M.S. Environmental Conservation
Employer: The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Location: Yoro
Country: Honduras
Last Date to Apply: open until filled
We seek highly motivated applicants for an M.S. assistantship in Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for a field study of golden-winged warbler habitat selection in Honduras, Central America. The project is part of a long-term study of the winter ecology of this species, and is a collaborative effort between the University of Massachusetts, the University of Georgia, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the American Bird Conservancy. The project is directed at quantifying local- and landscape-level habitat selection of wintering golden- and blue-winged warblers and evaluating survey biases using playback. This will be accomplished by surveying both species with point counts along gradients of forest types, elevations, and habitat conditions, as well as capturing and banding golden-winged warblers, deploying geolocators, and conducting habitat measurements. The start date is September 2, 2015, with fieldwork starting in January, 2016. Applicants must possess an undergraduate degree in biology, wildlife or a related field, have prior experience with point counts and bird capture, possess at least conversational English and Spanish, and be able to work without supervision for long hours hiking and driving in remote locations. Study sites are within lands controlled by the COMISUYL cooperative, so applicants must be sensitive to the interests and concerns of its members, among whom they will be living and working. A stipend of $17,500, tuition waiver, and health coverage are included. To apply, send a cover letter briefly describing your interest in the position and your qualifications, a CV, and contact information for three references to dking@fs.fed.us.