The Dyer Island Conservation Trust (www.dict.org.za) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for 2012. Interns will be assisting our resident team of marine biologists on a varied of research topics including; great white shark tracking, great white shark predatory tactics, Cape fur seal behaviour, Southern right whale monitoring (June - Dec), environmental/water column sampling, and much more. Particular focus for 2012 is great white shark predatory tactics, Cape fur seal behaviour, and great white shark tracking.
We accept "rolling" applications, but please give at least 2 months notice of application.
Intern requirements: The intern will be entering their 2nd year of study (minimum) in a related fisheries/ecology/zoology/biology/oceanography field. Previous field experience a plus. Interns are required a minimum of one month stay. Interns also assist research costs and accommodation costs with a program fee. All applicants are expected to be in great physical health and are accustomed to working at sea.
How to apply: Visit www.dict.org.za to application materials or email below for any questions.
For more info, contact:
Tracey Fourie