martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Independent Research Fellowships

The NERC Independent Research Fellowship (IRF) Scheme is designed to develop scientific leadership among the most promising early-career environmental scientists, by giving all fellows five years' support, which will allow them sufficient time to develop their research programmes and to gain international recognition.
As part of this scheme, NERC will expand its fellowship networking and training activities, working with host institutions, to support the development of future leaders in NERC science.

The next closing date for NERC Independent Research Fellowships is 4 October 2016. Applicants can begin submission of their proposals on the Je-S System from 1 June 2016; prior to this date, the call will not appear on the Je-S system.

In order to identify future science leaders, the assessment process will concentrate on applicants' research potential, with track record assessed in a way that is appropriate to career stage. Applicants will be expected to: demonstrate their research vision and philosophy and outline ways in which their research could be developed over the five year fellowship; explain how they will contribute to the international research area and interact with the leading international groups in their field; explain how they will enable the potential economic or societal benefits of their research to be realised.
In order to demonstrate a commitment to the development of NERC IRFs, the Head of Department of the host institution will be required to demonstrate: the availability of structured institutional support, including infrastructure and facilities, funds to support research, and access to PhD students;
support for personal development of the fellow, including mentoring, appropriate review, and training courses.
NERC logo

Doctorados en Ciencias de los materiales.

El Programa Educativo Roberto Rocca ofrece becas de postgrado a graduados universitarios excepcionales de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Indonesia, México, Rumania y Venezuela, a fin de ayudarlos a financiar estudios de doctorado en áreas específicas que incluyen la Ciencia de los Materiales, Ingeniería Mecánica, y de Petróleo (Requisitos), en una universidad fuera del país de origen del estudiante.

Cada año el Programa otorga entre 12 y 15 nuevas Becas de Postgrado. Los ganadores de las becas de postgrado son seleccionados por el Comité Científico del Programa integrado por directivos de las compañías auspiciantes.

Las Becas de Postgrado se entregan por un período de dos años y pueden destinarse a cubrir los costos de la matrícula, las cuotas y gastos de mantenimiento del Becario. El monto a otorgar dependerá de las necesidades financieras del candidato, pero en general las Becas de Postgrado no cubren todos los gastos de estudio y se estimula a los candidatos a buscar fuentes complementarias de financiación. Las becas de postgrado se podrán renovar hasta por dos años adicionales, con previa aprobación del Programa Educativo Roberto Rocca.

El período de aplicación de dos meses para las Becas de Postgrado Roberto Rocca abre a mediados de Octubre de cada año.


Entomologo con enfasis en Mariposas. Colombia.

Profesor-Investigador de tiempo completo en biologia vegetal.

El Centro de Investigación en Dinámica Celular de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos ( solicita candidatos sobresalientes para ocupar una plaza de Profesor-Investigador de tiempo completo en el área de biología vegetal, preferentemente (aunque no exclusivamente) con experiencia en el estudio de: estrés biótico y/o abiótico, hormonas vegetales, o plantas sin semilla; o algas verdes.


Caracterizar comunidades microbianas a nivel bioquímico y molecular que degradan xenobióticos

Se solicitan candidatos para estancia postdoctoral CONACyT en la Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos. El objetivo del proyecto es caracterizar comunidades microbianas a nivel bioquímico y molecular que degradan xenobióticos. Es deseable que los candidatos tengan experiencia en técnicas de microbiología ambiental, biología molecular y análisis de datos de secuenciación másiva. La estancia posdoctoral es por un año a partir de enero/febrero 2017, con posibilidad de renovación por un segundo año. Interesados favor de revisar críterios de elegibilidad en la página de CONACyT en la sección de convocatorias y resultados. Enviar antes del 07 de septiembre CV, carta de motivos y dos correos para referencias académicas al Dr. Luis Treviño (, Tel: (777)2293533.

Coordinador de Sistemas de Reducción de Riesgos de Contaminantes (SRRC) del Área Acuícola

El Comite Oaxaqueño de Sanidad e Inocuidad Acuícola A.C. emite la presente: 2da Convocatoria
A todos los Interesados que aspiren a ocupar el puesto de Coordinador en Sistemas de Reducción de Riesgos de Contaminantes (SRRC) en el Comité Oaxaqueño de Sanidad e Inocuidad Acuícola A.C. en lo sucesivo el Comité, para que participen en el concurso que se realizará bajo las siguientes bases:
Nombre del puesto: Coordinador de Sistemas de Reducción de Riesgos de Contaminantes (SRRC) del Área Acuícola.
Salario bruto mensual/pago de honorarios por prestación de servicios: $18,000.00 (Dieciocho mil pesos 00/100MN)
Número de Vacantes: 1

Global Video Competition 2016 Film4Climate

Bahamas Project Manager

Purpose of the Role: To support the development and implementation of projects in the Bahamas and to maintain existing and establish new strong, functional partnerships that enable these conservation actions to endure.

Location: The projects and partners are located in the Bahamas. A duty station in the Bahamas is preferred but a well-justified, alternative location would be considered. The position requires travel with extended periods of time away from the duty station. Willingness to live and work in sometimes primitive conditions with few amenities is essential.

Responsibilities: The Bahamas Project Manager is responsible for the successful planning and implementation of projects in the Bahamas, which includes developing and maintaining partnerships, progressing existing projects, identifying new project opportunities, and identifying and soliciting funding. This position will oversee staff working on projects in the Bahamas and may directly supervise some staff. This position will be responsible for maintaining an effective and productive team.

Seasonal Avian Field Techs (4) Tiputini Biodiversity Station Ecuador

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and Virginia Tech are seeking four seasonal field techs to work on an NSF funded project investigating the proximate links between hormones, neuroendocrine gene expression, behavior, and social network structure in a cooperative lek-breeding bird, the wire-tailed manakin (Pipra filicauda).

The project will run from mid-November to mid-March and technicians will be expected to make a minimum three-month time commitment. Start and end dates are flexible. Fieldwork will be conducted at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the Ecuadorian Amazon. This field site is a 650-hectare tract of pristine lowland rainforest adjacent to Yasuni National Park, one of the most biodiverse regions in the world.

Qualified applicants must have extensive field experience, preferably studying tropical birds. Technical field skills should include mist-netting, banding, blood-sampling and color-band re-sighting. Experience with telemetry is considered a plus. All competitive applicants will also have meticulous data collection skills, good inter-personal skills, and the ability to work independently. The field site is extremely remote and technicians will be expected to work long-hours in hot, humid, buggy, and often rainy conditions. Candidates must be in excellent physical shape with the ability to carry 50+ pounds and walk long distances on muddy trails.

The fieldwork will be physically and mentally demanding.

Four positions are currently available and we encourage the application of Latin American students seeking field experience. Applicants do not necessarily need to speak Spanish but some experience is desirable. All travel expenses will be paid (international airfare, food and lodging) and a small stipend for Latin American students will be available commensurate with experience.

To apply please send a single PDF document that includes a cover letter, CV/Resume and contacts for at least three professional references.

Please include an estimated number of birds banded and bled in your application.

Submit materials to Dr. Brandt Ryder via email ( by August 30th 2016 with the subject line heading of “MANAKIN FIELD TECH”.

Hiring will begin immediately.

Top opportunities for researchers from developing countries

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Logo
Top opportunities for researchers from developing countries
If you are a researcher with above average qualifications in a developing or transition country, if you intend to carry out long-term research of your own choice (6 to 24 months) at a research institution in Germany together with an academic host you have chosen yourself, if your research outline includes aspects that are important for the continued development of your country or region of origin and if you want to contribute to the exchange of knowledge and methods between Germany and your country of origin.
We offer you a monthly fellowship of €2,650 for postdoctoral researchers (doctorate completed within the last four years) or €3,150 for experienced researchers (doctorate completed within the last 12 years), a flexible starting date and - for experienced researchers - the option of splitting the fellowship up into a maximum of three stays, individual mentoring during the sponsorship period, intensive German language course for fellows and their marital partners prior to the fellowship, additional financial support for accompanying family members and items like travel expenses and
comprehensive alumni sponsorship once the research stay has come to an end, such as a Return Fellowship or further stays in Germany.

Voluntarios muestreos de micromamiferos en Argentina.

El PROICO 2-2314 “Mamíferos del Parque Nacional Sierra de las Quijadas”, UNSL, convoca a asistentes de campo voluntarixs para el muestreo de micromamiferos y mara (Dolichotis patagonum) en diferentes lugares de la provincia. Fechas: entre sept y nov. de 2016. Incluye alojamiento y comida. Indispensable buena predisposición para caminar largas horas bajo el calor. Para más información contactarse a: Ana Ochoa.

ACCA seeks to hire a Director of Science and Research to be based in Lima.

Bosque-de-helechos-y-Daniel - Foto Daniel Huamán

The Association for the Conservation of the Amazon Basin (ACCA, by the Spanish acronym for La Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica) is a Peruvian non-profit organization whose mission is to conserve biological diversity through effective policies that lead to sustainable land-use practices and environmental protection. Since 1999, ACCA has developed projects and programs that have built a solid foundation for biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in the Andes-Amazon region of Peru. ACCA is an organization with extensive experience in the management of conservation areas, sustainable forests, and natural resources, and in scientific research related to the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. ACCA’s mission emphasizes the creation of public policies based on science to conserve the biodiversity of the areas in which it works.

ACCA has three offices (in Lima, Puerto Maldonado, and Cuzco) and three biological research stations: two of the stations are located within the buffer zone of Manu National Park in the Cuzco region, while the third is in the Madre de Dios region, on the banks of the Madre de Dios River and adjacent to the 360,000-acre Los Amigos Conservation Concession, also managed by ACCA. The biological stations are spaces that promote the training of researchers and the development of research that is of high-importance for the conservation of Andes-Amazonian ecosystems.

ACCA seeks to hire a Director of Science and Research to be based in Lima.

Volunteer research assistant: Landscape genetics of wild black howler monkeys in Chiapas, Mexico

Volunteer research assistant: Landscape genetics of wild black howler monkeys in Chiapas, Mexico

Hiring Organization: Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Toronto

Position Description: I am seeking a volunteer field assistant to assist with data collection for my dissertation research on the effects of habitat fragmentation on dispersal and gene flow in black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in the fragmented landscape around Palenque National Park, Chiapas, Mexico. This project will unfold in collaboration with Drs. Alejandro Estrada and Sarie Van Belle of the Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

The assistant will be responsible for contributing to the following:
• Conducting surveys of forest fragments and collecting data on group size and demography
• Tracking group and individual movements with GPS
• Collecting fecal samples for later DNA analysis
• Conducting habitat quality surveys (laying transects, marking trees, measuring tree diameter, etc.)
• Collecting behavioral data (feeding, aggression, mating, and proximity)
• Regular data entry and quality control

Postdoctoral Fellows in Marine Protected Areas- Coastal & Marine Sciences Inst and CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife - 3 Open Positions

The University of California, Davis (UCD) Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute, in collaboration with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), seeks to fill three postdoc positions in the science of adaptive management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The State of California has implemented a network of 124 MPAs along its coastline through the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA; It is in the process of developing a Statewide MPA Monitoring Program to inform the adaptive management of this network of MPAs. The three postdoctoral fellows will each focus on a separate component of the science of adaptive management in an integrated program supported by frequent collaborative meetings with both UCD and CDFW mentors.

Coastal Marine Sciences Institute

Open date: August 15th, 2016
Next review date: September 12th, 2016
Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.
Final date: October 7th, 2016
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Agenda de II cumbre del cambio climatico de las Americas.

programa web actualizado

Beca doctoral o postdoctoral/ Funcionamiento de la red trofica microbiana en sistemas marinos subpolares constantes.

Beca Doctoral o Postdoctoral - CONICET 2016. Dentro del proyecto “Funcionamiento de la red trófica microbiana en sistemas marinos subpolares contrastantes: el Canal Beagle y el Área Marina Protegida Namuncurá – Banco Burdwood (Atlántico Sudoccidental)”. Lugar: Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas (CADIC) - Ushuaia. Director: Andrea Malits. Requisitos: exigidos por CONICET. Preferencia con experiencia en técnicas de Biología Molecular y Microbiología. Disponibilidad para el trabajo en el mar en condiciones meteorológicas exigentes. Manejo de Inglés en lectura y escritura. Contacto:  email con CV, carta de motivación y dos referencias.

Coloquio: Uso sostenible de los recursos en Yucatan.

Ecotecnologia para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Mexico.


doctorado en proyectos: Linea de investigacion en Medio ambiente.

Doctorado en Proyectos: Línea de Investigación en Medio Ambiente
La gestión de proyectos ambientales procura llevar a cabo un conjunto complejo de acciones y medidas que conducirán al diseño de un futuro sustentable en los distintos contextos socio histórico y geográfico. Los profesionales vinculados a temas ambientales comparten con otros el reto de culminar logros exitosos. Esto hace que, al igual que ellos, dominen técnicas de contextualización del logro, su definición, implementación, la medición del avance en su estructuración y el aseguramiento final del logro. Si bien es cierto todas estas técnicas son comunes con otros sectores, los temas ambientales tienen características distintas, y es que los estándares ambientales tienen menor tiempo de haber sido implementados, la cultura de gestión ambiental todavía no está consolidada y enfrenta debates o dudas que otros sectores ya no enfrentan. Esto hace que la gestión de proyectos ambientales requiera un poco más de profundización en algunos aspectos.

Bajo este contexto el Doctorado en Proyectos: Línea de Investigación en Medio Ambiente, tiene el compromiso de formar investigadores de alto nivel, capaces de generar conocimientos innovadores en el campo de la planeación, formulación y gestión de proyectos sostenibles tanto en el ambiente urbano como rural, en la micro y en la macro escala. A su vez, ampliar el conocimiento de los profesionales interesados en temas prioritarios del desarrollo sostenible y la gestión de proyectos ambientales en países en vías de desarrollo.

Inicio: 5 de septiembre de 2016

Dos profesores investigadores en el area de estudios urbanos y ambientales.

Volunteer Field Assistant: Orangutan project Indonesia.

Volunteer Field Assistant: Orangutan project
University of Zurich

We are looking for a volunteer for a PhD project investigating social learning and innovation in orangutans. This study is conducted at Bukit Batikap in the Murung Raya District of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia, the release site of Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF), on released orangutans (please note that interactions with released animals are strictly forbidden). Work will include collection of behavioral and ranging data during nest to nest follows as well as phenology and nest work (possibility of tree climbing and nest deconstruction). In addition archiving, organizing and entering data at camp will be expected.
The volunteer needs to be prepared to work in very demanding conditions for very long days starting before dawn, followed by an up to 1,5h walk to the nest location and then full day observation by following focal animals until the evening nest, often after dusk. The volunteer will be walking long distance, hiking 10 km and more a day under all-weather conditions. In addition, camping in the forest in very basic flying camps for 5-9 days at the time (sleeping in hammocks, bathing in the river and cooking basic food) will be expected.
Wisconsin PRC Logo

Congreso Nacional Sobre Biologia, Pesca y Acuacultura de Moluscos-Universidad de Sonora

Program Assistant - Environmental Defense Fund de México Oceans Program, Sustainable Fisheries Project - La Paz, México

Program Assistant
Environmental Defense Fund de México
Oceans Program, Sustainable Fisheries Project
La Paz, México
Environmental Defense Fund
With world attention focused on both the environment and the economy, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is where policymakers and business leaders turn for win-win solutions. This leading green group, with programs from Boston to Beijing, has tripled in size over the past decade by focusing on strong science, uncommon partnerships and market-based approaches. You can be part of a vibrant workplace that welcomes diverse perspectives, talents and contributions, where innovation and a focus on results are a way of life.


Servicios Ecosistematicos y Bienestar Humano. Trabajos Universitarios.

Maestria profesionalizante en Ecologia internacional.


Concurso Inter-facultades UNAM de ahorro de agua 2016


Globalink Research Internship

Globalink international student brochure

The call for 2017 Globalink Research Internship student applications is now open. Apply by September 20, 2016, at 4 p.m. PDT for travel to Canada starting in May 2017.

The Mitacs Globalink Research Internship is a competitive initiative for international undergraduates from Australia, Brazil, China, France, India, Germany, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia. From May to September of each year, top-ranked applicants participate in a 12-week research internship under the supervision of Canadian university faculty members in a variety of academic disciplines, from science, engineering and mathematics to the humanities and social sciences.


Beca Doctoral o Postdoctoral - CONICET 2016.

Beca Doctoral o Postdoctoral - CONICET 2016.
Dentro del proyecto “Potential consequences of hypoxia for the marine microbial food web in Ushuaia Bay (Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego)”. Lugar: Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas (CADIC) - Ushuaia. Director: Andrea Malits. Requisitos: exigidos por CONICET. Preferencia con experiencia en técnicas de Biología Molecular y Microbiología. Disponibilidad para el trabajo en el mar en condiciones meteorológicas exigentes. Manejo de Inglés en lectura y escritura. Contacto: email con CV, carta de motivación y dos referencias.

United Nations – Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme 2017 in USA

United Nations – Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme 2017 in USA
Deadline: September 9, 2016
International applicants are eligible to apply for these fellowships.

The program aims at providing the necessary knowledge and skills to assist developing states towards the formulation of comprehensive ocean law and policy and to implement UNCLOS and related instruments to achieve sustainable management of their ocean spaces, resources, and activities.

Applicants must have successfully completed a first university degree, and demonstrate a capacity to undertake independent advanced academic research and study.

The 9-month Fellowships Programme is composed of two consecutive phases which provide Fellows with advanced and customized research and training opportunities in their chosen fields:

Becas Postdoctorales CONICET/Argentina

Becas Postdoctorales co-financiadas por CONICET y la Universidad Maimónides. Cantidad de becas: 2. Marco institucional: Programa “Áreas Prioritarias de Restauración Ecológica (APREs) en Argentina: integrando soluciones científicas, tecnológicas y sociales a múltiples escalas”. Requisitos: los aspirantes deberán acreditar un doctorado (compatible con los requerimientos de CONICET) en una carrera afín al programa, tener publicaciones internacionales, manejo del idioma inglés y predisposición para el trabajo en equipos inter-disciplinarios e inter-institucionales. Dependiendo del plan de investigación a desarrollar, se priorizarán candidatos con antecedentes específicos en: SIG, modelos multi-criterio (indicadores de deterioro/conservación, productivos, económicos, culturales), análisis temporales de cambios de cobertura/usos del suelo (LULC), ordenamiento territorial, y/o fitogeografía aplicada al manejo ambiental (con experiencia para conducir camionetas en campo). Se aceptan candidatos extranjeros con dominio fluido del idioma español. Contacto: email (con copia a: La presentación a CONICET (on-line) vence del 8-12 de Agosto. Lugar de trabajo: Departamento de Ecología y Ciencias Ambientales (DECA), CEBBAD, Universidad Maimónides. Director del programa: Dr. Gustavo Zuleta, Director DECA.

Concurso el cuento y el medio ambiente.

Northern Ireland Conservation Project Officer

Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust

Northern Ireland Conservation Project Officer
Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
Northern Ireland (Home based, Belfast area)  £26,663 full time equivalent / c.£15,998 part time
Sectors: conservation & wildlife, ecology
Closing date: Thursday, 01 September 2016

A great opportunity has arisen to build on Buglife’s leading-edge conservation work. In this stand-alone project role funded by the NIEA, you will need excellent relationship skills, entomological expertise and the initiative to make an impact for Buglife and bugs.

Working from a home-base, your role will involve entomological surveying on ASSI and SAC sites, so you will need well developed taxonomic skills across at least two of the larger invertebrate groups used to assess site condition. Whilst technical knowledge and the ability to travel are essential, great networking skills, leadership skills and the ability to network with our partners is equally important.

Your ideas for delivering this should be reflected in your application. The job description will tell you much more about this leading-edge role and our website will tell you more about our team and Buglife’s wider successes. Candidates should email a CV and cover letter of no more than one page outlining why they are interested in this job and what they have to offer the role. Please address your application to Craig Macadam at Further information about our work is available on our website:

Interviews are expected to take place in Belfast on Wednesday 21st September.