Head of Conservation
Stichting BirdLife Europe
Brussels, Belgium
1. Introduction
We are looking to recruit a dynamic, self-motivated Head of Conservation to provide vision and leadership in driving forward BirdLife Europe’s conservation Programmes.
BirdLife Europe is the European Division of BirdLife International, and is one of the six BirdLife regional offices around the world. BirdLife Europe leads and supports the European and Central Asia Partnership of BirdLife International, which consists of 49 independent, grassroots Civil Society Organisations with over 2 million members.
Together with BirdLife International, present in 121 countries through a Partnership of autonomous Civil Society Organisations, we protect wild birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, by working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. We are the global authority on the status of bird species, with unparalleled technical expertise in bird and biodiversity assessment, and capacity to link local conservation activities and groups to domestic and international policy and conservation work.
2. Overall purpose of the job
To shape BirdLife Regional conservation vision and be the driving force behind BirdLife Conservation Programmes and Regional plans to protect species, and conserve sites and habitats, by advancing actions for threatened species, Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas, and priority habitats and ensuring that BirdLife work is underpinned by a strong scientific foundation.