El IBT gracias a un acuerdo con el Kenya Wildlife
Service (KWS) becará
con 500 USD/mes a 10 personas seleccionadas con carnet IWH que quieran
participar en alguna de las 30 propuestas de
voluntariado o prácticas universitarias para Kenia*. La solicitud de
información y propuestas para ir a África se podrán enviar a partir del
1 de Marzo a africanvolunteers@biotropical.org
The several proposed research topics which the IBT university students or volunteers could develop within this
collaboration are listed below, and they can focus on
Invasive spps-identification,impacts on palatable
2. Impacts of human activities on wildlife in Annex
3. Impacts of urbanization/settlement on wildlife in Naivasha
4. Managementt plan for Game Farm/the potential of Game farm as a
wildlife sanctuary
5. Impacts of L. Naivasha water level changes on wildlife in
Annex sanctuary
6. Wildlife species in the riparian zone and their effects
7. Vegetation preferences of the animal communities within KWSTI
8. Animal species distribution at KWSTI
9. Peoples’ perception about protected areas approach to wildlife management
10. Identification
of invasive species and mapping hot spots
11. Competing
land uses and its impacts on biodiversity conservation
12. Inventory of
birds and animals species at Ebburru forest
Environmental issues
Assessment of the Impacts of Invasive Species on the Wildlife Conservation Areas (Case
studies in Lake Nakuru, Lake Bogoria, Hells Gate National Park)
2. Land-use Changes and their Impacts on Wildlife Conservation (Case studies in Nakuru, Naivasha, Tsavos)
3. Parks as Engines of Local Economic Growth and Development (Case Studies of Conservation areas in Kenya)
4. An
assessment of the Payment of Ecosystmem Services as a Models for
Effective Catchment Conservation in Water Catchment Areas (Focus on key
water towers in Kenya)
5. The
Impacts of Human Activities on Water Quality in the Rift Valley Lakes
(Focus on Lake Naivasha, Elementaita, Nakuru, Victoria)
6. An
assessment of the impacts of in-breeding in wildlife sanctuaries in Kenya (Case studies of KWSTI)
7. Impacts of PES programme in Naivasha basin
8. Waste management in Naivasha municipality
9. Effect of Climate change within Naivasha basin
10. Invasive species
risk assessment within KWSTI and its campuses and their management
11. Surveys
and monitoring of ecosystems
12. Risk assessment
of climate change impacts on conservation
13. Anthropogenic
factors affecting biodiversity conservations in naivasha
14. Water
abstraction and its impacts on lake naivasha biodiversity
Fisheries issues
The ecological adaptation and factors responsible for the establishment of
psidia puntuata at KWSTI Main Campus.
2. The spatial distribution and abundance of the water hyacinth (Eichornnia crassipes) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
3. Comparative studies of growth performance in the African Catfish (Clarius gariepinus) and the Channel Catfish (Ictarulus punctatas).
Tourism issues
Effects of tourism activities on biodiversity conservations in naivasha.