We expect to be able to fund a graduate student for three years on an applied project working collaboratively with USGS scientists on multiple species of rare butterflies in southern Nevada. The student would be a part of the Biology Department and the Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology graduate program at the University of Nevada, Reno. The student would be coadvised by Matt Forister and Lee Dyer.
The ideal candidate will have the following: (1) experience with butterflies or at least general field experience and an ability to quickly learn to identify species in the field; (2) the drive to work independently and under difficult field conditions.
Depending on the experience and interests of the student, funding could be used for either a Master's or a Ph.D. In either case, this position will be a perfect starting point for a career in either academic or applied conservation biology.
WHEN: The successful applicant would start graduate school in the Fall of 2010. However, field work will begin this coming spring, possibly as early as March of 2010. Participation in this early round of field work is not essential, but very desirable.
To apply, please send (1) a cover letter explaining why you would like to be considered for this graduate position; (2) a CV; and (3) names, email addresses and telephone numbers for three references.
In your cover letter, please state whether or not you could participate in field work this coming spring.
Send to Matt Forister, mforister@unr.edu.
Salary: $1600/month + tuition + benefits
Last Date to apply: December 31, 2009
Website: http://web.me.com/mforister/GreatBasinBugLab/Home.html
Contact: Matt Forister
E-mail: mforister@unr.edu(Preferred)