Due to negative effects of past land use on biodiversity, there is a growing recognition that successful biodiversity conservation will often necessitate restoration of ecosystems. In the boreal and hemiboreal biomes, little is known about the ecological effects of emerging forest restoration measures. This PhD project aims to quantify the effects of forest restoration on northern bird assemblages, with a focus on resident species of particular conservation concern (e.g. red-listed Picidae and declining Paridae). It builds on large-scale field experiments designed in collaboration with practitioners to evaluate restoration methods that are relevant to forest set-asides (gap creation, prescribed burning, conifer removal and active dead wood creation). The tasks will include, among others, planning and performing fieldwork in forest, analyzing data, writing scientific manuscripts, taking doctoral courses, and presenting the work at seminars and conferences.
The PhD student will work in a dynamic research environment as part of the Forest BIOCORE research group at the Dept. of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies (www.slu.se/wfe/biocore and http://phdatvfm.weebly.com/). The position is based in Umeå, the largest town in northern Sweden with approx. 117,000 inhabitants and two universities, a high standard of living, and good flight connections to Stockholm. This is a four-year position with a starting salary of approx. SEK 23,500 per month and social benefits. There are no tuition fees.
We seek a highly motivated candidate having an MSc degree or the equivalent in biology, forestry, or other areas of natural resource management, preferably with a specialization in ecology or conservation. Knowledge of avian ecology, field ornithology, forest management, and statistical methods is advantageous, as is an interest in pursuing a career in academia. Proven excellence in written and spoken English is essential and a driver’s license is required. The candidate is expected to be capable and willing to take initiative and work independently as well as in a team.
Your application should include a CV, a short text describing your suitability for the position and explaining why you are interested, copies of degree certificates and transcripts (university level), a copy of your MSc or BSc thesis and of relevant scientific articles/reports (if any), and contact information of at least two reference persons.