Closing Date: 31 Jan 15
January 24 – February 1, 2015
February 4 – February 13, 2015
The Marine Conservation Survey is an international effort to gather much needed scientific data regarding present environmental /biological conditions found in the Sea of Cortez, Baja Mexico.
Participants will assist U.S. based Raven Adventures/ Global Classroom and their Mexican conservation partner GEA (GruposEcologistas Antares) with multiple marine transects (above and below thesurface) as well as other biological investigations in an effort tobetter understand the fragile ecosytem of the Sea of Cortez. Volunteersmay be exposed to an abundant number of marine life including many whalespecies such as the blue, sperm, brydes, humpback, finback, orca andpilot whale. Dolphins and sea lions can also be foundthroughout the study site. All data collected will be made available to thelocal Marine Park of Loreto as well as various nature conservationprograms operating in the area.
The program cost is $950 per person for the 10 day session and islimited to 4 participants . The cost includes food, campingbasic camping accommodations, camping gear, and safety equipment.Volunteers will be responsible for their flight/bus to/from Loreto,Mexico.
No previous experience is needed, but volunteers assisting us in the remote areas of Baja will want to have a “go with the flow attitude”, be willing to share a small tent with another participant, possibly ride in the back of pick up trucks, wade into deep mud, and participate in camp life such as cooking, cleaning, and logistical chores.
Please contact Raven Adventures / Global Classroom director Colin Garland at colin@ravenadventures.com to ensure there is still space on the session of your choice.
Application instructions are found at: http://ravenadventures.com/marine-conservation/