Job Type: volunteer position
Opportunity location: Yasuni National Park, Orellana Province
Closing date (if specified): 20 Aug 2010
Opportunity Description:
2 positions available for volunteer field assistants in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The project is investigating differences in monkey behaviour at two sites in Yasuni National Park - one site with hunting pressure (http://www.biologia.puce.edu.ec/natura.php?c=226), and one without (http://www.usfq.edu.ec/tiputini/). Both positions are open from 16 May until 30 August.
The position involves early morning starts to compare titi monkey dawn choruses at the two sites, and searching the forest for primate groups and recording their reactions when encountered. Working hours are approximately 4.30am - 11.30am 5 days per week. A minimum commitment of 10 days is required, but volunteers can stay for as long as they like.
Required: yellow fever vacination, ability to work in remote conditions, full physical and mental health.
Prefered: previous experience working with primates or other field biology, biology degree.
Cost $28 per day, plus travel to the field site ($150 - 250 round trip from Quito, depending on travel method).
Please contact Sarah Papworth for more information. To apply, please send a CV and dates and length of availability.
For more info, contact:
Sarah Papworth