Independent Research in Marine Ecology/Biology Teaching Post-doc Spring 2012 (14 January – 9 May 2012)
CIEE Research Station Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
Application deadline: 23 December 2012
The CIEE Tropical Marine Ecology and Conservation program in Bonaire is a study abroad program for undergraduate students. The Coral Reef Ecology Teaching Post-doc will collaborate with a team teaching Independent Research in Marine Ecology/Biology and assist with management of the laboratory facilities. Duties will include teaching and mentoring research projects including the publication of a student research journal; participating in CIEE’s long-term monitoring project; oversight of laboratory equipment and activities; and day to day operations of the field station. This position is full-time and will often require working outside of normal 9 am to 5 pm working hours.
The minimum qualifications for this role are: a PhD in Biology/Zoology/Oceanography or equivalent with an emphasis in marine ecology or biology; scientific diving experience and a comprehensive dive physical (AAUS); broad field experience in marine ecology and excellent analytical skills; demonstrated ability to work as a team member; a commitment to education and research in marine ecology and conservation; an eagerness to work closely with students; an appreciation for field-based education; current certifications in First Aid, CPR, DAN Oxygen Rescue; DAN dive insurance; a driver’s license and the ability to drive a standard.
Compensation: a stipend and round trip airfare (up to $1,500) will be provided to the successful applicant. There are no nationality requirements.
To apply: Send a cover letter; a CV with 3 references to rpeachey@ciee.org. Please include your diving certification level and number of logged dives. For more information about the semester program in Bonaire go to COURSES