol, para un contrato a término fijo.
**Perfiles según formato de Carrera Técnica y Administrativa
Documentos requeridos para la evaluación del profesional
§ Hoja de vida actualizada
§ Copia de tarjeta profesional (la fecha de expedición de la misma debe corresponder como mínimo al año 2006.
§ Soportes (académicos y laborales). La experiencia que se tiene en cuenta es a partir de la fecha de expedición de la tarjeta profesional.
Interesados mandar documentos a Sandra González, sandra.gonzalez@ecodesingenieria.com tel. 6434200
§ Elaboración del PMA y PDE del sistema de transporte APIAY-CHICHIMENE (Villavicencio y Acacias-Meta). Este proyecto hace parte de la primer orden de servicio que está adelantando Ecodes en consorcio con Gesam.
Especificaciones del perfil profesional
PERFIL: profesional con experiencia acreditada como ornitologo
AÑOS DE EXPERIENCIA: 6 años si cuenta con Especialización
7 años si sólo cuenta con Pregrado
Nota. La experiencia cuenta a partir de la tarjeta profesional
FECHA DE FINALIZACIÓN: 09 de marzo de 2013
TARIFA MENSUAL*: $ 6.133.000,oo más prestaciones de ley
*Corresponde a las tarifas aprobadas por Ecopetrol, para un contrato a término fijo.
**Perfiles según formato de Carrera Técnica y Administrativa
Documentos requeridos para la evaluación del profesional
§ Hoja de vida actualizada
§ Copia de tarjeta profesional (la fecha de expedición de la misma debe corresponder como mínimo al año 2006.
§ Soportes (académicos y laborales). La experiencia que se tiene en cuenta es a partir de la fecha de expedición de la tarjeta profesional.
Interesados mandar documentos a Sandra González, sandra.gonzalez@ecodesingenieria.com tel. 6434200
Student Program Leader, Patagonia
Round River Conservation Studies (RRCS) is seeking enthusiastic Student Program Leaders for our upcoming undergraduate conservation program in southern Chile.
RRCS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to developing conservation strategies to preserve and restore wild places through conservation science and environmental education.
RRCS offers field-based academic programs that are integrated directly into current conservation efforts with local communities. Programs are limited to small groups of students to provide a first-hand experience of the scientific, social and political aspects of community conservation. Positions involve living and working on-site at remote field locations for three months.
Round River program leaders/instructors are responsible for the following:
- Schedule and lead program activities
- Manage all logistics
- Safely supervise a group of 8-10 undergraduate students in the field
- Collaborate with local partners and senior RRCS staff to conduct research
- Teach conservation biology, biological field methods, natural history, restoration ecology and human ecology
- Facilitate group discussions
- Encourage students’ understanding of complex conservation issues in the context of the local region.
- Drive 4wd vehicles (manual transmission)
Student group size is usually 8 to 10 students (ranging in ages from 19-23). We will staff 2 to 3 program leaders/instructors.
This position can present unique learning experiences, as well as challenges. Because this is a live-in position, leaders must be available and approachable to students at all times, and there is little down time.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the student programs, successful applicants must have well-rounded experience in education, field research, and community conservation and/or outreach.
The following qualifications are required:
* MSc in a natural science or a related field, and at least 2 years of field experience
* Teaching experience at an undergraduate level
* Experience leading field-based student programs or volunteer research crews
* Demonstrated ability to design field research studies and/or community projects
* Current Wilderness First Responder and CPR certification
* Proficiency driving a 4wd drive vehicle with a manual transmission
* Prefer previous experience traveling or living in program location
* Spanish proficiency (fluency preferred)
* Ability to think on your feet, plan ahead, and problem solve in the field with limited resources and support from senior staff
* Great interpersonal skills, high-energy levels, and lots of patience
Salary/Benefits: US $2,500 per month, plus room/board, travel costs, and evacuation insurance.
Program dates:
January 17 – April 11, 2014 (plus approximately 2 weeks for pre-program preparations and a few days after the program for wrap-up)
Send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references in one PDF document to both:
Doug Milek, Director of Student Programs (dougmilek@roundriver.org)
Susie Dain-Owens, Associate Director of Student Programs (susie@roundriver.org)
RRCS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to developing conservation strategies to preserve and restore wild places through conservation science and environmental education.
RRCS offers field-based academic programs that are integrated directly into current conservation efforts with local communities. Programs are limited to small groups of students to provide a first-hand experience of the scientific, social and political aspects of community conservation. Positions involve living and working on-site at remote field locations for three months.
Round River program leaders/instructors are responsible for the following:
- Schedule and lead program activities
- Manage all logistics
- Safely supervise a group of 8-10 undergraduate students in the field
- Collaborate with local partners and senior RRCS staff to conduct research
- Teach conservation biology, biological field methods, natural history, restoration ecology and human ecology
- Facilitate group discussions
- Encourage students’ understanding of complex conservation issues in the context of the local region.
- Drive 4wd vehicles (manual transmission)
Student group size is usually 8 to 10 students (ranging in ages from 19-23). We will staff 2 to 3 program leaders/instructors.
This position can present unique learning experiences, as well as challenges. Because this is a live-in position, leaders must be available and approachable to students at all times, and there is little down time.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the student programs, successful applicants must have well-rounded experience in education, field research, and community conservation and/or outreach.
The following qualifications are required:
* MSc in a natural science or a related field, and at least 2 years of field experience
* Teaching experience at an undergraduate level
* Experience leading field-based student programs or volunteer research crews
* Demonstrated ability to design field research studies and/or community projects
* Current Wilderness First Responder and CPR certification
* Proficiency driving a 4wd drive vehicle with a manual transmission
* Prefer previous experience traveling or living in program location
* Spanish proficiency (fluency preferred)
* Ability to think on your feet, plan ahead, and problem solve in the field with limited resources and support from senior staff
* Great interpersonal skills, high-energy levels, and lots of patience
Salary/Benefits: US $2,500 per month, plus room/board, travel costs, and evacuation insurance.
Program dates:
January 17 – April 11, 2014 (plus approximately 2 weeks for pre-program preparations and a few days after the program for wrap-up)
Send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references in one PDF document to both:
Doug Milek, Director of Student Programs (dougmilek@roundriver.org)
Susie Dain-Owens, Associate Director of Student Programs (susie@roundriver.org)
The Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation
The Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, hosted
every year by the International Sea Turtle Society (ISTS), is a unique
event that draws participants from around the world, from across
disciplines and cultures to a common interest and objective: the
conservation of sea turtles and their environment. The Symposium
encourages discussion, debate, and the sharing of knowledge, research
techniques and lessons in conservation to address questions on the
biology and conservation of sea turtles and their habitats. The 34th
Annual Symposium will be held on 10-17 April 2014 in the City of New
Orleans, Louisiana, before the beginning of the hurricane season.
International Marine Conservation Congress
Join us at IMCC 3
14-19 August, 2014 • Glasgow, Scotland
To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science, and use it to
inform policy and management, and ultimately to catalyze change. The
Society for Conservation Biology's International Marine Conservation
Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students
to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science
and policy.Cooperación Bilateral Científica y Tecnológica Convocatoria 2013
Cooperación Bilateral Científica y Tecnológica Convocatoria 2013
Profesores Investigadores de Tiempo Completo
Tipo de actividad
Organismo financiador
Área del conocimiento
· Físico-matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
· Biología y Química
· Humanidades y Ciencias de la Conducta
· Ciencias Sociales y Economía
· Biotecnología y Ciencias Agropecuarias
· Ciencias de la Ingeniería
· Investigación Multidisciplinaria
Modalidades de Apoyo
· Estancias cortas de investigación
· Intercambio académico
· Encuentros académicos, seminarios y talleres
NOTA: Estas modalidades no aplican en todos los países, consultar la lista de países y organismos participantes:
1. America
2. Europa
3. Asia
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Para las modalidades: Proyectos de Investigación Conjunta e Intercambio Académico CONACYT cubrirá los siguientes rubros:
1. Gastos de traslado internacional al lugar de destino para investigadores mexicanos al extranjero
2. Gastos de alimentación, hospedaje y traslado interno, para investigadores extranjeros en México y/o para investigadores mexicanos en el extranjero
3. Gastos de organización para encuentros académicos, seminarios y talleres
La institución extranjera receptora junto con el organismo extranjero homólogo de CONACYT, cubrirán:
1. Gastos de traslado internacional de los investigadores extranjeros a México
2. Gastos de alimentación, hospedaje y traslado interno, para investigadores extranjeros en México y en algunos casos para investigadores mexicanos en el extranjero
Para la modalidad: Realización de Encuentros Académicos, Seminarios y Talleres
Se apoyarán exclusivamente las actividades que se organicen en el marco de los acuerdos de cooperación, y donde los organizadores y/o participantes extranjeros cuenten con el apoyo y financiamiento de las agencias extranjeras homólogas del CONACYT, que se citan en el listado de países y organismos extranjeros participantes
1. Cuando el evento sea en México se financiarán gastos para todos los participantes
2. Cuando el evento sea en el extranjero se financiarán gastos de traslado internacional para participantes mexicanos
NOTA: En todas las Modalidades de Apoyo, si se requieren recursos complementarios a los aportados por el CONACYT, estos estarán a cargo del responsable del proyecto o del Centro Universitario al que pertenece.
Requisitos y lineamientos
· En todos los casos, los participantes mexicanos en el extranjero y extranjeros en México deberán contar con un seguro médico de cobertura internacional, contratado en el país de origen con recursos propios
Es condición indispensable que, de manera simultánea, el investigador extranjero presente su propuesta al organismo homólogo de CONACYT en su país, atendiendo los lineamientos que cada organismo fije y de común acuerdo con su colega mexicano
Las solicitudes deberán presentarse de preferencia en español y podrán presentarse en inglés para colaboraciones con países de habla no hispana
Las propuestas que no sean presentadas en ambos países no serán tomadas en cuenta en el proceso de evaluación y selección correspondiente
Las propuestas que sean presentadas en una modalidad diferente a la que se especifiquen en cada país, no serán tomadas en cuenta en el proceso de evaluación correspondiente
No se aceptará más de una propuesta sometida por el mismo responsable técnico, al mismo programa de cooperación (país) o con la misma contraparte extranjera.
Un responsable técnico no podrá presentar propuestas con más de dos países diferentes
Los responsables técnicos de proyectos vigentes podrán colaborar en el grupo de trabajo de otros responsables en proyectos en el mismo país aprobado; sin embargo, deberán abstenerse de viajar en el proyecto en el que son co-participantes
No se aceptarán propuestas incompletas o presentadas extemporáneamente
Postulación de Proyectos
La postulación de proyectos para esta convocatoria se realiza de manera electrónica, comenzando en la siguiente dirección electrónica:
Para poder realizar la postulación, es importante consultar la guía para la captura de solicitudes (archivo adjunto)
Para consultas técnicas sobre el sistema de captura CONACYT pone a disposición de los usuarios el teléfono (55) 5322 7708
Profesores Investigadores de Tiempo Completo
Tipo de actividad
Organismo financiador
Área del conocimiento
· Físico-matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
· Biología y Química
· Humanidades y Ciencias de la Conducta
· Ciencias Sociales y Economía
· Biotecnología y Ciencias Agropecuarias
· Ciencias de la Ingeniería
· Investigación Multidisciplinaria
Modalidades de Apoyo
· Estancias cortas de investigación
· Intercambio académico
· Encuentros académicos, seminarios y talleres
NOTA: Estas modalidades no aplican en todos los países, consultar la lista de países y organismos participantes:
1. America
2. Europa
3. Asia
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
Para las modalidades: Proyectos de Investigación Conjunta e Intercambio Académico CONACYT cubrirá los siguientes rubros:
1. Gastos de traslado internacional al lugar de destino para investigadores mexicanos al extranjero
2. Gastos de alimentación, hospedaje y traslado interno, para investigadores extranjeros en México y/o para investigadores mexicanos en el extranjero
3. Gastos de organización para encuentros académicos, seminarios y talleres
La institución extranjera receptora junto con el organismo extranjero homólogo de CONACYT, cubrirán:
1. Gastos de traslado internacional de los investigadores extranjeros a México
2. Gastos de alimentación, hospedaje y traslado interno, para investigadores extranjeros en México y en algunos casos para investigadores mexicanos en el extranjero
Para la modalidad: Realización de Encuentros Académicos, Seminarios y Talleres
Se apoyarán exclusivamente las actividades que se organicen en el marco de los acuerdos de cooperación, y donde los organizadores y/o participantes extranjeros cuenten con el apoyo y financiamiento de las agencias extranjeras homólogas del CONACYT, que se citan en el listado de países y organismos extranjeros participantes
1. Cuando el evento sea en México se financiarán gastos para todos los participantes
2. Cuando el evento sea en el extranjero se financiarán gastos de traslado internacional para participantes mexicanos
NOTA: En todas las Modalidades de Apoyo, si se requieren recursos complementarios a los aportados por el CONACYT, estos estarán a cargo del responsable del proyecto o del Centro Universitario al que pertenece.
Requisitos y lineamientos
· En todos los casos, los participantes mexicanos en el extranjero y extranjeros en México deberán contar con un seguro médico de cobertura internacional, contratado en el país de origen con recursos propios
Es condición indispensable que, de manera simultánea, el investigador extranjero presente su propuesta al organismo homólogo de CONACYT en su país, atendiendo los lineamientos que cada organismo fije y de común acuerdo con su colega mexicano
Las solicitudes deberán presentarse de preferencia en español y podrán presentarse en inglés para colaboraciones con países de habla no hispana
Las propuestas que no sean presentadas en ambos países no serán tomadas en cuenta en el proceso de evaluación y selección correspondiente
Las propuestas que sean presentadas en una modalidad diferente a la que se especifiquen en cada país, no serán tomadas en cuenta en el proceso de evaluación correspondiente
No se aceptará más de una propuesta sometida por el mismo responsable técnico, al mismo programa de cooperación (país) o con la misma contraparte extranjera.
Un responsable técnico no podrá presentar propuestas con más de dos países diferentes
Los responsables técnicos de proyectos vigentes podrán colaborar en el grupo de trabajo de otros responsables en proyectos en el mismo país aprobado; sin embargo, deberán abstenerse de viajar en el proyecto en el que son co-participantes
No se aceptarán propuestas incompletas o presentadas extemporáneamente
Postulación de Proyectos
La postulación de proyectos para esta convocatoria se realiza de manera electrónica, comenzando en la siguiente dirección electrónica:
Para poder realizar la postulación, es importante consultar la guía para la captura de solicitudes (archivo adjunto)
Para consultas técnicas sobre el sistema de captura CONACYT pone a disposición de los usuarios el teléfono (55) 5322 7708
Voluntarios para participar en proyecto de investigación sobre monos aulladores
Voluntarios para participar en proyecto de investigación sobre monos aulladores (Alouatta palliata) en el estado de Veracruz, México, a cargo del Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana (UV). Periodo Mínimo de estadía 2 meses. Duración de la convocatoria: enero a diciembre de 2014. Para más información contactarse con Pedro Américo D. Dias
Beca Fulbright-García Robles para Estudios de Posgrado en los Estados Unidos de América
Beca Fulbright-García Robles para Estudios de Posgrado en los Estados Unidos de América
Estados Unidos
Egresados mexicanos
No son elegibles:
· Aquellas personas con residencia o nacionalidad estadounidense
· Quienes hayan sido becarios Fulbringht-Garcia Robles de maestría o doctorado
· Quienes estén viviendo, trabajando o estudiando en Estados Unidos durante el período que comprende desde la presentación de la solicitud hasta el inicio de cursos
· Quienes deseen apoyo complementario para continuar con estudios ya iniciados en Estados Unidos
· Quienes hayan residido en Estados Unidos por más de un año, en los cinco años previos al cierre de la convocatoria
· Quienes hayan estudiado la licenciatura - o Maestría - en los EUA.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios de maestría o doctorado
Organismo financiador
Comisión México-Estados Unidos para el Intercambio Educativo y Cultural (COMEXUS).
Área del conocimiento
Abierta para todas las áreas de estudio excepto: Medicina, Odontología y Veterinaria.
Se dará prioridad a :
· Ingeniería Aeroespacial
· Medio Ambiente
· Sistema Judicial Acusatorio
· Salud Pública
Duración del programa
9 meses, renovable hasta por un año académico en caso de maestrías y hasta dos años académicos en el caso de doctorado
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Beca anual (9 meses) por $25,000 dólares, renovable hasta por un año académico en caso de maestrías y hasta dos años académicos en el caso de doctorado. Los becarios firmarán un compromiso para informar a la Comisión de cualquier otro apoyo complementario que obtengan. En aquellos casos en los que la Beca Fulbright-García Robles sumada con los apoyos complementarios rebasen los costos de colegiatura y manutención, el apoyo otorgado por la Comisión se reducirá proporcionalmente.
· Colocación en universidades estadounidenses: La Comisión en coordinación con nuestras agencias socias realizará el proceso de colocación del becario. Con esto ofrecemos al becario la posibilidad de obtener una exención total o parcial de la colegiatura.
· Seguro médico Fulbright por $100,000 USD para el becario.
· Apoyo en la tramitación de las visas para el becario y sus dependientes. Por favor revise la información acerca de este tipo de visa en el siguiente link: www.comexus.org.mx/Requisitos/VISA.htm
.Requisitos mínimos
· Tener nacionalidad mexicana
· No haber sido becario Fulbright-García Robles
· Tener un promedio general mínimo de 80 en el último grado obtenido
· Obtener un mínimo de 55 puntos en la escala de COMEXUS: www.comexus.org.mx/Mexicanos/Estudiantes.htm
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
28 de febrero de 2014
viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013
MS Graduate Assistantship – Black Bear Rehabilitation & Release
Location: Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, Logan, UT
Position Description: The successful applicant will conduct a research project on the fate of rehabilitated and released black bears. The project is funded by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and USDA-WS-National Wildlife Research Center. The student will be responsible for accessing state records on previously rehabilitated bears, assisting with the care and rehabilitation of orphaned bear cubs that may come in to the center during the study, and monitoring bears post-release.
Qualifications: The successful applicant must be highly motivated, have an B.S. degree in wildlife, ecology, biology, zoology, or a related field, and meet the requirements of the graduate school for admission to Utah State University. Special consideration will be given to applicants with previous experience working with captive carnivores, quantitative skills, and relevant field experience. Strong interpersonal skills are required.
Salary: Approximately $17,000/yr plus health insurance.
Start Date: January 2014
Contact Information:
Persons interested in this M.S. position can request additional information or submit a cover letter, resume, GRE scores (unofficial), and contact information for 3 references to:
Julie Young, Ph.D.
Department of Wildland Resources,
Utah State University – BNR 163
Logan, UT 84322-5295
Email: julie.young@usu . edu
Position Description: The successful applicant will conduct a research project on the fate of rehabilitated and released black bears. The project is funded by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and USDA-WS-National Wildlife Research Center. The student will be responsible for accessing state records on previously rehabilitated bears, assisting with the care and rehabilitation of orphaned bear cubs that may come in to the center during the study, and monitoring bears post-release.
Qualifications: The successful applicant must be highly motivated, have an B.S. degree in wildlife, ecology, biology, zoology, or a related field, and meet the requirements of the graduate school for admission to Utah State University. Special consideration will be given to applicants with previous experience working with captive carnivores, quantitative skills, and relevant field experience. Strong interpersonal skills are required.
Salary: Approximately $17,000/yr plus health insurance.
Start Date: January 2014
Contact Information:
Persons interested in this M.S. position can request additional information or submit a cover letter, resume, GRE scores (unofficial), and contact information for 3 references to:
Julie Young, Ph.D.
Department of Wildland Resources,
Utah State University – BNR 163
Logan, UT 84322-5295
Email: julie.young@usu . edu
El CINAM está buscando a profesionistas comprometidos para colaborar en diversos proyectos: “Programa de Certificación de Edificaciones Sustentables”, “Planeación de reuniones, talleres y eventos para el diseño de Programas Ambientales”, entre otros. Para mayor información con Talía Pérez
Seeking Post-doctoral Research Fellow - Visualization for Marine Conservation and Planning- Israel
There is an opening for a well-qualified and highly motivated postdoctoral research associate to work under the direction of Dr. Michelle Portman, Assistance Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa Israel. The fellow will be responsible for advancing a research program on the above mentioned topic.
The Postdoctoral Fellow will be expected to devote full-time to research. Applicants should be doctoral degree holders having undertaken original research that has contributed to a body of knowledge related to this call. The following fields are appropriate: environmental communications; marine ecology; museum/aquarium science; landscape architecture, visual arts, marine conservation policy or planning, GIS, geo-informatics. A competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered.
The position includes working with the Technion’s new Visualization Lab, located within the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, using augmented reality and virtual reality techniques. The lab includes a 3D and interactive digital imaging platform that can provide sensorial and affective experiences for creating narratives around marine conservation issues (e.g., large-scale climate change effects to the marine and coastal environment, marine protected areas and marine ecosystem service assessment).
Interested candidates should send a CV, cover letter, a letter of recommendation and a writing sample (all in English) to Dr. Michelle Portman (michellep@cc.technion.ac.il) by December 15, 2013 or until the position is filled. All work will be conducted in English and proficiency in writing and reading English is required.
Contact Information:
Michelle Portman PhD
Assistant Professor
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
The Postdoctoral Fellow will be expected to devote full-time to research. Applicants should be doctoral degree holders having undertaken original research that has contributed to a body of knowledge related to this call. The following fields are appropriate: environmental communications; marine ecology; museum/aquarium science; landscape architecture, visual arts, marine conservation policy or planning, GIS, geo-informatics. A competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered.
The position includes working with the Technion’s new Visualization Lab, located within the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, using augmented reality and virtual reality techniques. The lab includes a 3D and interactive digital imaging platform that can provide sensorial and affective experiences for creating narratives around marine conservation issues (e.g., large-scale climate change effects to the marine and coastal environment, marine protected areas and marine ecosystem service assessment).
Interested candidates should send a CV, cover letter, a letter of recommendation and a writing sample (all in English) to Dr. Michelle Portman (michellep@cc.technion.ac.il) by December 15, 2013 or until the position is filled. All work will be conducted in English and proficiency in writing and reading English is required.
Contact Information:
Michelle Portman PhD
Assistant Professor
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Maestría en Ciencias y Gestión del Medio Ambiente - Estados Unidos
El Programa de Becas en Pesquerías para América Latina (LAFF) ofrece financiamiento completo para Maestría en Ciencias y Gestión del Medio Ambiente (2 años) en la Bren School de la Univ. de California (Santa Bárbara, CA, EEUU). Los candidatos deben seguir el programa de MESM especializándose en Gestión de Recursos Marinos Costeros comprometiéndose a su vez a seguir una carrera relacionada con este ámbito en América Latina. Requisitos: rendir exámenes GRE y TOEFL antes de Diciembre 2013, completar y presentar formularios obligatorios antes del 3 de Enero 2014. Más información.
Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad de los Lagos
Doctorado en Ciencias, mención
Conservación y Manejo de Recursos Naturales, Escuela de Postgrado de la
Universidad de los Lagos. Se encuentra abierta la convocatoria para
admisión y becas para el 2014. Cierre del primer llamado 15 Diciembre. Más información y contacto.
AmeriCorps Position: Solar Heat Outreach Corpsmember
AmeriCorps Position: Solar Heat Outreach Corpsmember
Term of Service: January 16th – December 12th, 2014
Schedule: Full time term of service
Location: Pine River, MN
Stipend: $1,565 monthly
OVERVIEW: Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa provides hands-on environmental stewardship and service-learning opportunities to youth and young adults while accomplishing priority natural resource and energy conservation, natural resource management, and emergency response work.
The Solar Heat Outreach Corpsmember is an AmeriCorps member position stationed at the Rural Renewable Energy Alliance headquarters in Pine River, Minnesota. RREAL delivers solar air heat to low-income families on energy assistance (LIHEAP) as a lasting solution to end poverty. Solar Assistance fosters ecological health, social equity and self-reliance while providing families with decades of renewable, domestic energy.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The Solar Heat Corpsmember will assist RREAL in carrying out its Solar Assistance program; perform Solar Air Heat system installations; facilitate Conservation Corps crew trainings; conduct community outreach and conduct general project management tasks. This position will have varied responsibilities and substantial authority to act independently, while assisting RREAL program coordinators, who will provide direct guidance and training as needed. The person in this position will have the opportunity to utilize their existing skills and to develop a variety of new skills that will increase future employability in the green jobs sector.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: 4-year college degree with relevant coursework and/or equivalent professional experience in related fiel; Strong organizational skills; Comfortable making first contact outreach to potential partnering organizations; Positive attitude and interest in service and community work; Ability to work well with minimal supervision; Valid driver’s license and safe driving record; Experience with Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint); AmeriCorps eligibility.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: 4-year college degree in a related field; Experience with hand and power tools, basic carpentry, and mechanical skills; Experience/knowledge of renewable energy practices; Experience with customer service; Previous Conservation Corps experience. Training will be provided in these areas as needed.
BENEFITS: AmeriCorps stipend of $1,565 per month, 5 days paid time off, training opportunities, health insurance, student loan forbearance during the service term, and a post-service AmeriCorps Education Award for $5,550 that may be used for college expenses or to repay qualified student loans.
TO APPLY: Application deadline: December 1, 2013.
Apply here
Term of Service: January 16th – December 12th, 2014
Schedule: Full time term of service
Location: Pine River, MN
Stipend: $1,565 monthly
OVERVIEW: Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa provides hands-on environmental stewardship and service-learning opportunities to youth and young adults while accomplishing priority natural resource and energy conservation, natural resource management, and emergency response work.
The Solar Heat Outreach Corpsmember is an AmeriCorps member position stationed at the Rural Renewable Energy Alliance headquarters in Pine River, Minnesota. RREAL delivers solar air heat to low-income families on energy assistance (LIHEAP) as a lasting solution to end poverty. Solar Assistance fosters ecological health, social equity and self-reliance while providing families with decades of renewable, domestic energy.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The Solar Heat Corpsmember will assist RREAL in carrying out its Solar Assistance program; perform Solar Air Heat system installations; facilitate Conservation Corps crew trainings; conduct community outreach and conduct general project management tasks. This position will have varied responsibilities and substantial authority to act independently, while assisting RREAL program coordinators, who will provide direct guidance and training as needed. The person in this position will have the opportunity to utilize their existing skills and to develop a variety of new skills that will increase future employability in the green jobs sector.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: 4-year college degree with relevant coursework and/or equivalent professional experience in related fiel; Strong organizational skills; Comfortable making first contact outreach to potential partnering organizations; Positive attitude and interest in service and community work; Ability to work well with minimal supervision; Valid driver’s license and safe driving record; Experience with Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint); AmeriCorps eligibility.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: 4-year college degree in a related field; Experience with hand and power tools, basic carpentry, and mechanical skills; Experience/knowledge of renewable energy practices; Experience with customer service; Previous Conservation Corps experience. Training will be provided in these areas as needed.
BENEFITS: AmeriCorps stipend of $1,565 per month, 5 days paid time off, training opportunities, health insurance, student loan forbearance during the service term, and a post-service AmeriCorps Education Award for $5,550 that may be used for college expenses or to repay qualified student loans.
TO APPLY: Application deadline: December 1, 2013.
Apply here
PROFEPA solicita Biólogo para ocupar una plaza. Para mayor información
con Lic. Luis Eduardo Gómez al tel. 54496300 ext.16330 de parte del Lic.
Salvador Muñuzuri.
Oportunidad para Environmental Fellows Program en la Universidad de Harvard
Oportunidad para Environmental Fellows Program en la Universidad de Harvard (2 años).
Exclusivo para doctorandos recibidos entre mayo 2010 y agosto 2014.
La beca proveerá al estudiante un estipendio y seguro de salud, entre otros.
Las aplicaciones se recibirán hasta el 15 de enero de 2014.
Más información acerca de los requerimientos y para completar la aplicación on-line.
Exclusivo para doctorandos recibidos entre mayo 2010 y agosto 2014.
La beca proveerá al estudiante un estipendio y seguro de salud, entre otros.
Las aplicaciones se recibirán hasta el 15 de enero de 2014.
Más información acerca de los requerimientos y para completar la aplicación on-line.
MS and PhD Graduate assistantships in Ecology
The SDSU Ecology program has a long tradition of research excellence, offers competitive student support and has a track record of exceptional post-graduate placement. SDSU Ecology program centers around four areas of research excellence: coastal and marine ecology, conservation ecology, ecosystems and climate change, and behavioral ecology.
SDSU faculty and students employ a wide range of innovative approaches to these research areas including metagenomics and genetics, advanced remote sensing technology, complex systems analyses, and robotics.
The San Diego Bioregion and surrounding areas serves as a rich backdrop for students interested in studying land:sea and urban:wildlife interfaces, transborder ecological dynamics, biodiverse terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and coupled human and natural systems.
Many SDSU students also conduct research internationally.
Students in the SDSU graduate programs are eligible for support stipends, internal research funds and other CSU fellowships. Deadlines for application are Dec 15th (PhD) and Feb 1st (MS). Go to http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/ecology for more information.
Puebla: Mitigación de cambio climático.
Se solicita Biólogo o egresado en la Ciudad de Puebla, que apoye en proyecto sobre acciones de mitigación de cambio climático, por dos meses. Para mayor información con Angélica Ruiz.
Ayudante de Cátedra para Integrative Evolutionary Genetics en el Institute of Arctic Biology
Posición como Ayudante de Cátedra para Integrative Evolutionary Genetics en el Institute of Arctic Biology y el Department of Biology and Wildlife en la University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas o área similar, experiencia postdoctoral y enseñanza.
Se prefieren aspirantes con habilidad para supervisar estudiantes de grado y colaborar con miembros de la facultad.
Aquellos aspirantes llevando adelante investigación novedosa en evolución integrando genotipo y fenotipo, son especialmente alentados a presentarse.
Las áreas de investigación de mayor interés son aquellas en adaptación y selección natural en ambientes septentrionales y extremos, genética evolutiva del desarrollo, genómica y bioinformática, así como la aplicación de secuenciadores de última generación para investigar en estas áreas.
Entre las responsabilidades: consejero de estudiantes de maestría y doctorado, 2 semestres de enseñanza en cursos en evolución ó genética para graduados o estudiantes de grado.
Más información sobre las estaciones biológicas, centros de investigación y facilidades de laboratorio disponibles.
Las inscripciones deben ser completadas en línea y deben incluir CV con un apartado para investigación y enseñanza, y cuatro cartas de recomendación. El llamado se encuentra abierto hasta que el cargo sea cubierto. Para consultas contactar a Dr. Kevin Winker.
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas o área similar, experiencia postdoctoral y enseñanza.
Se prefieren aspirantes con habilidad para supervisar estudiantes de grado y colaborar con miembros de la facultad.
Aquellos aspirantes llevando adelante investigación novedosa en evolución integrando genotipo y fenotipo, son especialmente alentados a presentarse.
Las áreas de investigación de mayor interés son aquellas en adaptación y selección natural en ambientes septentrionales y extremos, genética evolutiva del desarrollo, genómica y bioinformática, así como la aplicación de secuenciadores de última generación para investigar en estas áreas.
Entre las responsabilidades: consejero de estudiantes de maestría y doctorado, 2 semestres de enseñanza en cursos en evolución ó genética para graduados o estudiantes de grado.
Más información sobre las estaciones biológicas, centros de investigación y facilidades de laboratorio disponibles.
Las inscripciones deben ser completadas en línea y deben incluir CV con un apartado para investigación y enseñanza, y cuatro cartas de recomendación. El llamado se encuentra abierto hasta que el cargo sea cubierto. Para consultas contactar a Dr. Kevin Winker.
NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship
The NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship program matches highly qualified, recently graduated master’s, professional, and doctoral degree students with state coastal zone management programs. The recipients work on coastal resource management issues such as climate change, coastal hazards or land use planning for two years. Fellowship projects and host offices change each year. In 2014, fellows will be placed in Delaware, California, Washington, Maryland, Massachusetts or the Mariana Islands.
Contact Information:
Apply by January 24, 2014 at 5 p.m. Submit applications via the online form (available December 2013). Unofficial copies of transcripts are accepted.
Visit the Michigan Sea Grant or NOAA Coastal Services Center websites for more details.
Ali Stevens
Research Assistant and Fellowship Contact
Michigan Sea Grant
(734) 764-0274
Contact Information:
Apply by January 24, 2014 at 5 p.m. Submit applications via the online form (available December 2013). Unofficial copies of transcripts are accepted.
Visit the Michigan Sea Grant or NOAA Coastal Services Center websites for more details.
Ali Stevens
Research Assistant and Fellowship Contact
Michigan Sea Grant
(734) 764-0274
Tesistas Instituto de Ecología
El Instituto de Ecología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México solicita pasantes de licenciatura de Biología, Geografía, Ciencias Atmosféricas o ciencias afines, con promedio mínimo de 8 para el desarrollo de tesis o para cumplir el requisito para la titulación. Para mayor información con Víctor Barradas.
PhD Assistantship or Post-doc: Movement Ecology of Giant Galapagos Tortoises
The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry is seeking a motivated PhD student or post-doctoral scholar to join a team of ecologists tracking with state-of-the-art GPS tags large numbers of adult Galapagos giant tortoises from four different species on three islands. Primary research questions relate to the environmental and ecological drivers of migration, the life history and physiological traits that determine when, where, how and why an individual will migrate, whether migration confers health and reproductive benefits over sedentarism, and how migration can best be sustained in the face of environmental change.
This is an ideal project for an individual who can combine excellent quantitative and field skills with an interest in working at the interface of movement modeling, remote sensing, landscape ecology, and tropical conservation biology. The following will be required:
- statistical and simulation modeling of animal movement
- spatial analysis and remote sensing
- fieldwork under physically challenging conditions
- translating science into conservation
The project is based at the SUNY-ESF in Syracuse, New York. Project leaders are Stephen Blake, James Gibbs, Sharon Deem, Jacqui Frair, and Charles Yackulic. Support is through a grant from the National Science Foundation. Project is in collaboration with the Galapagos National Park and Charles Darwin Foundation. The doctoral student would matriculate through and the post-doc would be appointed within the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology at SUNY when not conducting fieldwork in the Galapagos Islands.
http://www.esf.edu and http://www.gianttortoise.org/
To apply, please email as a single pdf document: (1) a statement of interest, qualifications, and start date availability, (2) a CV, and (3) contact information for three references to James P. Gibbs (jpgibbs@esf.edu). The position is open until filled, with potential start dates of Jan 10, May 15, or Aug 15 2014 (dependent on applicant(s) chosen).
• M.S. degree for PhD position or PhD degree for post-doc position
• Animal ecology background
• Strong quantitative skills and statistical experience
• Proficiency in GIS
• Extended field experience under remote conditions
• Ability to interact effectively with conservation organizations
• Spanish ability and international experience (preferable)
PhD: $20,000-$25,000/year plus tuition and benefits (three years) or Post-doc: approx. $45,000/year plus benefits (two years)
Start Date
Jan 1, May 15 or Aug 15 2014
Last Date to Apply
Dec 15 2013
Contact Information:
Contact Person
James Gibbs
jpgibbs@esf . edu
This is an ideal project for an individual who can combine excellent quantitative and field skills with an interest in working at the interface of movement modeling, remote sensing, landscape ecology, and tropical conservation biology. The following will be required:
- statistical and simulation modeling of animal movement
- spatial analysis and remote sensing
- fieldwork under physically challenging conditions
- translating science into conservation
The project is based at the SUNY-ESF in Syracuse, New York. Project leaders are Stephen Blake, James Gibbs, Sharon Deem, Jacqui Frair, and Charles Yackulic. Support is through a grant from the National Science Foundation. Project is in collaboration with the Galapagos National Park and Charles Darwin Foundation. The doctoral student would matriculate through and the post-doc would be appointed within the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology at SUNY when not conducting fieldwork in the Galapagos Islands.
http://www.esf.edu and http://www.gianttortoise.org/
To apply, please email as a single pdf document: (1) a statement of interest, qualifications, and start date availability, (2) a CV, and (3) contact information for three references to James P. Gibbs (jpgibbs@esf.edu). The position is open until filled, with potential start dates of Jan 10, May 15, or Aug 15 2014 (dependent on applicant(s) chosen).
• M.S. degree for PhD position or PhD degree for post-doc position
• Animal ecology background
• Strong quantitative skills and statistical experience
• Proficiency in GIS
• Extended field experience under remote conditions
• Ability to interact effectively with conservation organizations
• Spanish ability and international experience (preferable)
PhD: $20,000-$25,000/year plus tuition and benefits (three years) or Post-doc: approx. $45,000/year plus benefits (two years)
Start Date
Jan 1, May 15 or Aug 15 2014
Last Date to Apply
Dec 15 2013
Contact Information:
Contact Person
James Gibbs
jpgibbs@esf . edu
Marine Stewardship Council anuncia su programa de becas de otoño 2013.
Los estudiantes universitarios y de postgrado de todo el mundo están invitados a enviar su candidatura antes del 11 de noviembre de 2013 para estudiar y viajar (6.000 euros). El programa de becas de investigación tiene como objetivo apoyar la transformación de los mercados de productos del mar a nivel internacional y promocionar prácticas pesqueras sostenibles, a través del apoyo a la investigación de los problemas y soluciones necesarias para lograr las mejores prácticas en la gestión de pesquerías y la integridad de la cadena de custodia de los productos del mar. Los proyectos deberán tener como objetivo el estudio de algún aspecto de la mejora del medio ambiente, del desempeño o de las mejores prácticas en la gestión de pesquerías, o el manejo de la cadena de suministro de productos del mar. Más información o contactarse con David Stone.
Tesis Centro Interamericano de Recursos del Agua
El Centro Interamericano de Recursos del Agua, solicita alumno para realizar tesis, requisitos: promedio mínimo de 8, últimos semestres de la licenciatura y que sea de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM). Comunicarse con Andrea Contreras, correo dreancon_1952@hotmail . com.
2 graduate assistantships available for 2014
We are seeking highly motivated graduate students (Master’s or Ph.D.) who have an interest in conducting publishable research on aspects of mammalian sociality (e.g., mating patterns, space use) and phylogeography. Students working in our labs conduct fieldwork, genetic analyses and collaborate with colleagues interested in genetics, neuroendocrine mechanisms and systematics. Specifically, we are looking to recruit at least one student who is able to begin collecting data for their graduate degree early in Summer 2014 as part of a NIH funded study examining variation in male prairie vole sociosexual behavior. This study will involve extensive small mammal mark-recapture live trapping and radio telemetry. Previous field experience is preferred for this study. We are also interested in finding a student interested in using molecular markers to examine questions regarding the phylogeography of prairie voles. Previous laboratory experience for this project is preferred. Miami University has a large group of faculty with interests in animal behavior, evolution and ecology. You can find more information about our graduate program at our web site at http://zoology.muohio.edu/zoo/graduate/. Graduate students are funded through teaching assistantships or research assistantships but we expect students to learn to write and submit grants, as this is an important skill for your future. Interested students please contact Dr. Nancy Solomon at Miami University (solomong@miamioh.edu) or Dr. Brian Keane (keane@miamioh.edu).
El Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA) es una organización civil fundada en 1993, apartidista que promueve el derecho a un ambiente sano y la protección ambiental, cuyo trabajo —sumado al de muchos otros actores— contribuye a la aplicación efectiva de la legislación, la mejora de las políticas públicas, el fortalecimiento de la legalidad y el estado de derecho. Todo esto con el propósito de lograr mejores condiciones de bienestar social en armonía con la naturaleza.
La Dirección de Desarrollo Institucional estará enfocada en las diferentes actividades que se requiera para el análisis, planeación, ejecución, control y evaluación de la procuración de fondos; desarrollo institucional, incluyendo comunicación y relaciones públicas; asuntos con donantes, membresías y demás actividades necesarias para fomentar y apoyar la misión de la organización, con base en las políticas y procedimientos establecidos por la misma Oficina de Desarrollo a fin de garantizar la operación en tiempo y forma.
Funciones y responsabilidades principales:
Mantener registros actualizados (donantes, donantes potenciales, patronato, voluntarios, membresías etc.)
Mantener registros de donativos claros y transparentes.
Coordinar actividades y eventos de la organización.
Atención y seguimiento a donantes, donantes potenciales y posibles donantes.
Apoyo en la ejecución de las diversas estrategias de procuración de fondos (campaña anual, campaña de capital, donativos mayores, campañas en redes sociales, eventos, peticiones por tarjetas de crédito, peticiones electrónicas, convenios de colaboración etc.)
Elaboración de Boletín trimestral para informar a los donantes.
Apoyo en el área de comunicación y difusión.
Licenciatura en área afín.
Experiencia profesional de mínimo 5 años en la materia.
Visión estratégica integral para el análisis, investigación y evaluación de proyectos.
Facilidad de palabra y amplio vocabulario.
Disponibilidad de horario para asistir a eventos incluso nocturnos.
Trabajo bajo presión.
Capacidad para atender diversos asuntos simultáneamente.
Trabajo y coordinación en equipo.
Capacidad de síntesis.
Capacidad de construcción de diálogo y buen manejo de relaciones públicas.
Proactividad y creatividad.
Experiencia en manejo de grupos
Hábilidad para hablar en público.
Buena comunicación ascendente y descendiente.
Habilidades de negociación.
Capacidad para la toma de decisiones.
Capacidad para abrir espacios para el CEMDA.
Excelente redacción y ortografía.
Dominio del idioma inglés, escrito y hablado.
Conocimientos generales de computación.
Objetivo personal afín al CEMDA.
Deseos de seguir aprendiendo.
Especificaciones del puesto:
Todo candidato interesado deberá presentar una solicitud que incluya los siguientes documentos:
Currículum Vitae
Nombre, teléfono y/o correo electrónico de tres referencias laborales.
Ensayo de una cuartilla, tipografía Arial número 11 a espacio sencillo, explicando aspectos relevantes de su vida profesional que indiquen que es la persona adecuada para esta posición.
Nombre de la Convocatoria para la cual está aplicando
Las solicitudes serán aceptadas a partir de la publicación de la presente convocatoria y hasta el día viernes 29 de noviembre del 2013 y deberán ser enviadas por correo electrónico con atención a:
Laura Morales / Directora Administrativa / lmorales@cemda.org.mx
Re: Vacante Director de DI
Disposiciones Generales:
Los candidatos pre-seleccionados serán invitados a participar en una entrevista en las oficinas del CEMDA. El CEMDA comunicará a los candidatos, cuando menos con dos días hábiles de anticipación, vía telefónica o correo electrónico, la fecha, el lugar y la hora de la entrevista.
Supervisor de Seguridad e Higiene en Construcción
Prodemex, solicita “Supervisor de Seguridad e Higiene en Construcción”,
Requisitos: Ingeniero Industrial, Ambiental o Seguridad Industrial,
experiencia de 5 años. Para mayor información
Becas para cursos de capacitación y programas de maestría en Flandes, Bélgica
Becas para cursos de capacitación y programas de maestría en Flandes, Bélgica
Estudios de maestría y cursos de capacitación
Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad, University Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS), the Belgian Development Cooperation
Maestrías: uno o dos años
Cursos de capacitación: de uno a cuatro meses
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Apoyo mensual para manutención
· Hospedaje
· Gastos derivados del viaje (a manera de reembolso: legalización de documentos, transporte hacia el aeropuerto, transporte aéreo)
· Monto para material didáctico
· Monto para gastos de instalación
· Seguro médico
· Boleto de avión de regreso
· Costo de la Matrícula
· Suplemento para la esposa e hijos del candidato
Para mayor información, revisar la guía sobre la beca VLIR-UOS 2013
Programas participantes
International Master Programmes 2014-2015
Master of Science in Development Evaluation and Management
Master of Science in Globalisation and Development
Master of Science in Governance and Development
Master of Science in Human Settlements
International Master Programmes 2014-2016
Master of Science in Aquaculture
Master of Science in Biology - Specialisation Human Ecology
Master of Science in Statistics - Specialisation Biostatistics
Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation
Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Oceans & Lakes)
Master of Science in Molecular Biology (IPMB)
Master of Science in Nematology
Master of Science in Nutrition and Rural Development
Master of Science in Physical Land Resources
Master of Science in Food Technology
Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering
International Training Programmes 2014
· Lib@Web : Management of Electronic Information and Digital Libraries
· AudioVisual Learning Materials - Management, Production and Activities (AVLM)
· Human Rights for Development ('HR4DEV')
· Road safety in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Challenges and Strategies for Improvement
· Technology for Integrated Water Management
· Dairy Nutrition
· International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis
Documentación requerida
· Ser residente y nacional de algunos de los países participantes (México lo es).
· No tener más de 40 años para postular a un programa de maestría, o tener menos de 45 años* para los cursos de capacitación. (* al 1 de enero 2014)
· No estar inscrito en algún programa de maestría de alguna universidad de la región flamenca en Bélgica (con beca o sin beca)
· Para el caso de los cursos de capacitación, se requiere que el candidato tenga perspectivas de integración o reinserción laboral donde el conocimiento y las habilidades adquiridas sean de inmediata aplicación. La experiencia profesional y perspectivas de empleo no son un requisito para el programa de maestría, sin embargo, sí pueden representar una ventaja competitiva para la selección, dependiendo del programa.
· Para los cursos de capacitación y las maestrías El candidato no debe haber recibido una beca de master financiado por el gobierno belga antes del 1 de enero de 2014. Sólo se puede postular para una beca VLIR-USO al año.
· El candidato será admitido para un programa de becas de formación, si nunca ha recibido una beca VLIR-UOS antes.
Para preguntas generales: ellen.vanhimbergen@vliruos.be
VLIR-UOS office:
Bolwerksquare 1a, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
info@vliruos.be, Tel. +32 2 289 05 50
VLIR-UOS, Postbus 103 Elsene Naamsepoort, 1050 Elsene, Belgium
Estudios de maestría y cursos de capacitación
Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad, University Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS), the Belgian Development Cooperation
Maestrías: uno o dos años
Cursos de capacitación: de uno a cuatro meses
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Apoyo mensual para manutención
· Hospedaje
· Gastos derivados del viaje (a manera de reembolso: legalización de documentos, transporte hacia el aeropuerto, transporte aéreo)
· Monto para material didáctico
· Monto para gastos de instalación
· Seguro médico
· Boleto de avión de regreso
· Costo de la Matrícula
· Suplemento para la esposa e hijos del candidato
Para mayor información, revisar la guía sobre la beca VLIR-UOS 2013
Programas participantes
International Master Programmes 2014-2015
Master of Science in Development Evaluation and Management
Master of Science in Globalisation and Development
Master of Science in Governance and Development
Master of Science in Human Settlements
International Master Programmes 2014-2016
Master of Science in Aquaculture
Master of Science in Biology - Specialisation Human Ecology
Master of Science in Statistics - Specialisation Biostatistics
Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation
Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Oceans & Lakes)
Master of Science in Molecular Biology (IPMB)
Master of Science in Nematology
Master of Science in Nutrition and Rural Development
Master of Science in Physical Land Resources
Master of Science in Food Technology
Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering
International Training Programmes 2014
· Lib@Web : Management of Electronic Information and Digital Libraries
· AudioVisual Learning Materials - Management, Production and Activities (AVLM)
· Human Rights for Development ('HR4DEV')
· Road safety in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Challenges and Strategies for Improvement
· Technology for Integrated Water Management
· Dairy Nutrition
· International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis
Documentación requerida
· Ser residente y nacional de algunos de los países participantes (México lo es).
· No tener más de 40 años para postular a un programa de maestría, o tener menos de 45 años* para los cursos de capacitación. (* al 1 de enero 2014)
· No estar inscrito en algún programa de maestría de alguna universidad de la región flamenca en Bélgica (con beca o sin beca)
· Para el caso de los cursos de capacitación, se requiere que el candidato tenga perspectivas de integración o reinserción laboral donde el conocimiento y las habilidades adquiridas sean de inmediata aplicación. La experiencia profesional y perspectivas de empleo no son un requisito para el programa de maestría, sin embargo, sí pueden representar una ventaja competitiva para la selección, dependiendo del programa.
· Para los cursos de capacitación y las maestrías El candidato no debe haber recibido una beca de master financiado por el gobierno belga antes del 1 de enero de 2014. Sólo se puede postular para una beca VLIR-USO al año.
· El candidato será admitido para un programa de becas de formación, si nunca ha recibido una beca VLIR-UOS antes.
Para preguntas generales: ellen.vanhimbergen@vliruos.be
VLIR-UOS office:
Bolwerksquare 1a, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
info@vliruos.be, Tel. +32 2 289 05 50
VLIR-UOS, Postbus 103 Elsene Naamsepoort, 1050 Elsene, Belgium
Recharge while on sabbatical at the Duke Marine Laboratory. The Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University invites you to apply to become the Mary Derrickson McCurdy Visiting Scholar resident at the Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, on the North Carolina coast. The McCurdy Scholar will engage in the intellectual life of the Marine Laboratory, including research, teaching, and mentoring in an intimate world-class multidisciplinary research and teaching environment. Our ideal candidate for the position is a gregarious natural or social science scholar in the field of Ocean Science, broadly construed. We strive to understand environmental processes and human behavior broadly framed (e.g., social-ecological systems, human dimensions of natural resource management, human-environment interactions). We are particularly interested in individuals with insights or new perspectives on conservation and enhancement of the environment and its natural resources and especially with clear or potential applications to society. The McCurdy Scholar carries an appointment as Visiting Research Professor appropriate to the rank of the successful applicant. The term of the appointment is for one or two semesters (preferably the nine-month academic year), with the possibility of expansion to one full year. The appointment includes funds that may be used to augment salary, offset living expenses and enable research.
The search committee will begin reviewing applications on January 15, 2014.
The search will remain open until the position is filled.
Duke University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contact Information:
Interested individuals should submit a single file with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, summary of research interests, reprints of three recent papers and names of three references. Send to:
Belinda Williford
Re: Mcurdy Search
The search committee will begin reviewing applications on January 15, 2014.
The search will remain open until the position is filled.
Duke University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contact Information:
Interested individuals should submit a single file with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, summary of research interests, reprints of three recent papers and names of three references. Send to:
Belinda Williford
Re: Mcurdy Search
Especialista en cambio climático y desarrollo bajo en emisiones a nivel estatal
World Wildlife Fund, solicita “Especialista en cambio climático y
desarrollo bajo en emisiones a nivel estatal, requisitos: licenciatura y
maestría en Ingeniería, Economía o experiencia equivalente en temas
relacionados en cambio climático, experiencia mínimo de 3 años. Para
mayor información descripcion de la convocatoria.
Voluntarios Babuinos Etiopia
-nota: se requiere pagar vuelo y algunos gastos al mes
We are seeking volunteer field assistants and field managers to assist with a long-term study of the behavior, ecology, and reproduction of hamadryas baboons at the Filoha study site in the lowlands of central Ethiopia (http://larissaswedell.org/filoha-hamadryas-project). Each position would last for a minimum of ten months, but could be for longer if desired. Responsibilities would include maintaining habituation of the study group through all-day follows (5-15 km/day), daily census of the study group, collection of behavioral and reproductive data, collection of fecal samples, and transmission of reports to the project director (Dr. Larissa Swedell) via e-mail. Volunteers would always be accompanied by our local field assistant and/or a local guard or park scout while following baboons, as dictated by park regulations.
The study area is hot and dry (averaging 94 degrees F) for most of the year and the baboons often travel quickly over very rough terrain. The living conditions at Filoha are simple and rugged: we sleep in tents, cook on kerosene stoves, and bathe in the local hot springs. A cook will be available and paid from project funds. The field site is a remote outpost of the Awash National Park, so contact with the outside world is minimal and social interaction is limited to project personnel and park scouts. The area experiences occasional ethnic conflict, during which time baboon follows are suspended. Prior to departure, volunteers would need to arrange for Ethiopian visa, vaccines, anti-malarial prophylaxis, and travel insurance (for medical evacuation).
Depending on length of stay, amount and quality of data collected, and other intellectual contributions to the project, these positions could potentially lead to co-authorship on a publication.
Volunteers need to be physically fit and able to hike quickly and collect data under the conditions described above. Volunteers should be able to drive a manual transmission (stick-shift) vehicle and, ideally, will have had previous experience driving and/or coping with mechanical problems in a remote area. Malaria is endemic to the area, so volunteers must be willing to use insect repellent and take anti-malarial prophylaxis so as to minimize chance of contracting malaria. Due to the remoteness of the field site and the lack of communication infrastructure, volunteers must also be of sound physical and mental health without any pre-existing conditions that might require immediate medical attention. Volunteers must also be able and willing to maintain professional relationships with people of varied cultural backgrounds and cope with disruptions to fieldwork due to ethnic conflict and other factors out of one’s control.
The ideal candidate for this position would have the following characteristics:
* Ability to withstand – and enjoy! – rugged and remote field conditions.
* Ability to adapt to the local cultural milieu and represent the project in a professional manner.
* Previous international field experience that includes living or traveling in a developing country.
* Previous experience collecting observational data on behavioral biology or ecology.
* Prior coursework on (and knowledge of) primate behavior and ecology.
* Excellent physical and mental health.
In addition to the above, the successful applicant will be flexible, adaptable, patient, emotionally mature, responsible, self-reliant, energetic, and highly motivated. To reiterate, living conditions are rough and remote, and to survive fieldwork at Filoha you must enjoy these aspects of fieldwork.
We are looking for two volunteers to start as soon as possible, with a 10-month minimum commitment required. Volunteers will need to cover their own airfare to Ethiopia and should allow $100-200 per month for expenses in Ethiopia.
Contact Information:
Please submit by e-mail a letter of application describing your background, experience, and qualifications and explaining why you are interested in this position. Please also supply a CV listing your prior coursework, grades, and research experience along with the names and contact information (including e-mail addresses and phone numbers) of at least two people who can attest to your qualifications. Please send your correspondence via email to Dr. Larissa Swedell at FilohaHamadryasProject@gmail.com.
We are seeking volunteer field assistants and field managers to assist with a long-term study of the behavior, ecology, and reproduction of hamadryas baboons at the Filoha study site in the lowlands of central Ethiopia (http://larissaswedell.org/filoha-hamadryas-project). Each position would last for a minimum of ten months, but could be for longer if desired. Responsibilities would include maintaining habituation of the study group through all-day follows (5-15 km/day), daily census of the study group, collection of behavioral and reproductive data, collection of fecal samples, and transmission of reports to the project director (Dr. Larissa Swedell) via e-mail. Volunteers would always be accompanied by our local field assistant and/or a local guard or park scout while following baboons, as dictated by park regulations.
The study area is hot and dry (averaging 94 degrees F) for most of the year and the baboons often travel quickly over very rough terrain. The living conditions at Filoha are simple and rugged: we sleep in tents, cook on kerosene stoves, and bathe in the local hot springs. A cook will be available and paid from project funds. The field site is a remote outpost of the Awash National Park, so contact with the outside world is minimal and social interaction is limited to project personnel and park scouts. The area experiences occasional ethnic conflict, during which time baboon follows are suspended. Prior to departure, volunteers would need to arrange for Ethiopian visa, vaccines, anti-malarial prophylaxis, and travel insurance (for medical evacuation).
Depending on length of stay, amount and quality of data collected, and other intellectual contributions to the project, these positions could potentially lead to co-authorship on a publication.
Volunteers need to be physically fit and able to hike quickly and collect data under the conditions described above. Volunteers should be able to drive a manual transmission (stick-shift) vehicle and, ideally, will have had previous experience driving and/or coping with mechanical problems in a remote area. Malaria is endemic to the area, so volunteers must be willing to use insect repellent and take anti-malarial prophylaxis so as to minimize chance of contracting malaria. Due to the remoteness of the field site and the lack of communication infrastructure, volunteers must also be of sound physical and mental health without any pre-existing conditions that might require immediate medical attention. Volunteers must also be able and willing to maintain professional relationships with people of varied cultural backgrounds and cope with disruptions to fieldwork due to ethnic conflict and other factors out of one’s control.
The ideal candidate for this position would have the following characteristics:
* Ability to withstand – and enjoy! – rugged and remote field conditions.
* Ability to adapt to the local cultural milieu and represent the project in a professional manner.
* Previous international field experience that includes living or traveling in a developing country.
* Previous experience collecting observational data on behavioral biology or ecology.
* Prior coursework on (and knowledge of) primate behavior and ecology.
* Excellent physical and mental health.
In addition to the above, the successful applicant will be flexible, adaptable, patient, emotionally mature, responsible, self-reliant, energetic, and highly motivated. To reiterate, living conditions are rough and remote, and to survive fieldwork at Filoha you must enjoy these aspects of fieldwork.
We are looking for two volunteers to start as soon as possible, with a 10-month minimum commitment required. Volunteers will need to cover their own airfare to Ethiopia and should allow $100-200 per month for expenses in Ethiopia.
Contact Information:
Please submit by e-mail a letter of application describing your background, experience, and qualifications and explaining why you are interested in this position. Please also supply a CV listing your prior coursework, grades, and research experience along with the names and contact information (including e-mail addresses and phone numbers) of at least two people who can attest to your qualifications. Please send your correspondence via email to Dr. Larissa Swedell at FilohaHamadryasProject@gmail.com.
Asistente del Programa de Difusión
Ecology Project International, solicita “Asistente del Programa de Difusión”, en La Paz, Baja California Sur, requisitos: Licenciatura terminada en Comunicación, Ciencias Naturales o Sociales, experiencia en trabajos de difusión o educación ambiental. Para mayor información ver convocatoria.
Research Assistants for Sea Turtle Conservancy 2014 Leatherback Program Costa Rica
Research Assistants for Sea Turtle Conservancy 2014 Leatherback Program
Volunteer Opportunity
11 March - 31 May, 2014
Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Research and monitoring of sea turtles in Tortuguero, Costa Rica was initiated in the 1950´s by legendary sea turtle researcher Dr Archie Carr. Dr Carr continued his work in Tortuguero until his passing away in 1987 and the Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) still continues the project making it the longest ongoing sea turtle conservation and monitoring program in the world. In 1995, the STC began the Leatherback Program to study the area's little known leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea). Each year from March - June the STC research team collects information about this critically endangered species. STC works closely with Costa Rican authorities, the Tortuguero community and other leatherback nesting beach monitoring groups. Information collected during the annual Leatherback Program plays a key role in developing effective management strategies for sea turtles in the area.
Eight RAs will be trained in sea turtle monitoring techniques by, and work under the supervision of, the STC Field Research Coordinator. The RA team will be made up of individuals from several countries from around the world, with an emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean. The RAs main responsibilities include nightly tagging, track surveys, nest monitoring and excavation. RAs are responsible for tagging nesting turtles, collecting biometric data from females, recording nesting activity during track surveys, and other pertinent data collection.
Leatherback monitoring is carried out along 36 km (=22 miles) of nesting beach. Work activities include long hours of walking in extremely soft sand and excellent physical condition is a requirement for the RA positions. RAs should expect to work at all hours of the day and night, often with little sleep. During the Leatherback Program RAs work in very isolated locations, and sometimes stay at the park ranger station for several days at a time, away from the research station in Tortuguero.
In addition to monitoring work, RAs are also responsible for training short-term paying volunteers and leading volunteer groups during beach patrols. They will also work with the STC Education and Outreach Coordinator to develop and participate in various educational and awareness activities in the community of Tortuguero, and be required to assist in the STC Visitor Center to provide information about the work of STC to members of the public.
Good knowledge of English and Spanish, education in biology or related fields, previous fieldwork experience in the tropics, experience working/living in multicultural environments, experience working/living in isolated locations for extended periods, previous experience in environmental education and availability for the entire period of the program greatly improve your chances of being selected for a position.
RA positions are voluntary and those selected will be expected to plan and finance their own travel to and from Tortuguero. Selected RAs will receive board and lodging at the STC Field Station for the duration of their time working for STC in Tortuguero.
Additional Contact Information
For application information please contact Dr Emma Harrison at emma@conserveturtles.org
Volunteer Opportunity
11 March - 31 May, 2014
Tortuguero, Costa Rica
Research and monitoring of sea turtles in Tortuguero, Costa Rica was initiated in the 1950´s by legendary sea turtle researcher Dr Archie Carr. Dr Carr continued his work in Tortuguero until his passing away in 1987 and the Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) still continues the project making it the longest ongoing sea turtle conservation and monitoring program in the world. In 1995, the STC began the Leatherback Program to study the area's little known leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea). Each year from March - June the STC research team collects information about this critically endangered species. STC works closely with Costa Rican authorities, the Tortuguero community and other leatherback nesting beach monitoring groups. Information collected during the annual Leatherback Program plays a key role in developing effective management strategies for sea turtles in the area.
Eight RAs will be trained in sea turtle monitoring techniques by, and work under the supervision of, the STC Field Research Coordinator. The RA team will be made up of individuals from several countries from around the world, with an emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean. The RAs main responsibilities include nightly tagging, track surveys, nest monitoring and excavation. RAs are responsible for tagging nesting turtles, collecting biometric data from females, recording nesting activity during track surveys, and other pertinent data collection.
Leatherback monitoring is carried out along 36 km (=22 miles) of nesting beach. Work activities include long hours of walking in extremely soft sand and excellent physical condition is a requirement for the RA positions. RAs should expect to work at all hours of the day and night, often with little sleep. During the Leatherback Program RAs work in very isolated locations, and sometimes stay at the park ranger station for several days at a time, away from the research station in Tortuguero.
In addition to monitoring work, RAs are also responsible for training short-term paying volunteers and leading volunteer groups during beach patrols. They will also work with the STC Education and Outreach Coordinator to develop and participate in various educational and awareness activities in the community of Tortuguero, and be required to assist in the STC Visitor Center to provide information about the work of STC to members of the public.
Good knowledge of English and Spanish, education in biology or related fields, previous fieldwork experience in the tropics, experience working/living in multicultural environments, experience working/living in isolated locations for extended periods, previous experience in environmental education and availability for the entire period of the program greatly improve your chances of being selected for a position.
RA positions are voluntary and those selected will be expected to plan and finance their own travel to and from Tortuguero. Selected RAs will receive board and lodging at the STC Field Station for the duration of their time working for STC in Tortuguero.
Additional Contact Information
For application information please contact Dr Emma Harrison at emma@conserveturtles.org
Leatherback Movement Ecology Research Internship
Leatherback Movement Ecology Research Internship
Submitted: 2013-11-13 15:48:03
Contact: Dr. Helen Bailey and Dr. George Shillinger hbailey@umces.edu
Please contact and send your CV to Dr. Helen Bailey by 18th November 2013.
The Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (http://www.umces.edu/cbl), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science through the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (http://www.mees.umd.edu/).
Our project on leatherback turtles utilizes electronic tagging technologies combined with satellite and numerical oceanographic analyses and statistical modeling, to identify and characterize the dispersal and foraging habitats of adult and hatchling leatherback turtles in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. The identification of high-use turtle habitats at different life stages will help to inform measures aimed at mitigating human impacts on critically endangered leatherback turtles.
Relevant reading on our research:
Bailey, H., Benson, S.R., Shillinger, G.L., Bograd, S.J., Dutton, P.H., Eckert, S.A., Morreale, S.J., Paladino, F.V., Eguchi, T., Foley, D.G., Block, B.A., Piedra, R., Hitipeuw, C., Tapilatu, R.F. and Spotila J.R. (2012) Identification of Distinct Movement Patterns in Pacific Leatherback Turtle Populations Influenced by Ocean Conditions. Ecological Applications, 22: 735 – 747. This is featured on the front cover, which can be viewed at http://www.esajournals.org/toc/ecap/22/3.
Bailey, H., Fossette, S., Bograd, S.J., Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Georges, J.Y., Gaspar, P., Strömberg, K.H.P., Paladino, F.V., Spotila, J.R., Block, B.A. and Hays, G.C. (2012) Movement Patterns for a Critically Endangered Species, the Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Linked to Foraging Success and Population Status. PLoS ONE, 7: e36401, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036401.
Shillinger, G.L., Bailey, H., Bograd, S.J., Hazen, E.L., Hamann, M., Gaspar, P., Godley, B.J., Wilson, R.P. and Spotila, J.R. (2012) Tagging through the stages: technical and ecological challenges in observing life histories through biologging. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 457: 165-170.
Shillinger, G.L., Di Lorenzo, E., Luo, H., Bograd, S.J., Hazen, E.L., Bailey, H. and Spotila, J.R. (2012) On the dispersal of leatherback turtle hatchlings from Meso-American nesting beaches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279: 2391-2395.
Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Bailey, H., Bograd, S.J.,Castleton, M.R., Wallace, B.P., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R. and Block, B.A. (2011) Vertical and horizontal habitat preferences of post-nesting leatherback turtles in the South Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 422: 275-289.
Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Bograd, S.J., Bailey, H., Castleton, M.R., Wallace, B.P., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R. and Block, B.A. (2010) Identification of high-use internesting habitats for eastern Pacific leatherback turtles: role of the environment and implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research, 10: 215-232.
Bailey, H., Shillinger, G., Palacios, D., Bograd, S., Spotila, J., Paladino, F. and Block B. (2008) Identifying and comparing phases of movement by leatherback turtles using state-space models. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 356: 128-135.
Shillinger, G., Palacios, D., Bailey, H., Bograd, S., Swithenbank, A., Gaspar, P., Wallace, B., Spotila, J., Paladino, F., Piedra, R., Eckert, S. and Block, B. (2008) Persistent leatherback turtle migrations present opportunities for conservation. PLoS Biology, 6: e171, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060171
We are looking for an M.S. student that would contribute to this project by analyzing satellite and acoustic telemetry data to increase our understanding of marine turtle movement patterns and processes.
We are searching for candidates with interests in quantitative ecology, statistics and ecological modelling. Previous knowledge or research experience with tracking data, the software R or other statistics software, and GIS data analysis will be preferable.
The student would be funded through a competitively awarded fellowship. The student would be based at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (http://www.umces.edu/cbl), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science through the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (http://www.mees.umd.edu/).
Submitted: 2013-11-13 15:48:03
Contact: Dr. Helen Bailey and Dr. George Shillinger hbailey@umces.edu
Please contact and send your CV to Dr. Helen Bailey by 18th November 2013.
The Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (http://www.umces.edu/cbl), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science through the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (http://www.mees.umd.edu/).
Our project on leatherback turtles utilizes electronic tagging technologies combined with satellite and numerical oceanographic analyses and statistical modeling, to identify and characterize the dispersal and foraging habitats of adult and hatchling leatherback turtles in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. The identification of high-use turtle habitats at different life stages will help to inform measures aimed at mitigating human impacts on critically endangered leatherback turtles.
Relevant reading on our research:
Bailey, H., Benson, S.R., Shillinger, G.L., Bograd, S.J., Dutton, P.H., Eckert, S.A., Morreale, S.J., Paladino, F.V., Eguchi, T., Foley, D.G., Block, B.A., Piedra, R., Hitipeuw, C., Tapilatu, R.F. and Spotila J.R. (2012) Identification of Distinct Movement Patterns in Pacific Leatherback Turtle Populations Influenced by Ocean Conditions. Ecological Applications, 22: 735 – 747. This is featured on the front cover, which can be viewed at http://www.esajournals.org/toc/ecap/22/3.
Bailey, H., Fossette, S., Bograd, S.J., Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Georges, J.Y., Gaspar, P., Strömberg, K.H.P., Paladino, F.V., Spotila, J.R., Block, B.A. and Hays, G.C. (2012) Movement Patterns for a Critically Endangered Species, the Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Linked to Foraging Success and Population Status. PLoS ONE, 7: e36401, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036401.
Shillinger, G.L., Bailey, H., Bograd, S.J., Hazen, E.L., Hamann, M., Gaspar, P., Godley, B.J., Wilson, R.P. and Spotila, J.R. (2012) Tagging through the stages: technical and ecological challenges in observing life histories through biologging. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 457: 165-170.
Shillinger, G.L., Di Lorenzo, E., Luo, H., Bograd, S.J., Hazen, E.L., Bailey, H. and Spotila, J.R. (2012) On the dispersal of leatherback turtle hatchlings from Meso-American nesting beaches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279: 2391-2395.
Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Bailey, H., Bograd, S.J.,Castleton, M.R., Wallace, B.P., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R. and Block, B.A. (2011) Vertical and horizontal habitat preferences of post-nesting leatherback turtles in the South Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 422: 275-289.
Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Bograd, S.J., Bailey, H., Castleton, M.R., Wallace, B.P., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R. and Block, B.A. (2010) Identification of high-use internesting habitats for eastern Pacific leatherback turtles: role of the environment and implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research, 10: 215-232.
Bailey, H., Shillinger, G., Palacios, D., Bograd, S., Spotila, J., Paladino, F. and Block B. (2008) Identifying and comparing phases of movement by leatherback turtles using state-space models. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 356: 128-135.
Shillinger, G., Palacios, D., Bailey, H., Bograd, S., Swithenbank, A., Gaspar, P., Wallace, B., Spotila, J., Paladino, F., Piedra, R., Eckert, S. and Block, B. (2008) Persistent leatherback turtle migrations present opportunities for conservation. PLoS Biology, 6: e171, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060171
We are looking for an M.S. student that would contribute to this project by analyzing satellite and acoustic telemetry data to increase our understanding of marine turtle movement patterns and processes.
We are searching for candidates with interests in quantitative ecology, statistics and ecological modelling. Previous knowledge or research experience with tracking data, the software R or other statistics software, and GIS data analysis will be preferable.
The student would be funded through a competitively awarded fellowship. The student would be based at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (http://www.umces.edu/cbl), University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science through the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (http://www.mees.umd.edu/).
Convocatoria FAV 2013
Convocatoria FAV 2013
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En horario de :
9:00 am a 2:30 pm y de 4:00 pm a 5:30 pm
5.- Si Tiene alguna duda puede llamar a los teléfonos 8182659 o al 8181111 ext. 103 en horario de 8 am a 3 pm, o si lo prefiere, puede enviar un correo a cgonzalezl@veracruz.gob.mx
El plazo para la entrega de proyectos se ha extendido hasta el 30 de Noviembre
Si usted está interesado en conocer ó participar en la convocatoria 2013 del Fondo Ambiental Veracruzano, deberá seguir los siguientes pasos:
1.- Consulte la convocatoria dando click en el siguiente enlace, “Convocatoria FAV 2013”
2.- Descargue los Anexos mencionados en la convocatoria dando click en el siguiente enlace, “Descargar Anexos”
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4.- Si desea entregar su proyecto con los anexos de manera personal, lo puede hacer en las oficinas de la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, ubicada en:
Francisco I. Madero #3 Esq. Juárez, Col. Centro CP. 91000
En horario de :
9:00 am a 2:30 pm y de 4:00 pm a 5:30 pm
5.- Si Tiene alguna duda puede llamar a los teléfonos 8182659 o al 8181111 ext. 103 en horario de 8 am a 3 pm, o si lo prefiere, puede enviar un correo a cgonzalezl@veracruz.gob.mx
El plazo para la entrega de proyectos se ha extendido hasta el 30 de Noviembre
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