Job Type: volunteer position
Opportunity location: Turneffe Atoll
Closing date (if specified): No date specified (will remain here for 90 days from posting date)
Opportunity Description:
We are seeking motivated field assistants for our red mangrove study in Belize, Central America. This study focuses on the regeneration of red mangroves on Turneffe Atoll. Volunteers will gain extensive field experience working on a multi-faceted research project. In the process of working volunteers will learn about mangrove and coral reef ecosystems and marine conservation in tropical marine ecology.
The job will involve long working hours, and rustic living conditions in a tropical environment (hot, humid weather, and biting insects). Assistants will be spending periods of time on a boat moving between study sites. Duties will include fieldwork to measure seedling data as well as data recording. There may be also after hours work involving shared data entry and preparation for the following workday. It is essential to have a good attitude, be ready and eager to learn, and always be willing to work hard, and have fun even the longest of field days. On short days there will be opportunities for snorkeling and experiencing the coral reef ecosystem around Turneffe Atoll.
- Applicants must know how to swim, be physically fit, and love the outdoors
- Undergraduate or recent collage graduate with coursework in ecology, marine science, biology, environmental science and/or botany.
- Previous field experience preferred, tropical field experience a plus
- Navigational skills (map and GPS) a plus
- Familiarity with spreadsheet software
- Positive and flexible work ethic, and enthusiasm
June 15 - 25, 2010
This is a complete volunteer position, meaning that assistants will need to pay for their plane tickets, accommodations, food, etc. This will cost roughly ~$1500 plus airfare.
TO APPLY: Please send a brief statement of interest, resume, unofficial copy of transcript and references to Dr. Elise Granek at egranek@pdx.edu. Deadline is rolling - ASAP, positions will be filled continuously.
For more info, contact:
Dr. Elise Granek at egranek@pdx.edu