This is a great opportunity for a motivated and enthusiastic individual to gain valuable and competitive field experience in one of the most remote and unique areas of the US. Location: Buldir (1 position), in the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska, are part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. More than 3 million seabirds nest on Buldir, making it one of the largest and most diverse seabird colonies in Alaska. Living conditions are primitive and the weather is usually cold and wet. Project: On-going program monitoring breeding chronology, reproductive success, population changes, adult survival, and food habits of up to 15 species of seabirds (including storm-petrels,cormorants, kittiwakes, murres, pigeon guillemots, auklets, and puffins). Also assist with off-roadpoint-count surveys of neotropical migrants, keep daily bird lists, and record incidental sightings of marine mammals and breeding raptors and shorebirds. When: Applicants would need to be available no later than May 18th through early September (about 15 weeks). Commitment: Full-time, some workdays are long as data collection pertains to diurnal and nocturnal bird activities. Only applicants that are available for the entire period (mid May to early September) should apply, as transport to and from the island is via a research vessel with a fixed schedule. Skills: 1. Able and willing to manually examine cold, wet nesting burrows on a prolonged basis.2. Able to accurately collect and record data. 3. Able to get along well with others in a remote field camp. 4. Able to tolerate adverse weather conditions and spartan living conditions. 5. Able to engage in moderately demanding physical activities (including potentially acrophobic conditions). 6. Ornithological interest and background helpful. Appropriate safety training and gear is provided. Who: You must be a US citizen. Foreign nationals may be considered if you have a visa allowing you to stay more than 90 days and a US bank which allows direct deposit for travel-related reimbursements. Logistics: Round-trip transportation within the USA will be provided. All food and housing are also provided. In addition, you will receive a $5/day allowance while you are in the field. Equipment: Field clothes required to be brought by volunteer. All other camping, cooking, sleeping and data collection equipment provided.
To Apply:
Deadline: Interested applicants should send cover letter, resume, and references immediately to email address provided. Applications will be reviewed as received. Due to time constraints, we may not be unable to notify those applicants who are not chosen. Contact: ROBBY KOHLEY (EM: robbykohley AT, Alaska Maritime NWR, 95 Sterling Highway, Suite 1, Homer, AK 99603-8021; Find more at