The Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST,, originally funded by the EC in the framework of the EDIT project, has launched two types of training courses at various European research facilities and universities. The programme is open to participants from Europe and from outside of Europe.
The Modern Taxonomy theoretical course programme 2012-2013 offers intensive theoretical courses in subjects as varied as nomenclature; describing, writing and illustrating biodiversity; and phylogenetic systematics. The Expert-in-training programme 2012-2013 enables graduate students and early career researchers to develop and strengthen their taxonomic research skills through on-the-job-training. The programme includes a great diversity of topics and covers various groups such as diatoms, copepods and tropical plants. For both programmes, DEST is offering a number of grants to help defray expenses associated with course attendance, travel and accommodation. In allocating grants, priority will be given to selected participants coming from economically less-favoured regions.
Within the latter programme, two training courses will focus on crustaceans and might be of particular interest to you. Have a look now, as the deadline for registration is already on 15 October 2012!
Training programme in Crustacean systematics with specialisation in Cyclopidae (Copepoda)
Systematics of freshwater subterranean Malacostraca: Morphology, molecular systematics, and web-taxonomy
New training providers are most welcome to participate in training delivery within the Distributed European School of Taxonomy. For more information, please mail us at or have a look at:
Thank you for spreading the word!
With best regards,
Dr Hendrik Gheerardyn
Dr Isabella Van de Velde
DEST Training
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel
Tel: 32 2 627 43 34 (336)