Position: Team Coordinator
Project: Predation risk mapping of tiger and leopard livestock depredation
Location: Kanha Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh
Payment: Rs. 20,000 per month with meals and lodging
Term: ASAP through September 2012
Supervisor: Jennie Miller, PhD Candidate at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Research Affiliate at the Wildlife Institute of India
Project overview available at: http://jenniemiller.weebly.com/research.html
Required qualifications:
- Completed a Master's in Zoology, Environmental Studies or environmentally related subject
- Fluent in both Hindi and English
- Previous fieldwork experience, including identifying tiger, leopard and prey scat and pugmarks
Description: A position is available for a Team Coordinator to supervise and carry out data collection on tiger and leopard livestock kills in Kanha Tiger Reserve. Fieldwork will consist of interviewing Forest Department staff about livestock kill cases, conducting vegetation and prey sign surveys at kill sites, and collecting scat in the park buffer and core. The Team Coordinator will also translate livestock reports from Hindi into English and maintain project databases. The Team Coordinator will live at the Mukki Forest Department gate and work on the eastern side of Kanha with one local assistant. The position will involve working independently across a large, remote and beautiful landscape.
Applicants should have completed a Master's degree in an environmentally related subject and have experience conducting wildlife or environmental research in the field. Previous experience identifying carnivore and ungulate signs is required. Candidates should be fluent in Hindi and English (speaking, reading and writing) and maintain a good sense of humor while working long days in challenging field conditions, including long walks/drives, extreme heat and biting insects. The position is available from March-September 2012 and applicants MUST commit to work for the full period.
To apply, email Jennie Miller at jennifer.miller@yale.edu with:
1) Curriculum Vitae or Resume, and
2) 1-2 paragraph(s) describing why you are suitable for the job and why you want the position.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and contacted only if they are selected for a phone/Skype interview.
For more info, contact:
Jennie Miller