Volunteer Opportunity
March 1st-November 31st
North-East coast of Costa Rica
Cano Palma Biological Station has been in operation since 1991, and is owned and operated by Canadian non-profit COTERC.
The CPBS Internship and Volunteer Program is designed to provide students interested in a career in science or conservation, to gain valuable research experience in a real-world setting. Interns can choose to focus on marine turtles (March-November), or gain experience in a variety of research projects throughout the year. In addition to long-term monitoring of marine turtles, in 2016, we will be initiating a marine debris assessment on our beach, and working with the local community in Ministry for the Environment, in proposing local and national strategies to combat this growing problem.
As an intern, you will be trained in all aspects of the fieldwork in which you participate. Interns will also participate in other operations at CPBS including environmental education, and training other interns and volunteers in areas in which they themselves excel. Our goal is to give Interns a well-rounded experience and in-depth understanding of the fieldwork and conservation issues in our area, while providing support and mentoring, and leadership experience.
As a turtle volunteer or intern your duties will include:
* Performing night patrols and morning census
* Nest monitoring and excavations
* Production and placement of predation deterrents
* Collection of morphometric data on nesting females
* Tagging nesting females (long-term interns only)
* Participation in marine debris assessments
Interns must:
• Commit to a minimum of at least 6 weeks. The internship can be
extended depending on work performance.
• Be willing to work 6-days per week, with varied shifts in often difficult tropical conditions.
• Have strong sense of responsibility, work ethic, attention to detail,
and the ability to admit mistakes.
• Exhibit strong interpersonal skills.
• Some previous fieldwork experience is preferred, though not necessarily in a similar project or setting
• Be in very good physical condition
Applicants must be 18 or older and must have a genuine interest in conservation and research. Applicants should be actively pursuing a college degree or be a recent graduate in oceanography, marine science/biology, biology, or a related field.
Short-term volunteer positions are also available
Applicants must be able and willing to complete all duties outlined for this
Internship Program.
This is an unpaid position and Interns are responsible
for costs associated with travel to and accommodation at the Cano Palma Biological Station ($200p/wk including all meals).
Additional Contact Information
Please visit http://www.coterc.org
To apply, send your cover letter and resume to: station@coterc.org with the subject header "marine turtle volunteer/intern"