La Sociedad Mexicana de Ornitología, A.C., Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y el Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH),
Plantel Oriente, convocan a los interesados en estudio de las aves, a articipar en "XI Congreso y XVII Simposio Nacionales de Ornitología", del 24 al 26 de mayo del
2012, en el SILADIN del CCH-UNAM (Pról. Periférico Oriente S/N, Esq. Sur 24, Col. Agrícola Oriental) de México (Distrito Federal).
Pida informes a:
René Reyes
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
Biólogo, Ing. Ecólogo o equivalente- Chihuahua
Biólogo, Ing. Ecólogo o equivalente, que tenga experiencia en Supervisión de Programas Ambientales (Flora, Fauna, Suelos, Reforestación y Pasos de Fauna) en construcción de carreteras y puentes en Casas Grandes, Chihuahua.
El contrato es del 1o. de Abril a Diciembre 31, 2012. Con opción a seguir el 2013. Continuación del mismo tramo.
Disponibilidad de cambiar de residencia y trabajar en la sierra tarahumara y que sepa manejar standard y automático. Ya que hay que viajar a Chihuahua continuamente a SCT y en ocasiones a visitar las otras residencias de la empresa en otros municipios de Chihuahua.
La empresa paga avión ida y vuelta cada 2 meses (otorga de 10 a 12 días de descanso). Viáticos de comida. Hospedaje (Casa amueblada, bien y cómoda). Prestaciones de Ley (IMSS, INFONAVIT, Aguinaldo, Utilidades, Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores, etc, etc.).
Manden su C.V.
Carlos Cortés Argote
El contrato es del 1o. de Abril a Diciembre 31, 2012. Con opción a seguir el 2013. Continuación del mismo tramo.
Disponibilidad de cambiar de residencia y trabajar en la sierra tarahumara y que sepa manejar standard y automático. Ya que hay que viajar a Chihuahua continuamente a SCT y en ocasiones a visitar las otras residencias de la empresa en otros municipios de Chihuahua.
La empresa paga avión ida y vuelta cada 2 meses (otorga de 10 a 12 días de descanso). Viáticos de comida. Hospedaje (Casa amueblada, bien y cómoda). Prestaciones de Ley (IMSS, INFONAVIT, Aguinaldo, Utilidades, Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores, etc, etc.).
Manden su C.V.
Carlos Cortés Argote
Consultores y asesores independientes en proyectos especializados y sistemas de gestión en Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Responsabilidad Social

PrOrganiza, S.C. requiere integrar a su staff de consultores y asesores independientes, que tras un periodo de selección, serán contratados por horas, por proyecto o por tiempo completo para desempeñar actividades profesionales dentro del marco de los servicios de Responsabilidad Corporativa Integral, Innovación Sustentable, Compensación del Impacto Ambiental, Consolidación Filantrópica (creación de Fundaciones y Asociaciones Civiles) y Fortalecimiento de OSC.
Se requiere identificar al menos veinte (20) profesionales que cumplan el siguiente perfil:
Profesional en turismo sustentable, biología, sociología, ingeniería o ramas afines.
Comprobable de trabajo con organizaciones o instituciones de más de 100 empleados, de preferencia en temas ambientales, socioculturales o aspectos gerenciales. Preferentemente personas que hayan trabajado en empresas socialmente responsables o en procesos de certificación.
Experiencia/conocimiento en auditorías de calidad, medio ambiente y/o de responsabilidad social.
Facilidad para trabajar con empresarios comunitarios de áreas urbanas y/o rurales.
Buenas relaciones interpersonales.
Favor de mandar su CV al correo con atención a Loïs Moriel Robles en el plazo del lunes 27 de Febrero al viernes 16 de Marzo.
Requisito indispensable para su contratación: integrar al CV tres referencias profesionales (pasados y/o actual) incluyendo nombre, puesto y contacto.
Las personas que cumplan con el perfil serán convocadas a un taller de capacitación y pre-selección y como última etapa, se les invitará a una entrevista personal.
Jefatura del Departamento de Incendios- Veracruz

Jefatura del Departamento de Incendios
Vacantes: 1
Nivel: OA1
Percepción Ordinaria Bruta Mensual: $ 17,046.25
Unidad de Adscripción: Gerencia Estatal de Veracruz, Subgerencia de Conservación y Restauración.
Ubicacion Física: Kilómetro 5.5 Boulevard Xalapa - Banderilla, Interior del Vivero Forestal José Angel Návar Hernández C.P.91300, Pueblo Banderilla. Banderilla, Veracruz.
Nivel Académico: Licenciatura
Grado de avance: Título de Licenciatura (con 3 años de experiencia) ó Pasante (con 5 años de experiencia)
Carreras: Ingeniero agrónomo, especialista en suelos, forestal, restauración forestal, carreras afines al puesto.
Áreas Generales de experiencia: Área forestal y manejo de fuego.
Años de Experiencia en el Área: 3 ó 5 años, según corresponda el grado de avance
Capacidades Gerenciales: Liderazgo, Orientación a Resultados y Trabajo en Equipo.
Capacidades técnicas: Nociones Generales de la Administración Pública Federal. Técnicas de Combate de Incendios. Manejo de Herramientas de combate de incendios. Coordinación de Grupos de Trabajo.
Otros requerimientos: Excel, Power Point, Word.
Disponibilidad para viajar: Si
Publicación de la Convocatoria: Del 08/Marzo/2012 al 22/Marzo/2012
Registro de Aspirantes: Del 08/Marzo/2012 al 22/Marzo/2012
Revisión Curricular: Del 23/Marzo/2012 al 26/Marzo/2012
Presentación de documentos (cotejo): Del 27/Marzo/2012 al 02/Abril/2012
Evaluación de Capacidades técnicas: Del 27/Marzo/2012 al 02/Abril/2012
Evaluación de Capacidades de Visión del Servicio Público: Del 27/Marzo/2012 al 02/Abril/2012
Evaluación de Capacidades Gerenciales: Del 27/Marzo/2012 al 02/Abril/2012
Entrevistas: 03/Abril/2012
Resolución: A partir del 03/Abril/2012
*Estas fechas están sujetas a cambio, en cuyo supuesto la Comisión Nacional Forestal informará las nuevas fechas que se programen a través de esta herramienta. (dd/mm/aaaa)
Jefe de departamiento de ordenamiento ecológico costero.
La Dirección de Ordenamiento Ecológico del Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE) esta buscando candidatos para ocupar el puesto de Jefe de Departamento de Ordenamiento Ecológico Costero (Nivel OB2) adscrita a la Dirección General de Investigación de Ordenamiento Ecológico y Conservación de los Ecosistemas.
Pida informes a:
Gilberto Hernández
Vea los detalles en:
Posdoctoral sistemas ambientales.

La Cátedra de Ingeniería de la Contaminación Atmosférica del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, busca candidatos interesados en estancia posdoctoral vinculada con el fortalecimiento de su programa de Doctorado en Ciencias en su especialidad en Sistemas Ambientales. La temática incluye el desarrollo de modelos receptor innovadores para atribución de fuentes de emisión.
Pida informes a:
Alberto Mendoza
Programas de diseño y plan estrategico Sub Cuenca Alta del Rio Laja.

Reciban, antes que nada, nuestro cordial saludo.
A nombre de la Fundación de Apoyo infantil Guanajuato A.C, de manera conjunta con la Fundación Gonzalo Rio Arronte A.C., la Maestría en Gestión Integrada de Cuencas de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro y con el beneplácito y apoyo concertado de la Comisión Estatal del Agua, Instituto Estatal de Ecología, Secretaría de Agricultura de Guanajuato, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Comisión Nacional del Agua y el Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística, en coordinación de la Red Norte de Cultura del Agua, nos complace extender la más cordial
A participar en los trabajos de diseño y elaboración del Plan Estratégico para el Manejo y Gestión de la Sub-Cuenca Alta del Rio Laja, que requiere de sus valiosos aportes, con el fin de aprovechar de manera eficaz y eficiente, así como consolidar en una visión estratégica común la experiencia, los trabajos, las expectativas y conocimientos que en torno a la problemática socioeconómica, cultural y ambiental, de dicha sub-cuenca, todos –gobierno y sociedad- tenemos.
El taller al que con gusto los estamos convocando es el “TALLER CON ORGANIZACIONES DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVIL” que tendrá verificativo el día 20 de marzo de las 16:00 a las 20:00 horas, en el Hotel Real de Minas, en San Miguel de Allende Gto.
Esperamos contar con su puntual y decidida participación, de tal forma que los resultados de estos trabajos nos permitan concertar los esfuerzos de todos, ahora disgregados, para rehabilitar, proteger e impulsar el desarrollo integral y sustentable del hábitat que es nuestra casa y el patrimonio de las generaciones venideras.
FAI Guanajuato AC
Carlos De la Mora
TELEFONOS FAI 01 415) 15 236 86 Y 15 20897 RADIO 72*683787*1
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Oceanólogo Yucatan.
La Estación Oceanográfica de Progreso (Yucatán) requiere de manera urgente contratar un Oceanólogo titulado y con cédula profesional de licenciatura.
Pida informes a:
Constantino Salgado
Pida informes a:
Constantino Salgado
Estudiantes filogeografía y genómica de poblaciones de oyameles mexicanos.

El Laboratorio de Genética y Ecología, I. de Ecología, UNAM, invita a estudiantes a realizar tesis de maestría y doctorado en filogeografía y genómica de poblaciones de oyameles (Abies) mexicanos.
Las temáticas incluyen: detección de polimorfismos potencialmente adaptativos, correlación estructura genética-nicho ecológico y evolución de familias génicas de interés.
Pida informes a:
Juan Jaramillo
Tesis en arrecifes coralino del Pacífico Mexicano.

El Laboratorio de Necton y Ecología de Arrecifes del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, invita a estudiantes a realizar tesis de licenciatura y maestría con arrecifes coralino del Pacífico Mexicano, con las siguientes temáticas:
1. Plasticidad morfológica del los corales Pocillopora (Anthozoa:Scleractinia) al sur del Golfo de California;
2. Variación morfológica de los corales Pocillopora en el Pacífico mexicano;
3. Efectos de la acidificación del océano en el paisaje genético del coral Porites panamensis en el Pacífico mexicano.
Pida informes a:
David Paz
Geofisicos y geologos: plumas contaminantes hidrocarburos.
GIAPSA, compañía dedicada al peritaje ambiental, solicita:
1. Dos Geofísicos con conocimiento en detección de plumas contaminantes por invasión de hidrocarburos en suelo, o manejo de equipos geofísicos para la determinación de litología y plumas contaminantes; y
2. Dos Geólogos para determinar influencia de contaminación por hidrocarburos por diferentes métodos directos.
Pida informes a:
Eduardo Rubio
1. Dos Geofísicos con conocimiento en detección de plumas contaminantes por invasión de hidrocarburos en suelo, o manejo de equipos geofísicos para la determinación de litología y plumas contaminantes; y
2. Dos Geólogos para determinar influencia de contaminación por hidrocarburos por diferentes métodos directos.
Pida informes a:
Eduardo Rubio
Técnico de apoyo seguimiento de proyectos- Oaxaca

La Fundación Comunitaria Oaxaca, A.C. (FCO), requiere de un “Técnico de apoyo seguimiento de proyectos”, para un proyecto con comunidades en la Selva Zoque de Oaxaca (México).
Se requiere para fomentar la integración de redes estratégicas que permitan la operación, seguimiento y evaluación de los resultados obtenidos de los proyectos ejecutados de la alianza entre la FCO y Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF), en el estado de Oaxaca, tomando en cuenta en todo momento la misión y visión de FCO.
Puede solicitar los requisitos por correo electrónico.
Pida informes a:
Ángel Cruz
Tesistas dentro de temas: contaminación de pesticidas, hidrocarburos y el estudio de Biomarcadores.

El Programa de Postgrado en Oceanografía Costera de la Facultad de Ciencias Marinas y del Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), busca estudiantes para tesis en licenciatura, maestría y doctorado, dentro de los temas: contaminación de pesticidas, hidrocarburos, y el estudio de Biomarcadores.
Pida informes a:
Nancy Ramírez
Tecnico en el Departamento de Oceanografía Física.

El Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B.C., con fecha 16 febrero de 2012 Invita a los interesados a participar en la convocatoria abierta para ocupar dos plazas en el puesto de Técnico Asociado o Titular (podrá otorgarse la categoría de acuerdo a la evaluación que realice la Comisión Interna Dictaminadora, en los términos que establece el Estatuto del Personal Técnico del CICESE) en el Departamento de Oceanografía Física.
1. Formación Académica:
Se requieren candidatos con licenciatura o posgrado en áreas afines a la Oceanografía Física.
2. Experiencia y Capacidades
• Excelente nivel en física y matemáticas.
• Conocimientos esenciales de aspectos oceanográficos (mares, corrientes, oleaje, frentes oceánicos, termodinámica del agua de mar, diagramas T-S, etc.)
• Habilidad para realizar, interpretar y presentar los resultados de simulaciones numéricas basadas en modelos de circulación del océano y de la atmósfera.
• Alto nivel en la construcción y manejo de bases de datos, construcción de aplicaciones computacionales, experiencia en MATLAB, conocimientos básicos de métodos numéricos y procesamiento estadístico básico.
• Disponibilidad para viajar y efectuar salidas de campo.
3. Documentación requerida:
• Currículum Vitae
• Carta de Interés
• Tres cartas de recomendación
• Copia de Título profesional
4. Procedimientos y Pruebas:
• Entrevista
5. Lugares y Fechas de Aplicación:
• Se indicarán por candidato
Interesados presentar la documentación en:
El proceso de selección atenderá los lineamientos internos de la institución y continuará hasta cubrir las plazas disponibles.

The Nature Conservancy
• Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting or business administration and 2 years related experience in pre- and post-award grants administration or equivalent combination.
• Experience, coursework, or other training with applicable U.S. Federal government circulars (OMB Circulars A-110, A-122 and A-133),
• Experience in Grants Accounting
• Experience in MS Office Applications, Word, Excel and Access.
• Experience using accounting and financial reporting systems.
The Grants Specialist I will be directly responsible for the administration of all aspects of a 5- year USAID Mexico REDD $37 Million dollar Cooperative Agreement.
,Preparation of annual budgets, set-up in central finance systems, preparation and submission of all invoices and financial reports to USAID, and maintenance of master agreement file. Works closely with project managers to ensure that the terms and conditions of the agreement are met and properly documented, and communicates directly with agency contracting officers to clarify or negotiate financial and administrative requirements.
The Grants Specialist I is also directly responsible for the administrative aspects of grants out to grantee organizations, including assistance with due diligence activities, preparation and revision of agreements, review of invoices and financial reports, and maintenance of grant files. Works directly with finance staff to clarify or negotiate financial and administrative requirements. Ensure that award monitoring meets TNC standards. The Grants Specialist I is the primary point of contact for local grantees on award administration issues and assists Operating Unit management with preparation of the work plan in response to internal grantee audits. The Grants Specialist I is responsible for tracking the resolution of action items detailed in audit response work plans.
The position will be based in Mexico City, Mexico and will support the Mexico and Northern Central America program.
• knowledge of applicable U.S. Federal government circulars such as OMB Circulars A-110, A-122 and A-133) and , USAID's Mandatory Standard Provisions for U.S. and Non-U.S. Non-governmental Recipients will be considered an asset.
• Non-profit accounting experience preferred.
• Superior organizational skills and attention to detail are a must
• Problem solving oriented
• Excellent verbal and written skills in both English and Spanish is required.
• The Grants Specialist I is always working in a close team environment . Being able to communicate needs and goals is a must. Work and communicate with a wide range of people in multiple locations in order to develop, negotiate, and/or implement programs and projects. Work in partnership with other organizations in a collaborative or advisory role.
• Demonstrate professional, positive, approachable attitude/demeanor and discretion.
To apply send cover letter and resume to: section Job Posting No 39295 or
Last day to submit applications: March 19, 20912
Enlace Comunitario en La Sierra La Giganta

Solicita una persona para llevar a cabo trabajo en campo en la Sierra La Giganta, en el Estado de Baja California Sur, específicamente en el predio de Las Ánimas. La persona contratada coordinará la realización de un Análisis del Potencial de Turismo Sustentable en la Zona y trabajará bajo la supervisión directa del Director Ejecutivo y del Director de Operaciones de RED. La contratación es por tres meses con posibilidad de extensión. El candidato deberá tener estudios en carreras relacionadas a sociología, antropología, desarrollo comunitario, administración de empresas o ecología terrestre. Las solicitudes seran aceptadas hasta el 25 de marzo del 2012.

Solicita una persona para cubrir la posición de
El Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C. (FMCN) es una institución privada sin fines de lucro integrada en 1994, la cual tiene como objetivo financiar y fortalecer actividades estratégicas de conservación del capital natural de México. El FMCN organiza su trabajo a través de cinco programas: 1) áreas naturales protegidas prioritarias; 2) cuencas; 3) bosques y cambio climático; 4) mares y costas; 5) oportunidades y apoyos estratégicos.
El FMCN requiere de una persona que apoye a la Coordinación de Cambio Climático, la cual forma parte del Programa de Conservación de Bosques y Cuencas.Ésta cuenta entre sus principales responsabilidades la implementación, seguimiento y evaluación de los proyectos en el tema en colaboración con la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, la Comisión Nacional Forestal, el Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos, y proyectos específicos con otros socios del sector de conservación en México y en el exterior.En esta posición el asistente tendrá oportunidad de interactuar con instancias privadas, sociales y gubernamentales, nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con el tema de cambio climático en el marco dela conservación de los recursos naturales en México. La sede de trabajo será la oficina del FMCN en la Ciudad de México.
Objetivo del puesto:
Asistir a la Coordinación de Cambio Climático en la convocatoria, monitoreo y evaluación técnica y operativa de los proyectos apoyados por el FMCN y todo aquello relacionado con la administración y manejo de la oficina, principalmente manejo de archivo, coordinación de agenda, logística, comprobación de gastos, comunicación y coordinación interna y externa.
1. Verificar las propuestas que solicitan apoyos del FMCN en el tema de cambio climático.
2. Revisar los reportes técnicos de los proyectos que ejecutan los socios y beneficiarios y, en caso necesario, emitir observaciones o recomendaciones para asegurar que éstos cumplan con loscompromisos convenidos.
3. Apoyar técnicamente a los beneficiarios para alcanzar los objetivos comprometidos en los proyectos financiados por el FMCN y en su fortalecimiento institucional.
4. Atender las consultas y solicitudes de receptores de recursos, socios y donantes; así como dar seguimiento a los compromisos establecidos con los mismos.
5. Apoyar en la elaboración de los reportes técnicos delos programas de apoyo.
6. Integrar bases de datos de proyectos e información clave sobre el cambio climático y recursos naturales en México y el extranjero.
7. Proporcionar apoyo logístico para la correcta realización de los eventos de la Coordinación de Cambio Climático y la Dirección del Programa de Bosques y Cuencas.
8. Apoyar a la Coordinadora de Cambio Climático en el seguimiento y difusión de proyectos/logros al interior y exterior del FMCN.
9. Apoyar a la Coordinadora de Cambio Climático en la coordinación con otras áreas con el fin de facilitar la realización de actividades administrativas, de sinergia y de logística.
10. Asistir la sistematización de proyectos y buenas prácticas generadas por los proyectos y los socios del FMCN en el tema de cambio climático.
11. Ejecutar las tareas administrativas (comprobación de viáticos y gastos, elaboración de contratos y solicitudes, captura de gastos) en tiempo y forma para que el programa pueda ejercer su presupuesto óptimamente.
12. Investigar y compilar la información que solicite la Coordinadora de Cambio Climático y la Dirección del Programa de Conservación de Bosques y Cuencas,con el fin de que cuente con las herramientas necesarias para la toma de decisiones.
1. Titulado en licenciatura en Biología, Agronomía, Forestería, Ciencias Ambientales u otras similares.
2. Experiencia mínima de un año en administración de proyectos enfocados en conservación y manejo de recursos naturales y colaboración con grupos de campo.
3. Conocimiento y experiencia laboral en temas de cambio climático.
4. Dominio del idioma inglés.
5. Excelente capacidad de redacción.
6. Buenas relaciones públicas.
7. Conocimientos de sistemas de cómputo para manejo de información e internet: paquetería de Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) y SIG.
Otros requisitos:
1. Interés por la conservación de los recursos naturales de nuestro país.
2. Alta iniciativa y compromiso en el trabajo.
3. Alto nivel de organización, responsabilidad y capacidad de respuesta.
4. Interés por apoyar el desarrollo de capacidades de grupos rurales.
5. Buenas relaciones públicas y trabajo en equipo.
6. Buena disposición para adquirir nuevas habilidades y herramientas de trabajo.
7. Disponibilidad para viajar.
Recepción de candidaturas:
Todo candidato interesado deberá presentar una solicitud que incluya los siguientes documentos:
• Curriculum Vitae
• Nombre, teléfono y/o correo electrónico de tres referencias.
• Ensayo de dos páginas explicando aspectos relevantes de su vida profesional que indiquen las razones por las cuales es la persona adecuada para esta posición.
Las solicitudes serán aceptadas hasta el 2 de marzo de 2012y deberán ser enviadas por correo electrónico a Liliana Urbina la direcció con copia a Vanessa Valdez ( El asunto del correo electrónico debe decir: Candidatura Asistente - [su apellido].
Disposiciones Generales:
El aviso de preselección se dará a partir del 15 de marzode 2012 a través de correo electrónico.Los candidatos pre-seleccionados serán invitados a participar en una entrevista que tendrá lugar en la última quincena de marzo. El FMCN comunicará a los candidatos cuando menos con dos días hábiles de anticipación, vía telefónica o correo electrónico, el lugar y la hora de la entrevista.
El candidato seleccionado deberá presentarse a trabajar a partir de la primera quincena de abril de 2012.
Postdoctorado. Universidad de Oregon.

Postdoctorado. Estudio de las relaciones entre genética, cambio ambiental, demografía y transmisión de enfermedades en primates salvajes. Depto. de Antropología e Instituto de Ecología y Evolución, Universidad de Oregon (EE.UU.). Fecha límite: 28 de Marzo. Inicio: Septiembre 2012. Más información:
Contacto: Dr. Nelson Ting
Beca postdoctoral- Brasil

Becas postdoctorales disponibles en FAPESP (Fundación para la Investigación de Sao Paulo, Brasil). Más información:
Cargos docentes Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Cargos docentes. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 1) Ayudante 1° (dedicación parcial); 2) Ayudante 1° (dedicación exclusiva). Más información:>academico>concursos docentes>auxiliares regulares.
Inscripción: 12-23 marzo 2012, de 9.00 a 14.00 hs. Pabellón II, 4º piso. Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires
Ayudante Profesorado Mar del Plata.

Ayudante de Primera (2 cargos, dedicación simple). Profesorado en Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Asignaturas: a) Política, Organización y Gestión Educativa; b) Prácticas docentes II. Más información: ó
Doctorado. Mecanismos abundancia de plantas raras.

Doctorado. Evaluación de los mecanismos (partición de recursos, plantas y patógenos densodependientes) para explicar la abundancia de algunas especies raras de plantas. Universidad de Konstanz (Alemania). Fecha límite: 31 marzo. Inicio: 01 mayo. Contacto: W. Dawson:
Doctorado. Interacciones multitroficas plantas, insectos, enemigos naturales.

Doctorado. Estudio de interacciones multi-tróficas entre entre plantas, insectos y enemigos naturales en sistemas experimentales y agrícolas (Trabajo con comunidades locales, producción hortícola y manejo integrado de plagas –áfidos- en África subsahariana). Universidad Tecnológica de Mûnich (Alemania). Más información: Fecha límite: 1 de Abril 2012. Contacto: Prof. W. Weisser o Dr. S. Zytynska
Beca doctoral. Sensores remotos y sistemas naturales y antropicos acoplados.

Beca Doctoral. Sensores remotos y sistemas naturales y antrópicos acoplados (detección remota y monitoreo de cambios en el uso/cobertura de la tierra usando datos satelitales). The Earth Systems Research Center, Universidad de New Hampshire (EE.UU.). Inicio: Agosto 2012. Enviar carta de interés, CV, copia de papers, certificado TOEFL/GRE y contactos de 3 referentes al Prof. Jingfeng Xiao
(, asunto del mensaje “Application for PhD Position”.
Beca doctoral. Dinamica y funcionamiento de ecosistemas forestales.

Beca doctoral (3 años). Estudio de la dinámica y funcionamiento de ecosistemas forestales en la zona de transición entre bosque templado caducifolio y coníferas boreales en tres regiones de Québec (Abitibi, Bas St-Laurent y Estrie). Universidad de Quebec (Canadá). Inicio: Septiembre 2012. Enviar carta de interés, CV, contactos de 2 referentes, o cualquier consulta a Dominique Gravel
Beca de Maestría. Secuestro Carbono Bosques de Pino.

Beca de Maestría (2 años). Sistemas de manejo de bosques de pino orientados a incrementar el secuestro de carbono y la eficiencia del uso de este recurso. Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Ecología y Manejo, Universidad Estatal de Oklahoma (EE.UU.). Inicio: Mayo o Agosto 2012. Interesados contacta al Dr. Tom Hennessey Más información:
Beca doctoral. Interacción con protooncoproteinas. Argentina.

Beca doctoral. Estudio de arreglos supramoleculares de membranas modelo y naturales subyacentes a la interacción con proto-oncoproteínas de expresión temprana. Departamento de Química Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Contacto: Dra. G. Borioli
Beca doctoral. Argentina.

Beca doctoral. Estudio de los patrones de variación genética y fenotípica en aves sudamericanas: evaluando hipótesis sobre el contacto histórico entre la Selva Atlántica y las Yungas (estudios filogeográficos y morfológicos de aves para poner a prueba hipótesis sobre la evolución de organismos neotropicales). Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales. Enviar CV al Dr. Pablo Tubaro
Ayudante de campo. Argentina.

Ayudantes de campo. Cambios en el uso de suelo y provisión de servicios ecosistémicos en la cuenca de Tapia- trancas (Tucumán y Salta). Dos tipos de campaña: a) estudio de biodiversidad de aves, mamíferos y hormigas (6-7 días, verano e invierno); b) medición de biomasa vegetal (5 días, invierno). Gastos cubiertos: transporte desde Tucumán, comida y estadía. Se otorgará certificado del Instituto de Ecología Regional (IER) y
posibilidad de participar en publicaciones, tesinas, etc. Primer campaña de biodiversidad: 17- 23 de abril. Enviar CV y breve explicación de su interés a Sofía Nanni
Restauración de ecosistemas y conservacion de la biodiversidad- Argentina

Tesitas de grado/Asistentes de campo en Restauración de ecosistemas y Conservación de biodiversidad.
Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Temas de tesis: respuesta florística y faunística postdisturbio/rehabilitación, modelos sucesionales e hidrogeomorfológicos, efectos de degradación antrópica a escala de paisaje (GIS). Requisito: predisposición para trabajo de campo y licencia de conducir auto/moto (no
excluyente). Inicio inmediato, próximas campañas: marzo (Mesopotamia) y abril (Patagonia) 2012. Enviar CV a Mariano Arias y Celina Escartín,

PRBO Conservation Science (founded as Point Reyes Bird Observatory in 1965), a non-profit ecological research organization based in Petaluma, California seeks intern for seabird monitoring projects in central and southern California. PRBO has partnered with the Bureau of Land Management and California's MPA Monitoring Enterprise to monitor seabird populations along the central and southern California coast. Over the next 3-5 years, PRBO will collect baseline data on annual population size, breeding success, diet and foraging distribution and rates of human disturbance at serveral sites. The data will be used to guide the adaptive management of the Seabird Protection Network and California's Marine Life Protection Act Initiative.
Hours: Full-time, seasonal, no benefits
Position Duration: 1 April through 31 July, 2012, with potential for annual reappointment.
Duties / Description: Interns will spend most of their time training in the field. Interns will aid field technicians in collecting data on seabird population and breeding dynamics, diet and foraging habits, and roosting ecology. Interns will also be trained on data entry and data quality control.
Qualifications / Requirements: Candidate must have or be within one year of completing a B.S. in biology or other related field and be able to work in a group setting and tough environmental conditions. Candidates with an interest in marine biology or oceanography are encouraged to apply.
To apply: Email resume, cover letter, and 3-5 references with phone numbers to Dan Robinette at
Marine Environmental Research Institute Research Assistant- EUA

The Marine Environmental Research Institute is seeking an individual with a background in marine mammal biostatistics, ecotoxicology, epidemiology, environmental health sciences, or a related field to fill a full-time Research Assistant position at the Center for Marine Studies in Blue Hill, Maine. Located on the mid-Maine coast, the Marine Environmental Research Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting ocean life and human health through scientific research, education and advocacy. Current initiatives include long-term research on levels and effects of environmental pollutants in marine mammals and fish in the Gulf of Maine and along the mid-Atlantic coast, and coastal monitoring studies in Blue Hill Bay. For more information, visit:
The individual who fills this position will be a highly organized, detail-oriented scientist with excellent statistical, database management, and writing skills who is able to work well under pressure, meet deadlines, and work independently and as part of a team. This is an excellent opportunity for an individual working toward a career in marine or environmental health sciences. The ideal candidate will possess a personal interest in the marine environment and a commitment to the mission of the organization.
Primary Job Responsibility:
Assist the Director and senior research staff with the implementation of MERI’s ecotoxicological and marine mammal research projects. Perform data management, statistical analysis, literature reviews, and assist with preparation of scientific publications and presentations.
Specific Responsibilities:
* Perform data entry/database management and statistical analysis using Excel, Filemaker, and SPSS statistical software packages
* Conduct literature searches and reviews; assist with the maintenance and expansion of MERI’s scientific research library using EndNote software.
* Assist with preparation of peer-reviewed scientific publications and reports, write up results and methods, compile data from literature and create tables and figures from data analysis
* Assist with the creation of Power Point presentations utilizing statistical and graphics software
* Assist with science translation and dissemination to a broad public
* Assist with marine mammal stranding response, sample collection, sample processing, and tissue bank database maintenance; collaborate with the regional marine mammal stranding network and other institutions to expand the tissue bank for future studies
* Perform other duties as assigned by the Director
Reports to: Director and Senior Staff
This is a full-time position with competitive salary and benefits package.
Minimum requirements to be successful in this position are: excellent database management, statistics, literature review, research and writing skills. The ideal candidate will possess a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail, proficiency with scientific literature searches and reference library systems, and advanced skills with word processing, statistical/graphics, database (Filemaker), and literature search software (EndNote). At least two years’ experience working in ecotoxicology, ecology, epidemiology, or biostatistics preferred. GIS software skills a plus. Candidates must have a Bachelor’s or higher degree in ecotoxicology, epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, environmental health sciences or a related field from an accredited university.
Applicant must be able to meet deadlines and be flexible to accommodate workload. Candidate should be familiar with basic marine laboratory practices and have some field experience. Candidate should be US citizens or permanent residents.
Time Requirements: Full-time (min. 40 hours/week); additional hours to be agreed upon by employee and Director. Part-time employment for this position will also be considered.
Salary: Competitive, DOE
Full-time Benefits Package: Includes eligibility for group health insurance after 30 days
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit by e-mail with “Research Assistant” in the subject line, a letter of application with updated CV, two writing samples, and contact information for three references to:
Search Committee / Research
Application Deadline: April 16, 2012
The recruitment notice for this position and information on how to apply is also posted on the website:
Marine Environmental Research Institute
PO Box 1652, 55 Main Street
Blue Hill, ME 04616
Tel: (207) 374-2135 Fax: (207) 374-2931
For more info, contact:
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit by e-mail with “Research Assistant” in the subject line, a letter of application with updated CV, two writing samples, and contact information for three references to:
Search Committee / Research
Avian Monitoring Volunteer on Kodiak Island- EUA

VOLUNTEER FIELD RESEARCH ASSISTANT needed to assist with the bird monitoring and inventory program on Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, AK between May 20-Sep 20. The person selected will spend the first week in orientation, safety training, and preparation for field deployment. During the following 15 weeks, the volunteer will have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects including at-sea surveys of marine birds, banding drives of molting sea ducks, and mist netting and banding landbirds.
Monitoring tasks will include: recording observations of birds at sea from a small skiff; using kayaks and small skiffs to herd molting harlequin ducks and Barrow’s goldeneyes into nets for banding; and mist netting and banding landbirds. Field work is conducted primarily in June and August with biologists and volunteers living aboard the 48 foot refuge research vessel, the Ursa Major II. Data entry and editing, including some work with ArcGIS, is the major task in July and September, which will be spent at Refuge Headquarters in the town of Kodiak. Ideal candidates will have experience in conducting bird surveys, operating small skiffs, and have some computer/GIS skills.
The Fish and Wildlife Service will pay round-trip airfare to Kodiak from a U.S. city; provide shared housing while in Kodiak, and pay all field costs except personal clothing. A small living allowance is offered to cover food costs. Mandatory training in bear awareness, watercraft operation, and aviation safety will be provided. Applicants must be able to arrive on Kodiak Island by May 20. For additional information about volunteering in Kodiak, please visit our website:
To apply, please email a cover letter addressing the above criteria, your resume, and email contacts for 3 references to LISA HUPP, Kodiak NWR Volunteer Coordinator (email:; PH: 907-487-0285) and ROBIN CORCORAN, Kodiak NWR Avian Biologist (email:; PH: 907-487-0246). Please assemble all materials in a single document. Application period: March 12-March 30, 2012; position may be filled as qualified applicants are identified. Applicants will be notified about decisions by April 10, 2012.
For more info, contact:
Lisa Hupp:
Robin Corcoran:
Small Mammal Internship, Finland

Title: Small Mammal Internship, Finland
Agency: Finnish Forest Research Institute - METLA
Location: Suonenjoki, Finland
Job Description: The internship position available is to join the team working on the ongoing research project “Individual health and dynamics of natural populations”. The project addresses the roles of food quantity and quality as determinants of the physiological and immunological health state of individuals and how variation in these factors predisposes individuals to parasite and pathogen infection and ultimately reflects onto population dynamics. As a model species we use the field vole, Microtus agrestis, which in northern Europe exhibits pronounced multiannual population cycles. The intern will assist in live and snap trapping, dissections, laboratory diagnostic tests and feeding/maintaining voles breeding in the lab and in field enclosures.
Be in pursuit of or have achieved a degree in Ecology, Zoology, Natural Resources, Parasitology or a similar field. Be experienced in good laboratory practice and fieldwork. Willingness to work in harsh conditions. Have a positive attitude and good sense of humor. Be willing to work long flexible hours and travel (transport and housing will be supplied). Ability to work as a member of a team.
Have experience trapping and handling small mammals. Have wildlife dissection experience. Experience in molecular techniques. Possess a full driver’s license.
Starting date will be early in May and last into August with potential for expansion. Housing will be provided.
Please send a cover letter stating your interest in the project and addressing the qualifications , resume, and three references to with Internship in the subject line.
Salary: Housing provided. If you are aware of potential funding you are eligible for, assistance to your application will be provided.
Last Date to apply: April 2nd 2012
Contact: Dr. Peter Stuart
E-mail: (Preferred)
For more info, contact:
Contact: Dr. Peter Stuart
E-mail: (Preferred)
Program Leader-Conservation and Availability of Genetic Resources- ROMA

Bioversity International (“Bioversity” for short) is the world’s largest organization undertaking research on agricultural biodiversity, dedicated to addressing global issues related to food security, poverty, climate change and environmental degradation. We are a non profit organization, active in over 100 countries worldwide, with more than 350 staff working from some 16 country offices. We are one of 15 centres of the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR). This is an exciting time to join Bioversity International. We have recently developed new and ambitious goals, clear objectives and performance indicators for the next ten years. Two strategic priorities have been set - to improve the use of biodiversity by smallholder farmers and the conservation of plant diversity.
Purpose of Role
With international attention now focused on the need to increase investment in agriculture, Bioversity is seeking a highly motivated and dynamic person to lead the Conservation and Availability of Genetic Resources Programme as well as contribute to research in the area of In Situ Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives. As the leader a global research team, the incumbent will provide scientific leadership, coordination and facilitation of ongoing and new research and global partnerships to lead to the development of a global programme on in situ conservation, i.e. in natural and managed habitats, of priority populations of useful wild plant species, with particular attention to crop wild relatives. As Program Leader, the incumbent will also provide oversight to a team of genetic resources policy and informatics specialists. The position will be based in Bioversity’s Headquarters in Maccarese, near Rome, Italy.
Key responsibilities
He/She will have the following main responsibilities:
• Manage and coordinate the research of scientists within the Conservation and Availability of Genetic Resources Programme, be responsible for its strategic coherence and scientific output, and foster the necessary partnerships to achieve research outcomes;
• Be responsible for the Programme’s participation in relevant CGIAR Research Programmes (CRPs) in line with Bioversity’s policies;
• Lead and contribute to research on the in situ conservation of crop wild relatives; and to the design of practices, guidelines, impact pathways and processes towards achieving conservation outcomes on the ground in countries around the world;
• Collaborate with other scientists working on the conservation of priority plant populations in the wild, on farm and ex situ, both within Bioversity and in other CGIAR Centres and organizations;
• Produce scientific publications and other impact-oriented products from high quality research on the conservation in situ of the genepools of priority plant resources, notably the wild relatives of crops;
• Lead our engagement with other key stakeholders and establish and maintain strategic partnerships at national and international levels;
• Lead or contribute to the development of fundraising proposals to support such research, the associated capacity building of partners and the achievement of conservation outcomes.
• Contribute to the communication effort of Bioversity on the research being conducted within the Programme;
• Identify and lead opportunities to advance Bioversity’s research agenda.
Essential qualifications & competencies
• A PhD in Conservation Biology or other relevant disciplines.
• At least 10 years of experience working on or issues relevant to the management and conservation of plant populations in the wild.
• At least 5 years experience carrying out research with partners and relevant field experience in developing countries.
• Good understanding of genetic resources and policy issues related to the conservation and availability of PGR.
• Demonstrated competency in the management of scientific staff and other resources at a senior level, preferably in an international research or academic environment.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including the ability to effectively interact with people at all levels and build consensus in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment.
• Demonstrated ability to build relationships with donors and generate funds for research and delivery of outcomes.
• A substantial and sustained record of achievement and innovation through project development, implementation and delivery of results, and demonstrated publication record.
• Drive and entrepreneurship to pursue and develop new research opportunities.
• Excellent English, both verbal and written
.Desirable qualifications and competencies
• Experience with methodologies and tools for the capturing and monitoring of status and trends of plant genetic resources.
• Familiarity with ex situ conservation and how it can complement in situ methods.
• Familiarity with the CGIAR system.
• Working knowledge of Spanish, French or other major global languages.
Terms and conditions: This is an internationally recruited position at Level 2 of Bioversity’s Internationally Recruited Scale, in a scale of 5 levels, with level 1 being the highest. Bioversity International offers an attractive remuneration package including a competitive salary, non-contributory retirement plan, medical insurance, housing allowance and leave provisions. All benefits are denominated and paid in US Dollars. The initial contract will be for a period of three years subject to a probationary period of one year.
For more info, contact:
Applications: Please apply online through Bioversity Job Opportunities web page ( by clicking the “Apply” button, completing the online application and attaching the required information, no later than 31 March 2012. Please note that in the application you are required to provide the contact details (address, telephone number and e-mail address) of at least three referees, which Bioversity will contact for short listed applicants.
Giant Panda Reproductive Behavior Research Intern - China

Deadline: March 24th, 2012
Decision Notification: April 7th, 2012
Cost: 2,500 USD + Travel
You will be working closely with the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP) to research mate preference in captive giant pandas. The interns primary job will be daily tracking of panda locations to track familiarity, collecting fecal samples from October to November, and scoring maternal behaviors. Other duties will include, cataloging fecal samples bimonthly, downloading videos weekly, and scoring stereotypical behaviors of male pandas.
Conservation Focus
With connections to the Oregon Zoo, San Diego Zoo, and CCRCGP this internship provides a well-rounded and practical experience perfect for building a career in international biological conservation or zoo biology.
This project has the potential to improve captive breeding methods currently utilized by both zoological and private breeding facilities of endangered species. Given the predicted results, the Oregon Zoo, San Diego Zoo, SCBI and CCRCGP can provide a model system of captive breeding that integrates both genetic and behavioral information to determine optimal mating pairs. It seems clear that conservation breeding programs in zoos and breeding centers have much to gain from a more integrated approach, addressing both the importance of genetic management and natural mating preferences.
Local Living
Accommodation in Ya_an is a Chinese apartment with 2 rooms and running hot water, electricity, and internet. Heaters are either by gas or electric and are provided in the housing if you are staying over a winter months (please run the gas heater preferentially over the electric heater). You will be expected to keep up with daily housekeeping, cooking and shopping on your own.
Panda interns are expected to work independently, with only minimal supervision, managing their own time and meeting any deadlines given to you. You will usually be able to take at least one-two days off each week, dependent on current work priorities.
On days off you can hike, go wildlife watching or take trips to other cities but this will all be on your own money and you will be required back at work on Monday. There are various cultural events you may attend with local friends, such as festivals and national holidays, which can provide a fascinating and very personal insight into local traditions.
Medical facilities are extremely basic; anything beyond a minor medical emergency would require international evacuation where full medical facilities are available. A charter plane would be required for evacuation, and all interns are required to have adequate insurance to cover any costs that ensue, since a full medical evacuation back to Europe could cost up to 100,000GBP. We will need relevant medical history and proof of travel insurance if selected.
You will be expected and encouraged to learn some of the Chinese language in order to be integrated as fully as possible into the community during your stay. This will come quickly with daily immersion and opportunities to practice with local staff and students. It is a good idea to bring a dictionary and audio learning materials with you in order to facilitate your studies.
Intern Contribution
Interns are required to work for a minimum of 3 months and pay a contribution of 26 USD per day or 2,500 USD for the entire 3 months. This funding will contribute to the individual's accommodation and research associated costs during the internship (see below).
All interns are required to cover their own travel to the country (flights around 1200 USD from Portland Oregon) and insurance. We require proof of insurance before starting of the internship. You are also required to cover your own food expenses. Average costs for shopping at the local grocery store is 20 USD per week. Interns should budget approximately 300 USD for food while conducting their 3 month internship.
All interns are required to get their Chinese Visa on their own. These can be obtained via sending your passport and visa application materials to the closest Chinese consulate. Please contact your local consulate for further details
Below is an example of where fund allocations from an intern contribution goes and may not be the exact distribution of funds based on changes in circumstance and program needs: Prices are per day.
Accommodation (apartment and utilities in Yaan): 10.50 USD
Office rental & utilities (for the office space at the base): 4.50 USD
Staff salaries, overhead and project costs: 4.50 USD
Administrative overhead: 3.00
Transport (to ride the bus every morning with the base workers): 3.50 USD
How to Apply
Candidates should send in a CV and brief cover letter to Meghan Martin by March 24th:
Please state in your application:
- Where you heard about PDXWildlife
- Details of the experience you have either living / working / traveling in developing countries
- Your level of English & Chinese
- Your level of ur level of qualification as it pertains to research involving captive animals, animal behavior, or wildlife conservation
Applicants may also be interested in reading our blog and joining our Facebook group for recent news and photos from our programs.
Applicants will be interviewed and chosen by April 7, 2012.
For more info, contact:
Meghan Martin
Environmental Grads, Fly-in, Fly-out, Ft McMurray! CANADA

Passionate about the environment? Do you have a Bachelor’s Degree in an Environmental discipline such as Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Geography, Ecology, or Resource Management? And do you have the drive and dedication to work on a Site-Based, fly-in, fly-out rotational role? If so, then Kiewit Energy Canada may have the job for you!
We require a motivated and enthusiastic Environmental Grad who has 1-2 years Admin/Clerical experience including report writing, sample data analysis and conducting research. YOUR DUTIES WILL BE: A combination of administrative support (40%), field work (30%), research (20%), and providing training and education (10%). Administrative duties will involve providing admin support to the Environmental Manager including report writing, filing, creating memos/maps and assisting with office needs. Field work will involve daily site inspections, environmental monitoring of activities, waste management, water sampling, and management of WHMIS. Research will involve researching topics relevant to the site/industry /new initiatives to support the Environmental Program, and Training and education will include making and giving presentations, and creating environmental memos.
The successful candidate will possess superior verbal and written communication skills (and be comfortable giving presentations); be a proactive problem solver with strict attention to detail, and have strong skills in Microsoft Word and Excel (experience with Map Making would be considered an asset). We are looking for a Driven Environmental Graduate who can work independently in a remote/isolated environment located North of Ft McMurray.
If you are interested in this opportunity and meet the above qualifications, please forward your resume to! We thank all applicants for their interest however due to high volumes of applications only those qualified will be contacted.
Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Kiewit Energy Canada Corp. specializes in large, complex, integrated industrial/mechanical/electrical projects. Our projects involve construction of oil sands processing facilities, refinery expansions, gas plant expansions, co-generation facilities, major mine developments, spool fabrication facilities and SAGD facilities.
For more info, contact:
Community-based forest restoration in Kianjavato, Madagascar

A collaborative project between researchers at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Center for Conservation and Research and the University of Calgary seeks two qualified and highly motivated research assistants. The project involves contributing to a reforestation program designed to reconnect fragmented forests over mountainous terrain in the Kianjavato-Vatovavy landscape in southeastern Madagascar. The program’s long-term goals are to provide animal habitat and benefit the local community by enabling sustainable food and lumber enterprises.
The primary responsibilities of the volunteers include: 1) hands-on participation in established tree nurseries, including plant seeds, care for seedlings, nursery maintenance, grafting, and transplant seedlings into the landscape; 2) collect various scientific data such as seedling germination and growth rates per tree species, number of seedlings cultivated and planted, record GPS points for each plant site, measurement of growth and survival rates for transplanted trees; 3) take part in community outreach activities and English development courses; 4) assist with the development of water collection methods and other sustainable resource practices; and 5) enter and transmit data to the principal investigators via internet every two weeks.
There will be occasional opportunities to participate in lemur behavioral studies being conducted by other long-term volunteers and research assistants on site. Volunteer commitments are to work 5-6 days/week, up to 9 hours/day. Most of these tasks are carried out with the assistance of research technicians, and there is some flexibility in scheduling.
Volunteers will be trained by the current field team. Volunteers also will work with an experienced and very helpful local team of assistants for all activities. Some English is spoken by the team, but French language skills will be useful; it should also be possible for volunteers to learn to communicate in Malagasy during their stay. The terrain is very steep and the weather is typically very warm and humid, particularly December-April. Adequate physical fitness in these conditions is required. There are no dangerous animals, except the rare spider or scorpion. However, precautions should be made to avoid tropical diseases (e.g., malaria) – volunteers should ensure that they have the proper vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis. There are nine total lemur species present, and a rich variety of other endemics (birds, chameleons, tenrecs, etc.).
Research is based at the newly-established Kianjavato Ahmanson Field Station (KAFS). Infrastructure upgrades are ongoing, however conditions are currently relatively rustic. Volunteers will sleep in self-provided tents under a fixed shelter which is shared with other volunteers, and meals are basic camp fare (be prepared to eat rice at each meal). There is generally good cellular phone reception at the station and in some parts of the forest. Volunteers will need to obtain their own phones and will have to pay for their own calls (even international rates are reasonable). A generator is present to power laptops, recharge batteries, etc. on a restricted basis. Internet will only be available during twice monthly trips to larger towns.
Qualifications/Experience: As indicated, adequate physical fitness is required. We prefer volunteers with at least a BA or BSc in the biological or environmental sciences (including biological anthropology). Some independent research experience will be an advantage, as will work or travel experience in tropical countries. A willingness to work in isolated conditions, the ability to solve problems independently, and dedication to a positive and respectful working environment are required.
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging): No salary is offered, but in-country permits, food, and necessary transportation at the site will be provided.
Term of Appointment: A three-month commitment is required (June - August 2012). Volunteers are welcome to stay longer; please indicate this in your letter of interest.
Application Deadline: immediately; the positions will be filled by the first qualified applicants.
Comments: Applicants should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and contact information for two references to Shannon Engberg (
For additional information, please see:
For more info, contact:
Shannon Engberg
Conservation Genetics
Center for Conservation and Research
Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
3701 South 10th Street
Omaha, NE 68107
Community-based conflict mitigation measure in elephant areas

Wildlife Research and Conservation Society (WRCS - is currently working with local communities to implement community-based conflict mitigation measure in elephant conflict prone areas of North Kanara District in Karnataka.
Project: Human-elephant conflict is a serious issue for people as well as elephant conservation in the area where elephants share resources with local people. WRCS has initiated a project to motivate local communities to participate in the conflict mitigation and adopt low-cost measures to keep the elephants out of the crop fields. The project is in progress since 2009 and will be continued further.
Project Area: Reserved forests of Yellapur Division and nearby area.
There are 2 posts in the current project:
1. Conflict Mitigation with community participation: Motivating the local community adopting low-cost mitigation measures. This will involve traveling extensively in the area, holding meetings with farmers and setting up demonstration plots of various measures. Another important aspect is to motivate and train the farmers in implementing these measures. The work will involve repetitive meetings and dialogues with farmers and various stakeholders in the area.
2. Monitoring elephant movement and habitat in the study area: Monitoring of areas used by elephants by seasonal sign surveys along the trails. Vegetation analysis on the trails will be carried out to assess the forest composition and biotic influences in the area.
We are interested in working with individuals who are committed to the work, and who have genuine interest in this field of work and conservation issues.
Ability to write scientific reports and carrying out analysis is required.
Early morning time is ideal for starting the field work therefore the researchers should be prepared to work accordingly. Physical fitness is very essential as the work will involve walking in the forests for long distance and riding the bike for the work purpose.
Ability to plan the work schedule and monitor the ongoing work is a very important aspect of the project.
Innovative and creativity approach towards working is important.
Ability to communicate with local villagers in Kannada or Marathi will be useful.
Work will be carried out on the bike and involves frequent night visits to chase the elephants from the farms therefore male applicants will be preferred for both the posts.
For more info, contact:
Dr. Prachi Mehta
+919011052193. or
Wildlife Biologist III AMERICAN SAMOA

American Samoa is part of the Samoan archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean and is an overseas territory of the United States, located east of independent Samoa between Fiji and French Polynesia. It comprises five volcanic islands (Tutuila, Aunu’u, Ofu, Olosega, and Ta’u) and two coral atolls (Swains Atoll and Rose Atoll, which is a National Wildlife Refuge). The islands collectively cover a land area of ~200 square kilometers and include some of the best remaining rain forest in the tropical Pacific, some of which is managed as part of the National Park of American Samoa. Samoan and English are the principle languages spoken.
The American Samoa Government’s Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR), carries out numerous short- and long-term wildlife research, monitoring, and management programs on birds (including tropical forest birds, seabirds, and other birds), fruit bats, sea turtles, invertebrates, invasive species, and wildlife habitat. DMWR includes an international team based in Tutuila that conducts research throughout American Samoa and, when appropriate, elsewhere in Polynesia.
DMWR is seeking a Wildlife Biologist III to work with the Chief Wildlife Biologist to implement the following avian ecology projects: Tropical Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (TMAPS) program, Pacific Black Duck study, seabird population monitoring, and Spotless Crake investigation. S/he may also assist in other Wildlife Division projects, as needed. This position is a full-time 2-year renewable contractual position. Salary is US$30-$32,000. Other benefits include transportation and reimbursement for shipping personal effects to American Samoa, subsidized housing and health care in American Samoa, numerous prospects for professional training and exchange, the opportunity to design, carry out, and publish original ecological and conservation research, and access to some of the most beautiful places on the planet. Position will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant is found.
> design, conduct, analyze, report, and publish avian and other wildlife research projects
> collaborate with and/or provide scientific and technical guidance to other Wildlife Division biologists in the development, implementation, and reporting of their respective projects
> assist in preparation and submission of grant proposals and reports
> conduct or supervise ecological impact assessments and/or wildlife emergency response and rehabilitation as needed
> represent the DMWR in professional meetings, workshops, and working groups within and outside of the Territory
> graduate degree (MS/MSc or PhD) in Biology, Zoology, Ecology or Wildlife Biology, or a related field; 3 years of supervisory research experience will substitute for a master’s degree.
> avian project management experience, preferably in tropical ecosystems; field experience mist netting, handling, and banding birds, telemetry experience and experience with waterfowl and/or seabirds are all desirable.
> demonstrated skills in statistical analysis and presentation of data, including publications in peer-reviewed journals and technical reports.
> excellent physical fitness as well as willingness and ability to accept off island work assignments in rugged conditions (involving backpacking, camping) for weeks at a time; ability to operate manual transmission vehicles is a plus.
> proficiency in English is required; knowledge of Samoan and/or other regional languages is desirable.
> experience working/living internationally, a sense of adventure, a strong work ethic (both independently and as a team player), a positive attitude, the ability to be flexible as conditions require, and a good sense of humor are all valuable assets.
Please send a cover letter, CV and list of three references in a single document (preferably a pdf or Word document) by Friday, March 30th, to
For more info, contact:
Please email any questions or requests for further information to:
Volunteer Research Assistants for Conservation Ecology in Mexico

The Biodiversity Group, a non-profit organization, is seeking 4-6 research assistants to join its field team of wildlife biologists in Mexico’s rare and wild tropical deciduous forests to study the conservation ecology of native reptiles and amphibians and other wildlife. Some species of interest include the Mexican beaded lizard, mountain king snake, desert tortoise, spotted box turtle, Madrean black-tailed rattlesnake, barking frog, and the Mexican leaf frog.
Research participants will be involved with conducting night and day surveys for reptiles and amphibians (however other taxa such as invertebrates are also of interest), animal data collection, and lab work. Lab work consists of more detailed information such as scale counts (for reptiles) and other morphological information, animal measurements, screening for chytrid disease (amphibians), preservation (only when necessary), and acquisition of DNA samples. Diagnostic photographs of all animals will be taken. Other tasks include animal handling and general note taking and data organization.
For 2012, two Mexico expeditions are scheduled for September 1-12 and September 14-25. The cost for one term is a donation of $1000, but participants are encouraged to stay for two terms at a cost of $1900. This donation does not include airfare but covers room/board and travel within Mexico. One hundred percent of contributions go directly back into TBG’s tropical conservation research and into educating locals on their native ecosystems and their part in maintaining them. Volunteer assistants will gain valuable research experience, contribute towards our mission in conservation ecology, meet wildlife biologists in their field of interest, have an opportunity to conduct research hands-on with animals in the field, and enjoy beautiful Alamos like no one else.
For more information please go to the following link: (
Participants must have a general interest in conservation ecology and field work and must be over the age of 18 to apply. Assistants will be required to work long hours over rugged terrain in humid conditions. Particularly, the most important qualifications that an assistant can bring to the project are enthusiasm and a good work ethic. Anyone meeting these general criteria is encouraged to apply.
Students usually can acquire academic credit (often towards senior research/thesis) or if they are a returning participant can apply for an internship with TBG along with their current college or university.
Please apply at
Nathalie Aall with any questions
Team Coordinator for tiger/leopard livestock depredation project INDIA

Position: Team Coordinator
Project: Predation risk mapping of tiger and leopard livestock depredation
Location: Kanha Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh
Payment: Rs. 20,000 per month with meals and lodging
Term: ASAP through September 2012
Supervisor: Jennie Miller, PhD Candidate at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Research Affiliate at the Wildlife Institute of India
Project overview available at:
Required qualifications:
- Completed a Master's in Zoology, Environmental Studies or environmentally related subject
- Fluent in both Hindi and English
- Previous fieldwork experience, including identifying tiger, leopard and prey scat and pugmarks
Description: A position is available for a Team Coordinator to supervise and carry out data collection on tiger and leopard livestock kills in Kanha Tiger Reserve. Fieldwork will consist of interviewing Forest Department staff about livestock kill cases, conducting vegetation and prey sign surveys at kill sites, and collecting scat in the park buffer and core. The Team Coordinator will also translate livestock reports from Hindi into English and maintain project databases. The Team Coordinator will live at the Mukki Forest Department gate and work on the eastern side of Kanha with one local assistant. The position will involve working independently across a large, remote and beautiful landscape.
Applicants should have completed a Master's degree in an environmentally related subject and have experience conducting wildlife or environmental research in the field. Previous experience identifying carnivore and ungulate signs is required. Candidates should be fluent in Hindi and English (speaking, reading and writing) and maintain a good sense of humor while working long days in challenging field conditions, including long walks/drives, extreme heat and biting insects. The position is available from March-September 2012 and applicants MUST commit to work for the full period.
To apply, email Jennie Miller at with:
1) Curriculum Vitae or Resume, and
2) 1-2 paragraph(s) describing why you are suitable for the job and why you want the position.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and contacted only if they are selected for a phone/Skype interview.
For more info, contact:
Jennie Miller
Volunteer field assistants for Costa Rican rainforest reserve

Volunteer field positions are now available for tropical rain forest studies within a remote private biological reserve located in the mountainous regions of Costa Rica. Founded in 2001, the Aula Global reserve is off limits to the general public, spans five ecological zones and contains old growth and secondary forest as well as streams and open areas, making it an excellent location for a wide range of studies. Beginning April 1, 2012, The Global Classroom will be conducting scientific studies and various work projects throughout the reserve ranging from bird, mammal and reptile census to canopy exploration requiring technical climbing equipment. No previous rain forest experience is necessary, but volunteers must be motivated, self directed and prepared for off trail hiking in rugged, wet conditions. Participants may be asked to carry 15-20 kg loads short distances as all food and equipment must be carried into the reserve as there are no roads to the research station. Projects run from April 1 to May 28, 2012
Main areas of focus during the spring 2012 season will be documenting the breeding and nesting habits of the Bare-necked Umbrella bird using direct observation, photo / filming of this little known species, canopy exploration, and the movement and repopulation of large cats into the reserve using tracking techniques, track pads and camera traps. (For more information on our current projects, see below). Only 4 positions are available. Cost is $300 per week and includes all food, lodging, use of Aula Global facilities and transportation to and from the reserve.
Canopy Research
Participants interested in assisting with canopy studies will climb into the trees in search of orchids, epiphytes and other plant species found among the treetops. Using crossbows and other means of launching light cord into the trees, we will then secure special climbing ropes that will be used to ascend into the canopy to collect plant samples as well as photograph and document the wide range of life found there. We provide all the necessary equipment and training required to operate safely in the trees. No previous climbing experience is needed.
Big Cat studies
Using camera traps, track pads and other techniques, participants will focus on gathering data on the movement of transient cats such as jaguar and puma that move through the Aula Global reserve. Data will also be collected on prey density as well as those cats that reside within the reserve boundaries, including puma, ocelot, marguay, and possibly jaguar. This project will require long hikes in thick jungle using animal tracking skills to locate game trails used by these predators. Participants will be required to use machetes and other tools while in the field constructing track pads, setting up and collecting data from camera traps, and constructing observation blinds.
For more information on Aula Global reserve go to
For more info, contact:
Colin Garland
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