Empleo para biologos. Bolsa de trabajo ciencias de la vida. ¿En que puede trabajar un biólogo?
miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014
Premio a la innovación en biotecnología
Premio a la innovación en biotecnología
Cinvestav Neolpharma 2014
Dirigido a Científicos y grupos de investigación que realicen sus labores en Centros de Investigación o Universidades de México en el área de la Bionanotecnología.
Tipo de actividad Premio a la innovación.
Apoyar el trabajo de investigación de los Centros de Investigación.
Promover un mejor nivel de investigación científica.
Fomentar la creación de trabajos de investigación en el área de Bionanotecnología.
Premio El premio consistirá de un Diploma al(los) autor(es) más un estímulo económico único de $150,000 pesos mexicanos.
Organismo financiador Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Cinvestav) y el Grupo Farmacéutico Neolpharma.
El trabajo de investigación será sometido a concurso deberá ser original, hecho en México y no haber sido previamente publicado en revistas científicas de carácter nacional o internacional. También deberá mostrar que los resultados contribuyen de manera significativa al desarrollo y mejoramiento de la salud en México.
El trabajo de investigación, básico y/o aplicado deberá tener un enfoque hacia el área de medicina con énfasis en el área de la farmacología. No participarán trabajo promovido patrocinados por la industria farmacéutica, ni aquellos que repitan tecnología ya comercializada.
Solo se recibirá un trabajo por autor.
Documentación requerida El trabajo a presentar deberá contar con las siguientes características:
El trabajo deberá ser redactado en español e identificarse con un pseudónimo que quedará inscrito en el formato de registro de internet. Mantener anónima la identidad de los autores, así como de la(s) institución(es) en que se realizó el trabajo.
Un trabajo presentado deberá redactarse siguiendo el formato el formato de una publicación científica: título, pseudónimo (sin autores, ni instituciones de adscripción), resumen, introducción, materiales y métodos, resultados, discusión, conclusiones y bibliografía. Los resultados como gráficas , fotografías, etc., deberán estar incluidos en el texto. El trabajo no deberá exceder 40 cuartillas, utilizando letra Arial de 12 puntos a doble espacio.
En un documento independiente se deberán incluir los datos de cada uno de los co-autores, con sus sitio de adscripción y las direcciones completas, así como los teléfonos y las cuentas de correo electrónico respectivos. El trabajo sometido deberá comprobar que fue aprobado por los comités de ética y de bioseguridad de las instituciones participantes. También en dicho documento, se deberá brindar crédito a la(as) fuentes de financiamiento de trabajo participante. En caso de que lo amerite, el trabajo deberá comprobar que fue autorizado por las autoridades de las instituciones participantes. La omisión de cualquiera de los puntos de este inciso será motivo de descalificación.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente 11 de julio de 2014
¿Dónde entregar o enviar expediente? El envío de documentación y registro en línea deberá realizarse directamente en la página web del Premio Cinvestav Neolpharma 2014.
Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Cinvestav)
Departamento de Difusión,
Arq. Héctor Martínez
Teléfono: +52 (55) 5747 4011
Correo electrónico: difusión@cinvestav.mx
Cinvestav Neolpharma 2014
Dirigido a Científicos y grupos de investigación que realicen sus labores en Centros de Investigación o Universidades de México en el área de la Bionanotecnología.
Tipo de actividad Premio a la innovación.
Apoyar el trabajo de investigación de los Centros de Investigación.
Promover un mejor nivel de investigación científica.
Fomentar la creación de trabajos de investigación en el área de Bionanotecnología.
Premio El premio consistirá de un Diploma al(los) autor(es) más un estímulo económico único de $150,000 pesos mexicanos.
Organismo financiador Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Cinvestav) y el Grupo Farmacéutico Neolpharma.
El trabajo de investigación será sometido a concurso deberá ser original, hecho en México y no haber sido previamente publicado en revistas científicas de carácter nacional o internacional. También deberá mostrar que los resultados contribuyen de manera significativa al desarrollo y mejoramiento de la salud en México.
El trabajo de investigación, básico y/o aplicado deberá tener un enfoque hacia el área de medicina con énfasis en el área de la farmacología. No participarán trabajo promovido patrocinados por la industria farmacéutica, ni aquellos que repitan tecnología ya comercializada.
Solo se recibirá un trabajo por autor.
Documentación requerida El trabajo a presentar deberá contar con las siguientes características:
El trabajo deberá ser redactado en español e identificarse con un pseudónimo que quedará inscrito en el formato de registro de internet. Mantener anónima la identidad de los autores, así como de la(s) institución(es) en que se realizó el trabajo.
Un trabajo presentado deberá redactarse siguiendo el formato el formato de una publicación científica: título, pseudónimo (sin autores, ni instituciones de adscripción), resumen, introducción, materiales y métodos, resultados, discusión, conclusiones y bibliografía. Los resultados como gráficas , fotografías, etc., deberán estar incluidos en el texto. El trabajo no deberá exceder 40 cuartillas, utilizando letra Arial de 12 puntos a doble espacio.
En un documento independiente se deberán incluir los datos de cada uno de los co-autores, con sus sitio de adscripción y las direcciones completas, así como los teléfonos y las cuentas de correo electrónico respectivos. El trabajo sometido deberá comprobar que fue aprobado por los comités de ética y de bioseguridad de las instituciones participantes. También en dicho documento, se deberá brindar crédito a la(as) fuentes de financiamiento de trabajo participante. En caso de que lo amerite, el trabajo deberá comprobar que fue autorizado por las autoridades de las instituciones participantes. La omisión de cualquiera de los puntos de este inciso será motivo de descalificación.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente 11 de julio de 2014
¿Dónde entregar o enviar expediente? El envío de documentación y registro en línea deberá realizarse directamente en la página web del Premio Cinvestav Neolpharma 2014.
Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Cinvestav)
Departamento de Difusión,
Arq. Héctor Martínez
Teléfono: +52 (55) 5747 4011
Correo electrónico: difusión@cinvestav.mx
Audubon Consultancy - Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands and Gulf of Mexico
Pronatura Noreste and National Audubon Society (NAS) are joining forces to work at scale on conservation efforts in the Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands and Gulf of Mexico Coastal ecosystems shared by Mexico and United States. As a first step together they are developing a 5-year comprehensive strategic plan that can guide a unified approach, help identify and partner with other key strategic actors, optimize opportunities and address the conservation challenges to working in these areas.
Given both organizations’ institutional focuses and coverage of these vital ecosystems and their complementary conservation approaches and philosophies, together they are well positioned to work in a unified manner and have a potential for greater conservation success. The plans will help guide them to reach the scale of conservation needed by acting jointly across these vast and highly threatened ecosystems and to achieve the results that can improve their ecological health and better support migratory and resident birds and other biodiversity that these regions are home to.
To accomplish this, the National Audubon Society seeks a contractor to lead the following:
• Evaluate significant conservation investments ($100,000 and up) carried out in Chihuahua grasslands and Laguna Madre wetlands regions over the last 10 years to identify gaps, opportunities, clear strategies and next steps that can help achieve greater conservation results at scale across both ecosystems;
• Through the process, help build a unified team and approach to optimize both organizations capacities and potential by evaluating needs and opportunities and finding innovative and strategic ways to advance the conservation agenda of both organizations working together; and
• Develop a plan that serves as a clear guide for both organizations to work together at the scale required and as strategically as possible for the next five years.
1. Facilitate all aspects of the development of a shared strategic plan for Pronatura Noreste and National Audubon Society that covers the binational conservation areas of the Chihuahuan grasslands and Gulf of Mexico coastal region.
2. Coordinate the communication, meetings and flow of information between both organizations as part of the planning process.
3. Carry out the information gathering and analysis that will serve as input to the meetings and workshops for developing the strategies.
4. Actively reach out to other actors as needed for the information gathering component of this consultancy.
5. Carryout a high level of communication and coordination within the team of Pronatura NE and Audubon staff, partners and experts supporting the development of the strategy.
6. Write and coordinate the edition of the final plans.
1. Based on the information provided by Pronatura Noreste and Audubon, as well as relevant secondary sources where available, a comprehensive analysis of the major investments and activities made in both ecosystems and recommendations for key strategies to build on work done before and reach a higher level of conservation results at scale that serves as input for the meetings / workshops.
2. Three planning meetings / workshops (2 in-person and one virtual meeting) planned, developed and facilitated for Pronatura, Audubon staff and other key participants to formulate the strategic plans. Workshops will be carried out one in Texas and one in Monterrey, with Pronatura and Audubon staff.
3. Two concise written strategies and action plans that will guide Pronatura Noreste and Audubon’s conservation work for: 1) the Chihuahuan Grasslands Landscape shared between Mexico and the United State, and 2) The Gulf of Mexico coast shared between Tamaulipas, Mexico and Texas.
From June 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014.
The contractor will be responsible for maintaining efficient and consistent communications as the overall coordinator of the planning process that facilitates timely completion of activities and products. Specifically, the contractor will:
1. Coordinate closely and directly with the Director for Conservation for Pronatura NE and The Director for the Latin America Program for National Audubon who will be the principle contacts and supervisors of the planning process.
2. Coordinate closely with key Pronatura and Audubon staff to provide the quality input needed for developing the strategies.
3. Communicate and actively reach out to other experts and stakeholders as needed to provide further input on the analysis and strategy development.
4. Carry out all communication and coordination activities needed to complete the strategic plans in an efficient and timely manner.
Payments will be made based on the successful completion of each product to the satisfaction of Pronatura and Audubon. A payment schedule will be negotiated at time of contract signing.
• Expertise in developing strategic plans, coordinating planning processes, facilitation and analysis.
• Ability to gather and analyze information and proven capacity to write well and present information concisely and clearly.
• Entrepreneurial and creative, with innovative ideas on how to create conservation initiatives/projects and implement them.
• Highly organized and efficient individual/team that can ensure timely, solid, high quality results.
• Knowledge and understanding of the conservation, institutional and cultural contexts of Mexico and Texas.
• Fluency in English and Spanish.
• Experience with grassland and wetland ecosystem conservation and/or experience engaging key stakeholders, including the cattle industry a plus.
Contact Information:
Interested individuals or institutions should send a letter of interest and resume/background to iapconsultancy@audubon.org. Candidates must be eligible to work in Mexico or the United States.
Given both organizations’ institutional focuses and coverage of these vital ecosystems and their complementary conservation approaches and philosophies, together they are well positioned to work in a unified manner and have a potential for greater conservation success. The plans will help guide them to reach the scale of conservation needed by acting jointly across these vast and highly threatened ecosystems and to achieve the results that can improve their ecological health and better support migratory and resident birds and other biodiversity that these regions are home to.
To accomplish this, the National Audubon Society seeks a contractor to lead the following:
• Evaluate significant conservation investments ($100,000 and up) carried out in Chihuahua grasslands and Laguna Madre wetlands regions over the last 10 years to identify gaps, opportunities, clear strategies and next steps that can help achieve greater conservation results at scale across both ecosystems;
• Through the process, help build a unified team and approach to optimize both organizations capacities and potential by evaluating needs and opportunities and finding innovative and strategic ways to advance the conservation agenda of both organizations working together; and
• Develop a plan that serves as a clear guide for both organizations to work together at the scale required and as strategically as possible for the next five years.
1. Facilitate all aspects of the development of a shared strategic plan for Pronatura Noreste and National Audubon Society that covers the binational conservation areas of the Chihuahuan grasslands and Gulf of Mexico coastal region.
2. Coordinate the communication, meetings and flow of information between both organizations as part of the planning process.
3. Carry out the information gathering and analysis that will serve as input to the meetings and workshops for developing the strategies.
4. Actively reach out to other actors as needed for the information gathering component of this consultancy.
5. Carryout a high level of communication and coordination within the team of Pronatura NE and Audubon staff, partners and experts supporting the development of the strategy.
6. Write and coordinate the edition of the final plans.
1. Based on the information provided by Pronatura Noreste and Audubon, as well as relevant secondary sources where available, a comprehensive analysis of the major investments and activities made in both ecosystems and recommendations for key strategies to build on work done before and reach a higher level of conservation results at scale that serves as input for the meetings / workshops.
2. Three planning meetings / workshops (2 in-person and one virtual meeting) planned, developed and facilitated for Pronatura, Audubon staff and other key participants to formulate the strategic plans. Workshops will be carried out one in Texas and one in Monterrey, with Pronatura and Audubon staff.
3. Two concise written strategies and action plans that will guide Pronatura Noreste and Audubon’s conservation work for: 1) the Chihuahuan Grasslands Landscape shared between Mexico and the United State, and 2) The Gulf of Mexico coast shared between Tamaulipas, Mexico and Texas.
From June 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014.
The contractor will be responsible for maintaining efficient and consistent communications as the overall coordinator of the planning process that facilitates timely completion of activities and products. Specifically, the contractor will:
1. Coordinate closely and directly with the Director for Conservation for Pronatura NE and The Director for the Latin America Program for National Audubon who will be the principle contacts and supervisors of the planning process.
2. Coordinate closely with key Pronatura and Audubon staff to provide the quality input needed for developing the strategies.
3. Communicate and actively reach out to other experts and stakeholders as needed to provide further input on the analysis and strategy development.
4. Carry out all communication and coordination activities needed to complete the strategic plans in an efficient and timely manner.
Payments will be made based on the successful completion of each product to the satisfaction of Pronatura and Audubon. A payment schedule will be negotiated at time of contract signing.
• Expertise in developing strategic plans, coordinating planning processes, facilitation and analysis.
• Ability to gather and analyze information and proven capacity to write well and present information concisely and clearly.
• Entrepreneurial and creative, with innovative ideas on how to create conservation initiatives/projects and implement them.
• Highly organized and efficient individual/team that can ensure timely, solid, high quality results.
• Knowledge and understanding of the conservation, institutional and cultural contexts of Mexico and Texas.
• Fluency in English and Spanish.
• Experience with grassland and wetland ecosystem conservation and/or experience engaging key stakeholders, including the cattle industry a plus.
Contact Information:
Interested individuals or institutions should send a letter of interest and resume/background to iapconsultancy@audubon.org. Candidates must be eligible to work in Mexico or the United States.
domingo, 27 de abril de 2014
Beca Fulbright-García Robles para Estancias de Investigación en los Estados Unidos de América
Beca Fulbright-García Robles para Estancias de Investigación en los Estados Unidos de América
Investigadores y académicos con al menos 5 años de experiencia frente a grupo o en investigación.
Estancias de investigación y/o docencia en el extranjero.
Incrementar los lazos entre instituciones académicas y de investigación en ambos lados de la frontera, el trabajo conjunto en áreas de interés para los dos países, así como el entendimiento bilateral.
Áreas del conocimiento
Todas las áreas del conocimiento serán apoyadas a excepción de los campos de medicina, odontología y veterinaria en las áreas clínicas, es decir, en donde el becario tenga contacto directo con el paciente. En caso de estar interesado en el área de Medicina, te invitamos a visitar el Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.
Comisión México Estados Unidos para el Intercambio Educativo y Cultural (COMEXUS) / Fulbright-García Robles
Se otorgarán los siguientes apoyos para viajar en agosto de 2015 (9 meses), o bien, en enero de 2016 (6 meses):
· Manutención mensual de $2,168 dólares (de 3 a 9 meses).
· Apoyo único para gastos de instalación equivalentes ($1,875 dólares).
· Apoyo mensual de $200 dólares para 1 dependiente o $350 para dos o más dependientes.
· Plan médico por $100,000 dólares otorgado por el Departamento de Estado.
· Trámite de la visa J
· La beca Fulbright-García Robles es otorgada a candidatos con nacionalidad MEXICANA. No son elegibles:
o Aquellas personas con residencia o nacionalidad estadounidense.
o Quienes estén viviendo, trabajando o estudiando en los Estados Unidos durante el período que comprende desde la presentación de la solicitud, hasta el inicio de sus cursos.
o Quienes hayan residido en los Estados Unidos, por más de un año en los cinco años previos al cierre de la convocatoria.
Estudios y experiencia:
· Estancias de investigación y/o docencia: Doctores con mínimo 5 años de experiencia en investigación o dentro de la academia. Se dará preferencia a los miembros activos del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI).
· Estancias de investigación para tesis doctoral: Comprobante de inscripción en el doctorado en una institución mexicana (carta de la institución y tira de materias cursadas al momento de la solicitud). El candidato deberá tener cursado el 50% del programa de doctorado y tener preparado su proyecto de titulación.
· Estancias posdoctorales: Candidatos con no más de 3 años de haber obtenido el grado.
Documentación requerida
Contestar el formato de solicitud electrónica en inglés.
Propuesta del proyecto según el tipo de estancia. En todos los casos, deberá justificarse la necesidad de realizar la estancia de investigación en la institución estadounidense.
o Estancias de investigación y/o docencia: Propuesta en inglés de un proyecto de investigación y/o plan de actividades docentes.
o Estancias de investigación para tesis doctoral: Propuesta del proyecto de titulación. Para esta área se requiere contar con proyectos académicos adicionales a la investigación, como la docencia o participación en conferencias, talleres, cursos, etc.
o Estancias postdoctorales: Propuesta en inglés de un proyecto de investigación y/o plan de actividades docentes.
Carta de Invitación: Carta de invitación de la universidad estadounidense. En caso de no contar con una invitación, puede contactar la página del CONAHEC (www.conahec.org), en donde instituciones estadounidenses afiliadas ofrecen oportunidades a profesores investigadores mexicanos.
Cartas de Recomendación: Las tres (3) cartas de recomendación se generan a partir del formato establecido en la solicitud electrónica. Cada recomendante deberá ser registrado en línea por el candidato. Posteriormente el recomendante accederá al sistema de solicitud electrónica con un usuario y contraseña que recibirá vía correo electrónico. Las cartas deberán ser llenadas en inglés.
Curriculum Vitae en inglés.
Publicaciones y reconocimientos más destacados.
Carta de acreditación vigente como miembro del SNI.
Requisitos de Idioma: Es indispensable contar con un excelente manejo del inglés, el cual se comprobará durante la fase de entrevistas. En caso de tener comprobantes de examen (TOEFL o IELTS únicamente) anexarlo a la solicitud.
Comprobantes de Soporte Financiero: En caso de contar con más apoyos financieros para su estancia en EE.UU., es necesario anexar comprobantes como recibos de nómina, licencia con goce de sueldo (en inglés), comprobante de beca del SNI o CONACYT, etc.
Pasaporte mexicano vigente.
Bibliografía: Para todas las áreas es necesario subir una lista de referencias bibliográficas que sustentan el proyecto de investigación. Máximo tres cuartillas.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
31 de octubre de 2014
Correo electrónico: diego.angeles@comexus.org.mx
Twitter: @comexus
Facebook: /ComexusFulbrightGR
Investigadores y académicos con al menos 5 años de experiencia frente a grupo o en investigación.
Estancias de investigación y/o docencia en el extranjero.
Incrementar los lazos entre instituciones académicas y de investigación en ambos lados de la frontera, el trabajo conjunto en áreas de interés para los dos países, así como el entendimiento bilateral.
Áreas del conocimiento
Todas las áreas del conocimiento serán apoyadas a excepción de los campos de medicina, odontología y veterinaria en las áreas clínicas, es decir, en donde el becario tenga contacto directo con el paciente. En caso de estar interesado en el área de Medicina, te invitamos a visitar el Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.
Comisión México Estados Unidos para el Intercambio Educativo y Cultural (COMEXUS) / Fulbright-García Robles
Se otorgarán los siguientes apoyos para viajar en agosto de 2015 (9 meses), o bien, en enero de 2016 (6 meses):
· Manutención mensual de $2,168 dólares (de 3 a 9 meses).
· Apoyo único para gastos de instalación equivalentes ($1,875 dólares).
· Apoyo mensual de $200 dólares para 1 dependiente o $350 para dos o más dependientes.
· Plan médico por $100,000 dólares otorgado por el Departamento de Estado.
· Trámite de la visa J
· La beca Fulbright-García Robles es otorgada a candidatos con nacionalidad MEXICANA. No son elegibles:
o Aquellas personas con residencia o nacionalidad estadounidense.
o Quienes estén viviendo, trabajando o estudiando en los Estados Unidos durante el período que comprende desde la presentación de la solicitud, hasta el inicio de sus cursos.
o Quienes hayan residido en los Estados Unidos, por más de un año en los cinco años previos al cierre de la convocatoria.
Estudios y experiencia:
· Estancias de investigación y/o docencia: Doctores con mínimo 5 años de experiencia en investigación o dentro de la academia. Se dará preferencia a los miembros activos del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI).
· Estancias de investigación para tesis doctoral: Comprobante de inscripción en el doctorado en una institución mexicana (carta de la institución y tira de materias cursadas al momento de la solicitud). El candidato deberá tener cursado el 50% del programa de doctorado y tener preparado su proyecto de titulación.
· Estancias posdoctorales: Candidatos con no más de 3 años de haber obtenido el grado.
Documentación requerida
Contestar el formato de solicitud electrónica en inglés.
Propuesta del proyecto según el tipo de estancia. En todos los casos, deberá justificarse la necesidad de realizar la estancia de investigación en la institución estadounidense.
o Estancias de investigación y/o docencia: Propuesta en inglés de un proyecto de investigación y/o plan de actividades docentes.
o Estancias de investigación para tesis doctoral: Propuesta del proyecto de titulación. Para esta área se requiere contar con proyectos académicos adicionales a la investigación, como la docencia o participación en conferencias, talleres, cursos, etc.
o Estancias postdoctorales: Propuesta en inglés de un proyecto de investigación y/o plan de actividades docentes.
Carta de Invitación: Carta de invitación de la universidad estadounidense. En caso de no contar con una invitación, puede contactar la página del CONAHEC (www.conahec.org), en donde instituciones estadounidenses afiliadas ofrecen oportunidades a profesores investigadores mexicanos.
Cartas de Recomendación: Las tres (3) cartas de recomendación se generan a partir del formato establecido en la solicitud electrónica. Cada recomendante deberá ser registrado en línea por el candidato. Posteriormente el recomendante accederá al sistema de solicitud electrónica con un usuario y contraseña que recibirá vía correo electrónico. Las cartas deberán ser llenadas en inglés.
Curriculum Vitae en inglés.
Publicaciones y reconocimientos más destacados.
Carta de acreditación vigente como miembro del SNI.
Requisitos de Idioma: Es indispensable contar con un excelente manejo del inglés, el cual se comprobará durante la fase de entrevistas. En caso de tener comprobantes de examen (TOEFL o IELTS únicamente) anexarlo a la solicitud.
Comprobantes de Soporte Financiero: En caso de contar con más apoyos financieros para su estancia en EE.UU., es necesario anexar comprobantes como recibos de nómina, licencia con goce de sueldo (en inglés), comprobante de beca del SNI o CONACYT, etc.
Pasaporte mexicano vigente.
Bibliografía: Para todas las áreas es necesario subir una lista de referencias bibliográficas que sustentan el proyecto de investigación. Máximo tres cuartillas.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
31 de octubre de 2014
Correo electrónico: diego.angeles@comexus.org.mx
Twitter: @comexus
Facebook: /ComexusFulbrightGR
Docentes internacionales.
Requerimiento de profesionales para tutoría de programas doctorales en medio ambiente
ANTECEDENTES FONDO VERDE, es una organización sin fines de lucro líder en capacitación, y muy especialmente en capacitación virtual, con más de 10 años de experiencia en el rubro, relaciones académicas y comerciales en América y Europa, y con más de 1.000 alumnos capacitados todos los años. FONDO VERDE es, una institución con reconocimiento público y trayectoria institucional.
FONDO VERDE, invita a profesionales con grado de Doctor o PhD a participar como docentes internacionales en la impartición de programas doctorales en medio ambiente los cuales serán impartidos de manera online.
Los requisitos mínimos para cada perfil de selección son:
- Grado Académico de Doctor o PhD, en áreas afines al programa o materias a impartir.
- 5 años de experiencia en la docencia a nivel de postgrado
- Suficiencia en el idioma inglés.
- Publicaciones y presentaciones a Congresos, Seminarios, etc. en el área.
- Experiencia en el dictado de Programas Online que integren foros, chats, videoconferencias, uso de pizarra digital y moodle a nivel de usuario.
- Doctorado en Sostenibilidad
- Doctorado en Conservación
- Doctorado en Arquitectura Sostenible
Para consultas, así como para el envío del formulario y CV, puede ponerse en contacto con la División de Educación Internacional de Fondo Verde, al e-mail: educacion@fondoverde.org
Natalia Jiménez Salinero
Directora de la División de Educación Internacional (DEI)
Fondo Verde
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has a vacancy for a marine biologist/zoological field assistant to work at the applied fisheries research laboratory at King Edward Point (KEP)
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has a vacancy for a marine biologist/zoological field assistant to work at the applied fisheries research laboratory at King Edward Point (KEP) (www.antarctica.ac.uk/Living/Stations/South_Georgia.html) on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. The successful candidate will assist with the laboratory and field-based research programme undertaken by BAS on behalf of the Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) (www.sgisland.org). He/she will be required to carry out fieldwork in support of a recently established monitoring programme close to KEP focussing on the monitoring of colonies of Antarctic furseals and gentoo penguins. The post requires the candidate to spend periods at sea on fishing vessels in order to carry out at-sea observations on vertebrate predator distribution and to collect samples and data from the commercial fishery. To be eligible, candidates must be proficient in handling wild animals (preferably penguins or seals) appropriate to the work described. Advanced animal handling training will be provided. The jobholder should be aware that fur seals, when breeding at South Georgia, are numerous and territorial (aggressive).
In addition to fieldwork the successful candidate will be expected to carry out laboratory based studies. These will include analysing bycatch specimens and data from the commercial krill fishery in addition to carrying out dietary analyses of fur seals . It will also be a requirement to assist with the collection of diet, reproductive, growth and distribution data collected from research cruises and the near-shore sampling programme conducted by the marine fisheries assistant at KEP.
The applied fisheries research laboratory at King Edward Point, South Georgia opened in March 2001 following the departure of the military garrison from the island. The station boasts well-equipped analytical and wet laboratories, a scientific library, modern computer facilities linked to the BAS headquarters in Cambridge and a controlled temperature facility for holding live specimens. A high quality, accommodation block provides comfortable living conditions for the personnel on station. Over winter the station has a BAS complement of eight: - two scientists and five support staff including a doctor. The station personnel also provide logistical support for the GSGSSI Marine Officer and the South Georgia Museum located at the abandoned whaling station at Grytviken.
Qualifications: Qualifications: A minimum of a science degree in a relevant subject, experience of remote, unsupervised fieldwork and appropriate animal handling skills (i.e. of wild animals in their natural habitat) are essential requirements. Applicants must also be confident entering, managing, analysing and reporting data (and posses some basic awareness of databases). Good time management, attention to detail, effective communication and the ability to learn quickly are all important skills. Candidates should also be able to mix well in a small and remote yet enthusiastic and vibrant science community. Previous experience of small-boat handling, working at sea and an interest in fisheries management is desirable. Candidates should be physically capable and medically fit to work at sea in Antarctic conditions.
Duration: The post is based at South Georgia and is a fixed term appointment of 15 -27 months (with 2-3 months in the UK prior to departure in November 2014 (approx.). You will work closely with the marine fisheries assistant at KEP and report to the science manager at BAS, Cambridge. The post offers a challenging opportunity for a highly self-motivated individual to work in an isolated environment in the sub Antarctic. But it is important candidates recognise that there is no provision for “shore leave” until the end of the contract. However communications with the outside world are excellent (by e-mail) whilst postal delivery is facilitated by regular ship visits.
Salary: £23,937 per annum, rising annually. Additionally, upon completion of a successful tour, you will receive a 10% bonus. BAS provides all training required, outdoor and work clothing, tools, and accommodation (whilst in the Antarctic).
The post is for UK passport holders only due to the UKFCO/CCAMLR requirements for marine observers.
Candidates wishing to discuss these posts informally should contact Dr Mark Belchier at the British Antarctic Survey (Tel: 01223 221600; E-mail: markb@bas.ac.uk
On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment
These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.
Please quote reference: BAS 59/14
Closing date for receipt of application forms is: 1st June 2014
Interviews are scheduled to be held on: w/c 23rd June 2014
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.
In addition to fieldwork the successful candidate will be expected to carry out laboratory based studies. These will include analysing bycatch specimens and data from the commercial krill fishery in addition to carrying out dietary analyses of fur seals . It will also be a requirement to assist with the collection of diet, reproductive, growth and distribution data collected from research cruises and the near-shore sampling programme conducted by the marine fisheries assistant at KEP.
The applied fisheries research laboratory at King Edward Point, South Georgia opened in March 2001 following the departure of the military garrison from the island. The station boasts well-equipped analytical and wet laboratories, a scientific library, modern computer facilities linked to the BAS headquarters in Cambridge and a controlled temperature facility for holding live specimens. A high quality, accommodation block provides comfortable living conditions for the personnel on station. Over winter the station has a BAS complement of eight: - two scientists and five support staff including a doctor. The station personnel also provide logistical support for the GSGSSI Marine Officer and the South Georgia Museum located at the abandoned whaling station at Grytviken.
Qualifications: Qualifications: A minimum of a science degree in a relevant subject, experience of remote, unsupervised fieldwork and appropriate animal handling skills (i.e. of wild animals in their natural habitat) are essential requirements. Applicants must also be confident entering, managing, analysing and reporting data (and posses some basic awareness of databases). Good time management, attention to detail, effective communication and the ability to learn quickly are all important skills. Candidates should also be able to mix well in a small and remote yet enthusiastic and vibrant science community. Previous experience of small-boat handling, working at sea and an interest in fisheries management is desirable. Candidates should be physically capable and medically fit to work at sea in Antarctic conditions.
Duration: The post is based at South Georgia and is a fixed term appointment of 15 -27 months (with 2-3 months in the UK prior to departure in November 2014 (approx.). You will work closely with the marine fisheries assistant at KEP and report to the science manager at BAS, Cambridge. The post offers a challenging opportunity for a highly self-motivated individual to work in an isolated environment in the sub Antarctic. But it is important candidates recognise that there is no provision for “shore leave” until the end of the contract. However communications with the outside world are excellent (by e-mail) whilst postal delivery is facilitated by regular ship visits.
Salary: £23,937 per annum, rising annually. Additionally, upon completion of a successful tour, you will receive a 10% bonus. BAS provides all training required, outdoor and work clothing, tools, and accommodation (whilst in the Antarctic).
The post is for UK passport holders only due to the UKFCO/CCAMLR requirements for marine observers.
Candidates wishing to discuss these posts informally should contact Dr Mark Belchier at the British Antarctic Survey (Tel: 01223 221600; E-mail: markb@bas.ac.uk
On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment
These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.
Please quote reference: BAS 59/14
Closing date for receipt of application forms is: 1st June 2014
Interviews are scheduled to be held on: w/c 23rd June 2014
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.
Estadias en Montreal.
El Laboratorio del Dr. Daniel P.
Matton del Instituto de Investigación en Biología Vegetal, asociado a la
Universidad de Montreal busca estudiantes de maestría o doctorado para
realizar una estadía tipo pasantía (4 o 6 meses) para trabajar en
señalización molecular del desarrollo del óvulo y comunicación tejido
femenino-tubo polínico en crecimiento. Estas estadías pueden estar
financiadas por becas del gobierno Canadiense por 7200 (maestría) y 9700
(doctorado) dólares canadienses. Es requisito saber Francés o Inglés.
Enviar hasta el 15 de abril CV y carta de intención. Fecha límite para
solicitar la beca es el 30 de abril. Para más información sobre el laboratorio (inglés o francés) y las becas.
Becas Internacionales Universidad de Bristol
Becas Internacionales Universidad de Bristol
Reino Unido.
Estudios de licenciatura y/o maestría completos.
Organismo financiador
Universidad de Bristol, Reino Unido.
Área del conocimiento
Cualquier carrera o posgrado que oferte la Universidad de Bristol.
Duración del programa
Licenciatura: 3 años.
Maestría: 1 año.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
5 becas de 8,500 libras cada una, disponibles para estudiantes de licenciatura. Este recurso se divide de la siguiente manera:
· 3,000 libras el primer año.
· 3,000 libras el segundo año.
· 2,500 libras el tercer año.
5 becas de 8,500 libras para los estudiantes de maestría, las cuales serán otorgadas al inicio del curso.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser de nacionalidad distinta a la inglesa.
· Los candidatos ya deben de tener una oferta para estudiar en la Universidad de Bristol, ya sea de licenciatura o maestría, para estudiar tiempo completo.
· Los aspirantes pueden ser de cualquier disciplina académica.
· Los aspirantes que ya cuenten con otra beca o apoyo no podrán participar.
Documentación requerida
· Llenar la solicitud en línea:
· Escribir un breve ensayo en inglés, de 350 palabras máximo, en donde describan ¿por qué deben ser elegidos para estudiar en esta institución? El documento debe de ir dirigido a la Oficina Internacional de Becas de la Universidad de Bristol.
· Los solicitantes podrán incluir información personal acerca de sus logros académicos y sus objetivos en la carrera.
Documentación complementaria OBLIGATORIA:
· Copia del pasaporte.
· Certificado académico con calificaciones (Kardex certificado).
· Curriculum vitae según el modelo facilitado (dentro de la solicitud en línea)
Convocatoria completa.
Reino Unido.
Estudios de licenciatura y/o maestría completos.
Organismo financiador
Universidad de Bristol, Reino Unido.
Área del conocimiento
Cualquier carrera o posgrado que oferte la Universidad de Bristol.
Duración del programa
Licenciatura: 3 años.
Maestría: 1 año.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
5 becas de 8,500 libras cada una, disponibles para estudiantes de licenciatura. Este recurso se divide de la siguiente manera:
· 3,000 libras el primer año.
· 3,000 libras el segundo año.
· 2,500 libras el tercer año.
5 becas de 8,500 libras para los estudiantes de maestría, las cuales serán otorgadas al inicio del curso.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser de nacionalidad distinta a la inglesa.
· Los candidatos ya deben de tener una oferta para estudiar en la Universidad de Bristol, ya sea de licenciatura o maestría, para estudiar tiempo completo.
· Los aspirantes pueden ser de cualquier disciplina académica.
· Los aspirantes que ya cuenten con otra beca o apoyo no podrán participar.
Documentación requerida
· Llenar la solicitud en línea:
· Escribir un breve ensayo en inglés, de 350 palabras máximo, en donde describan ¿por qué deben ser elegidos para estudiar en esta institución? El documento debe de ir dirigido a la Oficina Internacional de Becas de la Universidad de Bristol.
· Los solicitantes podrán incluir información personal acerca de sus logros académicos y sus objetivos en la carrera.
Documentación complementaria OBLIGATORIA:
· Copia del pasaporte.
· Certificado académico con calificaciones (Kardex certificado).
· Curriculum vitae según el modelo facilitado (dentro de la solicitud en línea)
Convocatoria completa.
Student Program Leaders in Chile
RRCS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to developing conservation strategies to preserve and restore wild places through conservation science and environmental education. RRCS offers field-based academic programs that are integrated directly into current conservation efforts with local communities. Programs are limited to small groups of students to provide a first-hand experience of the scientific, social and political aspects of community conservation. Positions involve living and working on-site at remote field locations for three months.
Round River program leaders/instructors are responsible for the following:
- Schedule and lead program activities, including academics and biological field research
- Manage all logistics and safety, including driving and maintaining program vehicles
- Collaborate with local partners and senior RRCS staff to conduct research
- Teach undergraduate courses including: applied conservation biology, biological field methods, natural history, restoration ecology and human ecology
- Facilitate group discussions
- Encourage students’ understanding of complex conservation issues in the context of the local region.
Student group size is usually 8 to 10 students (ranging in ages from 19-23). We will staff two program leaders/instructors.
This position can present unique learning experiences, as well as challenges. Because this is a live-in position, leaders must be available and approachable to students at all times, and there is little down time.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the student programs, successful applicants must have well-rounded experience in education, field research, and community conservation and/or outreach.
The following qualifications are required:
* MSc in a natural science or a related field (please do not apply if you do not possess a graduate degree)
* At least two years of field experience (international experience preferred)
* Teaching experience at an undergraduate level
* Experience leading field-based student programs or volunteer research crews
* Demonstrated ability to design field research studies and/or community projects
* Current Wilderness First Responder and CPR certification
* Prefer previous experience traveling or living in program location
* Spanish proficiency (fluency preferred)
* Proficiency driving a 4WD vehicle with manual transmission (required)
* Ability to think on your feet, plan ahead, and problem solve in the field with limited resources and support from senior staff
* Great interpersonal skills, high-energy levels, and lots of patience
Salary/Benefits: Starting at USD $2,500 per month, plus room/board, travel costs, and evacuation insurance.
Program dates:
September 19 – December 12, 2014 (plus approximately 2 weeks for pre-program preparations and 10 days after the program for wrap-up; total time requirement to be determined).
To Apply:
Send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references in one PDF document to both:
Doug Milek, Director of Student Programs (dougmilek@roundriver.org)
Susie Dain-Owens, Associate Director of Student Programs (susie@roundriver.org)
More information about our programs can be found on our website: www.roundriver.org
“Nuevos acercamientos de los desafíos ambientales: las ciencias sociales frente a la adaptación a cambios climáticos”

Estudiantes que realizan su investigación de tesis de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado en Ciencias Sociales con enfoque a la adaptación de los cambios climáticos.
Tipo de actividad
Encuentro anual que abre un espacio de discusión, interpretación y construcción metodológica en un marco científico internacional. La edición 2014 se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Tijuana, México, del 2 al 4 de julio de 2015 en el Colegio de La Frontera Norte.
1) Dar a conocer la diversidad de los estudios ambientales americanos.
2) Apoyarse sobre un grupo estructurado y abierto a la comunidad científica.
3) Compartir los conocimientos sobre el medio ambiente.
Los módulos de formación abordarán las siguientes temáticas:
· Taller 1: Comprender los cambios climáticos para adaptarse a ellos.
· Taller 2: Los conflictos ambientales en las Américas.
· Taller 3: Justicia ambiental y gestión de riesgos urbanos.
· Taller transversal (para jóvenes investigadores) – Gestión y managementde los proyectos de investigación.
Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos, la Unidad Mixta Internacional del CNRS–IGLOBES y e Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos.
Requisitos para el envío de propuestas
· Las propuestas se aceptan en francés, español o inglés.
· Se invita a los participantes a hacer hincapié en una óptica metodológica de sus trabajos para generar así el debate transdisciplinario.
· Los interesados deberán enviar una carta de motivación detallada y su proyecto de tesis o de investigación en dos páginas.
· Se deberá precisar el nombre, apellido, disciplina, institución, diploma en curso y país de procedencia.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
30 de abril de 2014
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Remitir las cartas de motivación y los proyectos al correo electrónico jja.cemca@gmail.com
Graduados y estudiantes avanzados Ecología Forestal Argentina
Se buscan Graduados y/o estudiantes
avanzados de Biología o carreras afines, para participar en proyectos de
investigación y/o prácticas profesionales en ecología aplicada,
conservación de biodiversidad, restauración de ecosistemas, evaluaciones
ambientales. En particular se busca profesionales (graduados) con
experiencia en taxonomía y captura (muestreo) de fauna
terrestre (mamíferos, aves, insectos) y estudiantes avanzados para
participar como ayudantes de campo en relevamiento de fauna y vegetación
en ecosistemas ribereños, predios forestales y campos ganaderos,
principalmente en la ecoregión Campos y Malezales(Corrientes y Sur de
Misiones) (Preferentemente residentes en ciudades de la zona: Posadas,
Virasoro, Corrientes, Santo Tomé). También se buscan estudiantes para
tesis de grado en indicadores faunísticos y florísticos de regeneración
post-disturbio en ambientes degradados y restauradosasociados a
yacimientos petroleros en estepas arbustivas del Monte
Austral (NorPatagonia). Requisitos: experiencia conduciendo
vehículos 4x4, disponibilidad para trabajos de
campo intensivos (30-60-90 días).Fecha de Inicio: Marzo-Abril 2014.
Postulantes enviar CV (formato abierto) incluyendo teléfonos/mails de
contacto a Postgrado; Ecología Forestal o Restauración de Ecosistemas.
PhD student position: Effects of ecological restoration on bird assemblages in northern forests
Due to negative effects of past land use on biodiversity, there is a growing recognition that successful biodiversity conservation will often necessitate restoration of ecosystems. In the boreal and hemiboreal biomes, little is known about the ecological effects of emerging forest restoration measures. This PhD project aims to quantify the effects of forest restoration on northern bird assemblages, with a focus on resident species of particular conservation concern (e.g. red-listed Picidae and declining Paridae). It builds on large-scale field experiments designed in collaboration with practitioners to evaluate restoration methods that are relevant to forest set-asides (gap creation, prescribed burning, conifer removal and active dead wood creation). The tasks will include, among others, planning and performing fieldwork in forest, analyzing data, writing scientific manuscripts, taking doctoral courses, and presenting the work at seminars and conferences.
The PhD student will work in a dynamic research environment as part of the Forest BIOCORE research group at the Dept. of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies (www.slu.se/wfe/biocore and http://phdatvfm.weebly.com/). The position is based in Umeå, the largest town in northern Sweden with approx. 117,000 inhabitants and two universities, a high standard of living, and good flight connections to Stockholm. This is a four-year position with a starting salary of approx. SEK 23,500 per month and social benefits. There are no tuition fees.
We seek a highly motivated candidate having an MSc degree or the equivalent in biology, forestry, or other areas of natural resource management, preferably with a specialization in ecology or conservation. Knowledge of avian ecology, field ornithology, forest management, and statistical methods is advantageous, as is an interest in pursuing a career in academia. Proven excellence in written and spoken English is essential and a driver’s license is required. The candidate is expected to be capable and willing to take initiative and work independently as well as in a team.
Your application should include a CV, a short text describing your suitability for the position and explaining why you are interested, copies of degree certificates and transcripts (university level), a copy of your MSc or BSc thesis and of relevant scientific articles/reports (if any), and contact information of at least two reference persons.
Tesis Doctoral Ushuaia
Convocatoria a Beca Tipo I de CONICET
para iniciar tesis doctoral en 2015. "Biodiversidad y función
ecosistémica de los arroyos subanárcticos impactados por efectos
antrópicos en Tierra del Fuego: el uso de insectos acuáticos para el
desarrollo de bioindicadores que vinculan los niveles de especies y
ecosistema para la conservación y el manejo de cuencas hidrográficas en
la Patagonia Austral". Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas del
CONICET, Ushuaia y Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical del CONICET -
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán. El candidato/a deberá estar
dispuesto a residir en Tierra del Fuego y realizar pasantias en Tucumán.
Enviar CV y carta de intención expresando su interés y preparación en
el tema a Christopher Anderson y Eduardo Domínguez. Más información.
Becas de Posgrado Melbourne International (MIRS)
Becas de Posgrado Melbourne International (MIRS)
Dirigido a
Estudiantes, profesores y egresados que estén interesados en realizar estudios de posgrado.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios oficiales de maestría y doctorado.
Organismo financiador
La Universidad de Melbourne.
Area del conocimiento
· Economía
· Administración
· Arquitectura
· Educación
· Filosofía
· Ingeniería
· Artes
· Medio Ambiente
· Leyes
· Medicina
· Música
· Ciencia
Duración del programa
· Maestría: 2 años.
· Doctorado: 3 años.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Apoyo para gastos de subsistencia de $25,392 dólares por año.
· Apoyo para gastos de traslado de $3,000 dólares.
· Subsidio de tesis, de $420 dólares para maestría y $840 dólares para doctorado.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser de nacionalidad distinta a la australiana.
· Tener un título de licenciatura y haber realizado algún proyecto de investigación como tesis o maestría y tener un promedio general mínimo de 80.
· Hablar el idioma inglés.
Documentación requerida
· Llenar la solicitud en donde especifique el programa a cursar
· Es importante leer y comprender los requisitos de acceso específicos y documentación de la aplicación requerida por la Facultad o Escuela
· Solicitar apoyo a un experto supervisor en el posgrado que se pretende estudiar
· Copia de los certificados de conocimiento de idiomas:
o En todos los casos, TOEFL con 550 puntos en la versión en papel (PBT o ITP), o sus equivalentes 213 versión computadora (CBT), 79-80 versión Internet (IBT) o IELTS de 6.0, aún si los estudios sean en algún país de habla hispana.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
31 de mayo de 2014.
Registrarse en la siguiente página: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/ scholarships/research/international/apply
Para cualquier duda comunicarse al Office of Admissions Richard Berry Building University of Melbourne. Outside Australia:
+61 3 9349 1291.
O a la página web: futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au/contact/international
Dirigido a
Estudiantes, profesores y egresados que estén interesados en realizar estudios de posgrado.
Tipo de actividad
Estudios oficiales de maestría y doctorado.
Organismo financiador
La Universidad de Melbourne.
Area del conocimiento
· Economía
· Administración
· Arquitectura
· Educación
· Filosofía
· Ingeniería
· Artes
· Medio Ambiente
· Leyes
· Medicina
· Música
· Ciencia
Duración del programa
· Maestría: 2 años.
· Doctorado: 3 años.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Apoyo para gastos de subsistencia de $25,392 dólares por año.
· Apoyo para gastos de traslado de $3,000 dólares.
· Subsidio de tesis, de $420 dólares para maestría y $840 dólares para doctorado.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser de nacionalidad distinta a la australiana.
· Tener un título de licenciatura y haber realizado algún proyecto de investigación como tesis o maestría y tener un promedio general mínimo de 80.
· Hablar el idioma inglés.
Documentación requerida
· Llenar la solicitud en donde especifique el programa a cursar
· Es importante leer y comprender los requisitos de acceso específicos y documentación de la aplicación requerida por la Facultad o Escuela
· Solicitar apoyo a un experto supervisor en el posgrado que se pretende estudiar
· Copia de los certificados de conocimiento de idiomas:
o En todos los casos, TOEFL con 550 puntos en la versión en papel (PBT o ITP), o sus equivalentes 213 versión computadora (CBT), 79-80 versión Internet (IBT) o IELTS de 6.0, aún si los estudios sean en algún país de habla hispana.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
31 de mayo de 2014.
Registrarse en la siguiente página: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/ scholarships/research/international/apply
Para cualquier duda comunicarse al Office of Admissions Richard Berry Building University of Melbourne. Outside Australia:
+61 3 9349 1291.
O a la página web: futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au/contact/international
Voluntariado Tortugas Marinas Guinea Ecuatorial
Se necesitan voluntarios para
trabajar con tortugas marinas en Guinea Ecuatorial continental, África
Central para el período Noviembre, Diciembre 2014, Enero 2015. Tareas a
realizar: Manejo de hembras anidadoras y crías; Manejo de vivero,
Evaluación de la captura de tortugas en las pesquerías artesanales,
Educación ambiental con la comunidad local. Censos con caminatas de
entre 5 y 15 km. Requisitos: Interés en trabajar en parajes remotos,
buen estado físico, interés en conocer nuevas culturas y participar de
actividades de conservación en la comunidad local. No se necesita
experiencia previa con tortugas. El voluntario debe afrontar gastos de
traslados aéreos hasta Malabo y Bata (aprox 2000USD desde Latinoamérica)
y la visa de estancia (150USD por mes). Lugar: Tika, Guinea Ecuatorial.
Más Información acerca de TOMAGE. Interesados enviar curriculum con foto a Alejandro Fallabrino.
Marine Assistant to run the routine biological and oceanography programmes.
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS), part of the Natural Environment Research Council, aims to undertake a world-class programme of scientific research, and to sustain for the UK an active and influential regional presence and a leadership role in Antarctic affairs.
We are looking to apppoint a Marine Assistant to run the routine biological and oceanography programmes.
Qualifications: HSE IV/Advanced European Scientific Diver or sport equivalent (3 star CMAS)
HNC / HND / BSc (or equivalent)
Duration: Min 18 months
Salary: £23,937 per annum, rising annually. Additionally, upon completion of a successful tour, you will receive a 10% bonus. BAS provides all training required, outdoor and work clothing, tools, and accommodation (whilst in the Antarctic).
On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment
These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.
Please quote reference: BAS 60/14
Closing date for receipt of application forms is:25th May 2014
Interviews are scheduled to be held on: w/c 23rd June 2014
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.
We are looking to apppoint a Marine Assistant to run the routine biological and oceanography programmes.
Qualifications: HSE IV/Advanced European Scientific Diver or sport equivalent (3 star CMAS)
HNC / HND / BSc (or equivalent)
Duration: Min 18 months
Salary: £23,937 per annum, rising annually. Additionally, upon completion of a successful tour, you will receive a 10% bonus. BAS provides all training required, outdoor and work clothing, tools, and accommodation (whilst in the Antarctic).
On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment
These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.
Please quote reference: BAS 60/14
Closing date for receipt of application forms is:25th May 2014
Interviews are scheduled to be held on: w/c 23rd June 2014
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.
2 PhD Assistant
PhD assistantship 1)
We are looking for a PhD graduate research assistant in the Department of Forestry at the University of Missouri to model effects of fuels treatments on reduction of fire risk and restoration of oak-pine forests in Central Hardwood Forest landscapes. This position will be part of a team consisting of Drs. Hong He, Ben Knapp, and Brice Hanberry (Forestry), and Dr. John Kabrick (US Forest Service Northern Research Station) for a project funded by the Joint Fire Science Program.
The objective of the project is to determine how strategic landscape placement of fuels treatments can limit the severity of large wildfires to minimize fire risk and maximize ecological restoration of oak and pine forests and woodlands. We will use field-based studies from multiple prescribed burn plots to quantify the effects of fuels treatments on forest composition and structure and to parameterize and validate FVS-FFE and LANDIS PRO. We then will answer four questions through simulation of the following scenarios: 1) How does the amount and configuration of fuels treatments across landscapes influence intensity, rate of spread, or patterns of severity for subsequent large wildfires?, 2) How does fire risk vary with characteristics of fuels treatments, climatic variables, and environmental conditions?, 3) What landscape fuels treatment strategies are most effective at reaching restoration objectives for forest structure and composition?, and 4) How can landscape fuels treatment strategies maintain effectiveness over the short-term (<20 and="" br="" long-term="" mid-term="" years="">
PhD assistantship 2)
We are looking for a PhD graduate research assistant in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri to work on a project Forecasting Landscape Change under Savannah and Woodland Restoration in Mixed Forest Ownerships. The candidate will test the applicability of LANDIS-PRO forest landscape model for analysis of forest planning alternatives, using the new forest-level data sets that were developed to support carbon assessments. In particular, these data sets capture the history of landscape-scale disturbances (harvesting, fire, insects, etc.) for each forest, as well as many other attributes both spatial and non-spatial, establishing a basis for modeling the possible future trajectories of outcomes of forest plans given the initial stand conditions and probabilities of future disturbances. The results of the LANDIS-PRO simulations will be compared with the results of other models (both empirical and process-based) on vegetation structure and carbon stocks. This modeling study will be done on a national forest to be selected as the study planning progresses.
This position will be part of a team consisting of Drs. Hong He, Drs. Stephen Shifley and Richard Birdsey (US Forest Service Northern Research Station).
Contact Information:
Qualified applicants will have knowledge and skills in modeling programs such as LANDIS and computer programming skills (i.e. R, SAS, Python), as well as knowledge of forest ecology. Position start date is August 2014. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the positions are filled. Applicants should have a M.S. in forestry, ecology, biology, geography or a closely related discipline, a GPA > 3.2, and combined verbal and quantitative GRE scores > 1100.
Please submit an application including 1) a cover letter describing your interest and experience in these areas, 2) a resume, and 3) names and contact information of three references, 4) copies of transcripts and GRE scores (unofficial at this time are acceptable). All applications should be sent to:
Hong S. He (advisor)
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203 Natural Resources Building
Columbia, MO 65211
Brice Hanberry
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203 Natural Resources Building
Columbia, MO 65211
E-mail:hanberryb@missouri.edu 20>
We are looking for a PhD graduate research assistant in the Department of Forestry at the University of Missouri to model effects of fuels treatments on reduction of fire risk and restoration of oak-pine forests in Central Hardwood Forest landscapes. This position will be part of a team consisting of Drs. Hong He, Ben Knapp, and Brice Hanberry (Forestry), and Dr. John Kabrick (US Forest Service Northern Research Station) for a project funded by the Joint Fire Science Program.
The objective of the project is to determine how strategic landscape placement of fuels treatments can limit the severity of large wildfires to minimize fire risk and maximize ecological restoration of oak and pine forests and woodlands. We will use field-based studies from multiple prescribed burn plots to quantify the effects of fuels treatments on forest composition and structure and to parameterize and validate FVS-FFE and LANDIS PRO. We then will answer four questions through simulation of the following scenarios: 1) How does the amount and configuration of fuels treatments across landscapes influence intensity, rate of spread, or patterns of severity for subsequent large wildfires?, 2) How does fire risk vary with characteristics of fuels treatments, climatic variables, and environmental conditions?, 3) What landscape fuels treatment strategies are most effective at reaching restoration objectives for forest structure and composition?, and 4) How can landscape fuels treatment strategies maintain effectiveness over the short-term (<20 and="" br="" long-term="" mid-term="" years="">
PhD assistantship 2)
We are looking for a PhD graduate research assistant in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri to work on a project Forecasting Landscape Change under Savannah and Woodland Restoration in Mixed Forest Ownerships. The candidate will test the applicability of LANDIS-PRO forest landscape model for analysis of forest planning alternatives, using the new forest-level data sets that were developed to support carbon assessments. In particular, these data sets capture the history of landscape-scale disturbances (harvesting, fire, insects, etc.) for each forest, as well as many other attributes both spatial and non-spatial, establishing a basis for modeling the possible future trajectories of outcomes of forest plans given the initial stand conditions and probabilities of future disturbances. The results of the LANDIS-PRO simulations will be compared with the results of other models (both empirical and process-based) on vegetation structure and carbon stocks. This modeling study will be done on a national forest to be selected as the study planning progresses.
This position will be part of a team consisting of Drs. Hong He, Drs. Stephen Shifley and Richard Birdsey (US Forest Service Northern Research Station).
Contact Information:
Qualified applicants will have knowledge and skills in modeling programs such as LANDIS and computer programming skills (i.e. R, SAS, Python), as well as knowledge of forest ecology. Position start date is August 2014. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the positions are filled. Applicants should have a M.S. in forestry, ecology, biology, geography or a closely related discipline, a GPA > 3.2, and combined verbal and quantitative GRE scores > 1100.
Please submit an application including 1) a cover letter describing your interest and experience in these areas, 2) a resume, and 3) names and contact information of three references, 4) copies of transcripts and GRE scores (unofficial at this time are acceptable). All applications should be sent to:
Hong S. He (advisor)
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203 Natural Resources Building
Columbia, MO 65211
Brice Hanberry
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203 Natural Resources Building
Columbia, MO 65211
E-mail:hanberryb@missouri.edu 20>
Tesista de licenciatura interesado en insectos. Veracruz.
Se solicita TESISTA de
licenciatura interesadx en INSECTOS para realizar investigación en
control biológico de moscas de la fruta por parasitoides himenópteros en
la zona de Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz, con apoyo de beca CONACYT a
través de El ECOSUR.
Interesadxs comunicarse con el PhD. Héctor Cabrera Mireles Investigador
en Entomología
TEL: (229) 9377062
Marine Biologist
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS), part of the Natural Environment Research Council, aims to undertake a world-class programme of scientific research, and to sustain for the UK an active and influential regional presence and a leadership role in Antarctic affairs.
We are looking to appoint as Marine Biologist to play a role in planning, organisation, and implementation of the Ecosystems research programme whilst also supporting a diverse range of marine science projects, and base activities, particularly during the summer months.
Qualifications: -BSc 2:1, minimum
-Experienced diver (minimum 100 logged dives (50 cold water and dry suit dives). Capable of passing HSE commercial diving course before deployment to Antarctica
-Benthic community identification (use of keys for identification), microscope and laboratory skills
Duration: Minimum of 19 Month Fixed Term Appointment
Salary: Salary: £23,937 per annum, rising annually. Additionally, upon completion of a successful tour, you will receive a 10% bonus. BAS provides all training required, outdoor and work clothing, tools, and accommodation (whilst in the Antarctic).
On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment
These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.
Please quote reference: BAS 17/14
Closing date for receipt of application forms is: 18th May 2014
Interviews are scheduled to be held on: w/c 16th June 2014
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.
We are looking to appoint as Marine Biologist to play a role in planning, organisation, and implementation of the Ecosystems research programme whilst also supporting a diverse range of marine science projects, and base activities, particularly during the summer months.
Qualifications: -BSc 2:1, minimum
-Experienced diver (minimum 100 logged dives (50 cold water and dry suit dives). Capable of passing HSE commercial diving course before deployment to Antarctica
-Benthic community identification (use of keys for identification), microscope and laboratory skills
Duration: Minimum of 19 Month Fixed Term Appointment
Salary: Salary: £23,937 per annum, rising annually. Additionally, upon completion of a successful tour, you will receive a 10% bonus. BAS provides all training required, outdoor and work clothing, tools, and accommodation (whilst in the Antarctic).
On-line application forms and further information are available on our website at www.antarctica.ac.uk/employment
These are also available from the Personnel Section, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET. Tel: (01223) 221508.
Please quote reference: BAS 17/14
Closing date for receipt of application forms is: 18th May 2014
Interviews are scheduled to be held on: w/c 16th June 2014
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. People from ethnic minorities are currently under-represented and their applications are particularly welcome.
You will need to be physically capable and medically fit to work in Antarctic conditions.
III Curso Internacional de Posgrado de Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica
Buenos Aires -
III Curso Internacional de Posgrado de Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica
Trimestral a distancia del 13 de mayo al 4 de julio de 2014
graduados universitarios (carreras de 4 o más años) interesados en una
capacitación, especialización o perfeccionamiento en metodología y
práctica de la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a nivel internacional
con un enfoque interdisciplinario (ciencias aplicadas, sociales y
se espera que a la finalización del curso, los participantes estén en
condiciones de elaborar profesionalmente un estudio de Evaluación
Ambiental Estratégica de políticas, planes o programas.
FAZIO S. Horacio (Universidad de Bs. As.; FUNDABAIRES); FERNÁNDEZ
Roberto (Universidades de Bs. As. y Nac. de Mar del Plata); GALLOPÍN
Gilberto (Programa Ambiente de FUNDABAIRES); GÓMEZ OREA Domingo
(Universidad Politécnica Madrid); GÓMEZ VILLARINO María Teresa (Univ.
Politécnica de Madrid); GÓMEZ VILLARINO Alejandro (Univ. Politécnica de
Madrid); IGLESIAS Alicia (Universidad Nacional de Luján); LARA Albina
(Universidades de Bs. As., Cuyo y California L. A.); RODRÍGUEZ Carlos
A. (Universidad Nacional. del Nordeste y Universidad del País Vasco).
y generaciones futuras: de la EIA a la EAE. La EAE en América Latina.
Condiciones legales e institucionales para la aplicación de la EAE. La
construcción de escenarios de sostenibilidad. Sobre el elemento activo
de la EAE: política, plan y programa. Sobre el elemento pasivo en la
EAE: estudio y diagnóstico del entorno. La concertación entre plan y su
entorno: principios, referencias y criterios. La formulación de
propuestas al plan desde el ambiente. Metodología general para
elaborar el Informe de EAE (IEAE) de una política, plan o programa.
Modelos y técnicas para elaborar el Informe de EAE (IEAE):
identificación. Modelos y técnicas para elaborar el Informe de EAE
(IEAE): valoración, prevención, mitigación, seguimiento y control. La
información y la participación ciudadana en la EAE.
El Curso se dicta por Internet, ingresando a nuestro Campus Virtual
donde se publicarán las 2 clases semanales, disponibles los martes y
viernes a partir de las 8 horas de Argentina (GMT -3).
acceder a la certificación del curso los participantes deberán
presentar para su evaluación los resúmenes de clases y resolver un caso
práctico de Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica.
100 horas totales, calificables para acreditar en Universidades (maestrías, doctorados).
Curso integra la Red de Posgrados del Instituto Nacional de la
Administración Pública Argentina (INAP).
Argentina: $2.900; otros países: 400 dólares.
Gulf Islands National Seashore – Service Interns
Length: Full-time, 11 month position May 27, 2014 – March 27, 2015 (4 weeks off –unpaid over 12 month period).
Location: Pensacola Beach, Florida, Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Living Allowance: $300 week, health insurance provided if desired
AmeriCorps Award: Service Interns are eligible for an AmeriCorps education award upon successful completion of the program. Value of the education award is $5,550.
Ages: Preferred minimum age is 18, maximum age is 26.
Start Date: Positions starting May 27, 2014
Specific training: In-person training for all trainees, hands-on work experience
Application Due Date: May 2, 2014
Program Basics
The Gulf Islands National Seashore is recruiting 4 “Service Interns” as part of their Youth Ambassador Civic Leadership program. Service Interns will work with park staff to develop three half-day citizen science/ stewardship programs for local high school students to engage in park research/monitoring, discover new recreational activities, and participate in a wilderness overnight camp-out. The Interns, as a group will use their experience working front line interpretive operations and programming to plan and develop a new citizen science project, stewardship program, and one discover recreational activity project by the end of the program. At least once per year, the Florida based interns will travel to Mississippi and spend one week working in MS, while the Mississippi based students will spend one week working in Florida. This swap will allow the students to expand their horizons by working in another district of the park. The project also includes two employability skills workshops (resume writing with a focus on the usajob.gov format and interview skills). Each intern will be responsible for developing a short interpretive program focused on natural or cultural resources and why it is important for others to preserve, conserve, and protect these resources.
The Interns will develop and present a talk summarizing their experience as youth ambassadors at a professional conference, symposia, or park based venue.
Please go to www.environmentalstewards.org/join/ in order to find the link to the application. This will be located at the bottom of the page and says "Applications for Gulf Islands National Seashore Positions can be found here".
Contact Information:
If you have any further questions, please contact Megan Campbell at mcampbell@sccorps.org. Thank you. -
martes, 22 de abril de 2014
Becas de Posgrado Melbourne International (MIRS)
Becas de Posgrado Melbourne International (MIRS)
Estudiantes, profesores y egresados que estén interesados en realizar estudios de posgrado.
Estudios oficiales de maestría y doctorado.
La Universidad de Melbourne.
Área del conocimiento
· Economía
· Administración
· Arquitectura
· Educación
· Filosofía
· Ingeniería
· Artes
· Medio Ambiente
· Leyes
· Medicina
· Música
· Ciencia
Duración del programa
· Maestría: 2 años.
· Doctorado: 3 años.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Apoyo para gastos de subsistencia de $25,392 dólares por año.
· Apoyo para gastos de traslado de $3,000 dólares.
· Subsidio de tesis, de $420 dólares para maestría y $840 dólares para doctorado.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser de nacionalidad distinta a la australiana.
· Tener un título de licenciatura y haber realizado algún proyecto de investigación como tesis o maestría y tener un promedio general mínimo de 80.
· Hablar el idioma inglés.
Documentación requerida
· Llenar la solicitud en donde especifique el programa a cursar
· Es importante leer y comprender los requisitos de acceso específicos y documentación de la aplicación requerida por la Facultad o Escuela
· Solicitar apoyo a un experto supervisor en el posgrado que se pretende estudiar
· Copia de los certificados de conocimiento de idiomas:
o En todos los casos, TOEFL con 550 puntos en la versión en papel (PBT o ITP), o sus equivalentes 213 versión computadora (CBT), 79-80 versión Internet (IBT) o IELTS de 6.0, aún si los estudios sean en algún país de habla hispana.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
31 de mayo de 2014.
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Registrarse en la siguiente página: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/ scholarships/research/international/apply
Estudiantes, profesores y egresados que estén interesados en realizar estudios de posgrado.
Estudios oficiales de maestría y doctorado.
La Universidad de Melbourne.
Área del conocimiento
· Economía
· Administración
· Arquitectura
· Educación
· Filosofía
· Ingeniería
· Artes
· Medio Ambiente
· Leyes
· Medicina
· Música
· Ciencia
Duración del programa
· Maestría: 2 años.
· Doctorado: 3 años.
Tipo de apoyo ofrecido
· Apoyo para gastos de subsistencia de $25,392 dólares por año.
· Apoyo para gastos de traslado de $3,000 dólares.
· Subsidio de tesis, de $420 dólares para maestría y $840 dólares para doctorado.
Requisitos mínimos
· Ser de nacionalidad distinta a la australiana.
· Tener un título de licenciatura y haber realizado algún proyecto de investigación como tesis o maestría y tener un promedio general mínimo de 80.
· Hablar el idioma inglés.
Documentación requerida
· Llenar la solicitud en donde especifique el programa a cursar
· Es importante leer y comprender los requisitos de acceso específicos y documentación de la aplicación requerida por la Facultad o Escuela
· Solicitar apoyo a un experto supervisor en el posgrado que se pretende estudiar
· Copia de los certificados de conocimiento de idiomas:
o En todos los casos, TOEFL con 550 puntos en la versión en papel (PBT o ITP), o sus equivalentes 213 versión computadora (CBT), 79-80 versión Internet (IBT) o IELTS de 6.0, aún si los estudios sean en algún país de habla hispana.
Fecha límite para recepción de expediente
31 de mayo de 2014.
Dónde entregar o enviar expediente
Registrarse en la siguiente página: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/ scholarships/research/international/apply
Sea turtle monitoring leader in Marine conservation programme in Mexico
Sea turtle monitoring leader in Marine conservation programme in Mexico
Ref / MXGVI-M005
1 year, contract signed after a trial period of 4 weeks if new to the team.
Positions available in Pez Maya. Pez Maya is located in Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka’an, Tulum, Quintana Roo. Approximately 3 hours south of Cancun, an hour from Tulum along a rough dirt road into the jungle and set in a pristine Caribbean location.
Start Date
Marine Conservation
Work Type
Paid Work
GVI is looking for a hard-working individual who is committed to help in the day-to-day base logistics and activities, ensure Health and Safety on base, train volunteers in survey and monitoring techniques, liase with local partners and Mexico head office. The main responsibility of this position is volunteer management and training. Staff must follow and enforce all of GVI's Health and Safety regulations and project protocols, while motivating volunteers and promoting a fun and enthusiastic environment on base. Staff will interact socially with volunteers both on and off surveys and at all times on base -- this is not a 9-5 job! GVI projects are a team environment and volunteers are an essential part of that team. All GVI programmes are developed in conjunction with local communities, non-profits, or charities who benefit directly and indirectly from the volunteer assistance. Programmes are able to demonstrate a long-term strategy, community involvement and a real need for volunteer assistance on the ground. There are good opportunities for promotion and long-term commitments within the organisation.
Number of positions available
GVI owns and operates more than 150 volunteer programs worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent volunteer program providers and have worked for over 10 years to supply quality volunteer programs across the globe. Every year over 3000 volunteers join programs from 1 week to over 1 year. Our programs are regularly featured in the world’s press and scientific and humanitarian publications for their great achievements in the field. Through its international network of over 150 personnel worldwide GVI continues to support many of the most critical conservation and humanitarian projects around the globe. GVI is incredibly proud of its culture. We believe in what we do and are totally committed to providing the very best programs and volunteer experiences. Although we work hard we have a tremendous amount of fun. Come and meet us to see why so many people want to work with GVI at home or abroad.
Manage volunteers for the turtle programme during season
Train volunteers in turtle conservation and monitoring techniques following our local partners methodology
Ensure strict health and safety regulations
Report to Program Manager
Help with logistics on base
Help with fund rasing activities
Provide fun social environment and engage volunteers at all times
Rigorous project management, including protocol management, data management and report writing.
Support local partners as well as local, national and international collaborators.
Provide logistical support to the Base Manager in the day-to-day execution of the programme.
Translate, interpret and facilitate communication in Spanish and English.
Qualifications Required
Science degree in Marine biology, Oceanography, Geography, environmental studies/sustainable development or similar background.
Experience monitoring sea turtles
Experience leading/managing groups of people
Able to work as part of a team and on own initiative.
Driving licence.
Fluency in English & Spanish.
Pro-activity, self-motivation and flexibility
Prepared to work long and flexible hours (night patrols during turtle season)
Excellent people and communication skills
Qualifications Desired
Volunteering experience
PADI Dive Master
Boat handling and boat driving license (equivalent of RYA Powerboat level 2) highly desirable
EFR instructor qualification
Other Details
APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. This is a 6 month postion with potential for a year. Management development for those showing the required skills. Please note : Due to the amount of applications GVI receives, applicants who do not fulfill the above requirements should not expect to be contacted
Successful applicant must provide own personal medical insurance during employment (including repatriation to home country).
Basic food and accommodation onsite plus competitive salary
Ref / MXGVI-M005
1 year, contract signed after a trial period of 4 weeks if new to the team.
Positions available in Pez Maya. Pez Maya is located in Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka’an, Tulum, Quintana Roo. Approximately 3 hours south of Cancun, an hour from Tulum along a rough dirt road into the jungle and set in a pristine Caribbean location.
Start Date
Marine Conservation
Work Type
Paid Work
GVI is looking for a hard-working individual who is committed to help in the day-to-day base logistics and activities, ensure Health and Safety on base, train volunteers in survey and monitoring techniques, liase with local partners and Mexico head office. The main responsibility of this position is volunteer management and training. Staff must follow and enforce all of GVI's Health and Safety regulations and project protocols, while motivating volunteers and promoting a fun and enthusiastic environment on base. Staff will interact socially with volunteers both on and off surveys and at all times on base -- this is not a 9-5 job! GVI projects are a team environment and volunteers are an essential part of that team. All GVI programmes are developed in conjunction with local communities, non-profits, or charities who benefit directly and indirectly from the volunteer assistance. Programmes are able to demonstrate a long-term strategy, community involvement and a real need for volunteer assistance on the ground. There are good opportunities for promotion and long-term commitments within the organisation.
Number of positions available
GVI owns and operates more than 150 volunteer programs worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent volunteer program providers and have worked for over 10 years to supply quality volunteer programs across the globe. Every year over 3000 volunteers join programs from 1 week to over 1 year. Our programs are regularly featured in the world’s press and scientific and humanitarian publications for their great achievements in the field. Through its international network of over 150 personnel worldwide GVI continues to support many of the most critical conservation and humanitarian projects around the globe. GVI is incredibly proud of its culture. We believe in what we do and are totally committed to providing the very best programs and volunteer experiences. Although we work hard we have a tremendous amount of fun. Come and meet us to see why so many people want to work with GVI at home or abroad.
Manage volunteers for the turtle programme during season
Train volunteers in turtle conservation and monitoring techniques following our local partners methodology
Ensure strict health and safety regulations
Report to Program Manager
Help with logistics on base
Help with fund rasing activities
Provide fun social environment and engage volunteers at all times
Rigorous project management, including protocol management, data management and report writing.
Support local partners as well as local, national and international collaborators.
Provide logistical support to the Base Manager in the day-to-day execution of the programme.
Translate, interpret and facilitate communication in Spanish and English.
Qualifications Required
Science degree in Marine biology, Oceanography, Geography, environmental studies/sustainable development or similar background.
Experience monitoring sea turtles
Experience leading/managing groups of people
Able to work as part of a team and on own initiative.
Driving licence.
Fluency in English & Spanish.
Pro-activity, self-motivation and flexibility
Prepared to work long and flexible hours (night patrols during turtle season)
Excellent people and communication skills
Qualifications Desired
Volunteering experience
PADI Dive Master
Boat handling and boat driving license (equivalent of RYA Powerboat level 2) highly desirable
EFR instructor qualification
Other Details
APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. This is a 6 month postion with potential for a year. Management development for those showing the required skills. Please note : Due to the amount of applications GVI receives, applicants who do not fulfill the above requirements should not expect to be contacted
Successful applicant must provide own personal medical insurance during employment (including repatriation to home country).
Basic food and accommodation onsite plus competitive salary
Voluntarios Gato Andino
Se solicitan VOLUNTARIOS para
trabajo de campo en el proyecto: “El alma de los Andes”. En el proyecto
se evalúa el uso de hábitat por parte de dos especies de félidos, Gato
Andino (Leopardus Jacobita) y Gato del Pajonal (Leopardus colocolo) en
la Provincia de Jujuy. Campaña a realizarse entre fin de marzo –
principio de junio de 2014. Requisitos: contar con buen estado físico,
buena predisposición para trabajo en equipo, disponibilidad de tiempo
para trabajo de campo durante al menos un mes, soportar las inclemencias
del trabajo de campo (la mayor dificultad podrían ser los largos días
de campo en condiciones extremas de altitud (4500msnm), con fuertes
vientos, intensa radiación solar, calor durante el día y temperaturas
bajo cero durante la noche). Trabajo: colocar y monitorear estaciones de
foto-trampeo (cámaras trampa), y colocación y monitoreo de trampas para
la captura y colocación de radio collares de las especies mencionadas.
Otras tareas: mantenimiento de un campamento en general. El proyecto
cubre gastos de transporte (total o parcial dependiendo del lugar de
origen), alojamiento y alimentos. Más información. Interesados contactar a Cintia Tellaeche o Estela Luengos.
Marine Conservation
Status Vacant
Duration 1 year, contract signed after a trial period of 4 weeks if new to the team.
Positions available in Pez Maya. Pez Maya is located in Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka’an, Tulum, Quintana Roo. Approximately 3 hours south of Cancun, an hour from Tulum along a rough dirt road into the jungle and set in a pristine Caribbean location.
Start Date
Marine Conservation
Work Type
Paid Work
GVI is looking for a hard-working individual who is committed to help in the day-to-day base logistics and activities, ensure Health and Safety on base, train volunteers in survey and monitoring techniques, liase with local partners and Mexico head office. The main responsibility of this position is volunteer management and training. Staff must follow and enforce all of GVI's Health and Safety regulations and project protocols, while motivating volunteers and promoting a fun and enthusiastic environment on base. Staff will interact socially with volunteers both on and off surveys and at all times on base -- this is not a 9-5 job! GVI projects are a team environment and volunteers are an essential part of that team. All GVI programmes are developed in conjunction with local communities, non-profits, or charities who benefit directly and indirectly from the volunteer assistance. Programmes are able to demonstrate a long-term strategy, community involvement and a real need for volunteer assistance on the ground. There are good opportunities for promotion and long-term commitments within the organisation.
GVI owns and operates more than 150 volunteer programs worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent volunteer program providers and have worked for over 10 years to supply quality volunteer programs across the globe. Every year over 3000 volunteers join programs from 1 week to over 1 year. Our programs are regularly featured in the world’s press and scientific and humanitarian publications for their great achievements in the field. Through its international network of over 150 personnel worldwide GVI continues to support many of the most critical conservation and humanitarian projects around the globe. GVI is incredibly proud of its culture. We believe in what we do and are totally committed to providing the very best programs and volunteer experiences. Although we work hard we have a tremendous amount of fun. Come and meet us to see why so many people want to work with GVI at home or abroad.
Manage volunteers for the turtle programme during season
Train volunteers in turtle conservation and monitoring techniques following our local partners methodology
Ensure strict health and safety regulations
Report to Program Manager
Help with logistics on base
Help with fund rasing activities
Provide fun social environment and engage volunteers at all times
Rigorous project management, including protocol management, data management and report writing.
Support local partners as well as local, national and international collaborators.
Provide logistical support to the Base Manager in the day-to-day execution of the programme.
Translate, interpret and facilitate communication in Spanish and English.
Qualifications Required
Science degree in Marine biology, Oceanography, Geography, environmental studies/sustainable development or similar background.
Experience monitoring sea turtles
Experience leading/managing groups of people
Able to work as part of a team and on own initiative.
Driving licence.
Fluency in English & Spanish.
Pro-activity, self-motivation and flexibility
Prepared to work long and flexible hours (night patrols during turtle season)
Excellent people and communication skills
Qualifications Desired
Volunteering experience
PADI Dive Master
Boat handling and boat driving license (equivalent of RYA Powerboat level 2) highly desirable
EFR instructor qualification
Other Details
APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. This is a 6 month postion with potential for a year. Management development for those showing the required skills. Please note : Due to the amount of applications GVI receives, applicants who do not fulfill the above requirements should not expect to be contacted
Successful applicant must provide own personal medical insurance during employment (including repatriation to home country).
Basic food and accommodation onsite plus competitive salary
apply online
Duration 1 year, contract signed after a trial period of 4 weeks if new to the team.
Positions available in Pez Maya. Pez Maya is located in Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka’an, Tulum, Quintana Roo. Approximately 3 hours south of Cancun, an hour from Tulum along a rough dirt road into the jungle and set in a pristine Caribbean location.
Start Date
Marine Conservation
Work Type
Paid Work
GVI is looking for a hard-working individual who is committed to help in the day-to-day base logistics and activities, ensure Health and Safety on base, train volunteers in survey and monitoring techniques, liase with local partners and Mexico head office. The main responsibility of this position is volunteer management and training. Staff must follow and enforce all of GVI's Health and Safety regulations and project protocols, while motivating volunteers and promoting a fun and enthusiastic environment on base. Staff will interact socially with volunteers both on and off surveys and at all times on base -- this is not a 9-5 job! GVI projects are a team environment and volunteers are an essential part of that team. All GVI programmes are developed in conjunction with local communities, non-profits, or charities who benefit directly and indirectly from the volunteer assistance. Programmes are able to demonstrate a long-term strategy, community involvement and a real need for volunteer assistance on the ground. There are good opportunities for promotion and long-term commitments within the organisation.
GVI owns and operates more than 150 volunteer programs worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent volunteer program providers and have worked for over 10 years to supply quality volunteer programs across the globe. Every year over 3000 volunteers join programs from 1 week to over 1 year. Our programs are regularly featured in the world’s press and scientific and humanitarian publications for their great achievements in the field. Through its international network of over 150 personnel worldwide GVI continues to support many of the most critical conservation and humanitarian projects around the globe. GVI is incredibly proud of its culture. We believe in what we do and are totally committed to providing the very best programs and volunteer experiences. Although we work hard we have a tremendous amount of fun. Come and meet us to see why so many people want to work with GVI at home or abroad.
Manage volunteers for the turtle programme during season
Train volunteers in turtle conservation and monitoring techniques following our local partners methodology
Ensure strict health and safety regulations
Report to Program Manager
Help with logistics on base
Help with fund rasing activities
Provide fun social environment and engage volunteers at all times
Rigorous project management, including protocol management, data management and report writing.
Support local partners as well as local, national and international collaborators.
Provide logistical support to the Base Manager in the day-to-day execution of the programme.
Translate, interpret and facilitate communication in Spanish and English.
Qualifications Required
Science degree in Marine biology, Oceanography, Geography, environmental studies/sustainable development or similar background.
Experience monitoring sea turtles
Experience leading/managing groups of people
Able to work as part of a team and on own initiative.
Driving licence.
Fluency in English & Spanish.
Pro-activity, self-motivation and flexibility
Prepared to work long and flexible hours (night patrols during turtle season)
Excellent people and communication skills
Qualifications Desired
Volunteering experience
PADI Dive Master
Boat handling and boat driving license (equivalent of RYA Powerboat level 2) highly desirable
EFR instructor qualification
Other Details
APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. This is a 6 month postion with potential for a year. Management development for those showing the required skills. Please note : Due to the amount of applications GVI receives, applicants who do not fulfill the above requirements should not expect to be contacted
Successful applicant must provide own personal medical insurance during employment (including repatriation to home country).
Basic food and accommodation onsite plus competitive salary
apply online
Voluntario Ushuaia
Voluntarios rentados. Ocupación y
detección primaria de visón americano, mamífero semiacuático invasor en
Patagonia Austral. Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego y Coordinación
Patagonia Austral. La Administración de Parques Nacionales proveerá de
un estipendio (según Reglamento de Voluntarios), alojamiento en la
ciudad de Ushuaia y traslados al Parque. El voluntario deberá cubrir el
costo del traslado hasta Ushuaia. Duración: 1 mes y medio (mayo y
primera quincena de junio 2014). Tareas: Prueba de distintos
dispositivos de detección (trampas cámara, de pelos, de huellas y
búsqueda de signos) y tareas de control poblacional de la especie. La
actividades demandan caminar por durante varias horas en condiciones
climáticas adversas (frio y viento). Enviar CV a Alejandro Valenzuela.
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