We have two main research initiatives in Botswana: implementing a standardized biodiversity monitoring protocol for Botswana’s Department of Wildlife & National Parks and conducting Human-Wildlife Conflict studies and implementing mitigation strategies with the University of Botswana’s Okavango Research Institute.
The overall objectives of the program are to train and equip the applicants with adequate knowledge of various wildlife management and conservation issues in Africa and to attain proficiency in field research techniques. Applicants will play an active role in the research from project design, to data collection and implementation and will gain valuable skills and knowledge to equip them for their future.
They will also have the option of completing a variety of certified courses offered as self-study courses while on the research project to maximizing their field experience. Working in a unique environment with high wildlife densities and dynamic ecosystems provides the perfect classroom for students from any science background.
For more information,Webpage
There is a minimum stay of one month.
Fees are involved on the program.
Please email your CV to: info@wildtraxexplorations.com