Northern Ireland Conservation Project Officer
Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
Northern Ireland (Home based, Belfast area) £26,663 full time equivalent / c.£15,998 part time
Sectors: conservation & wildlife, ecology
Closing date: Thursday, 01 September 2016
A great opportunity has arisen to build on Buglife’s leading-edge conservation work. In this stand-alone project role funded by the NIEA, you will need excellent relationship skills, entomological expertise and the initiative to make an impact for Buglife and bugs.
Working from a home-base, your role will involve entomological surveying on ASSI and SAC sites, so you will need well developed taxonomic skills across at least two of the larger invertebrate groups used to assess site condition. Whilst technical knowledge and the ability to travel are essential, great networking skills, leadership skills and the ability to network with our partners is equally important.
Your ideas for delivering this should be reflected in your application. The job description will tell you much more about this leading-edge role and our website will tell you more about our team and Buglife’s wider successes. Candidates should email a CV and cover letter of no more than one page outlining why they are interested in this job and what they have to offer the role. Please address your application to Craig Macadam at Further information about our work is available on our website:
Interviews are expected to take place in Belfast on Wednesday 21st September.