Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
domingo, 31 de julio de 2016
Funcionamiento de la red trófica microbiana en sistemas marinos subpolares contrastantes: el Canal Beagle y el Área Marina Protegida Namuncurá – Banco Burdwood (Atlántico Sudoccidental
Beca Doctoral o Postdoctoral – CONICET 2016.
Dentro del proyecto “Funcionamiento de la red trófica microbiana en
sistemas marinos subpolares contrastantes: el Canal Beagle y el Área
Marina Protegida Namuncurá – Banco Burdwood (Atlántico Sudoccidental)”. Lugar: Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas. CADIC- Ushuaia. Director: Andrea Malits. Requisitos: exigidos por CONICET.
Lic. o estudiantes avanzados universitarios (a recibirse antes del
31/03/2017) de Cs. Biológicas o carreras afines. Preferencia con
experiencia en técnicas de Biología Molecular y Microbiología.
Disponibilidad para el trabajo en el mar en condiciones meteorológicas
exigentes. Manejo de Inglés en lectura y escritura. Interesados enviar email con CV, carta de motivación y dos referencias.
Cloud Forest Bird Banding Volunteers - Ecuador
Join Life Net Nature’s long-term avian monitoring and conservation
project in the Andes of western Ecuador, December 6-19, 2016. We have
openings for 8 volunteers on this year's team.
Life Net banding assistants help with mist-netting of birds at several banding stations and do bird surveys in the Las Tangaras Reserve, Mindo, Ecuador. Our goal is to advance scientific understanding of cloud forest avian communities, including species responses to deforestation, grazing, and climate change over time.
Reserva Las Tangaras boasts more than 25 species of hummingbird, one of the largest regional cock-of-the-rock display leks, and great numbers of Choco and Andean endemic bird species. Volunteers help set up and monitor mist nets, extract birds from nets, carry birds from nets to a banding station, and record basic ecological data. A cost-share donation of $1650 covers your transportation in Ecuador, meals, lodging during the conservation research program, reserve fees, salaries for Ecuadorian cooks and para-biologists (airfare to and from Ecuador is not included nor are hotel nights in Quito). The donation balance is used to cover stewardship costs related to operating the Las Tangaras Reserve as a cloud forest protected area for Choco wildlife.
The conservation expedition begins and ends in Quito.
Life Net banding assistants help with mist-netting of birds at several banding stations and do bird surveys in the Las Tangaras Reserve, Mindo, Ecuador. Our goal is to advance scientific understanding of cloud forest avian communities, including species responses to deforestation, grazing, and climate change over time.
Reserva Las Tangaras boasts more than 25 species of hummingbird, one of the largest regional cock-of-the-rock display leks, and great numbers of Choco and Andean endemic bird species. Volunteers help set up and monitor mist nets, extract birds from nets, carry birds from nets to a banding station, and record basic ecological data. A cost-share donation of $1650 covers your transportation in Ecuador, meals, lodging during the conservation research program, reserve fees, salaries for Ecuadorian cooks and para-biologists (airfare to and from Ecuador is not included nor are hotel nights in Quito). The donation balance is used to cover stewardship costs related to operating the Las Tangaras Reserve as a cloud forest protected area for Choco wildlife.
The conservation expedition begins and ends in Quito.
Field Course Instructors Wanted
If your specialty is in botany, primatology, ornithology, herpetology, entomology, or another related discipline, and you dream of returning to the field each year, we would like to invite you to apply to teach a field course at one of our locations in Peru or India.

This is an opportunity to reach a global pool of students, to design a course that highlights your interests and experience, and to make a meaningful contribution to conservation education. FPI will assist with course promotion, logistics, planning, and administering student enrollment. In addition, a local fixer will be provided to help with airport pickups and other transportation to the field site. All you will do is do what you love best - teach!

This is an opportunity to reach a global pool of students, to design a course that highlights your interests and experience, and to make a meaningful contribution to conservation education. FPI will assist with course promotion, logistics, planning, and administering student enrollment. In addition, a local fixer will be provided to help with airport pickups and other transportation to the field site. All you will do is do what you love best - teach!
Becas de National geographic.
Since 1888, National Geographic has supported exploration and discovery,
bringing gems like Machu Picchu, undersea wonders, and new species to
light. Our programs in field-based research, conservation, exploration,
and education continue to provide the world with scientific
breakthroughs and discoveries that inspire people everywhere to care
about our planet. Today, a new generation of National Geographic
explorers are redefining exploration. Become a part of this exciting
generation by applying for one of the grants below.
Beca Doctoral y Postdoctoral en Ushuaia. Ciencias marinas.
Beca Doctoral o Postdoctoral – CONICET 2016.
Dentro del proyecto “Potential consequences of hypoxia for the marine
microbial food web in Ushuaia Bay (Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego)”. Lugar: Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas. CADIC- Ushuaia. Director: Andrea Malits. Requisitos:
Lic. o estudiantes avanzados universitarios (a recibirse antes del
31/03/2017) de Cs. Biológicas o carreras afines. Preferencia con
experiencia en técnicas de Biología Molecular y Microbiología.
Disponibilidad para el trabajo en el mar en condiciones meteorológicas
exigentes. Manejo de Inglés en lectura y escritura. Interesados enviar email con CV, carta de motivación y dos referencias.
Research assistants. Costa Rica.
Turtle Trax SA is a Costa Rican company that runs four sea turtle nesting beach projects in partnership with PRETOMA, a Costa Rican NGO. The focus of the projects is to protect sea turtle nests from poaching and depredation by conducting night patrols and relocating nests to the project hatcheries. The projects are funded through a combination of the volunteer program and private donations. Each project consists of a team of one coordinator, 3-month term research assistants, and short-term volunteers.
Research assistants are responsible for assisting the coordinator in all aspects of running the project, and will gain hands-on experience working with sea turtles. It is crucial that selected assistants bring a positive attitude to the project, work well within a team, be adaptable to a variety of situations, and be prepared to partake in ALL aspects of the project.
Revenue Director, MNCA in Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico (MEX)
The Nature Conservancy’s Mexico and Northern Central America (MNCA)
Conservation Program seeks a dynamic self-starter, results-driven
individual to become our lead person for generating revenue, with focus
on financial sustainability for the region.Revenue Director leads a multi-disciplinary Revenue Team with staff from Philanthropy, communication and Marketing to develop, implement and coordinate an effective multi-year, diversified revenue strategy which includes all plans for the identification, cultivation and solicitation of gift prospects, including corporate, foundations, institutions, and/or individual donors.
S/he will be responsible for direct asks to a target Mexican audience as an out-the-door fundraiser to fund MNCA priorities. As such, the position will be based in Mexico City, Mexico and will report to the Director of the MNCA Conservation Program.
Especialista en hidrología in Bogota, Colombia
Bogota, Colombia
The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization
working to make a positive impact around the world in 69 countries, all
50 United States, and your backyard. Founded in 1951, the mission of The
Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all
life depends. Visit www.nature.org/about-us to learn more.The Nature Conservancy offers competitive compensation, 401k or savings-plan matching for eligible employees, excellent benefits, flexible work policies and a collaborative work environment. We also provide professional development opportunities and promote from within. As a result, you will find a culture that supports and inspires conservation achievement and personal development, both within the workplace and beyond.
La posición de Ecólogo/Biólogo de Agua Dulce proveerá apoyo técnico y
científico a las estrategias de NASCA en el diseño y la planificación
de acciones de conservación, así como en la medición del éxito de
acciones de conservación, mediante el monitoreo y en la evaluación de
impactos (incluyendo el desarrollo de infraestructura, el cambio en la
cobertura y usos del suelo, el cambio climático, entre otros) sobre
ecosistemas acuáticos.Enlace.
Doctorante Argentina.
Beca Doctoral - CONICET 2016. Tema:
Eco-epidemiología de pulgas y ácaros mesostigmata como vectores
potenciales de patógenos y productores de ectoparasitosis de importancia
sanitaria. Lugar: Lab. de Ectoparásitos, Centro de Estudios
Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CEPAVE) (CONICET - UNLP). Bv. 120 s/n e/
Av. 60 y calle 64, La Plata, Argentina. Investigador responsable: Dra. Marcela Lareschi. Requisitos: exigidos por CONICET.
Egresado o alumno próximo a egresar de Veterinaria, Cs. Biológicas o
carreras afines. Menor o 32 años. Promedio con aplazos: 7 ó superior. Fecha de inicio: 1 abril 2017. Contacto: Marcela Lareschi
enviar carta breve de presentación describiendo sus intereses, CV,
promedio académico (con aplazos) y promedio histórico de la carrera.
Doctorante para Argentina. Grupos de monos caí.
Beca Doctoral - CONICET 2016. Tema: Relaciones sociales y de parentesco en grupos de monos caí (Sapajus nigritus) en áreas fragmentadas del Nordeste Argentino. Lugar: Instituto de Biología Subtropical (IBS) Fac. de Cs. Forestales, Univ. Nac. de Misiones. Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. Investigadores responsables: Dra. Luciana. Oklander y Dr. Martín Kowalewski. Requisitos:
profesionales recién recibidos, o estudiantes muy próximos a recibirse
Lic. en Biología o carreras afines. Conocimientos de campo y/o
laboratorio (no excluyente). Estar dispuesto a mudarse a Puerto Iguazú.
Cumplir con los requisitos exigidos por el CONICET. Interesados enviar email con
CV, carta de interés (motivaciones y experiencias previas relevantes), y
datos de contacto de dos personas que puedan proveer referencias sobre
el postulante.
ACCA seeks to hire a Director of Science and Research to be based in Lima.
The Association for the Conservation of the Amazon Basin (ACCA, by the Spanish acronym for La Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica) is a Peruvian non-profit organization whose mission is to conserve biological diversity through effective policies that lead to sustainable land-use practices and environmental protection. Since 1999, ACCA has developed projects and programs that have built a solid foundation for biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in the Andes-Amazon region of Peru. ACCA is an organization with extensive experience in the management of conservation areas, sustainable forests, and natural resources, and in scientific research related to the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. ACCA’s mission emphasizes the creation of public policies based on science to conserve the biodiversity of the areas in which it works.
ACCA has three offices (in Lima, Puerto Maldonado, and Cuzco) and three biological research stations: two of the stations are located within the buffer zone of Manu National Park in the Cuzco region, while the third is in the Madre de Dios region, on the banks of the Madre de Dios River and adjacent to the 360,000-acre Los Amigos Conservation Concession, also managed by ACCA. The biological stations are spaces that promote the training of researchers and the development of research that is of high-importance for the conservation of Andes-Amazonian ecosystems.
ACCA seeks to hire a Director of Science and Research to be based in Lima.
ACCA has three offices (in Lima, Puerto Maldonado, and Cuzco) and three biological research stations: two of the stations are located within the buffer zone of Manu National Park in the Cuzco region, while the third is in the Madre de Dios region, on the banks of the Madre de Dios River and adjacent to the 360,000-acre Los Amigos Conservation Concession, also managed by ACCA. The biological stations are spaces that promote the training of researchers and the development of research that is of high-importance for the conservation of Andes-Amazonian ecosystems.
ACCA seeks to hire a Director of Science and Research to be based in Lima.
UNESCO MAB Young Scientists Awards: helping young people help the planet.
UNESCO MAB Young Scientists Awards: helping young people help the planet
Since 1989 MAB has been providing 10 young researchers each year with awards of up to US$ 5,000 in support of their research on ecosystems, natural resources and biodiversity. Through the MAB Young Scientists Awards, MAB is investing in a new generation of scientists worldwide because we think well-trained and committed young people are key to addressing ecological and sustainability issues.
The deadline for submission of application forms for the 2017 MAB Young Scientists Awards is 31 October 2016.
Since 1989 MAB has been providing 10 young researchers each year with awards of up to US$ 5,000 in support of their research on ecosystems, natural resources and biodiversity. Through the MAB Young Scientists Awards, MAB is investing in a new generation of scientists worldwide because we think well-trained and committed young people are key to addressing ecological and sustainability issues.
The deadline for submission of application forms for the 2017 MAB Young Scientists Awards is 31 October 2016.
How to apply for MAB Young Scientists AwardsApplication forms for 2017 MAB Young Scientists Awards Scheme available here:
Dos profesores-investigadores en el área de estudios urbanos y ambientales
ConvocatoriaAbierta para contratar a dos profesores-investigadores en el área de estudios urbanos y ambientales en el Centro de Estudios Demográficos Urbanos y Ambientales

Temas de investigación:
-Movilidad y transporte
-Economía ambiental
-Gobierno y finanzas públicas locales
Fecha límite de solicitudes: 16 de agosto
Revisa la convocatoria aquí.

Temas de investigación:
-Movilidad y transporte
-Economía ambiental
-Gobierno y finanzas públicas locales
Fecha límite de solicitudes: 16 de agosto
Revisa la convocatoria aquí.
Monitor Comunitario
El Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos convoca a los puestos
Monitor Comunitario
para el proyecto “Evaluación de operaciones de pesca ribereña por videograbación en la zona norte del Golfo de Ulloa, BCS”
Consulta las bases aquí:
Enlace de la convocatoria.
Edicion colectiva del libro Actividad pesquera.
La Iniciativa PULSO DEL GOLFO convoca a participar en la Edición Colectiva de un libro de divulgación científica sobre la ACTIVIDAD PESQUERA y las ESPECIES que se originan en nuestro Golfo de California.
La versión completa de nuestra convocatoria está en este enlace.

Convocatoria a consultoría para la Iniciativa del Acuífero Maya
Convocatoria a consultoría para la Iniciativa del Acuífero Maya
National Geographic Society convoca a interesados en consultoría para la Iniciativa del Acuífero Maya.
Descargar convocatoria
National Geographic Society convoca a interesados en consultoría para la Iniciativa del Acuífero Maya.
Descargar convocatoria
Propuestas de proyectos.
FMCN a través del FONDO PARA EL GOLFO DE CALIFORNIA invita a organizaciones mexicanas legalmente constituidas a presentar propuestas de proyectos enfocados en impulsar el desarrollo costero sustentable en las zonas de influencia de las áreas marinas protegidas del Golfo de California.
Descargar convocatoria.
Fecha límite: 24 de agosto 2016
Descargar convocatoria.

Fecha límite: 24 de agosto 2016
Servicio social y practicas profesionales en CONABIO.
La CONABIO tiene las puertas abiertas a estudiantes o egresados de nivel medio superior y superior que deseen realizar servicio social y prácticas profesionales a través de diversos programas para aplicar sus conocimientos y que contribuyan a su preparación para la vida profesional.
CONABIO solicita Especialista en Inventarios Bioticos.
CONABIO solicita Especialista en Inventarios Bioticos.
Fecha limite 05 de agosto.

-Evaluar la consistencia de la información en bases de datos taxonómicas-biogeográficas con la finalidad de emitir un documento con el análisis de la calidad de los datos.
−Impartir cursos de capacitación del software sistema de información Biótica©.
−Impartir talleres de capacitación del control y calidad de datos sobre biodiversidad.
Fecha limite 05 de agosto.
-Evaluar la consistencia de la información en bases de datos taxonómicas-biogeográficas con la finalidad de emitir un documento con el análisis de la calidad de los datos.
−Impartir cursos de capacitación del software sistema de información Biótica©.
−Impartir talleres de capacitación del control y calidad de datos sobre biodiversidad.
Bahamas Project Manager
Purpose of the Role: To support the development and implementation of projects in the Bahamas and to maintain existing and establish new strong, functional partnerships that enable these conservation actions to endure.
Location: The projects and partners are located in the Bahamas. A duty station in the Bahamas is preferred but a well-justified, alternative location would be considered. The position requires travel with extended periods of time away from the duty station. Willingness to live and work in sometimes primitive conditions with few amenities is essential.
Responsibilities: The Bahamas Project Manager is responsible for the successful planning and implementation of projects in the Bahamas, which includes developing and maintaining partnerships, progressing existing projects, identifying new project opportunities, and identifying and soliciting funding. This position will oversee staff working on projects in the Bahamas and may directly supervise some staff. This position will be responsible for maintaining an effective and productive team.
La AMEXCID invita a estudiantes de instituciones académicas mexicanas a presentar trabajos de investigación de excelencia académica sobre la relación bilateral entre Alemania y México, con preferencia en temas de cooperación internacional como gobernanza, agendas globales de desarrollo, cambio climático y energías renovables, entre otros. DOTACIÓN: Un viaje a Alemania para presentar el trabajo de investigación en el marco de la Semana de la AMEXCID en Alemania, a realizarse en 2017. El premio incluye hospedaje, alimentación y transporte aéreo. FECHA DE CIERRE: 21 de octubre del 2016. Mayor información encuentra en la convocatoria: enlace.
CONVOCATORIA: Programa de Recuperación y Repoblación de Especies en Riesgo (PROCER)
La CONANP, a través de los “Lineamientos para la Ejecución del PROCER, Componente de Conservación de Especies en Riesgo”, otorgará apoyos directos para la realización de proyectos establecidos en los términos de referencia de la presente convocatoria.
Se solicita observador de mamiferos marinos.

Se solicita el siguiente personal MEXICANO con experiencia en embarcaciones sísmicas para laborar en el Golfo de México (Sonda de Campeche).
Enviar CV en inglés y español y documentación que comprueben su conocimiento y experiencia en la categoría a: reclutamiento@presco.mx
Estamos en Proceso de RECLUTAMIENTO Y SELECCIÓN DE PERSONAL; a los candidatos seleccionados se les estará llamando a mediados del mes de Agosto para información e indicaciones.
FAO ofrece cursos para Sudamérica y Mesoamérica sobre sistemas inclusivos de protección social y lucha contra el hambre
Según la FAO, el apoyo que los gobiernos han dado a los sectores vulnerables a través de los sistemas de protección social ha sido una de las claves que permitieron que América Latina y el Caribe sea la región que mayores avances ha hecho en la lucha contra el hambre en las últimas décadas.
Oportunidad para cientificos jovenes.
The NERC Independent Research Fellowship (IRF) Scheme is designed to develop scientific leadership among the most promising early-career environmental scientists, by giving all fellows five years' support, which will allow them sufficient time to develop their research programmes and to gain international recognition.
As part of this scheme, NERC will expand its fellowship networking and training activities, working with host institutions, to support the development of future leaders in NERC science.
The next closing date for NERC Independent Research Fellowships is 4 October 2016. Applicants can begin submission of their proposals on the Je-S System from 1 June 2016; prior to this date, the call will not appear on the Je-S system.
Application and assessment process
In order to identify future science leaders, the assessment process will concentrate on applicants' research potential, with track record assessed in a way that is appropriate to career stage. Applicants will be expected to:
Demonstrate their research vision and philosophy and outline ways in which their research could be developed over the five year fellowship;
Explain how they will contribute to the international research area and interact with the leading international groups in their field;
Explain how they will enable the potential economic or societal benefits of their research to be realised.
In order to demonstrate a commitment to the development of NERC IRFs, the Head of Department of the host institution will be required to demonstrate:
The availability of structured institutional support, including infrastructure and facilities, funds to support research, and access to PhD students;
Support for personal development of the fellow, including mentoring, appropriate review, and training courses.
Director/a del Centro de Excelencia Virtual en Monitoreo Forestal en Mesoamérica
Director/a del Centro de Excelencia Virtual en Monitoreo Forestal en Mesoamérica

Vacancy End Date (Midnight New York, USA)
Mexico City, Mexico
Education & Work Experience
G-Bachelor's Level Degree - 10 year(s) experience
Contract Duration
6 Months

Vacancy End Date (Midnight New York, USA)
Mexico City, Mexico
Education & Work Experience
G-Bachelor's Level Degree - 10 year(s) experience
Contract Duration
6 Months
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