Research in Avian Protection Project (RAPP)
Tailings ponds produced by surface mining in the oil sands region of northeast Alberta can attract migratory birds, which sometimes experience fatal contact with bitumen on the surface of the ponds. I am coordinating a 3-year, multidisciplinary and multi-investigator project at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Objectives include identifying the conditions under which fatalities are most likely to occur, determining the most effective means for preventing them, and recommending best practices for the future. Research will address bird behaviour, migratory patterns, monitoring methods, meteorological conditions, radar technology, computer programming, innovative equipment design, toxicology, deterrent types and deployment methods, statistical analyses, and predictive modeling. Together with several collaborators, I invite applications from excellent students who are interested in these themes.
Funding for both research and living expenses is available, but is expected to be supplemented with additional student-led grant applications
Preference will be given to students who have
• Research and independent project experience
• Quantitative aptitude and training in experimental design
• Evidence of excellent academic performance
• A strong background in ecology or interest in ecology with expertise in other areas identified above
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• An ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team
• An ability to work long hours in challenging physical conditions
• An interest in communicating research results in management and policy arenas
Please apply electronically with
• A C.V.
• Copies of transcripts
• Email contact information for 3 references
• A brief cover letter describing the reasons for interest in this project
• An email subject heading of “RAPP graduate studies”
For more info, contact:
Colleen Cassady St. Clair