The Blue throated Macaw Conservation Center needs three volunteers from
10 Feb 2013 through 15 Jun 2013 (four months) for a conservation project
of critically endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis) in the
Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia. Volunteers must help with daily routines of
the center. We also collect information on home range, local movements,
cavity use, reproductive success, chick growth rates and reproductive
behavior of parrots in the area. Duties include feed birds, clean cages,
conducting macaw and nest search (tree-climbing), parrot & macaws
point counts, conducting behavioral observations and data entry. If
active nests are present duties also include guarding active nests from
nest predators, daily nest-checking assistance, performing periodic
health checks of nestlings and feeding nestlings. Applicants must be
responsible, self-disciplined, be willing to work hard, be self
motivated, tolerant to extreme tropical weather and insects (mosquitoes,
sunfly, ticks, flies), willing to work in group and able to stay at a
remote place. Volunteers will live at rustic cabin 25 km from the
nearest city. Bird handling experience and Spanish speaking applicants
may be preferred but not required. A minimum stay of two weeks within
the period will be required. We provide required equipment during the
fieldworks activities. Volunteers must arrange their own transportation
to Trinidad - Beni Department, Bolivia. There is no cost to participate
but volunteers must pay a small fee (USD 30 per week) to help cover the
cost of lodging at field.
TO APPLY: Send cover letter, resume with two references to JOSÉ
ANTONIO DÍAZ LUQUE (EM: saveparrot AT Indicate availability.
Individuals interested in applying to this position are strongly
advised to check the cost of flights from their native country to
Bolivia prior to applying to the position. Feel free to email for
further information. Close Date; Until Filled.