Agency: National Audubon Society
Location: Bremen, Maine
Job Description: SEABIRD ISLAND SUPERVISORS, INTERNS and VOLUNTEERS needed for several Audubon-managed Maine coast sanctuaries.
We operate seven island research stations that include active and former restoration sites now managed for Atlantic Puffins, Black Guillemots, Razorbills, Arctic, Common, Least and Roseate Terns, Laughing Gulls, Common Eiders, Leach's Storm-Petrels and wading birds. Current work includes, but is not limited to: seabird diet studies, productivity monitoring, chick growth, seabird survival, recruitment and dispersal studies and predator management.
DETAILS: Positions require primitive camping and working on offshore islands. Full-summer Volunteers and Rotating interns will move between 2 field sites throughout the summer. Island research teams are comprised of 2 to 6 people and are determined by island size, seabird colony composition and workload. - Days are long (0600 to 2000 hrs) and include a minimum of two 3-hour observation stints each day in a small wooden blind, weather permitting. All participants live in or near the bird colonies in rustic conditions (no electricity or running water; composting toilet only) and work 7 days/week. FOOD provided for all positions. Worker's compensation insurance for Supervisors and Research Assistants only. Volunteers should have their own insurance coverage. All staff must provide their own binoculars, sleeping bag, sleeping pad and 2-person tent.
SUPERVISOR responsibilities include: managing multiple concurrent seabird studies, drafting a daily work and staff schedule, training staff on essential field and computer skills, overseeing data collection and management, conducting visitor education, protecting the site from human disturbance and predator management. - Supervisors should expect to stay at their assigned island for the duration of the field season. - Applicants for the position should have an M.S. in natural resources (or a B.S. with similar experience). - Hunting and trapping experience is desirable. - Bird banding and small boat handling experience is required.
Availability should be from early May through August 17. Stipend: $455/wk.
RESEARCH ASSISTANTS will participate in all aspects of seabird research, monitoring and management and may work on more than one island over the course of the field season. Interns will spend a minimum of 21 days at a field station before returning to the mainland, where showers and laundry facilities are available. " Most internships begin on May 26 and end on August 17 (two or more interns are needed beginning May 1).
- Applicants should have field research experience and be an undergraduate in a related field or have a B.S. in biology, natural resources or the equivalent. Stipend: $255/week.
VOLUNTEERS will assist with field studies on puffins, terns and other species. " Must be over 18 years old and available for a minimum of two weeks between June 1 and July 30 with exact dates to be negotiated depending on schedule openings.
- Full-season Volunteers (May 26 through August 17) also considered.
Visit www.audubon.org/audubon-career-center for further details and to apply. Search words: seabirds; Maine " Applications must include a resume, cover letter and a minimum of three references. - Island Supervisor and Research Assistant applications
Qualifications: visit www.projectpuffin.org for more program information
visit www.audubon.org/audubon-career-center for complete job descriptions and qualifications and to apply
Salary: see description
Last Date to apply: February 15, 2012
Website: http://www.audubon.org/audubon-career-center
Contact: Rosalie Borzik
E-mail: rborzik@audubon.org(Preferred)