February 5th – 13th, 2016
Marine Conservation Survey is an international effort to gather much
needed scientific data regarding present environmental / biological
conditions found in the Loreto area of the Sea of Cortez. Research
interns will assist our Mexican conservation partner GEA (Grupos
Ecologistas Antares) with multiple marine transects (above and below the
surface) as well as other biological investigations in an effort to
better understand the fragile ecosytem of the Sea of Cortez. Research
interns may be exposed to an abundant number of marine life including
whale species such as the blue, sperm, brydes, humpback, finback, orca
and pilot whale. Dolphins and sea lions can also be found in high
numbers throughout the study site. All data collected will be available
to the local Marine Park of Loreto as well as various nature
conservation programs operating in the area.
No previous field
research experience is needed and interns of all ages are welcome.
Interns assisting us will want to have a “go with the flow attitude”, be
willing to share a small tent with another participant, possibly ride
in the back of pick up trucks, and participate in camp life such as
cooking, cleaning, and logistical chores. The internship cost is $950
per person for the 9 day session and is limited to 4 participants. The
cost includes food, camping accommodations, camping gear, and safety
equipment such as PFDs. Volunteers will be responsible for their
flight/bus to/from Loreto, Mexico. We have years of experience traveling
to Baja and may be able to give you some pointers on how to save some
money with plane or bus tickets.
Contact: Colin Garland,
Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015
Mangrove monitoring interns will be directly assisting in marine conservation by conducting an in depth study of mangrove forests located in Magdelena Bay, Baja Mexico. The program is open to those wishing to gain valuable field experience while contributing to an important study in some of the most pristine mangrove areas left on earth. Using sea kayaks to navigate the dense labyrinth of mangrove forests, participants will collect samples, note climate and water conditions, photograph and film insects, birds, reptiles, mollusks and mammals that use the dense vegetation for food and cover. Species counts will also be conducted on barrier islands found along the Pacific coast. Using GPS systems, the density and distribution of each individual sighting will be added to a catalog of all species encountered over a five-year period. Participants will learn skills such as animal tracking techniques, GPS data collection, wildlife photography, desert and mangrove natural history, sea kayaking and other wilderness skills.
No previous kayaking or field research experience is needed and all kayaking is done in protected bays. Due to weather, tides and other factors that affect navigation, interns assisting us will want to have a “go with the flow attitude”, be willing to share a small tent with another participant, possibly ride in the back of pick up trucks, wade into deep mud, and participate in camp life such as cooking, cleaning, and logistical chores.
The internship cost is $950 per person for the 10 day session and includes all food, lodging, camping / kayak rentals etc. Volunteers will be responsible for their flight/bus to/from Loreto, Mexico. We have years of experience traveling to Baja and may be able to give you some pointers on how to save some money with plane or bus tickets.
Salary: volunteer position
Qualifications: As listed above
Contact: Colin Garland,
No previous kayaking or field research experience is needed and all kayaking is done in protected bays. Due to weather, tides and other factors that affect navigation, interns assisting us will want to have a “go with the flow attitude”, be willing to share a small tent with another participant, possibly ride in the back of pick up trucks, wade into deep mud, and participate in camp life such as cooking, cleaning, and logistical chores.
The internship cost is $950 per person for the 10 day session and includes all food, lodging, camping / kayak rentals etc. Volunteers will be responsible for their flight/bus to/from Loreto, Mexico. We have years of experience traveling to Baja and may be able to give you some pointers on how to save some money with plane or bus tickets.
Salary: volunteer position
Qualifications: As listed above
Contact: Colin Garland,
Leatherback, Green and Hawksbill Monitoring Program- Costa Rica
Leatherback, Green and Hawksbill Monitoring Program
Volunteer Opportunity

March 1st-November 31st
North-East coast of Costa Rica
Cano Palma Biological Station has been in operation since 1991, and is owned and operated by Canadian non-profit COTERC.
The CPBS Internship and Volunteer Program is designed to provide students interested in a career in science or conservation, to gain valuable research experience in a real-world setting. Interns can choose to focus on marine turtles (March-November), or gain experience in a variety of research projects throughout the year. In addition to long-term monitoring of marine turtles, in 2016, we will be initiating a marine debris assessment on our beach, and working with the local community in Ministry for the Environment, in proposing local and national strategies to combat this growing problem.
As an intern, you will be trained in all aspects of the fieldwork in which you participate. Interns will also participate in other operations at CPBS including environmental education, and training other interns and volunteers in areas in which they themselves excel. Our goal is to give Interns a well-rounded experience and in-depth understanding of the fieldwork and conservation issues in our area, while providing support and mentoring, and leadership experience.
As a turtle volunteer or intern your duties will include:
* Performing night patrols and morning census
* Nest monitoring and excavations
* Production and placement of predation deterrents
* Collection of morphometric data on nesting females
* Tagging nesting females (long-term interns only)
* Participation in marine debris assessments
Interns must:
• Commit to a minimum of at least 6 weeks. The internship can be
extended depending on work performance.
• Be willing to work 6-days per week, with varied shifts in often difficult tropical conditions.
• Have strong sense of responsibility, work ethic, attention to detail,
and the ability to admit mistakes.
• Exhibit strong interpersonal skills.
• Some previous fieldwork experience is preferred, though not necessarily in a similar project or setting
• Be in very good physical condition
Applicants must be 18 or older and must have a genuine interest in conservation and research. Applicants should be actively pursuing a college degree or be a recent graduate in oceanography, marine science/biology, biology, or a related field.
Short-term volunteer positions are also available
Applicants must be able and willing to complete all duties outlined for this
Internship Program.
This is an unpaid position and Interns are responsible
for costs associated with travel to and accommodation at the Cano Palma Biological Station ($200p/wk including all meals).
Additional Contact Information
Please visit
To apply, send your cover letter and resume to: with the subject header "marine turtle volunteer/intern"
Volunteer Opportunity
March 1st-November 31st
North-East coast of Costa Rica
Cano Palma Biological Station has been in operation since 1991, and is owned and operated by Canadian non-profit COTERC.
The CPBS Internship and Volunteer Program is designed to provide students interested in a career in science or conservation, to gain valuable research experience in a real-world setting. Interns can choose to focus on marine turtles (March-November), or gain experience in a variety of research projects throughout the year. In addition to long-term monitoring of marine turtles, in 2016, we will be initiating a marine debris assessment on our beach, and working with the local community in Ministry for the Environment, in proposing local and national strategies to combat this growing problem.
As an intern, you will be trained in all aspects of the fieldwork in which you participate. Interns will also participate in other operations at CPBS including environmental education, and training other interns and volunteers in areas in which they themselves excel. Our goal is to give Interns a well-rounded experience and in-depth understanding of the fieldwork and conservation issues in our area, while providing support and mentoring, and leadership experience.
As a turtle volunteer or intern your duties will include:
* Performing night patrols and morning census
* Nest monitoring and excavations
* Production and placement of predation deterrents
* Collection of morphometric data on nesting females
* Tagging nesting females (long-term interns only)
* Participation in marine debris assessments
Interns must:
• Commit to a minimum of at least 6 weeks. The internship can be
extended depending on work performance.
• Be willing to work 6-days per week, with varied shifts in often difficult tropical conditions.
• Have strong sense of responsibility, work ethic, attention to detail,
and the ability to admit mistakes.
• Exhibit strong interpersonal skills.
• Some previous fieldwork experience is preferred, though not necessarily in a similar project or setting
• Be in very good physical condition
Applicants must be 18 or older and must have a genuine interest in conservation and research. Applicants should be actively pursuing a college degree or be a recent graduate in oceanography, marine science/biology, biology, or a related field.
Short-term volunteer positions are also available
Applicants must be able and willing to complete all duties outlined for this
Internship Program.
This is an unpaid position and Interns are responsible
for costs associated with travel to and accommodation at the Cano Palma Biological Station ($200p/wk including all meals).
Additional Contact Information
Please visit
To apply, send your cover letter and resume to: with the subject header "marine turtle volunteer/intern"
Becas de excelencia Eiffel 2016
El programa de becas Eiffel es una herramienta desarrollada por el Ministerio francés de Asuntos Exteriores y Desarrollo internacional para que las instituciones de educación superior francesas puedan acoger a los mejores estudiantes extranjeros en programas de maestría y doctorado.
El programa tiene como objetivo formar en áreas prioritarios a los futuros responsables de países socios, tanto del sector público como privado. El programa se dirige a los estudiantes de los países emergentes para formaciones de tipo maestría y de los países emergentes e industrializados para formaciones de tipo doctorado.
Cronograma 2016
• Apertura de la convocatoria: 15 de octubre 2015• Plazo para la recepción de las carpetas por Campus France Fecha: 8 de enero 2016
• Publicación de los resultados: Semana del 21 de marzo 2016
• Vademécum del programa Eiffel - Sesión 2016 (francés - Inglés)Carpetas
Sólo las instituciones de educación superior francesas podrán presentar las carpetas.- Sólo las instituciones de educación superior francesas podrán presentar las carpetas.
En el caso de las empresas que ya han participado en el programa de becas de excelencia Eiffel
=>Debería haber recibido un correo electrónico que le indica cómo descargar los archivos de la aplicación. De lo contrario, póngase en contacto con nosotros. - En el caso de las empresas que participan por primera vez en el programa de becas de excelencia Eiffel
=>Tome contacto con nosotros para acceder a los archivos de la aplicación.
Código de ética (francés - Inglés)
ContactoCampus France - Programa Eiffel
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris
Enviar un mensaje
Becas Eiffel
Estudiante de maestría de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) busca a un voluntario/tesista recién egresado o con necesidad de cumplir con el servicio social, para colaborar en el trabajo de campo en un estudio acerca del papel de los tlacuaches en la dinámica de transmisión de Ehrlichia (bacterias patógenas). El trabajo de campo se llevara a cabo en dos sesiones: Febrero-Marzo del 2016 y Junio-Julio del 2016 (estancia mínima de 2 meses), en el campo experimental del INIFAP-Chiná a 20 minutos de la ciudad de Campeche. Las principales tareas serán asistir en la captura de tlacuaches y perros con trampas tipo tomahawk y la toma de muestras de sangre y ectoparásitos (garrapatas). Se trabajara durante 6 días a la semana. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para ganar valiosa experiencia para trabajar con fauna silvestre, conocer y contactar investigadores y adentrarse en temas relacionados con interacción de hospederos-parásitos.
Si bien no existe la posibilidad de otorgar algún pago, los interesados pueden solicitar una “Beca de Preparación para el Posgrado” que otorga El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Esta beca se asigna por concurso con base en méritos académicos. Por lo que es una oportunidad para desarrollar un trabajo de tesis y opción para estudios de posgrado.
Se dará preferencia a aspirantes con:
-Actitud positiva, buena disposición para el trabajo de campo.
-Interés por temas relacionados con parasitología/epidemiología.
-Recién graduados o estudiantes próximos a graduarse que estén interesados en realizar su tesis con parte de los datos recabados durante el proyecto o que
Los interesados deberán contactar a Edgar Rojero Vázquez (edrojero at
Estudiante de maestría de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) busca a un voluntario/tesista recién egresado o con necesidad de cumplir con el servicio social, para colaborar en el trabajo de campo en un estudio acerca del papel de los tlacuaches en la dinámica de transmisión de Ehrlichia (bacterias patógenas). El trabajo de campo se llevara a cabo en dos sesiones: Febrero-Marzo del 2016 y Junio-Julio del 2016 (estancia mínima de 2 meses), en el campo experimental del INIFAP-Chiná a 20 minutos de la ciudad de Campeche. Las principales tareas serán asistir en la captura de tlacuaches y perros con trampas tipo tomahawk y la toma de muestras de sangre y ectoparásitos (garrapatas). Se trabajara durante 6 días a la semana. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para ganar valiosa experiencia para trabajar con fauna silvestre, conocer y contactar investigadores y adentrarse en temas relacionados con interacción de hospederos-parásitos.
Si bien no existe la posibilidad de otorgar algún pago, los interesados pueden solicitar una “Beca de Preparación para el Posgrado” que otorga El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Esta beca se asigna por concurso con base en méritos académicos. Por lo que es una oportunidad para desarrollar un trabajo de tesis y opción para estudios de posgrado.
Se dará preferencia a aspirantes con:
-Actitud positiva, buena disposición para el trabajo de campo.
-Interés por temas relacionados con parasitología/epidemiología.
-Recién graduados o estudiantes próximos a graduarse que estén interesados en realizar su tesis con parte de los datos recabados durante el proyecto o que
Los interesados deberán contactar a Edgar Rojero Vázquez (edrojero at
VOLUNTEER FIELD ASSISTANT: The Blue-throated Macaw Conservation Project- Bolivia

at The Blue-throated Macaw Conservation Project
Sachojere, Beni Department, Bolivia
The Blue-throated Macaw Conservation Project needs volunteer field assistants from January 2016 for an ongoing project with the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis) in the low-land savanna of Moxos, Bolivia. The Blue-throated Macaw is endemic to this region of Bolivia and only about 150 are left in the wild. Volunteers field assistants will live at the Blue-throated Macaw Conservation Center, where there are captive Blue-throated macaws that are part of a breeding, training and reintroduction pilot study. Volunteers field assistants will help with the daily routines of the center as well as with research projects on other local parrot species. Duties of the center include introducing the captive macaws to a native diet, monitoring their feeding behavior, diet and training, collecting their native food and maintaining their enclosure and the center. Activities for the research projects can include checking cavities in the surrounding area for potential nests, mist netting, phenology studies and others. Additional activities can include support to the educational program, conducting wild Blue-throated macaw population and nest surveys (may involve tree-climbing), behavioral observations and collecting data about their biology. If active nests are found, duties may also include guarding them from nest predators, daily nest-checking, performing periodic health checks of nestlings and feeding nestlings if necessary.
Applicants must be responsible, self-disciplined, hard working, self-motivated, tolerant of tropical weather and biting insects (mosquitoes, sunfly, ticks, flies), willing to work in a group and able to tolerate rustic living conditions. A sense of humor is always appreciated. Applicants share one of the three cabins of the Conservation center, which is 25 km from the nearest city, Trinidad, and on the outskirts of a small village, Sachojere. Applicants with Spanish language skills are preferred but these not required. This is a great opportunity for someone with basic or intermediate Spanish skills to immerse in the language. A minimum stay of two (2) months is required, but longer stays are preferable. Volunteers field assistants must be a minimum of 18 years old. We provide the necessary equipment for the fieldwork activities. Applicants must arrange their own transportation to Trinidad - Beni Department, Bolivia. We charge a fee (USD 70 per week) to cover their cost of food, accommodation and internet use. Applicants from latinamerica will have preferences at the selection process and also special conditions with the fee, depending on the capacity of applicants.
Send cover letter and resume with two references to JOSÉ ANTONIO DÍAZ LUQUE (EM: saveparrot AT In the cover letter indicate why you are interest to participate with us and your available dates. Individuals interested in applying to this position are strongly advised to check the cost of flights from their native country to Bolivia prior to applying to the position. Feel free to email for further information. Close Date; Until Filled.
Especialista en Geovisualización. CONABIO.
Nacional Financia Fideicomiso Fondo para la Biodiversidad.
Especialista en Geovisualización.
Convocatoría completa.
Voluntarios en Midway Atoll.
Duties: Volunteer work will include habitat restoration, native plant propagation and out-planting, removal of invasive plants both by hand and through chemical application of herbicide, monitoring seabird, plant, and Laysan duck populations, marine debris removal, data entry, and equipment maintenance, along with other tasks depending on current projects and refuge needs. Volunteers are expected to work 40 hours/week with additional weekend work when necessary.
Requirements: Must be physically fit and able to confidently ride a bike, hike up to three miles in the sand or on uneven terrain, lift 50 pounds and be willing to spray herbicide with proper protective gear. Successful applicants must also be willing to handle albatrosses and other seabirds for banding and monitoring studies, and be willing to perform all duties in sub-tropical wind, sun, rain and humidity extremes. Preferred skills include ability to swim/snorkel. Volunteers should have a strong work ethic along with the ability to live and work closely with a small group of people for six months.
Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge is a remote site and accessible by plane twice a month. Because of the isolated nature of this work, safety is of the utmost importance. Volunteers should be aware that evacuation for emergencies or medical issues can typically take at least 24 hours and be potentially very expensive. All volunteers will need to carry medical-evacuation insurance.
A current passport is required for travel to and from Midway. Volunteers are responsible for their own travel to Honolulu. One round-trip flight between Midway and Honolulu, meals and housing at Midway are provided. Volunteer living quarters include individual bedrooms, a common living area, and a full kitchen. Volunteers are responsible for the proper upkeep of their living quarters. The “Clipper House” on Midway serves cafeteria-style food with a wide variety of dishes, including vegetarian options and a full salad bar, courtesy of Midway’s hydroponic garden. There is also a small convenience store on Midway that provides some basics: toiletries, refreshments, etc. Because Midway is a small community where volunteers will be working and living with FWS employees and contractors, we cannot stress enough our zero tolerance policy for harassment or abuse of any kind, including alcohol or drug abuse.
Selected applicants will be sent a packet of additional information on the island, duties, and suggested items to bring, as well as required forms. These items must be submitted before the volunteer arrives for duty in Honolulu. A current physical, tetanus shot and TB test are also required.
Volunteer time periods and application deadlines: Exact start times may vary depending on plane schedules. Selected individuals should coordinate with Midway staff prior to making travel plans:
Summer season: March 25,2016-September 27, 2016, applications due by December 15, 2015
Because of the large number of applications received, preference will be given to those with an educational or professional background in science/biology, plant propagation and weed control experience, remote field experience, and/or bird handling experience.
TO APPLY: If you are interested in applying, please email a single .pdf file that includes a cover letter, brief resume outlining relevant education and work experience, and three work-related references (with phone and e-mail), as well as your dates of availability to: For more information please call: 808-954-4819.
The National Wildlife Refuge System has owed its very existence to concerned citizens eager to protect America's natural resources. Over 42,000 volunteers and more than 200 nonprofit Refuge Friends organizations support national wildlife refuges. Friends and volunteers are crucial to conserving and protecting our nation’s wildlife and teaching millions of Americans that their actions today determine the conservation legacy of tomorrow.
Requirements: Must be physically fit and able to confidently ride a bike, hike up to three miles in the sand or on uneven terrain, lift 50 pounds and be willing to spray herbicide with proper protective gear. Successful applicants must also be willing to handle albatrosses and other seabirds for banding and monitoring studies, and be willing to perform all duties in sub-tropical wind, sun, rain and humidity extremes. Preferred skills include ability to swim/snorkel. Volunteers should have a strong work ethic along with the ability to live and work closely with a small group of people for six months.
Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge is a remote site and accessible by plane twice a month. Because of the isolated nature of this work, safety is of the utmost importance. Volunteers should be aware that evacuation for emergencies or medical issues can typically take at least 24 hours and be potentially very expensive. All volunteers will need to carry medical-evacuation insurance.
A current passport is required for travel to and from Midway. Volunteers are responsible for their own travel to Honolulu. One round-trip flight between Midway and Honolulu, meals and housing at Midway are provided. Volunteer living quarters include individual bedrooms, a common living area, and a full kitchen. Volunteers are responsible for the proper upkeep of their living quarters. The “Clipper House” on Midway serves cafeteria-style food with a wide variety of dishes, including vegetarian options and a full salad bar, courtesy of Midway’s hydroponic garden. There is also a small convenience store on Midway that provides some basics: toiletries, refreshments, etc. Because Midway is a small community where volunteers will be working and living with FWS employees and contractors, we cannot stress enough our zero tolerance policy for harassment or abuse of any kind, including alcohol or drug abuse.
Selected applicants will be sent a packet of additional information on the island, duties, and suggested items to bring, as well as required forms. These items must be submitted before the volunteer arrives for duty in Honolulu. A current physical, tetanus shot and TB test are also required.
Volunteer time periods and application deadlines: Exact start times may vary depending on plane schedules. Selected individuals should coordinate with Midway staff prior to making travel plans:
Summer season: March 25,2016-September 27, 2016, applications due by December 15, 2015
Because of the large number of applications received, preference will be given to those with an educational or professional background in science/biology, plant propagation and weed control experience, remote field experience, and/or bird handling experience.
TO APPLY: If you are interested in applying, please email a single .pdf file that includes a cover letter, brief resume outlining relevant education and work experience, and three work-related references (with phone and e-mail), as well as your dates of availability to: For more information please call: 808-954-4819.
The National Wildlife Refuge System has owed its very existence to concerned citizens eager to protect America's natural resources. Over 42,000 volunteers and more than 200 nonprofit Refuge Friends organizations support national wildlife refuges. Friends and volunteers are crucial to conserving and protecting our nation’s wildlife and teaching millions of Americans that their actions today determine the conservation legacy of tomorrow.
Beca doctoral. Pingüinos africanos durante los cambios globales.
Beca Doctoral. Plasticidad
fenotípica de los pingüinos africanos durante los cambios globales.
Coastal and Marine Research Institute, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University (Sudáfrica). Requisitos: carreras afines a la Zoología
(idealmente con un Master), experiencia de campo con aves marinas,
capacidad de organizar y llevar a cabo trabajo de campo de manera
independiente en islas aisladas. Para inscripción enviar CV, analítico,
nombres y contactos de tres referentes, y una carta de
intención/motivación explicando porque desea realizar este proyecto.
Consultas e inscripción con la Directora del Proyecto: Dra. Lorien Pichegru. Fecha límite: 31 noviembre 2015.
Voluntariado "Asistente de campo para trabajo de investigación de aves en Isla Cozumel".
Estudiante de maestría de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur busca voluntario/tesista próximo a graduarse o recién egresado para colaborar en el trabajo de campo de un estudio acerca de los factores que inciden sobre la diversidad de aves en los humedales.
El trabajo se llevara a cabo en Isla Cozumel del 11 de enero al 30 de agosto de 2015 (estancia mínima de 3 meses). Las principales tareas serán asistir en la captura de aves con redes de niebla y conteos de abundancia. Se trabajara 5 días a la semana en promedio 6 horas dias, pero es probable que al inicio de temporada se requieran 8 horas. El proyecto proveerá hospedaje y alimentos. Esto es una excelente oportunidad para ganar valiosa experiencia en ornitología, conocer y contactar investigadores y trabajar en una isla con una biodiversidad y belleza sorprendentes.
Se dará preferencia a aspirantes con:
-Buena disposición para el trabajo de campo
-Interés por la ornitología
-Recién graduados o estudiantes próximos a graduarse que estén interesados en realizar su tesis con datos que puedan recabar en el proyecto.
Interesados por favor contactarse con Jessica Thompson (jethompson at
El trabajo se llevara a cabo en Isla Cozumel del 11 de enero al 30 de agosto de 2015 (estancia mínima de 3 meses). Las principales tareas serán asistir en la captura de aves con redes de niebla y conteos de abundancia. Se trabajara 5 días a la semana en promedio 6 horas dias, pero es probable que al inicio de temporada se requieran 8 horas. El proyecto proveerá hospedaje y alimentos. Esto es una excelente oportunidad para ganar valiosa experiencia en ornitología, conocer y contactar investigadores y trabajar en una isla con una biodiversidad y belleza sorprendentes.
Se dará preferencia a aspirantes con:
-Buena disposición para el trabajo de campo
-Interés por la ornitología
-Recién graduados o estudiantes próximos a graduarse que estén interesados en realizar su tesis con datos que puedan recabar en el proyecto.
Interesados por favor contactarse con Jessica Thompson (jethompson at
Beca doctoral. Argentina.
Beca doctoral (3 años), en el marco
del proyecto PICT del FONCYT “Impacto de las fuentes de humedad
edáficas y atmosféricas sobre la eficiencia de uso de agua de plantas de
la estepa patagónica: determinación a partir de la utilización de
isotopos estables de H y C y métodos eco-hidrológicos y fisiológicos”.
Tema de la Beca: Absorción foliar de especies herbáceas y arbustivas de
ecosistemas áridos, en el Grupo de Estudios Biofísicos y Ecofisiológicos
(GEBEF-FCN-Universidad de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco) - Comodoro
Rivadavia. Requisitos: Título universitario con formación en ciencias
naturales o agronomía, marcado interés y disponibilidad para desarrollar
trabajo intensivo de campo por periodos prolongados, gran aptitud y
predisposición para el trabajo en equipo. Inicio de la beca: 1 de Febrero de 2016. Fecha Límite de presentación: 10 de Diciembre 2015. Comunicarse con la Investigadora Responsable del Proyecto: Dra. Sandra J. Bucci.
Coordinador de proyecto del PNUD.
México ha determinado la introducción y dispersión de especies invasoras (IAS) como una amenaza significativa para la biodiversidad. Aunque México cuenta con algunos mecanismos para la prevención y control de especies invasoras, éstos se orientan más a las amenazas a la agricultura y la salud humana y no hacen énfasis a las amenazas a la biodiversidad. Por otra parte se ha prestado poca atención a las implicaciones para los sectores de producción e importación, responsables de la continua introducción de especies invasoras a los entornos naturales; tales como el comercio de acuarios, la acuicultura, productos de vida silvestre y silvicultura.
El Gobierno de México (GOM), a través del proyecto “Fortalecimiento de las capacidades nacionales para el manejo de especies invasoras a través de la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional de especies invasoras” financiado por el GEF e implementada por el PNUD, busca fortalecer las capacidades institucionales para transformar y ampliar el alcance de sus sistemas de gestión de las especies invasoras, aprovechando el impulso generado por la publicación en 2010 de la Estrategia Nacional sobre Especies Invasoras (ENEI).
El proyecto que ya se encuentra en implementación desde mediados de junio 2014 se enfoca de manera especial al desarrollo y aplicación de nuevas herramientas de toma de decisiones, recursos de información y capacidades técnicas y financieras que permitan a México poner en práctica su visión nacional para la gestión de las especies invasoras. Además, el proyecto promueve las políticas, normas y herramientas para reducir o eliminar las prácticas nocivas en los sectores AAWF, y desarrolla la experiencia práctica y conocimientos sobre la gestión de las especies invasoras mediante la aplicación de programas integrados en sitios seleccionados que abarcan los ecosistemas de alta prioridad.
Becas del Gobierno de Finlandia para Mexicanos
Becas del Gobierno de Finlandia para Mexicanos
Convocatoria abierta
La oferta está dirigida a la realización de estudios de doctorado y estancias de investigación a nivel doctoral.
De 3 a 9 meses.
Convocatoría completa.
Convocatoria abierta
La oferta está dirigida a la realización de estudios de doctorado y estancias de investigación a nivel doctoral.
De 3 a 9 meses.
Convocatoría completa.
Brasil- Postdoctoral fellow in Biogeographic Analysis of Amazonian Biodiversity using Genomic Data
Postdoctoral fellow in Biogeographic Analysis of Amazonian Biodiversity using Genomic Data
at Universidade de São Paulo / Goeldi Museum / INPA (Brazil)
São Paulo, Belém, and Manaus (Brazil)
Up to 2 years
Application Deadline: 12/31/2015
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to contribute to the project "Dimensions US / Biota São Paulo - Assembly and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrated approach", co-funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Brazil), the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), and NASA. The Amazon is Earth's most iconic center of biological diversity and endemism, harboring the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem, and contributing substantially to shaping the Earth's climate. Despite this importance, we still have an incomplete understanding of how this biome developed over time, which in turn limits our ability to understand future impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change. The project “Dimensions US - Biota São Paulo: Assembly and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrated approach” seeks to understand the evolutionary and environmental-ecological history of Amazonia over the past 10 million years, through a comparative approach integrating systematic biology and phylogenetics, phylogeography, population genetics, ecosystem structure and function, geosciences, and paleoenvironmental history. The appointee will analyze population genomic datasets of Amazonian birds and primates; address biogeographic questions and test hypotheses of the assembly and evolution of Amazonian biota; interact with Earth scientists to interpret biogeographic patterns and processes, and to disseminate their findings by publishing in internationally renowned journals and presenting in scientific conferences. The results of these analyses will have a major impact on the interpretation of the evolutionary history of the Amazon Basin.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Biological Sciences, combining a solid knowledge of population genetic, phylogeographic, phylogenetic, and/or diversification analyses of Neotropical diversity and of Neotropical environmental history. The candidate is also expected to have experience in analyzing genomic data, particularly data obtained with ultraconserved elements (UCE) probes, but should have a good understanding of other types of NGS data. A track record of publication in international journals and relevant statistical and programming skills are expected.
The monthly salary is of R$ 6,143.40 while in Brazil (at current exchange rate approximately $ 1,600 / € 1,500), allowing for comfortable living, and includes additional Research Contingency Funds equal to 15% of the annual salary for covering research-related expenses. Moving expenses are covered for candidates from outside the State of São Paulo. Full details can be found at
To Apply:
Candidates of any nationality eligible for a VITEM I Brazilian visa may apply. A cover letter, CV, up to three relevant publications and the names of three contacts able to provide letters of recommendation should be emailed to Applications are due by Dec 31st, 2015. Informal inquiries may be made to Diogo Meyer (, Camila Ribas (, Alexandre Aleixo (, and Tomas Hrbek (
Parque Nacional Monte León- Argentina- Busca voluntarios.

Plazas de técnicos abordo de la pesquería industrial
La organización de conservación marina Comunidad y biodiversidad A. C. (COBI) y Environmental Defense Fund de Mexico A. C. (EDF) estan buscando candidatos para las plazas de técnicos abordo de la pesquería industrial de escama en el Golfo de California.
Instituto Pasteur y Conacyt establecen el Programa Posdoctoral
La convocatoria se encuentra abierta para que se inscriban investigadores de México que hayan obtenido el grado de doctorado en un periodo de no más de cinco años antes del año de publicación de esta convocatoria.
Los beneficiarios deben tener un contrato de trabajo con una institución mexicana para poder realizar su estancia en el Instituto Pasteur. El programa apoyará hasta cinco estancias a efectuarse dentro del instituto.
La duración del programa, para cada becario, será de un año renovable una vez por el mismo periodo, previa evaluación. En consecuencia, la duración máxima del programa para cada beneficiario es de dos años.
calendario convo instituto paesteurLa convocatoria está abierta a todas las áreas de investigación en el instituto; sin embargo, algunas áreas tienen alta prioridad para México como: Enfermedades metabólicas y trastornos; Enfermedades emergentes, tropicales y desatendidas; Enfermedades virales; Inflamación e inmunología; Vacunas; Enfermedades cardiovasculares, y Oncología. Los laboratorios interesados en recibir investigadores mexicanos para estadías posdoctorales y los resúmenes de los proyectos se pueden consultar en este documento.
El Conacyt, a través del Fondo de Cooperación Internacional en Ciencia y Tecnología (Foncicyt), destinará una cantidad mensual que se utilizará para cubrir la manutención de los beneficiarios y el Instituto Pasteur cubrirá los costos administrativos de los beneficiarios en la institución anfitriona. Los demás costos serán cubiertos por el alumno y, de ser necesario, por su empleador.

Los beneficiarios deben tener un contrato de trabajo con una institución mexicana para poder realizar su estancia en el Instituto Pasteur. El programa apoyará hasta cinco estancias a efectuarse dentro del instituto.
La duración del programa, para cada becario, será de un año renovable una vez por el mismo periodo, previa evaluación. En consecuencia, la duración máxima del programa para cada beneficiario es de dos años.
calendario convo instituto paesteurLa convocatoria está abierta a todas las áreas de investigación en el instituto; sin embargo, algunas áreas tienen alta prioridad para México como: Enfermedades metabólicas y trastornos; Enfermedades emergentes, tropicales y desatendidas; Enfermedades virales; Inflamación e inmunología; Vacunas; Enfermedades cardiovasculares, y Oncología. Los laboratorios interesados en recibir investigadores mexicanos para estadías posdoctorales y los resúmenes de los proyectos se pueden consultar en este documento.
El Conacyt, a través del Fondo de Cooperación Internacional en Ciencia y Tecnología (Foncicyt), destinará una cantidad mensual que se utilizará para cubrir la manutención de los beneficiarios y el Instituto Pasteur cubrirá los costos administrativos de los beneficiarios en la institución anfitriona. Los demás costos serán cubiertos por el alumno y, de ser necesario, por su empleador.
PhD positions at Germany.

Website, Facebook
Southern Germany
Start 2016
Application Deadline: 01/15/2016
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Organismal Biology offers several fully funded PhD positions. The IMPRS is based in southern Germany and is jointly organized by the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen and Radolfzell and the University of Konstanz. The aim of the IMPRS is to provide first-class training and education for outstanding doctoral students from all over the world in a stimulating research environment. The competitive doctoral program provides its fellows with an excellent starting platform for a successful career in the fields of animal behaviour, ecology, evolution, physiology, and neurobiology. For 2016, the IMPRS offers the following PhD projects:
**The Anseriform Genome Project: Comparative Genomics of Waterfowl (Robert Kraus, Inge Müller, Martin Wikelski, MPIO Radolfzell);
**Collective behaviours and social structure in animal populations (Damien Farine, MPIO Radolfzell / University Konstanz); **Information flow and social influence in hierarchical social groups – from neurobiological mechanisms to ecological outcomes (Alex Jordan, MPIO Radolfzell / University Konstanz);
**Molecular mechanisms of the repeated evolution of adaptive color patterns in cichlid fishes (Axel Meyer + Claudius Kratochwil, University of Konstanz);
**The evolution of avian sweet taste perception (Maude Baldwin, MPIO Seewiesen);
**Bird Behavioural Ecology (Wolfgang Forstmeier, Mihai Valcu, Bart Kempenaers, MPIO Seewiesen);
**Avian Evolutionary Genetics (Wolfgang Forstmeier, Jakob Mueller, MPIO Seewiesen);
**Collective Animal Behaviour (Iain Couzin, MPIO Radolfzell / University Konstanz);
**Two open PhD positions for own proposal elaboration within Organismal Biology (Advisor to be contacted with an own research proposal).
For a list of all available PhD projects visit
Our Offer: All students accepted to the program will be supported by stipends or contracts. The program offers a dedicated teaching program, high quality research experience, and outstanding research facilities in an inspiring research and living environment. The working language is English. Each PhD student receives individual supervision and mentoring and is guided in her/his research work by a PhD advisory committee. The Max Planck Society and the University of Konstanz are equal opportunity employers. Queries should be mailed to the program office: More information at and
Applicants should hold a MSc or equivalent degree in biology or a related discipline at the point of enrollment, and need to be fluent in written and spoken English.
To Apply:
Your application: Outstanding students of all nationalities with a deep commitment to basic research in Organismal Biology are invited to apply.
Deadline for the application is 15 January 2016.
Interviews with the applicants are scheduled for 13-16 March 2016.
Candidates accepted into the program may start latest September 2016.
For the online application process visit
Voluntario de campo en Argentina.
Se buscan voluntarios para tareas de
campo en el marco del proyecto "Patrones de movimiento y uso de hábitat
de ganado salvaje en los bosques andino-patagónicos". Las actividades
se realizarán en la zona sur del Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapí durante
los meses de enero a marzo de 2015. Se cubren viáticos. El traslado
desde la residencia del voluntario hasta la ciudad de S.C. de Bariloche
NO está incluido. Inscripción hasta el 12 de diciembre. Contacto Nicolás Seoane.
Técnico Operativo del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social
Área: Educación/Comunicación
Conselva, Costas y Comunidades, A.C. es una organización de la sociedad civil sin fines de lucro con sede en Mazatlán, Sinaloa, que trabaja de manera profesional para lograr un balance entre la conservación de los servicios ambientales que ofrecen las cuencas hidrológicas con el desarrollo económico y social de las comunidades que habitan desde la sierra hasta la costa, con énfasis en el Sur de Sinaloa.
Para llevar a cabo su misión, Conselva cuenta con cuatro Programas Estratégicos que operan de manera interdependiente, creando sinergias positivas y enriqueciendo los resultados de todos. Uno de estos Programas es el de Fortalecimiento del Capital Social, cuyo objetivo es fortalecer el capital social y humano de las comunidades rurales a través de la educación, capacitación, acceso de recursos materiales y humanos que permitan mejorar su calidad de vida y desarrollar sus capacidades de gestión para la conservación y el desarrollo sustentable de sus propias comunidades.
Conselva, Costas y Comunidades, A.C. busca una persona para el puesto de Técnico Operativo del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social, con el fin de apoyar las actividades de educación y organización comunitaria, así como actividades de comunicación educativa que forman parte de los proyectos actualmente desarrollados dentro del programa estratégico.
Las actividades de las que será responsable el técnico operativo son las siguientes:
- Diseñar, preparar e impartir talleres participativos y cursos de capacitación en comunidades rurales
- Coordinar el desarrollo de actividades de educación ambiental y organización comunitaria, tanto en comunidades rurales, como en las ciudades de Mazatlán y Rosario, Sinaloa
- Propiciar el apoyo y participación social de las comunidades donde se llevan a cabo los proyectos, mediante la asistencia a reuniones de asamblea ejidales, la facilitación de procesos de diálogo y concertación con las autoridades comunitarias y la gestión con los actores civiles y gubernamentales en las diversas estrategias,
- Elaboración puntual de los informes de trabajo parciales y finales de los diversos proyectos que desarrolla, asegurando una alta calidad de contenido técnico y de sistematización de los procesos sociales y de gestión que se desarrollaron para cumplir los objetivos del proyecto.
- Coordinar actividades diversas que forman parte de una Campaña de Comunicación sobre los Servicios Ambientales de las Cuencas y la situación del agua en las ciudades de Mazatlán y Rosario, Sinaloa, entre las que están:
- Diseñar, preparar e impartir cursos de capacitación con docentes y alumnos
- Coordinar brigadas de estudiantes voluntarios, de prácticas profesionales y servicio social que prestan sus servicios en CONSELVA
- Dar seguimiento a la campaña a través de medios de comunicación electrónicos (redes sociales), impresos (distribución de carteles, trípticos, manuales, etc.) y masivos
- Apoyo en la gestión y celebración de eventos de difusión, como reuniones informativas y espacios de participación ciudadana sobre los temas de campaña
- Licenciatura o Maestría en Educación y/o Comunicación, carrera afín o experiencia demostrada en estas áreas
- Manejo de contenidos de educación ambiental y desarrollo sustentable, principalmente de temas sobre servicios ambientales de las cuencas y cambio climático
- Habilidades para la enseñanza y capacitación en el ámbito rural y urbano
- Manejo demostrado de herramientas para el diseño, impartición y evaluación de cursos de capacitación y talleres participativos
- Conocimientos sobre el manejo de campañas de comunicación, principalmente en temas ambientales
- Capacidad para trabajar en varios proyectos de manera simultánea y para desarrollar trabajo de calidad bajo presión
- Experiencia demostrada en las áreas siguientes: Facilitación Grupal, Planeación Participativa, Organización comunitaria, Comunicación social/educativa y/o ambiental
- Compromiso social y respeto hacia las comunidades rurales
- Excelente redacción y ortografía
- Habilidad para las relaciones públicas y coordinación interinstitucional
- Capacidad para la coordinación y trabajo intergrupal
- Alto nivel de responsabilidad y compromiso con el trabajo
- Iniciativa y creatividad
- Disponibilidad para residir en Mazatlán, Sinaloa
Las personas interesadas en aplicar para el puesto deberán enviar su Currículum vítae y un ensayo de dos páginas en el que exponga los motivos por los cuales se considera apto para el puesto, al Coordinador del Programa Fortalecimiento del Capital Social, Lic. Luis Bojórquez ( /
La convocatoria permanecerá abierta hasta el 30 de Noviembre de 2015.
Los candidatos seleccionados recibirán un mensaje electrónico informándoles de su situación y las fechas posibles para una entrevista, personal o electrónica.
PhD in the UK. Seals and seabirds.
Three competitive PhD studentship opportunities are available in evolutionary and ecological genetics at Durham University, UK. These 3.5-year fellowships provide a full tuition fee waiver at Durham University, a competitive living stipend, and a considerable research allowance. For more information about these projects see here or contact Dr. Andreanna Welch at
1) The effects of maternal stress response and microbiome on seal pup condition and survival
Co-supervised with Sean Twiss
Maternal effects are now recognised as important contributors to phenotypic variation. One potential mechanism that has been largely overlooked is via the transfer of beneficial bacteria during birth and through lactation. Studies in humans have shown that these bacteria provide many health benefits to the young, but that communities transferred can be influenced by the mother’s condition and stress level. Adult grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) exhibit consistent individual differences in behaviour with some mothers showing high levels of responsiveness to stressors while others show little. The student will apply recently developed metagenomic techniques to investigate this potential short-term fitness consequence of maternal coping style. Seals are among the few animal species for which coping styles have been identified and linked with fitness consequences in wild populations. However, the mechanisms through which behavioural responses to stress modulate offspring condition and survival remain essentially unknown. Given that wildlife are increasingly impacted by anthropogenic influences, and that behaviour is often the first form of response to environmental changes, this project will provide important insights towards understanding how stress may influence individual fitness as well as future population trajectories.
Eligibility: Primarily UK nationals
Deadline for consideration: January 15th, 2016
2) Tracking the impact of Holocene environmental change in Patagonia on pinniped distribution, abundance and dispersion using ancient DNA
Co-supervised with Rus Hoelzel
When environments change, as during the current process of anthropogenic climate change, regional populations may respond by migrating to track suitable habitat, they may expand, decline or go extinct, or they may adapt. In this study the student will employ next generation sequencing methods, ancient DNA, and coalescent analyses to determine past demographic profiles of two sympatric pinniped species with contrasting life histories along the coast of Patagonia, a region of major transitions during the Holocene. Thus students will have the opportunity to test hypotheses about the importance of various environmental parameters. Understanding these dynamics will become increasingly critical for effective management and nature reserve design to promote conservation in the future as environments change. This will also improve our understanding of the process of biodiversity evolution, which is determined by both effective population size and connectivity.
Eligibility: Primarily UK nationals
Deadline for consideration: January 22nd, 2016
3) Reconstructing the evolutionary history of ecological dynamics and extinction risk in Procellariiform seabirds
During their evolutionary history, birds have colonized the open oceans beyond the continental shelves only rarely. The Procellariiformes (albatrosses, shearwaters, storm- petrels, etc.) are by far the largest group of oceanic birds, but their molecular phylogeny is poorly known. As part of an international collaboration, the student will use capture enrichment and next generation sequencing methods to collect a rich genomic dataset and resolve the phylogeny of all extant and recently extinct Procellariiformes, at and below the species level. This will advance our understanding of the evolutionary history of oceanic birds, allow exploration of the role of ecology in diversification, and inform conservation management of this globally-threatened group.
Eligibility: All nationalities
Deadline for consideration: January 4th, 2016
Durham University is consistently rated as one of the top 100 universities in the world. Located in northeast England, the university is situated in a scenic town that lies within a 20-minute train ride of the thriving city of Newcastle. The department offers a supportive research-driven environment with projects ranging from the cellular to the ecosystem level. For more information see here.
To apply please send an email to with 1) a two-page covering letter detailing your reasons for applying and why you have selected this project, 2) your current CV with contact information for at least two references, 3) Full transcripts of previous qualifications obtained to date. Only the best applicants will be asked to submit an application.
1) The effects of maternal stress response and microbiome on seal pup condition and survival
Co-supervised with Sean Twiss
Maternal effects are now recognised as important contributors to phenotypic variation. One potential mechanism that has been largely overlooked is via the transfer of beneficial bacteria during birth and through lactation. Studies in humans have shown that these bacteria provide many health benefits to the young, but that communities transferred can be influenced by the mother’s condition and stress level. Adult grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) exhibit consistent individual differences in behaviour with some mothers showing high levels of responsiveness to stressors while others show little. The student will apply recently developed metagenomic techniques to investigate this potential short-term fitness consequence of maternal coping style. Seals are among the few animal species for which coping styles have been identified and linked with fitness consequences in wild populations. However, the mechanisms through which behavioural responses to stress modulate offspring condition and survival remain essentially unknown. Given that wildlife are increasingly impacted by anthropogenic influences, and that behaviour is often the first form of response to environmental changes, this project will provide important insights towards understanding how stress may influence individual fitness as well as future population trajectories.
Eligibility: Primarily UK nationals
Deadline for consideration: January 15th, 2016
2) Tracking the impact of Holocene environmental change in Patagonia on pinniped distribution, abundance and dispersion using ancient DNA
Co-supervised with Rus Hoelzel
When environments change, as during the current process of anthropogenic climate change, regional populations may respond by migrating to track suitable habitat, they may expand, decline or go extinct, or they may adapt. In this study the student will employ next generation sequencing methods, ancient DNA, and coalescent analyses to determine past demographic profiles of two sympatric pinniped species with contrasting life histories along the coast of Patagonia, a region of major transitions during the Holocene. Thus students will have the opportunity to test hypotheses about the importance of various environmental parameters. Understanding these dynamics will become increasingly critical for effective management and nature reserve design to promote conservation in the future as environments change. This will also improve our understanding of the process of biodiversity evolution, which is determined by both effective population size and connectivity.
Eligibility: Primarily UK nationals
Deadline for consideration: January 22nd, 2016
3) Reconstructing the evolutionary history of ecological dynamics and extinction risk in Procellariiform seabirds
During their evolutionary history, birds have colonized the open oceans beyond the continental shelves only rarely. The Procellariiformes (albatrosses, shearwaters, storm- petrels, etc.) are by far the largest group of oceanic birds, but their molecular phylogeny is poorly known. As part of an international collaboration, the student will use capture enrichment and next generation sequencing methods to collect a rich genomic dataset and resolve the phylogeny of all extant and recently extinct Procellariiformes, at and below the species level. This will advance our understanding of the evolutionary history of oceanic birds, allow exploration of the role of ecology in diversification, and inform conservation management of this globally-threatened group.
Eligibility: All nationalities
Deadline for consideration: January 4th, 2016
Durham University is consistently rated as one of the top 100 universities in the world. Located in northeast England, the university is situated in a scenic town that lies within a 20-minute train ride of the thriving city of Newcastle. The department offers a supportive research-driven environment with projects ranging from the cellular to the ecosystem level. For more information see here.
To apply please send an email to with 1) a two-page covering letter detailing your reasons for applying and why you have selected this project, 2) your current CV with contact information for at least two references, 3) Full transcripts of previous qualifications obtained to date. Only the best applicants will be asked to submit an application.
Abierta la convocatoria Fondo Mixto Conacyt-Gobierno del Estado de Aguascalientes
Las propuestas de investigación deberán contribuir a la atención de los problemas, necesidades y oportunidades de la entidad en el marco de las siguientes demandas:
Demanda 1: Métodos biotecnológicos para producción masiva de plantas adaptables a zonas de baja disponibilidad de agua. Prioridad: Uso eficiente del recurso hídrico.
Demanda 2: Mapa de riesgos y sistemas de información para fortalecer la seguridad y capacidad de respuesta en el estado de Aguascalientes. Prioridad: Requerimiento específico del gobierno del estado.
Demanda 3: Modelo de intervención para el fortalecimiento de la cadena de proveeduría del sector automotriz y de autopartes del estado. Prioridad: Fortalecer la cadena automotriz y de autopartes.
Uruguay- 2 colaboradores en campo. experiencia con aves y vegetación.

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