VOLUNTEER FIELD RESEARCH ASSISTANT needed to assist with the bird monitoring and inventory program on Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, AK between May 20-Sep 20. The person selected will spend the first week in orientation, safety training, and preparation for field deployment. During the following 15 weeks, the volunteer will have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects including at-sea surveys of marine birds, banding drives of molting sea ducks, and mist netting and banding landbirds.
Monitoring tasks will include: recording observations of birds at sea from a small skiff; using kayaks and small skiffs to herd molting harlequin ducks and Barrow’s goldeneyes into nets for banding; and mist netting and banding landbirds. Field work is conducted primarily in June and August with biologists and volunteers living aboard the 48 foot refuge research vessel, the Ursa Major II. Data entry and editing, including some work with ArcGIS, is the major task in July and September, which will be spent at Refuge Headquarters in the town of Kodiak. Ideal candidates will have experience in conducting bird surveys, operating small skiffs, and have some computer/GIS skills.
The Fish and Wildlife Service will pay round-trip airfare to Kodiak from a U.S. city; provide shared housing while in Kodiak, and pay all field costs except personal clothing. A small living allowance is offered to cover food costs. Mandatory training in bear awareness, watercraft operation, and aviation safety will be provided. Applicants must be able to arrive on Kodiak Island by May 20. For additional information about volunteering in Kodiak, please visit our website: http://kodiak.fws.gov/workwithus.htm
To apply, please email a cover letter addressing the above criteria, your resume, and email contacts for 3 references to LISA HUPP, Kodiak NWR Volunteer Coordinator (email: lisa_hupp@fws.gov; PH: 907-487-0285) and ROBIN CORCORAN, Kodiak NWR Avian Biologist (email: robin_corcoran@fws.gov; PH: 907-487-0246). Please assemble all materials in a single document. Application period: March 12-March 30, 2012; position may be filled as qualified applicants are identified. Applicants will be notified about decisions by April 10, 2012.
For more info, contact:
Lisa Hupp: lisa_hupp@fws.gov
Robin Corcoran: robin_corcoran@fws.gov