Postdoctoral fellow in Biogeographic Analysis of Amazonian Biodiversity using Genomic Data
at Universidade de São Paulo / Goeldi Museum / INPA (Brazil)
São Paulo, Belém, and Manaus (Brazil)
Up to 2 years
Application Deadline: 12/31/2015
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to contribute to the project "Dimensions US / Biota São Paulo - Assembly and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrated approach", co-funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Brazil), the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), and NASA. The Amazon is Earth's most iconic center of biological diversity and endemism, harboring the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem, and contributing substantially to shaping the Earth's climate. Despite this importance, we still have an incomplete understanding of how this biome developed over time, which in turn limits our ability to understand future impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change. The project “Dimensions US - Biota São Paulo: Assembly and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrated approach” seeks to understand the evolutionary and environmental-ecological history of Amazonia over the past 10 million years, through a comparative approach integrating systematic biology and phylogenetics, phylogeography, population genetics, ecosystem structure and function, geosciences, and paleoenvironmental history. The appointee will analyze population genomic datasets of Amazonian birds and primates; address biogeographic questions and test hypotheses of the assembly and evolution of Amazonian biota; interact with Earth scientists to interpret biogeographic patterns and processes, and to disseminate their findings by publishing in internationally renowned journals and presenting in scientific conferences. The results of these analyses will have a major impact on the interpretation of the evolutionary history of the Amazon Basin.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Biological Sciences, combining a solid knowledge of population genetic, phylogeographic, phylogenetic, and/or diversification analyses of Neotropical diversity and of Neotropical environmental history. The candidate is also expected to have experience in analyzing genomic data, particularly data obtained with ultraconserved elements (UCE) probes, but should have a good understanding of other types of NGS data. A track record of publication in international journals and relevant statistical and programming skills are expected.
The monthly salary is of R$ 6,143.40 while in Brazil (at current exchange rate approximately $ 1,600 / € 1,500), allowing for comfortable living, and includes additional Research Contingency Funds equal to 15% of the annual salary for covering research-related expenses. Moving expenses are covered for candidates from outside the State of São Paulo. Full details can be found at
To Apply:
Candidates of any nationality eligible for a VITEM I Brazilian visa may apply. A cover letter, CV, up to three relevant publications and the names of three contacts able to provide letters of recommendation should be emailed to Applications are due by Dec 31st, 2015. Informal inquiries may be made to Diogo Meyer (, Camila Ribas (, Alexandre Aleixo (, and Tomas Hrbek (